Ads in S.C. Exposing Trump (Rubio Too) as Tacitly-Accepting of Gay Agenda.

Gay Agenda? Meaning being treated as equals...
No. Meaning being treated as sexual perverts.
What a shame for you, that the faggots are equal here. If only we were like ISIS eh, then you'd be happy.
No offense. You happen to think homosexuality is good and normal. I just happen to think it's a disgusting lifestyle choice.
What think doesn't matter a damn, before the law in which they are equal.

I'd bet that they think the wife and I in the 69 position is also disgusting. In traffic court and restaurants however, we are all the same.
Gay Agenda? Meaning being treated as equals...
No. Meaning being treated as sexual perverts.
What a shame for you, that the faggots are equal here. If only we were like ISIS eh, then you'd be happy.
Right wingers are like Isis in many ways.

Right wing Kill the Gays Rally
Leftists ARE ISIS. I highly doubt you'll ever see a conservative muslim.
ISIS are reactionaries, like you little friend. They would Smoke a Lib too, and do.
Trump on his "vigorous stance against" gay marriage. Advises "you have to be realistic". Trump in other interviews describes gay marriages he attended personally as "beautiful".

Pretty weak video...but the potency begins to gather strength with this radio ad:

The other ad, from the same group, highlights a questioner at a Trump event, who identifies herself as lesbian and asking if under a Trump presidency there would be "more forward motion on equality for gays and lesbians." Trump says in response, "Well, you can, and look that's your thing and other people have their thing. We have to bring all people together."...The announcer says, "Stop! What does she mean by forward motion? What's he agreeing to? It's not about tolerance anymore. It's about mandatory celebration. It's about forcing people to bake cakes and forcing people to photograph gay weddings. Forcing clergy to officiate. It's about transgender bathrooms in your child's school. It's about tearing down our Judeo-Christian values. It's about tearing down our America." Pro-Cruz SuperPAC Slams Trump For Confederate Flag Removal, Gay Rights

Still no mention of children though, and how the Supreme Court ruled that even constitutionally protected rights can't harm children. If they do, they are void. If a candidate could tap the gay marriage = children without a mother and father for life, they would spill beyond the evangelical ranks and into the common Joe ranks and draw them all in too.

Food for thought here. New York vs Ferber (1982) was a Supreme Court case that was a man trying to sell child porn and claiming his 1st Amendment right to free speech. At first he won his appeals. But when New York took it up to the US Supreme Court, they stopped Ferber cold. Remember, the High Court is exceptionally supportive of the 1st Amendment, even in cases of extreme vulgarity. But not this time. This is what the Court said and what should appear in ads in some form or another:

New York v. Ferber, 458 U.S. 747, 756–57 (1982)
It is evident beyond the need for elaboration that a State’s interest in “safeguarding the physical and psychological well-being of a minor” is “compelling.” . . . Accordingly, we have sustained legislation aimed at protecting the physical and emotional well-being of youth even when the laws have operated in the sensitive area of constitutionally protected right

For more information on children, the Infant Doctrine & necessities and New York vs Ferber, visit this link: Is Gay Marriage Void? New York v Ferber (1982) Etc.

Children's unique contractual rights to the thousands-years-old marriage contract were not represented at Obergefell. You can't have a contract revised without all parties at the table. Moreover, and worse for the "legality" of gay marriage with respect to infants and contract law regarding child-necessities, a contract is not only voidable if it strips a child of a necessity their peers enjoy, but it is ALREADY VOID before its ink is dry without a challenge.

Any state can and should raise these issues. But for sure GOP candidates seeking a victory should. There is no topic more visceral than the protection of children. Even agnostics and atheists sit up if it is explained to them how a situation causes real harm to children.

Hmmm.. And Marco Rubio seems to have plunged down the dark road too. This makes me really believe he was hand-groomed by the Cheney (lesbian daughter) Rove machine:

Updated at 7 p.m. EST.
CHARLESTON, South Carolina, February 18, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – A pivotal member of Marco Rubio's campaign actively encouraged the Supreme Court to impose gay "marriage" on the entire nation by judicial fiat....Senator Rubio's deputy campaign manager, Rich Beeson, signed a legal brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court to redefine marriage in last summer's Obergefell v. Hodges case....The amicus curiae brief, which was signed by 300 Republican operatives whose names spill over 24 pages, argued that having the court discover a nationwide right to same-sex "marriage" served "conservative values." Marco Rubio’s deputy campaign manager is a gay ‘marriage’ activist

Me thinks you've accept several long and thick gay agendas in your ass and/or mouth.

We need to protect children from homophones and bigots (like you).

All families "homeschooling" their children should be investigated.
Here are the actual issues the American electorate cares about:

Most Important Problem

You'll notice gay rights is less than .5%

That poor beaten horse must be flecks by now.
Yep, the republicans want to tell 1% of our population how to live their lives. Personal freedom and small government? Not if you do something that is against their fascist religion.
Me thinks you've accept several long and thick gay agendas in your ass and/or mouth.
We need to protect children from homophones and bigots (like you).
All families "homeschooling" their children should be investigated.

