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Advisor: Obama Doesn't Attend Church Because It's A Distraction (Yea Right! We Know The Real Reason)

Mr. Obama is just not that religious. Nothing says there has to be a religious test to be president but for some it is a requirement the president be able to act all pious and holy. I feel he is probably an atheist but for many that would be worse than he being a Muslim.
  • Obama declared in prepared remarks, "The United States has been enriched by Muslim Americans. Many other Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim-majority country - I know, because I am one of them."[5][6]
Yes, his father was Muslim. And? Just because someone's biological father is a Muslim doesn't mean they are a Muslim

  • Obama's wife Michelle does not accompany him to Muslim nations because Sharia law would require her to wear a head covering as the wife of a Muslim man in a Muslim nation; on a presidential trip she was with him until France, but then returned home.
Yeah, Laura Bush would never wear anything on her head.


Must be her husband is a Muslim hey?
  • In prepared remarks in April 2012, Obama referred to Jesus as "a" Son of God rather than as "the" Son of God: "And for me, and I’m sure for some of you, it’s also a chance to remember the tremendous sacrifice that led up to that day, and all that Christ endured—not just as a Son of God, but as a human being."[7]
So if someone says that they're a Muslim? Eh? That makes no sense.
  • Obama's background and outlook are Muslim, and fewer than 1% of Muslims convert to Christianity.[8][9] Although Obama attended a Catholic school while in Indonesia, he was a part of the Muslim society there.[10]

You mean he's black? Indonesia is a MUSLIM country. It's a bit hard to not be "a part of the Muslim society" while you are in the country.

God, I could go on with all this bull which is mostly just a play on words more than anything else. NONE of it is evidence he's a Muslim.

Because you're being eclectic in what you decide to contend with. The very first bullet point was Obama claiming he was a Muslim. All of these points paint a picture of his roots in Islam. Absurd is you asshats denying he has any.
You left out all of his Muslim credentials which begs the question are you dishonest or incompetent?

And what 'Muslim credentials' are those? By all means, be specific.

Oh good, you asked for specifics. I'll assume out of generosity that you're incompetent and living under a rock rather than intellectually dishonest and pretending not to know about Obama's lifelong embrace of Islam:

