Affirmative Action Needs to Be Banned (all 50 states)

AA has NO VALUE, period. It is stain upon the integrity of America. It is legalized racism.
Whites should have realized that before they acquired ownership of most of the resources due to white AA.
Whites don't have to realize anything. And airhead Blacks like you ought to know that there are far more Whites in poverty than Blacks, and their poverty is a much worse level than Blacks. And it was that way even long before 1964.
Actually losers like you have to realize the fault lays with the lack of work ethic on your part. You whine 24/7 that partial AA given to Blacks kept you a loser for life when white females actually benefit from AA more than anyone. You are a sad excuse for a white guy.

Worse, he is an embarrassment to all real Americans. Real Americans take to heart the principles once expressed as the American Dream - of course that dream was a nightmare for the entire set of the protected classes, which include (Yes, even White Men) age discrimination.

Ignorance partially explains bigotry and prejudice, but not every white man holds such hate, I suppose like callous conservatives they have no capacity for empathy.

So for someone to be a real American they have to think like you?

People who support things like AA tell me they don't think groups benefitting from it can do it own their own. The sad part is that far too many who have the opportunity to succeed yet don't take it automatically assume it's because of their race, gender, etc.

Think like me? Not at all, you have every right to be a bigot, hate those you've never met or will, and ignore the efforts of the Congress and State Legislatures who have made the effort to make our nation the land of opportunity for all.

You and others like you have every right to rewrite history and justify your hate, whine about how unfair AA is to white men, and scapegoat those who suffered the indignity of discrimination. But don't expect me or others who understand these amendments listed below were necessary, because people like you, reject the ethos which our nation supports, not always in deeds, but in words.

Doubt that, read the following amendments to the COTUS, efforts by men and women of goodwill to end discrimination of their fellow citizens in seeking a more perfect union and domestic tranquility.

Arts: 13, 14, 15, 19, 24 & 26.
AA has NO VALUE, period. It is stain upon the integrity of America. It is legalized racism.
Whites should have realized that before they acquired ownership of most of the resources due to white AA.
Whites don't have to realize anything. And airhead Blacks like you ought to know that there are far more Whites in poverty than Blacks, and their poverty is a much worse level than Blacks. And it was that way even long before 1964.
Actually losers like you have to realize the fault lays with the lack of work ethic on your part. You whine 24/7 that partial AA given to Blacks kept you a loser for life when white females actually benefit from AA more than anyone. You are a sad excuse for a white guy.

Worse, he is an embarrassment to all real Americans. Real Americans take to heart the principles once expressed as the American Dream - of course that dream was a nightmare for the entire set of the protected classes, which include (Yes, even White Men) age discrimination.

Ignorance partially explains bigotry and prejudice, but not every white man holds such hate, I suppose like callous conservatives they have no capacity for empathy.

So for someone to be a real American they have to think like you?

People who support things like AA tell me they don't think groups benefitting from it can do it own their own. The sad part is that far too many who have the opportunity to succeed yet don't take it automatically assume it's because of their race, gender, etc.
You, like protectionist, are a waste of oxygen. i never heard such whining. White males had AA for 400 years. If you couldnt get something done in that time frame you are beyond a failure.
How are these studies conducted? I have yet to see how white women have benefitted from AA.

Do you know any white women in professional fields other than nursing, teaching or secretarial?

If so...they benefitted from affirmative action
Actually, it opened up the field for everyone
So that's the line they've been feeding you at MSNBC, npr, media matters, and other liberal idiocy media ? AMAZING how anybody could repeat something as preposterous as that, even for one second.

I didn't need MSNBC, it didn't exist at the time. I saw women and blacks in the 60s and early 70s and the jobs they aspired to. Women, no matter how intelligent, would go to be secretaries, nursing or teachers. If they weren't college material, they could be beauticians or maybe be a teller in a bank or supermarket. Waitress was a good option
Blacks might get a job at menial labor. After all, that is what they are best suited for. The really smart blacks may be able to go to a black college where they could graduate and find jobs where they could provide services to black clientele. White firms didn't want to hire them. After all, blacks lacked the "essentials" to be trusted with real responsibility
White males had leadership and skilled positions reserved for them

I can see why you were so upset when affirmative action came along
Yeah. Because all the things you said happened to Blacks & women, have been happening to White males over the past 51 years. The more you talk about how bad it was many decades ago, the more you confirm how bad it is for White males, since 1964.

