Africa from the perspctive of Africans, not whites

Honestly, there is a lot to be said for what you say. African countries have been manipulated for quite some time by outsiders. And that is an honest perspective, no one could argue with that, but where you say THIS is a white perspective and THIS is the African perspective, that’s where this OP doesn’t work.
Every country or continent on earth has its realities good or bad, including the countries in Africa. Why is manufacturing lagging there? There are many reasons and many different perspectives. One does not make the other less true. there are many perspectives held by black people and white people on the state of Africa. Just because someone may mention cultural problems there does NOT mean it is meant as a slam on African people. It is only seeing through one perspective of what’s going on there. Sure, some of the same things can be said for people in the US as far as deficiencies go, but in Africa problems are compounded by issues like remoteness of villages, lack of infrastructure in places more remote, tribal and familial cliqueishness that creates a toxic environment for businesses on the micro level, let alone international. And etc.

I took that position because in here the opinion if most whites is Africa is a.shit hole because blacks are too dumb to govern. I'm tired of reading that shit. I don't see "Every country or continent on earth has its realities good or bad"m in any other circumstance. So then it seemed to work when whites here were talking that bullshit, so maybe we look at things from the African point of view. And we look at it from the position of leadership, from policy makers who are on the front lines and have seen the impact of agreements made and the politics involved or from people who have actually studied these things. Instead we get this tale from a soccer player. What is not considered of that soccer player is what investments is he making in his home country to improve their economic prospects?. Why doesn't he create a business and employ his family members? Don't say that's not part of the social fabric when current and former African NBA players are helping their whole tribes.

Africans aren't to dumb to govern themselves, but the reality is they have problems due to the recent past but also because they've been in this western style of nations for a relatively short time still, and they have a lot of internal divisions that will eventually sort themselves out. Wanting "white people" in general to do something about it, is not as simple as it sounds, because it has been tried and failed. Sometimes because the efforts were not entirely genuine but many times the corruption within African countries prevents out siders from doing any good. You can dump billions of dollars there and it will get stolen by officials. If you try to go around the governments they wont stand for that. Though in his earlier years, Ghadafi was a terrorist, he actually had a plan, I'm sure you know, of helping to unite African countries and create their own currency to give them more international power. Never forget the glee of Hillary when he got taken out. She and her type are bought and paid for by Internationalists who want to keep Africa right where it is. As well as manipulating the rest of the world as well. Which is one of the reasons I could never vote for that bitch.

I don't think you've seen me asking for whites to do anything but return the money they have taken from Africa. Hillary would have been better for Africa than a president calling the continent a shit hole. Obama made this call, not Hillary, and this is one area where Obama failed in my estimation. He was too busy trying to appease whites and the same whites he was playing to fought against everything he wanted.

Don't know why you think Hillary would be good for Africa. She was in on it along with Obama, thus her happiness over the killing of Ghadafi. As a matter of fact, she couldn't get the grin off her face. They were both appeasing the people who selected them and put them in power and guess what? Obama and Hillary have made their millions upon millions, they are paid well and will continue to have things set up for them to make more.
Ghadafi had to go because he was a loose cannon. Yes, he wanted to do great things for Africa, and he had to go because he upset the status quo. Hillary represents the status Quo... sorry. When I was in Kenya I met a few young people in their teens and twenties who were pretty high on that water project he was implementing as well as that plan for an African currency. He was becoming popular and that was probably a threat to the international bankers so they loosed their dogs on him.

Trump, as goofy as he is, doesn't represent the status quo and the deep state... so they have been doing everything they can do to discredit his presidency from day one and that includes the Republicans who are also part of it. Yeah, he called Haiti a shit hole country,in a private meeting but then Trump never has had a way with words has he?

Sending money to AFRICA sounds great, but right now, I dont even know how that is realistic without huge amounts of that money being squandered, mis-appropriated, flat out stolen by people who will probably send a lot of it off to a Swiss bank somewhere for their retirement, as it always happens. Sending money would be great if it worked the way it was supposed to, so how is that supposed to happen? Helping people to becoming better fishermen is always better than giving them fish, ... that by passes the middlemen and brokers and others who want to put their greedy hand in the pot.

I know what Gadhafi was doing yarddog. Apparently you missed this:

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, on the situation in Libya, is a measure that was adopted on 17 March 2011. The Security Council resolution was proposed by France, Lebanon, and the United Kingdom.

I did not say Hillary is the best option for Africa, I said she is better than Trump. And she would have been better than Trump.

