Afghan Woman Murdered For Not Wearing Burqa

They were carrying on about Trump giving up on the Kurds too. Neither the Kurds or Afghans fell when Trump was president.

With Biden the Taliban sensed weakness (as we all do) and struck.
Gee I wonder why they sensed weakness... Maybe cause all our troops left. Trump took our forces down from near 20K to 2500. Didn't he?
Our enemies see that Joe is weak or worse compromised by China and they are not afraid of us with Joe at the wheel.....this is a catastrophe...Joe needs to step down and we need a new election....
Waaaa waaaa waaaa Joe. What a little crybaby you sound like. This is a definite black mark on Joes presidency, but don't be a drama queen about it.
Trumps desire was clearly to get out of Afganistan. The repercussions of getting out is the Taliban taking over. Trump knew it. Biden knew it. They both made it possible for the Taliban to take over. Thats just a fact.
Trump cancelled three of his own deadlines because of the conditions on the battle field...stop looking silly....Joe is in charge not Trump...Joe stole the election now let him drown in it....
You keep inserting Trump into the conversation...and he doesn't belong in this are sounding like an Orange Man Bad TDSer....not a serious concerned person...Women and girls are being killed inside of the schools we built for them....this is a global epic failure on Biden...the longer you deflect his responsibility the more unhinged you sound.....
Taliban took over because our troops left. Trump ordered our troops to leave. Joe continued that evacuation. Both men are responsible. Trump absolutely belongs here
Yes, but the Talibidens didn't overrun the country until Red Joe pulled the plug and bailed out suddenly (with no plan, as usual).
Yup, so what? Are you saying that if Trump were president the Taliban would not have taken over once he ordered the rest of the troops to leave? Please say yes. I need a laugh today.
Taliban took over because our troops left. Trump ordered our troops to leave. Joe continued that evacuation. Both men are responsible. Trump absolutely belongs here
Trump never gave the order to leave that's a bold face fucking lie....
Anyone blaming Trump for this is just not a serious person....
No, you don't think they saw Biden babbling, falling down stairs and his obvious senility?

No one took him very seriously, even less so now.
What does your perception of Biden have to do with the power of our military?
You're right, my bad. Trump wanted to keep troops in Afghanistan and fight against the Taliban! You keep running with that.
Show me the order lied...I caught are not worth my time....
Yup, so what? Are you saying that if Trump were president the Taliban would not have taken over once he ordered the rest of the troops to leave? Please say yes. I need a laugh today.

If Trump had wanted to order the rest of the troops to leave, he would have done so. He didn't. Joe did, and it was a MASSIVE fuckup that's going to get a lot of people killed. You need to own it.
Show me the order lied...I caught are not worth my time....
Im sorry, when I did say that Trump placed an order. Can you show that? I said that Trump reduced our Troops from 20K to 2500, he let Taliban fighters go free and he negotiated a withdrawal deal with the Taliban. The result of those actions was the Taliban taking over. Trump knew it. Trump initiated it. Biden finished it. both are to blame. Why can't you admit that?

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