What needs to happen now is for all these White males to get paid reparations$$$$$$ to compensate for all the lost wages and reduced Social Security that they now suffer. I wouldn't want to see this come from the govt though. That would be penalizing the victims all over again. The reparations should come from the screwball, racist liberals who have supported and pushed, and enacted these atrocious AA programs

You actually believe that the very second that AA legislation was passed in 1964, that millions upon millions of white males began to be displaced by blacks and women?
Where the hell were you when in 1964 blacks could not even legally vote in some states? And a woman was lucky to get a job as a secretary, even if she was academically superior and more qualified than the average white male?
You're NOT getting any reparations any more than the decendants of slaves are.

What a dumb post. What do you mean "actually" ? Of course, millions upon millions of white males began to be displaced by blacks and women in 1964, and it's been that way ever since (except in 8 states where AA has been banned).
And why bring up voting ? That's not what AA is about. And a woman could get plenty more than a job as a secretary. She could get jobs white males couldn't get (because of AA) And YOU KNOW it.
As for reparations$$$$, after the last election, I'd say the chances for reparations in 2017, are looking pretty good. :biggrin:

What an idiot you are. Why bring up voting? It's simple, you dolt. How in the hell would "millions upon millions"'of white males be displaced in the work force in 1964 by black people in a system where in many cases they did not even have the ability to exercise one of the fundamental rights of citizenship?

Your empty headed argument is like that of a spoiled child who did not get what they wanted and decided to throw a tantrum.

You are not entitled to one red cent of reparations, and YOU KNOW IT.

You are a failure, and it is no ones fault except your own.

Get over it.
The main reason women and blacks were blocked form holding positions of responsibility was not their qualifications but because white males did not want to take orders from a black or woman supervisor
I have had many different jobs during my 50 years in the work force. Most of my supervisors were women. They have another advantage to getting supervisory jobs besides AA. It's called sex.

Oh....I get it

Not only do women need affirmative action to get ahead, the have to fuck themselves to the top

I can see why you are such an expert on the value of affirmative action
AA has NO VALUE, period. It is stain upon the integrity of America. It is legalized racism.
Whites should have realized that before they acquired ownership of most of the resources due to white AA.

Whites don't have to realize anything. And airhead Blacks like you ought to know that there are far more Whites in poverty than Blacks, and their poverty is a much worse level than Blacks. And it was that way even long before 1964.

Where did you read that? Or is it just another figment of your imagination?
Oh....I get it

Not only do women need affirmative action to get ahead, the have to fuck themselves to the top

I can see why you are such an expert on the value of affirmative action
AA has NO VALUE, period. It is stain upon the integrity of America. It is legalized racism.
Whites should have realized that before they acquired ownership of most of the resources due to white AA.
Whites don't have to realize anything. And airhead Blacks like you ought to know that there are far more Whites in poverty than Blacks, and their poverty is a much worse level than Blacks. And it was that way even long before 1964.
Actually losers like you have to realize the fault lays with the lack of work ethic on your part. You whine 24/7 that partial AA given to Blacks kept you a loser for life when white females actually benefit from AA more than anyone. You are a sad excuse for a white guy.
I have already corrected you in this forum on that idiotic white females notion, for every white ffemale gaining from AA, 100 are losing because of it. YOU KNOW that. Don't play stupid.
And don't give me that work ethic excuse either. You're a racist who supports racial discrimination, and you're not shaking that loose, no matter what you say.

You have yet to produce one documented fact or evidence of what you are whining about.

"For every white female gaining from AA, 100 are losing because of it"?