  • Obama declared in prepared remarks, "The United States has been enriched by Muslim Americans. Many other Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim-majority country - I know, because I am one of them."[5][6]
  • Obama's wife Michelle does not accompany him to Muslim nations because Sharia law would require her to wear a head covering as the wife of a Muslim man in a Muslim nation; on a presidential trip she was with him until France, but then returned home.
  • In prepared remarks in April 2012, Obama referred to Jesus as "a" Son of God rather than as "the" Son of God: "And for me, and I’m sure for some of you, it’s also a chance to remember the tremendous sacrifice that led up to that day, and all that Christ endured—not just as a Son of God, but as a human being."[7]
  • Obama's background and outlook are Muslim, and fewer than 1% of Muslims convert to Christianity.[8][9] Although Obama attended a Catholic school while in Indonesia, he was a part of the Muslim society there.[10]
  • Obama's middle name (Hussein) references Husayn, who was the grandson of Muhammad.[11][12] Only after Obama became politically ambitious did he declare himself to be a Christian, yet he never replaced his Muslim name "Hussein" with a Christian one as some do when they undergo a religious conversion. For example, when the Italian journalist Magdi Allam recently converted to Christianity, he took a new name: "Cristiano".[13] When Saul became a Christian, he changed his name to "Paul"; when the famous boxer Cassius Clay converted toIslam, he took the Muslim name of Muhammad Ali. "It is common for those converting to a new religion to change their name on conversion"[14] or adopt a Christian name at baptism.[15]Obama also used his middle name when sworn in as President. However, even if he were actually a Muslim, he would not necessarily have to change his name according to Muslim tradition.[16]
  • Obama said that "John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith,"[17] in an interview with George Stephanopoulos discussing whether John McCain's campaign has suggested that Obama is not a Christian. George Stephanopoulos -- who had previously been a high-ranking Democrat in the Clinton Administration -- then suggested that Obama change his answer to refer instead to "Christian faith."[18]
  • He has said that "Islam can be compatible with the modern world."[19]
  • Obama said the Muslim call to prayer is "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset," and recited "with a first-class Arabic accent" the opening lines: Allah is Supreme! ... I witness that there is no god but Allah ...."[20]
  • Obama's unusual selection of Chuck Hagel, a former Republican senator most sympathetic to Muslim positions in the Middle East, to be Secretary of Defense despite intense objections by both political parties. Iranian State Press approves of the choice. [21]
  • Obama seems to emotionally hold a Muslim view about Israel, in contrast with Americans who have been educated as Obama has. Obama never visited Israel during his first term as president despite repeated criticisms of his failure to do so, he oddly waited many days before even mentioning the rocket attacks on Israel in late 2012, and he appears very uncomfortable even discussing issues related to Israel on television.
  • Liberals at the New York Times and the Huffington Post fawn over the Indonesian ring that Obama has worn since long before his marriage to Michelle Obama. [22][23] It has been reported that this ring has Islamic inscriptions. [24]
  • Obama stated that the Autobiography of Malcolm X, which was co-written by Alex Haley, inspired him in his youth.[25]
  • Obama raised nearly $1 million and campaigned for a Kenyan presidential candidate who had a written agreement with Muslim leaders promising to convert Kenya to an Islamic state that bans Christianity.[26]
  • Obama's claims of conversion to Christianity arose after he became politically ambitious, lacking a date of conversion or baptism.[27]
  • In 2007, while Obama was a candidate, the White House military office assigned him the Secret Service code name "Renegade".[28] "Renegade" conventionally describes someone who goes against normal conventions of behavior, but its first usage was to describe someone who has turned from their religion. It is a word derived from the Spanish renegado, which originally meant "Christian turned Muslim."[29]
  • In the book Obama,"Renegade" his friends say that "he actually really wasn't much of a churchgoer." [30]
  • On the 2008 campaign trail, Obama was reading "The Post-American World" by Fareed Zakaria,[31] which was a general discussion of US foreign policy that was on the non-fiction best-seller lists for weeks.[32] Although Zakaria had Muslim ancestors, he is a non-Muslim educated at Yale with a Ph.D. from Harvard.
  • Contrary to Christianity, the Islamic doctrine of taqiyya allows adherents to deny they are Muslim if it would be dangerous not to.
  • Obama uses the Muslim Pakistani pronunciation for "Pakistan" rather than the common American one.[33]
  • Obama favors Pakistan, a Muslim nation, in its conflicts with India, a mostly Hindu nation.[34] However, the Obama Administration's relationship with Pakistan could be driven by its critical role in the battle against al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.
  • Obama was thoroughly exposed to Christianity as an adult in Chicago prior to attending law school, yet no one at law school saw him display any interest in converting. Obama unabashedly explained how he became "churched" in a 2007 speech: "It's around that time [while working as an organizer for the Developing Communities Project (DCP) of the Calumet Community Religious Conference (CCRC) in Chicago] that some pastors I was working with came around and asked if I was a member of a church. 'If you're organizing churches,' they said, 'it might be helpful if you went to a church once in a while.' And I thought, 'I guess that makes sense.'"[35]
  • Obama is mentioned as helping to organize the 1995 Million Man March led by black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan from the Nation of Islam. [37]
  • Obama visited "more than one mosque" in Kenya while on a political trip there but did not visit any churches, although there are a large proportion of churches and even a National Temple in Kenya.[38]
  • Obama enjoyed a bigger increase in voter support in 2008 (compared to 2004) by Muslims than by any other voting group, including blacks;[39] "Muslim turnout in the U.S. elections reached 95 percent, the highest Muslim turnout in U.S. history."[40]
  • Obama rarely attends church or has church services in the White House. "President-elect Barack Hussein Obama has yet to attend [Sunday] church services since winning the White House earlier ..., a departure from the example of his two immediate predecessors."[41][42]
  • In 2009, Justice John Roberts failed to administer the oath of office correctly while Obama placed his hand on a Bible. To avoid any claims that Obama was not the real President because of mis-stating the oath, Roberts dropped by the White House to re-administering the oath the next day, but no Bible was used for that private re-do of the oath.
  • At the G-20 summit in April 2009, Obama bowed deeply to Saudi King Abdullah, a Muslim who is also the Custodian of the Two Holy

    • Mosques.[43]

