Affordable Care Act

Good thing you made a thread about this - wonder why no one else did ... .

If it isn't affordable, they should change the name to "The Unafordible Socialization of our Nations Medical Industry."

(thumbs up)
Physicians Opting Out Of Medicare And Obamacare

As Obamacare gets more complicated physicians are opting out of Medicare and will not participate in Obamacare.

All most physicians want is to practice the best medicine they can using their intellectual property or surgical skills.

Physicians are people who want to help people. They are not street crooks.

Obamacare is trying to commoditize medical care, decrease physician value and reimbursement.

Commoditization of medical care will decrease physicians’ freedom to exercise their medical judgment. Medical decision-making will be in the hands of distant involved bureaucrats. Access to care will be determined by bureaucratic rules and not the patients and their physicians.

Physicians are opting out of Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare. They have become totally frustrated with Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement rates and the mounting rules and regulations

Repairing the Healthcare System: Physicians Opting Out Of Medicare And Obamacare
Liberal down the street is worried that he's gonna have to sell his limousine so he can use the payment money to pay for affordable health care. Yeah, he got a cancellation notice - but as a courtesy he was automatically enrolled in the closest acceptable Obamascare plan - at 175% of his former monthly cost. Still, he does have the option to opt out and just pay the fine. He's having a tough time deciding between keeping the limo or buying into his Messiah's dream.

Pray for him.

Physicians Opting Out Of Medicare And Obamacare

As Obamacare gets more complicated physicians are opting out of Medicare and will not participate in Obamacare.

All most physicians want is to practice the best medicine they can using their intellectual property or surgical skills.

Physicians are people who want to help people. They are not street crooks.

Obamacare is trying to commoditize medical care, decrease physician value and reimbursement.

Commoditization of medical care will decrease physicians’ freedom to exercise their medical judgment. Medical decision-making will be in the hands of distant involved bureaucrats. Access to care will be determined by bureaucratic rules and not the patients and their physicians.

Physicians are opting out of Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare. They have become totally frustrated with Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement rates and the mounting rules and regulations

Repairing the Healthcare System: Physicians Opting Out Of Medicare And Obamacare

this is going to cause problems of major proportions we haven't even considered yet. every time politicians touch something thinking they are offering a fix, they screw something else up in the process even worse
Is neither "affordable" nor does it "care" about your indisputable right to free choice.

oh no...

its VERY affordable for the people who will get it for nothing
its VERY affordable for the people who will get a discount.
in other words... all of the entitlement whores who want something for nothing.....again.

It will afford votes to anyone beating the drum to keep it.
Is neither "affordable" nor does it "care" about your indisputable right to free choice.

Right!! It's a grab for votes for the progressive party...

And a way for Big Government to gather all the most personal data about people with which to intimidate them into supporting the further spread of Big Government.
Physicians Opting Out Of Medicare And Obamacare

As Obamacare gets more complicated physicians are opting out of Medicare and will not participate in Obamacare.

All most physicians want is to practice the best medicine they can using their intellectual property or surgical skills.

Physicians are people who want to help people. They are not street crooks.

Obamacare is trying to commoditize medical care, decrease physician value and reimbursement.

Commoditization of medical care will decrease physicians’ freedom to exercise their medical judgment. Medical decision-making will be in the hands of distant involved bureaucrats. Access to care will be determined by bureaucratic rules and not the patients and their physicians.

Physicians are opting out of Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare. They have become totally frustrated with Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement rates and the mounting rules and regulations

Repairing the Healthcare System: Physicians Opting Out Of Medicare And Obamacare

Democrats have an answer for that. Pass a law telling doctors who they can and cannot accept as patients.

MASON CONSERVATIVE: Virginia Democrat Calls For Forcing Doctors To Accept Medicare And Medicaid Patients

The answer to complaints of tyranny, is more tyranny.
Physicians Opting Out Of Medicare And Obamacare

As Obamacare gets more complicated physicians are opting out of Medicare and will not participate in Obamacare.

All most physicians want is to practice the best medicine they can using their intellectual property or surgical skills.

Physicians are people who want to help people. They are not street crooks.

Obamacare is trying to commoditize medical care, decrease physician value and reimbursement.

Commoditization of medical care will decrease physicians’ freedom to exercise their medical judgment. Medical decision-making will be in the hands of distant involved bureaucrats. Access to care will be determined by bureaucratic rules and not the patients and their physicians.

Physicians are opting out of Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare. They have become totally frustrated with Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement rates and the mounting rules and regulations

Repairing the Healthcare System: Physicians Opting Out Of Medicare And Obamacare

Democrats have an answer for that. Pass a law telling doctors who they can and cannot accept as patients.

MASON CONSERVATIVE: Virginia Democrat Calls For Forcing Doctors To Accept Medicare And Medicaid Patients

The answer to complaints of tyranny, is more tyranny.

This is exactly as predicted. Once the Statists realize that doctors can opt out, they will be "drafted" into ObamaCare against their will.
The truth of it is, it has nothing to do with healthcare, whether reforming healthcare or making healthcare more affordable. It does, however, have everything to do with insurance...
I'm scratching my head wondering how to come up with an additional $800/month for premiums.
The truth of it is, it has nothing to do with healthcare, whether reforming healthcare or making healthcare more affordable. It does, however, have everything to do with insurance...

Except, if it really doesn't cover anything, can one call it insurance?

The high deductibles will discourage anything but taking care of catastrophic needs...and pre-ObamaCare, catastrophic policies were Much Cheaper.

ObamaCare is neither health care nor health is an income and wealth transfer mechanism for the benefit of Big Government Cronies.
Physicians represent some of the brightest minds alive. It is a disgrace that many will be forced to leave the work they love & humanity benefits from. That is another consequence of the "Affordable Care Act", aka Obamacare.
Is neither "affordable" nor does it "care" about your indisputable right to free choice.

oh no...

its VERY affordable for the people who will get it for nothing
its VERY affordable for the people who will get a discount.
in other words... all of the entitlement whores who want something for nothing.....again.

It will afford votes to anyone beating the drum to keep it.
Indeed. It is a marriage of the paracites & the despots.
Is neither "affordable" nor does it "care" about your indisputable right to free choice.

Lying through omission? It is tbe PPACA not the ACA for reasons that expose you as ignorant and wildly uninformed.

The PPACA/The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Try this, then please....

‘subpart i--general reform
‘Sec. 2704. Prohibition of preexisting condition exclusions or other discrimination based on health status.

‘Sec. 2701. Fair health insurance premiums.

‘Sec. 2702. Guaranteed availability of coverage.

‘Sec. 2703. Guaranteed renewability of coverage.

‘Sec. 2705. Prohibiting discrimination against individual participants and beneficiaries based on health status.

‘Sec. 2706. Non-discrimination in health care.

‘Sec. 2707. Comprehensive health insurance coverage.

‘Sec. 2708. Prohibition on excessive waiting periods.

...go away or stfu until you know what ypu are talking about.
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