You are delusional.
Currently, Affirmative Action is banned in only 8 states in the US. These are Oklahoma, New Hampshire, Arizona, Washington, Florida, Nebraska, Michigan, and California. This is preposterous. 42 states still allow this blatant, illegal, racial discrimination to occur. And in the states that DO have bans, some are only partial, covering some AA, but not others.

For example, in Florida, the AA "ban" set up by ex. Governor Jeb Bush in 1999, and still in force, only bans AA in college admissions and state contracting. So White kids wanting to get into college, and businesses seeking state contracts are protected. Nice for them. But not a word in the law about racial and gender AA in job hiring and job promotions. As for whether Florida's AA law covers financial aid, your guess is as good as mine, and that's not too good a guess.

In addition to a nationwide ban on this national disgrace (and ALL aspects of it), I suggest reparations be paid to the victims of this discrimination, who truly have lost large sums of money due to it over the past 50 years, and continue to incur damages$$$$ even in retirement.

I'm quite sure Obama would not be in favor of this, but the Congress should pass a bill and send it to his desk, and force him to veto it, thereby showing the nation, and the world, his identity as a racial discriminator, as well as all those in the Congress who would vote against it.
I love it the same racist republicans who don't understand the need for affirmative action, the same people who don't want to help black people get out the hole we put them in say it is liberal democrats who are the racists.

All one has to do is think about Rosa parks to know who the real racists are. We know if Rosa parks were today it would be democrats arguing that she should be able to sit anywhere she wants and republicans would be arguing why she broke the law, doesn't know her place and how separate is equal.
Actually, it opened up the field for everyone
So that's the line they've been feeding you at MSNBC, npr, media matters, and other liberal idiocy media ? AMAZING how anybody could repeat something as preposterous as that, even for one second.

I didn't need MSNBC, it didn't exist at the time. I saw women and blacks in the 60s and early 70s and the jobs they aspired to. Women, no matter how intelligent, would go to be secretaries, nursing or teachers. If they weren't college material, they could be beauticians or maybe be a teller in a bank or supermarket. Waitress was a good option
Blacks might get a job at menial labor. After all, that is what they are best suited for. The really smart blacks may be able to go to a black college where they could graduate and find jobs where they could provide services to black clientele. White firms didn't want to hire them. After all, blacks lacked the "essentials" to be trusted with real responsibility
White males had leadership and skilled positions reserved for them

I can see why you were so upset when affirmative action came along
Yeah. Because all the things you said happened to Blacks & women, have been happening to White males over the past 51 years. The more you talk about how bad it was many decades ago, the more you confirm how bad it is for White males, since 1964.

What needs to happen now is for all these White males to get paid reparations$$$$$$ to compensate for all the lost wages and reduced Social Security that they now suffer. I wouldn't want to see this come from the govt though. That would be penalizing the victims all over again. The reparations should come from the screwball, racist liberals who have supported and pushed, and enacted these atrocious AA programs

You actually believe that the very second that AA legislation was passed in 1964, that millions upon millions of white males began to be displaced by blacks and women?
Where the hell were you when in 1964 blacks could not even legally vote in some states? And a woman was lucky to get a job as a secretary, even if she was academically superior and more qualified than the average white male?
You're NOT getting any reparations any more than the decendants of slaves are.

What a dumb post. What do you mean "actually" ? Of course, millions upon millions of white males began to be displaced by blacks and women in 1964, and it's been that way ever since (except in 8 states where AA has been banned).
And why bring up voting ? That's not what AA is about. And a woman could get plenty more than a job as a secretary. She could get jobs white males couldn't get (because of AA) And YOU KNOW it.
As for reparations$$$$, after the last election, I'd say the chances for reparations in 2017, are looking pretty good. :biggrin:

In a struggling economy, you best believe that there will be no funding for reparations for some marginally skilled individual who could not figure out how to reinvent themselves after the field they were playing on became open to all people and decided to give up, because they believe that they were wronged 51 years ago, so don't hold you're breath.