      President Obama bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia - April 2009Never before in the history of the U.S. has a president displayed such shocking deference to a foreign official and Obama has not bowed to any other royal leaders. Obama later stated, "We have to change our behavior in showing the Muslim world greater respect."[44] Obama's spin doctors and left-wing apologists dismissed the obviousness of the bow. One anonymous aide stated, "It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah."[45] However, in video of the incident, Obama's left hand can clearly be seen staying at his side until after he had finished his bow.[46]Additionally, Obama also met with Queen Elizabeth, who is much shorter than King Abdullah, but he did not bow when he shook her hand and neither he nor the queen appeared to have any difficulty.[47] (Many liberals and even a handful of conservatives have proposed that President Bush also bowed before King Abdullah.[48] However, there is a vast, inexorable difference between bending down to receive a medal as Bush did and bowing in deference to a foreign leader as Obama did.)
    • Obama required that a religiously affiliated college take the extraordinary action of concealing with wood the monogram "IHS", which represents the name of Jesus, during a speech by Obama there[49][Dead link]

    • In 2006, Obama gave an irreverent speech about using the Bible in public policy. It resembled a stand-up comedy act, with Obama making fun of the books of the Torah, the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount and other key Biblical passages.[50]
    • In 2010, while Obama was president, the Missile Defense Agency changed its logo, incorporating a crescent and star.[51] The new logo closely resembles that of the Iranian Space Agency.[52] The new logo was designed in 2007, prior to Obama's election as president.
    • In 2012, Obama participated in a $40,000 per plate fundraiser on Holy Thursday, which many devout Christians would find to be inappropriate.
    • On September 25, 2012, in his address to United Nations General Assembly, Obama said that "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."[53] This outrageous comment was predictably ignored by the lamestream media, but rightly highlighted by Conservative commentators.[54]
    • Obama's spiritual mentor of 20 years, Rev. Jeremiah Wright explained in an interview "that Barack Obama was steeped in Islam when he first met him," [55] and said he “made it comfortable” for Obama to accept Christianity without having renounce his Islamic background. [56]
    • Obamacare has a provision enabling groups that have a religious objection to the individual mandate and who have forfeited the benefits of Social Security (such as the Amish) to claim a religious conscience opt-out of the individual mandate.[57] Muslims would not be eligible for a religious exemption from the individual mandate,[58] although other online commentators speculate that Muslims would be eligible for a religious exemption.[59]
    • Obama further impedes the Christian faith on gay rights, telling military chaplains a statutory provision that would allow military chaplains to opt-out of performing gay marriages is “unnecessary and ill-advised,” but he signed the bill into law anyway.[60]
    • On more than one occasion, Obama verbally attacks the economic livelihood of Las Vegas for unknown reasons, and Obama has also criticized state lotteries despite being heavily favored by most Democrats. The reason may be that gambling is forbidden in the Koran.[61]
    • Obama supports a military invasion of Syria. This would involve working with the insurgency, which includes Al'Qaeda. Al'Qaeda killed over 3,000 Americans on our own soil, and was the main enemy in the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan during the Bush years.
Obama tries to downplay his Islamic background by claiming that his Kenyan Muslim father was a "confirmed atheist" before Obama was born, but in fact less than 1% of Kenyans are atheists, agnostics, or non-religious.[62] There is apparently no evidence of any Christian activities or local church participation by Obama while he was in Massachusetts from 1988 to 1991. Finally, Obama abruptly left his radical Christian church in Chicago in 2008, when it became politically controversial, without first finding another church to join. On April 7, 2009, Obama toured a mosque in Istanbul, Turkey. [63]

Obama s Religion - Conservapedia

Wow. Block posting. Lets pick a few examples from your list and see if they hold up.

Obama's wife Michelle does not accompany him to Muslim nations because Sharia law would require her to wear a head covering as the wife of a Muslim man in a Muslim nation; on a presidential trip she was with him until France, but then returned home.

How does that demonstrate that Obama is a Muslim?

Liberals at the New York Times and the Huffington Post fawn over the Indonesian ring that Obama has worn since long before his marriage to Michelle Obama. [22][23] It has been reported that this ring has Islamic inscriptions. [24]

Except that it didn't:

Isolating the ring from a much higher-resolution photograph of President Obama's hand taken by photographer Miguel Villagran during a 5 June 2009 news conference in Dresden, Germany, shows the ring to bear what looks like nothing more than a plain loop-like pattern, with the top section matching the bottom:


Read more at snopes.com Obama s Wedding Ring

But you knew that already, right? You've already fact checked the claims you've offered, right? You didn't just block post in ignorance, offering us claims in abject ignorance, did you?