Every African government is not corrupt, I'm tired of that being used as an excuse. The white nations on this planet owes trillions to Africa. They owe that continent so much money whatever amount of corruption could not stand in the way of progress. There is misappropriation, squandering of money, money stolen and sent off to swiss banks here in America. Africans know how to fish whites took the fish. Whites need to give back the fish they stiole.

There is misappropriation, squandering of money, money stolen and sent off to swiss banks here in America.

It's true, the corrupt African leaders like to ship their stolen funds out of their shitholes.
Well there's a lot of things you can say about Africa.

Is manufacturing taking off in Africa?

"Africa commands a meagre 1.5% share of the world's total manufacturing output"

"That compares with a 21.7% share for the Asia Pacific region, 17.2% for East Asia and North America's 22.4% share."

That's despite the fact that they have 1.2 billion people, or about 1/6th of the world population, yet can't produce much. Why not?

North America has half that population and 15 times the manufacturing productivity.

Top South Africa Imports

South Africa imports $4 billion a year's worth of electronics. China has developed quickly, while Africa hasn't. What's the difference?

Dictatorships abound in Africa as China is. Corruption is high in Africa as it is in China. So what is the difference?

Having been to both places it's attitude.

In Africa you see people not really trying to make money. They're sort of expecting it to appear.

I met a German guy in Lesotho, he'd been invited by the ambassador to Lesotho in Germany to go and set up water project.
He arrived and couldn't get the project off the ground. When I met him he said "I'm off to visit this govt official to try and get permission" for something or other.
He didn't get it. He was like "sod this", got on his pushbike with the intention of biking up to Botswana.

Lesotho's corruption didn't allow it to do business that it needed. The Chinese were building a new govt building with Chinese workers, not Africa.

You can say a lot about anything but that doesn't mean it's true. China is one nation, not 55 separate nations so you cannot make the comparison you just tried making. Yes there are dictatorships but if you actually study the history of this continent you see why dictatorships exist and when you understand who still controls many of these economies you also know how they got put in place. Now lets drop the white opinion on how blacks don't want to work, or don't want to make money.

But here's some Africa from the point of view of an African, from Togo.

Emmanuel Adebayor discusses and criticizes His Family Problems On Facebook - SIRKENAYO™

"I organized a meeting in 2005 to solve our family issues. When I asked them about their opinion, they said I should build each family member a house and give each of them a monthly wage."

"Togolese striker Emmanuel Adebayor has taken to Facebook to denounce claims that he kicked out his mum out of his house and that he has denied his family financial support. The 31 year old striker openly criticised his Family on Facebook on Tuesday evening."

"At the age of 17, with my first wages as a footballer, I built a house for my family and made sure they are safe. As you all know, I have received the trophy of African Player of the Year in 2008. I also brought my mother on stage with me to thank her for everything. In that same year, I brought her to London for various medical check ups. When my daughter was born, we contacted my mum to inform her but she immediately hung up the phone and didn’t wanna know hear about it. "

"A couple years ago, I bought a house in East Lagon (Ghana) for $1.2 million. I found it normal to let my older sister, Yabo Adebayor stay in that house. I also allowed my half brother (Daniel) to stay in the same house. A few months later, I was on vacation and decided to go to that house. At my surprise, I saw many cars in the driveway. In fact, my sister decided to rent out the house without me knowing. She also kicked Daniel out of that house. Note that the house had about 15 rooms. When I called her and asked for explanation, she took about 30 minutes to abuse and insult me over the phone. I called my mother to explain the situation and she did the same as my sister. This same sister says I am ungrateful. Ask her about the car she is driving or anything she is selling today?"

"My brother Kola Adebayor, has now been in Germany for 25 years. He travelled back home about 4 times, at my expense. I fully cover the cost of his children’s education. When I was in Monaco, he came to me and asked for money to start a business. Only God knows how much I gave him. Where is that business today?
When our brother Peter passed away, I sent Kola a great amount of money so he could fly back home. He never showed up at the burial. And today that same brother (Kola) is telling people that I am involved in Peter’s death. How? He is the same brother who went and told inaccurate stories about our family to “The Sun” in other to take some money. They also sent a letter to my Club when I was in Madrid so I could get fired."

"I organized a meeting in 2005 to solve our family issues. When I asked them about their opinion, they said I should build each family member a house and give each of them a monthly wage."

This is what happens in parts of Africa. People expect to be taken care of, expect not to have to work if a family member gets rich, expect hand outs if their party "wins" an election.

I've seen such an attitude at first hand too on various occasions.

I met a guy in a hostel in Stockholm. He was Nigerian. He didn't have a place to live. Someone helped him to find a place to live. He asked "do I have to share with another person?" They said yes, he turned it down.