You should be grateful for the pittance that you are currently receiving. That is what you earned, and that is all you are getting.

It is no ones fault but your own. You're not a victim of anything except your own laziness.

That being said, feel free to elaborate on what jobs a female could get in 1964 that a white male could not.
So that's the line they've been feeding you at MSNBC, npr, media matters, and other liberal idiocy media ? AMAZING how anybody could repeat something as preposterous as that, even for one second.

I didn't need MSNBC, it didn't exist at the time. I saw women and blacks in the 60s and early 70s and the jobs they aspired to. Women, no matter how intelligent, would go to be secretaries, nursing or teachers. If they weren't college material, they could be beauticians or maybe be a teller in a bank or supermarket. Waitress was a good option
Blacks might get a job at menial labor. After all, that is what they are best suited for. The really smart blacks may be able to go to a black college where they could graduate and find jobs where they could provide services to black clientele. White firms didn't want to hire them. After all, blacks lacked the "essentials" to be trusted with real responsibility
White males had leadership and skilled positions reserved for them

I can see why you were so upset when affirmative action came along
Yeah. Because all the things you said happened to Blacks & women, have been happening to White males over the past 51 years. The more you talk about how bad it was many decades ago, the more you confirm how bad it is for White males, since 1964.

What needs to happen now is for all these White males to get paid reparations$$$$$$ to compensate for all the lost wages and reduced Social Security that they now suffer. I wouldn't want to see this come from the govt though. That would be penalizing the victims all over again. The reparations should come from the screwball, racist liberals who have supported and pushed, and enacted these atrocious AA programs

You actually believe that the very second that AA legislation was passed in 1964, that millions upon millions of white males began to be displaced by blacks and women?
Where the hell were you when in 1964 blacks could not even legally vote in some states? And a woman was lucky to get a job as a secretary, even if she was academically superior and more qualified than the average white male?
You're NOT getting any reparations any more than the decendants of slaves are.

What a dumb post. What do you mean "actually" ? Of course, millions upon millions of white males began to be displaced by blacks and women in 1964, and it's been that way ever since (except in 8 states where AA has been banned).
And why bring up voting ? That's not what AA is about. And a woman could get plenty more than a job as a secretary. She could get jobs white males couldn't get (because of AA) And YOU KNOW it.
As for reparations$$$$, after the last election, I'd say the chances for reparations in 2017, are looking pretty good. :biggrin:

In a struggling economy, you best believe that there will be no funding for reparations for some marginally skilled individual who could not figure out how to reinvent themselves after the field they were playing on became open to all people and decided to give up, because they believe that they were wronged 51 years ago, so don't hold you're breath.

You should be grateful for the pittance that you are currently receiving. That is what you earned, and that is all you are getting.

It is no ones fault but your own. You're not a victim of anything except your own laziness.

That being said, feel free to elaborate on what jobs a female could get in 1964 that a white male could not.
Receptionist maid hooker....

Women should complain they only make 70 cents for every dollar a guy makes.

Blacks and women can play on the field but the rules are different. If they are just as good they still sit the bench.

I'd love to have you be born in a ghetto and send you to a ghetto school then send you out to get a job where 95% of hiring managers are blacks who are racist like you and then call you lazy because you haven't achieved.

You haven't a clue. I don't like how black society is but I'm not so dumb I don't get it that things aren't where they need to be.

We still need to make sure whites aren't hiring all white staffs because they don't like black people like clearly you don't. You are the perfect reason why we still need aa. Too many of you think blacks are lazy.
How are these studies conducted? I have yet to see how white women have benefitted from AA.

Do you know any white women in professional fields other than nursing, teaching or secretarial?

If so...they benefitted from affirmative action
So, you don't think women are intelligent or educated enough for other fields of employment?
They were. The point is that white males wanted the jobs to themselves. Thats why AA is effective. It knocks down the good ole boy club to a large extent.
How are these studies conducted? I have yet to see how white women have benefitted from AA.

Do you know any white women in professional fields other than nursing, teaching or secretarial?