So knowing that the claim you posted was proven false, why did you post it?

He has said that "Islam can be compatible with the modern world."[19]

Bush said the same thing. Does that make Bush a Muslim?

Obama's unusual selection of Chuck Hagel, a former Republican senator most sympathetic to Muslim positions in the Middle East, to be Secretary of Defense despite intense objections by both political parties. Iranian State Press approves of the choice.

Hagel was a republican. And how was he overly sympathetic to Muslim positions?

As for opposition, he passed 58 to 41. With republicans predictably on one side and democrats on the other. That would include every democrat. So much for opposition from democrats.

Did you fact check any of the nonsense you're apeing?

Obama further impedes the Christian faith on gay rights, telling military chaplains a statutory provision that would allow military chaplains to opt-out of performing gay marriages is “unnecessary and ill-advised,” but he signed the bill into law anyway.[60]

Um....you do realize that Islam also has prohibitions against homosexuality. And that gay marriage isn't recognized in any Muslim country...right?

Why then would support of gay rights make Obama a Muslim? That doesn't make the slighest sense. Do you think any of this through before posting it?

Obama is mentioned as helping to organize the 1995 Million Man March led by black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan from the Nation of Islam. [37]

So did local chapters of the NAACP and the National African American Leadership Council, founded by Benjamin Chavishe. Who was also director of the Million Man March and is an ordained minister of United Church of Christ.

Guess he's a Muslim too! You should really research these 'points' before mindlessly reciting them.
Mr. Obama is just not that religious. Nothing says there has to be a religious test to be president but for some it is a requirement the president be able to act all pious and holy. I feel he is probably an atheist but for many that would be worse than he being a Muslim.

Because atheists have killed more people in one century than all other religions combined throughout human history.
Reagan didn't have a secret muslim past to hide, dumber asser.

I'm handing you your ass now: News flash: It's not illegal to be a Muslim in America and a Muslim can run for POTUS, too.
Who said anything to the contrary? The point was about democrats disparaging so-called birthers when it was their hero Hillary who started the birther movement. They're hypocrites.

And of course that is just the standard Birther lie.

Birtherism started in Conservative blogs. Hilary never even mentioned.

Funny though how Birthers like to claim that it was started by Hilary even though every Birther is a flaming right wing nutcase.

No, the Hildabeast just played the race card with Al Sharpton. Let's not pretend she didn't have lows to sink to.
Hillary's campaign started the birther routine during the primaries.

Again- just a Standard Birther lie.

While there were Hilary supporters(not her campaign) who did talk about it- it was right wing whackos from Free Republic and similar websites which started it off

And that rumor first appeared in the early hours of Saturday, March 1, 2008, on the conservative web forum, FreeRepublic.com. In a thread entitled “FR CONTEST: Pin the Middle Name on the Obama,” where posters were offering various 'funny' middle names for Barack Obama in lieu of “Hussein,” a poster named “FARS” posted this non-sequitur:

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.
Mr. Obama is just not that religious. Nothing says there has to be a religious test to be president but for some it is a requirement the president be able to act all pious and holy. I feel he is probably an atheist but for many that would be worse than he being a Muslim.

Because atheists have killed more people in one century than all other religions combined throughout human history.
Utter nonsense. Thanks anyway.
It's because there's no room for him to put his prayer rug down.

obama my muslim faith - YouTube

Love the comment section.
Obama Doesn t Attend Church So As Not to Distract Others Says Advisor - Breitbart
Reagan didn't attend church either dumbass.
Reagan didn't have a secret muslim past to hide, dumber asser.

News flash: It's not illegal to be a Muslim in America and a Muslim can run for POTUS, too.
We can't have a Muslim president like we do now. The one we have now is a serious national security risk to our nation due to him not being born with sole allegiance to America because of his foreign sovereign Muslim father and Muslim step dad.. Do you think America would have elected a Jap president during the time after Pear Harbor was attacked? The answer is no.

Well we have always had "a Muslim president like we do now"- which is to say no Muslim at all.

Since Americans knew about his father being a Muslim- and still elected him twice- why are you against our Constitutional electoral system?
  • Obama declared in prepared remarks, "The United States has been enriched by Muslim Americans. Many other Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim-majority country - I know, because I am one of them."[5][6]
Yes, his father was Muslim. And? Just because someone's biological father is a Muslim doesn't mean they are a Muslim

  • Obama's wife Michelle does not accompany him to Muslim nations because Sharia law would require her to wear a head covering as the wife of a Muslim man in a Muslim nation; on a presidential trip she was with him until France, but then returned home.
Yeah, Laura Bush would never wear anything on her head.