Yep. It's talk like that, that brings in the Trump evangelical vote!
Gay Agenda? Meaning being treated as equals...
No. Meaning being treated as sexual perverts.
What a shame for you, that the faggots are equal here. If only we were like ISIS eh, then you'd be happy.
No offense. You happen to think homosexuality is good and normal. I just happen to think it's a disgusting lifestyle choice.
THere are some pretty disgusting things that take place in the heterosexual lifestyle too. However, I don't feel the need to legislate against it.
Gay Agenda? Meaning being treated as equals...
No. Meaning being treated as sexual perverts.
What a shame for you, that the faggots are equal here. If only we were like ISIS eh, then you'd be happy.
No offense. You happen to think homosexuality is good and normal. I just happen to think it's a disgusting lifestyle choice.
THere are some pretty disgusting things that take place in the heterosexual lifestyle too. However, I don't feel the need to legislate against it.
I have always assumed that Dims want to legislate everything. You know, the bigger and more powerful the government becomes, the better.
Trump should lie and support gays to get elected, then pack the SCOTUS with conservatives and flip flop on gay issues, hey it worked for Obama.
Most people have moved on.
Most people have not. They believe Trump and Rubio will fight vigorously for traditional marriage. There is evidence to the contrary. Once that is known, we'll see with poll results which way the crowd runs..
After seeing the videos in the OP, why would you think Trump will fight vigorously for traditional marriage?
It's working!

They attacked Trump on the border wall issue....nada...still double digits...

They attacked Trump on the abortion issue....nada...still double digits...

They attacked Trump on the foreign policy issue...nada...still double digits..

They attacked Trump on the Bush/911 issue...nada...still double digits...

Then....*drum roll*....they ran ads this last week, the Cruz ad showing Trump soft on gay marriage and voila!

While other polling has shown Trump’s South Carolina lead to be shrinking slightly, the NBC/WSJ/Marist poll is the first survey in months that has shown his comfortable edge to have evaporated into the single digits

Cruz led the way with people who described themselves as “Very conservative” and “Tea Party supporters,” while Trump led the field among “Moderate” and “Conservative” voters. Poll: Trump Lead Shrinking Before SC Primary; Cruz Surges To Within 5 Points - Breitbart

He went from a 15 point lead to a 5 point lead or less IN ONE WEEK. And what changed during that week? What was the new element? Cruz's ad on the gay marriage position Trump has: weak, soft, accepting, resigned.

Kim Davis, stand up and take a bow. You earned it! You have handed the Golden Key to the conservative candidates. Gentlemen, RUN do not walk away from accepting the gay marriage thing. And, if you want to harvest several more pounds of flesh from the Trump campaign besides the evangelicals who will drop him like a hot rock if they think he's tacitly supportive of "just letting gay marriage happen", turn to the seculars as well. Guess what they can't stand, that runs across religions of all descriptions clear down to the corner bar? The fact that gay marriage legally strips a child of either a father or mother for life.

That hits EVERYBODY right in the gut. It's a visceral issue. Put on your hip waders because if you run ads on that topic, it's going to start dumping votes in your pocket...
Trump's lead in SC is narrowing b/c of gay marriage. lol.
"Be realistic" ...seems like good advice. When are democrats going to consider "being realistic" about tolerance for Christian beliefs?
Gay Agenda? Meaning being treated as equals...
No. Meaning being treated as sexual perverts.
What a shame for you, that the faggots are equal here. If only we were like ISIS eh, then you'd be happy.
Right wingers are like Isis in many ways.

Right wing Kill the Gays Rally
Leftists ARE ISIS. I highly doubt you'll ever see a conservative muslim.
They are? ISIS and RWrs have an awful lot in common. Muslims are very conservative.
Gay Agenda? Meaning being treated as equals...
No. Meaning being treated as sexual perverts.
What a shame for you, that the faggots are equal here. If only we were like ISIS eh, then you'd be happy.
Right wingers are like Isis in many ways.

Right wing Kill the Gays Rally
Leftists ARE ISIS. I highly doubt you'll ever see a conservative muslim.
They are? ISIS and RWrs have an awful lot in common. Muslims are very conservative.
I suppose they're Christians too.
"Ads in S.C. Exposing Trump (Rubio Too) as Tacitly-Accepting of Gay Agenda."

Which is idiocy given the fact there's no 'gay agenda.'

Hmm, Rubio. Hm.
"Be realistic" ...seems like good advice. When are democrats going to consider "being realistic" about tolerance for Christian beliefs?
If the LGBT payroll bloggers here think that even non-religious average Joes were kindly towards Kim Davis being jailed, they've got some tough news coming....It PISSED PEOPLE OFF from the pulpit to the pub...
Good. My top two candidates are Trump and Rubio. I chose wisely.
Well as long as the majority of the middle bloc agrees with stripping children of either a mother or father for life as a contractual bind, then you'll have no trouble with your chosen candidates getting the nomination and winning the general election.

But given the fact that gay marriage tanked in all but a scant couple of states by majority vote, and the people who voted that were just told last Summer "your votes didn't count"'re gonna need a bit of luck on your side because the numbers I'm crunching aren't quite going to add up to a victory. When you suppress the voices of the People using PC pressures, they come after you behind the privacy of the voting curtain.. No PC police back in there...

And you'll still vote for the hil....who hates america to the core.

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