If so...they benefitted from affirmative action
So, you don't think women are intelligent or educated enough for other fields of employment?

Prior to affirmative action, they were not given the chance to prove it

Think how lucky you are and the debt you owe to women who came before you. They did not have it easy
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How are these studies conducted? I have yet to see how white women have benefitted from AA.

Do you know any white women in professional fields other than nursing, teaching or secretarial?

If so...they benefitted from affirmative action
So, you don't think women are intelligent or educated enough for other fields of employment?

Its not a question of education....its a question of discrimation.

Why do you think there hasnt been a woman President in all this time? Because no woman ever really really ever wanted it? LOL!
Affirmative Action Needs to Be Banned (all 50 states)
Agreed! We need the best and the brightest........... Not the most diverse
Affirmative Action Needs to Be Banned (all 50 states)
Agreed! We need the best and the brightest........... Not the most diverse

As if the "best and brightest" was the way it was in the first place....yanno because humans dont judge and stuff
Affirmative Action Needs to Be Banned (all 50 states)
Agreed! We need the best and the brightest........... Not the most diverse
The two are not mutually exclusive. Matter of fact without AA we are probably getting the worst and dimmest.
How are these studies conducted? I have yet to see how white women have benefitted from AA.

Do you know any white women in professional fields other than nursing, teaching or secretarial?

If so...they benefitted from affirmative action
So, you don't think women are intelligent or educated enough for other fields of employment?

Its not a question of education....its a question of discrimation.

Why do you think there hasnt been a woman President in all this time? Because no woman ever really really ever wanted it? LOL!

of course it's an issue of education

lack of academic achievement will cause gaps in employment, income and criminality
How are these studies conducted? I have yet to see how white women have benefitted from AA.

Do you know any white women in professional fields other than nursing, teaching or secretarial?

If so...they benefitted from affirmative action
So, you don't think women are intelligent or educated enough for other fields of employment?

Its not a question of education....its a question of discrimation.

Why do you think there hasnt been a woman President in all this time? Because no woman ever really really ever wanted it? LOL!

of course it's an issue of education

lack of academic achievement will cause gaps in employment, income and criminality
You must have a lack of academic achievement to come up with that clueless response.
How are these studies conducted? I have yet to see how white women have benefitted from AA.

Do you know any white women in professional fields other than nursing, teaching or secretarial?

If so...they benefitted from affirmative action
So, you don't think women are intelligent or educated enough for other fields of employment?

Its not a question of education....its a question of discrimation.

Why do you think there hasnt been a woman President in all this time? Because no woman ever really really ever wanted it? LOL!

of course it's an issue of education

lack of academic achievement will cause gaps in employment, income and criminality
You must have a lack of academic achievement to come up with that clueless response.

even the NAACP admits it
The country has shifted away from liberal ideas, and toward conservative ones. This is shown not only by the 2014 election, but also by a change in public concerns. Previously, the economy was the top priority of the American people. Now it's terrorism. That's WHY the Democrats got stomped in the last election, and why they will continue to. Their positions on terrorism are horrible, and at odds with the American people,

The worst terrorist attack in history happened while a conservative was in charge
No it didn't. Bush was not a conservative. He was a Muslim ass-kisser, and his positions on immigration were very liberal, and terrible.

The Muslim Brotherhood guys he hosted, in the White House are now in prison.


Bush & Alamoudi at a White House party. (2004)


Abdurahman Alamoudi (once known as "Mr. White House", for his frequent appearances at White House parties & functions). He went from the White House to the "Big House".

Bush was the candidate of the Conservative Party in both 2000 and 2004

He also failed to stop the worst terrorist attack in history

Nobody who did what he did could ever be called a conservative, and his brother Jeb, is just as bad, if not worse.

Then why did he get the endorsement of the Conservative Party two times?
I guess we can say one thing about the "Conservative" Party. There aren't conservative. Also, endorsements often are based on a lesser of the evils "choice". When you really don't HAVE a choice. And they are a complex mixture of many issues.

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