Must be her husband is a Muslim hey?
  • In prepared remarks in April 2012, Obama referred to Jesus as "a" Son of God rather than as "the" Son of God: "And for me, and I’m sure for some of you, it’s also a chance to remember the tremendous sacrifice that led up to that day, and all that Christ endured—not just as a Son of God, but as a human being."[7]
So if someone says that they're a Muslim? Eh? That makes no sense.
  • Obama's background and outlook are Muslim, and fewer than 1% of Muslims convert to Christianity.[8][9] Although Obama attended a Catholic school while in Indonesia, he was a part of the Muslim society there.[10]

You mean he's black? Indonesia is a MUSLIM country. It's a bit hard to not be "a part of the Muslim society" while you are in the country.

God, I could go on with all this bull which is mostly just a play on words more than anything else. NONE of it is evidence he's a Muslim.

Because you're being eclectic in what you decide to contend with. The very first bullet point was Obama claiming he was a Muslim. All of these points paint a picture of his roots in Islam. Absurd is you asshats denying he has any.
"Obama declared in prepared remarks, "The United States has been enriched by Muslim Americans. Many other Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim-majority country - I know, because I am one of them."[5][6]"

Hey dumbass, what he's saying is has Muslim family members and has lived in a majority-Muslim country, both of which are true. Morons here, total fucking morons.
It's because there's no room for him to put his prayer rug down.

obama my muslim faith - YouTube

Love the comment section.
Obama Doesn t Attend Church So As Not to Distract Others Says Advisor - Breitbart
Reagan didn't attend church either dumbass.
Reagan didn't have a secret muslim past to hide, dumber asser.

News flash: It's not illegal to be a Muslim in America and a Muslim can run for POTUS, too.
We can't have a Muslim president like we do now. The one we have now is a serious national security risk to our nation due to him not being born with sole allegiance to America because of his foreign sovereign Muslim father and Muslim step dad.. Do you think America would have elected a Jap president during the time after Pear Harbor was attacked? The answer is no.

Well we have always had "a Muslim president like we do now"- which is to say no Muslim at all.

Since Americans knew about his father being a Muslim- and still elected him twice- why are you against our Constitutional electoral system?

The problem isn't a Muslim being elected president, the problem is somebody hiding the fact they're Muslim to become president. It's part of the entire package of deceit.
Mr. Obama is just not that religious. Nothing says there has to be a religious test to be president but for some it is a requirement the president be able to act all pious and holy. I feel he is probably an atheist but for many that would be worse than he being a Muslim.

Because atheists have killed more people in one century than all other religions combined throughout human history.
Does your ass hurt after pulling that claim out of it?
It's because there's no room for him to put his prayer rug down.

obama my muslim faith - YouTube

Love the comment section.
Obama Doesn t Attend Church So As Not to Distract Others Says Advisor - Breitbart
Reagan didn't attend church either dumbass.
Reagan didn't have a secret muslim past to hide, dumber asser.

I'm handing you your ass now: News flash: It's not illegal to be a Muslim in America and a Muslim can run for POTUS, too.

Then why hide it?

President Obama doesn't hide his Christianity- he is very open about it- he was married in a church, his daughters are baptized, he even prays in public.
Reagan didn't attend church either dumbass.
Reagan didn't have a secret muslim past to hide, dumber asser.

News flash: It's not illegal to be a Muslim in America and a Muslim can run for POTUS, too.
We can't have a Muslim president like we do now. The one we have now is a serious national security risk to our nation due to him not being born with sole allegiance to America because of his foreign sovereign Muslim father and Muslim step dad.. Do you think America would have elected a Jap president during the time after Pear Harbor was attacked? The answer is no.

Well we have always had "a Muslim president like we do now"- which is to say no Muslim at all.

Since Americans knew about his father being a Muslim- and still elected him twice- why are you against our Constitutional electoral system?

The problem isn't a Muslim being elected president, the problem is somebody hiding the fact they're Muslim to become president. It's part of the entire package of deceit.

No the problem is that Konspiracy theorists need a Konspiracy to rail against and Birthers need another reason to claim that Barack Obama can't possibly be our President.