Now, the hostel was like $30 a night, the cheapest place in the city, he hadn't worked for 6 months and wouldn't go back to Nigeria either. He'd refuse jobs, but take other people's charity, and take it as a given.

Then I told him some countries require you to have a visa to work, you lose the visa, they kick you out of the country.

He said this was against HUMAN RIGHTS.....

I could go on.

LOL! White American families do the same thing. But when we speak of white America we do not make the same assertion. But as we see you at provided a white as judgment of Africa when there are so many different cultures and traditions there. And even at that I've been to Africa ad know far too many Africans to say what you posted is how things are.

It's funny because you demand that I give you the "black African view" and then when I do this, you then say "White American families do the same thing."

So what's the point of this then? You demand we look at one thing but you'll attack me saying "we do not make the same assertion".

You're playing silly fucking games and I'm not going to hang around talking to you if you keep this shit up.

Apparently I've provided a white view of things by presenting a black African's view of things.

Fuck off.

You presented a view that does not represent the black African view. I've met NO African with that mentality. So maybe it's you who needs to fuck off.
LOL as if you have really met that many Africans
But here's some Africa from the point of view of an African, from Togo.

Emmanuel Adebayor discusses and criticizes His Family Problems On Facebook - SIRKENAYO™

"I organized a meeting in 2005 to solve our family issues. When I asked them about their opinion, they said I should build each family member a house and give each of them a monthly wage."

"Togolese striker Emmanuel Adebayor has taken to Facebook to denounce claims that he kicked out his mum out of his house and that he has denied his family financial support. The 31 year old striker openly criticised his Family on Facebook on Tuesday evening."

"At the age of 17, with my first wages as a footballer, I built a house for my family and made sure they are safe. As you all know, I have received the trophy of African Player of the Year in 2008. I also brought my mother on stage with me to thank her for everything. In that same year, I brought her to London for various medical check ups. When my daughter was born, we contacted my mum to inform her but she immediately hung up the phone and didn’t wanna know hear about it. "

"A couple years ago, I bought a house in East Lagon (Ghana) for $1.2 million. I found it normal to let my older sister, Yabo Adebayor stay in that house. I also allowed my half brother (Daniel) to stay in the same house. A few months later, I was on vacation and decided to go to that house. At my surprise, I saw many cars in the driveway. In fact, my sister decided to rent out the house without me knowing. She also kicked Daniel out of that house. Note that the house had about 15 rooms. When I called her and asked for explanation, she took about 30 minutes to abuse and insult me over the phone. I called my mother to explain the situation and she did the same as my sister. This same sister says I am ungrateful. Ask her about the car she is driving or anything she is selling today?"

"My brother Kola Adebayor, has now been in Germany for 25 years. He travelled back home about 4 times, at my expense. I fully cover the cost of his children’s education. When I was in Monaco, he came to me and asked for money to start a business. Only God knows how much I gave him. Where is that business today?
When our brother Peter passed away, I sent Kola a great amount of money so he could fly back home. He never showed up at the burial. And today that same brother (Kola) is telling people that I am involved in Peter’s death. How? He is the same brother who went and told inaccurate stories about our family to “The Sun” in other to take some money. They also sent a letter to my Club when I was in Madrid so I could get fired."

"I organized a meeting in 2005 to solve our family issues. When I asked them about their opinion, they said I should build each family member a house and give each of them a monthly wage."

This is what happens in parts of Africa. People expect to be taken care of, expect not to have to work if a family member gets rich, expect hand outs if their party "wins" an election.

I've seen such an attitude at first hand too on various occasions.

I met a guy in a hostel in Stockholm. He was Nigerian. He didn't have a place to live. Someone helped him to find a place to live. He asked "do I have to share with another person?" They said yes, he turned it down.

Now, the hostel was like $30 a night, the cheapest place in the city, he hadn't worked for 6 months and wouldn't go back to Nigeria either. He'd refuse jobs, but take other people's charity, and take it as a given.

Then I told him some countries require you to have a visa to work, you lose the visa, they kick you out of the country.

He said this was against HUMAN RIGHTS.....

I could go on.

LOL! White American families do the same thing. But when we speak of white America we do not make the same assertion. But as we see you at provided a white as judgment of Africa when there are so many different cultures and traditions there. And even at that I've been to Africa ad know far too many Africans to say what you posted is how things are.

It's funny because you demand that I give you the "black African view" and then when I do this, you then say "White American families do the same thing."

So what's the point of this then? You demand we look at one thing but you'll attack me saying "we do not make the same assertion".