IF Barack Obama was a Muslim he would be really the worst Muslim ever.

He eats pork, drinks alcohol, is married to a Christian woman, was married in a Christian church, had his daughters baptized as Christians, doesn't pray to Mecca 5 times a day.

I have known lots of Muslims- and while a few do drink- not a single one got married in a Christian church or eats pork.
It's because there's no room for him to put his prayer rug down.

obama my muslim faith - YouTube

Love the comment section.
Obama Doesn t Attend Church So As Not to Distract Others Says Advisor - Breitbart
Reagan didn't attend church either dumbass.
Reagan didn't have a secret muslim past to hide, dumber asser.

I'm handing you your ass now: News flash: It's not illegal to be a Muslim in America and a Muslim can run for POTUS, too.

Then why hide it?

President Obama doesn't hide his Christianity- he is very open about it- he was married in a church, his daughters are baptized, he even prays in public.

He certainly has you fooled. No Christian would ever bow to a Muslim king.

It's because there's no room for him to put his prayer rug down.

obama my muslim faith - YouTube

Love the comment section.
Obama Doesn t Attend Church So As Not to Distract Others Says Advisor - Breitbart

Still trying to make out he's a Muslim huh? Really?

Reagan and Bush W. didn't go to church much as presidents either. Oh no.....

Dubya is a flaming evangelical born-again Christian.

So what? Obama is a flaming Christian.


The Peasantpimp of the Union States is a self-evident foreign-national Muslim ... that's not even a debatable point. American Christians do not bow to Muslim Kings... for any reason, ever.

More bat guano keys crazy.
Reagan didn't have a secret muslim past to hide, dumber asser.

News flash: It's not illegal to be a Muslim in America and a Muslim can run for POTUS, too.
We can't have a Muslim president like we do now. The one we have now is a serious national security risk to our nation due to him not being born with sole allegiance to America because of his foreign sovereign Muslim father and Muslim step dad.. Do you think America would have elected a Jap president during the time after Pear Harbor was attacked? The answer is no.

Well we have always had "a Muslim president like we do now"- which is to say no Muslim at all.

Since Americans knew about his father being a Muslim- and still elected him twice- why are you against our Constitutional electoral system?

The problem isn't a Muslim being elected president, the problem is somebody hiding the fact they're Muslim to become president. It's part of the entire package of deceit.

No the problem is that Konspiracy theorists need a Konspiracy to rail against and Birthers need another reason to claim that Barack Obama can't possibly be our President.

IF Barack Obama was a Muslim he would be really the worst Muslim ever.

He eats pork, drinks alcohol, is married to a Christian woman, was married in a Christian church, had his daughters baptized as Christians, doesn't pray to Mecca 5 times a day.

I have known lots of Muslims- and while a few do drink- not a single one got married in a Christian church or eats pork.

Nobody claimed he was a good Muslim. You're inserting your own bullshit.
As expected, Obama disciples Skylar and Syriusly.

I am glad to show up and point out Stevie the Racist Birther's lies.

Stevie will lie about anything to attack the President.

And point out that Stevie is a racist who thinks that all negroes want to rape white women- and just happens to coincidentally think that our first black President is not eligible and is also a Muslim.
As expected, Obama disciples Skylar and Syriusly.

I am glad to show up and point out Stevie the Racist Birther's lies.

Stevie will lie about anything to attack the President.

And point out that Stevie is a racist who thinks that all negroes want to rape white women- and just happens to coincidentally think that our first black President is not eligible and is also a Muslim.

Why is pointing out that Obama wasn't born in this country and therefore ineligible to be president racist?

Are you a racist? You insert race where it isn't even an issue. I think that makes you a racist, just like NYcarbineer.
Because you're being eclectic in what you decide to contend with. The very first bullet point was Obama claiming he was a Muslim. All of these points paint a picture of his roots in Islam. Absurd is you asshats denying he has any.

Seriously can't you actually READ?

"Obama declared in prepared remarks, "The United States has been enriched by Muslim Americans. Many other Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim-majority country - I know, becauseI am one of them."["

There are Americans who have Muslims in their families. There are Americans who have lived in Muslim majority countries. He is one of this.

Nowhere, absolutely NOWHERE does it say he is a Muslim. The "I am one of them" refers back to what he has said in the sentence he has said it in, not to the point before. It's not difficult.

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