You're playing silly fucking games and I'm not going to hang around talking to you if you keep this shit up.

Apparently I've provided a white view of things by presenting a black African's view of things.

Fuck off.

You presented a view that does not represent the black African view. I've met NO African with that mentality. So maybe it's you who needs to fuck off.

Ah, you've not met, so it doesn't exist.


You are saying that your way is the way Africans in general think. And it's not.
Being black doesn't make you an expert on how Africans think
Well I've read enough of the white viewpoint of Africa. I don't care what color you are that's the POV you present. No one has said Africa is perfect, but the first thing that always happens when his kind if subject is presented is we get the white view of Africa. You could be charcoal black but th POB yu haV chosn to taklk frm is that of whites.

Between 2005 and 2014, manufacturing production more than doubled from $73 billion to $157 billion, growing 3.5% annually in real terms. Some countries show particularly strong annual growth: Uganda’s manufacturing grew by 5% over 2010-2014; Zambia’s by 6% over 2008-2012; and Tanzania’s by more than 7% in the last decade.


Overall, African manufacturing exports (including re-exports) doubled between 2005 and 2014 to more than $100 billon. Asian countries have become more important destinations. African countries are also increasingly exporting manufactures to each other, from 20% of total manufacturing trade in 2005 to 34% in 2014.

Why African manufacturing is doing better than you think

You have failed to address the issues presented in the videos. How long were African nations denied the ability to control their own resources which were moved out of Africa and raw materials take from Africa manufactured elsewhere in the final product? This is what the vides address along with the 400 billion African nations are still required to pay France.

Stealing Africa - Why Poverty?


You certainly cared what color I was before when you made rapid assumptions.

Okay, you're talking growth. Growth from what?

Uganda has 5% growth. What was the growth before and after? I mean there's a MASSIVE difference if the growth was from $1 to $1.05, or if it were from $1 billion to $1.05 billion, right?

So, African exports are $100 billion. Context.


Texas, population 28 million, exports $92 billion dollars worth to Mexico alone. That's about as much as the manufacturing exports of the WHOLE OF AFRICA? Okay, not all of this will be manufacturing exports. It's a bit hard for me to see what is and what isn't considered manufactured goods. You have goods from Texas compared to manufactured exports.

But then again the context of what you've posted is that $100 billion for 1.2 billion people isn't actually that much money. That's less than $100 per person in a year.

I probably "failed to address the issues presented in the videos" because I didn't watch the videos. Do you own research for fuck's sake.

What information is relevant to your argument? Take it, present it in a way that is going to be useful. Just saying "watch the video" isn't going to do you any good.

When you look at the impact of what Africa has produced worldwide in other nations by use of it's resources, it's more than 100 million. It's well into the trillions annually. I present the videos because whites here use videos and I don't see your white ass talking about doing any research. I've done research, continue to research and my conclusion to this point is the white opinion is not accurate and leaves out the continuing interference if whites in the affairs of African politics and economy. Anything that has to do with money u Africa, the white man has his fucking nose stuck right in the middle of it. Now that's my opinion based on research and the videos I post support that.

The first thing whites talk about is corruption but we have that here and it doesn't appear to stop a dam thing. Why does it impact Africa so? Let me tell you why. The white man. It's just that simple. How many companies starting with the word Anglo exist in Africa? How many companies starting with the word Anglo mine minerals here in America? These corporations are part of American interests and since our foreign policy revolves around those interests, we insure the leads in many if not all of the African nations carry out our interests. America killed Lumumba and replaced him with Mobutu Sese Seko then complained about his corruption after supporting him for years. Whites talk abut how evil and corrupt things are in Rwanda but don't talk about the pro Tutsi policy the colonizers used to keep the tribes divided that is the cause of friction still today. Whites talk abut the corruption of the Somali government and pirates but don't talk about hw the white nations destroyed the Somali fishing industry. .White nations turned a blind eye to Mugabe until he decided to remove the white farmers. Than the white nations decided to sanction. But whites like you talk about the corruption of the African.

The OP starts with this:

OK. we have heard enough of the white opinion on Africans and African Americans. So now we shall look at he truth. All trolling will be reported.

That means we hear from other Africans besides those who pay soccer. We hear from African leaders and experts in other things besides kicking a ball into a net. So that's why the videos are going to be posted. So if you want to run your mouth posting articles the telling someone else to do their own research you are not required to post here.

It's resources? You mean the resources that Africans are continually killing people over?

Yeah, Africans dig stuff up out of the ground so they can buy weapons to kill people with. Great.

Yes, they're fighting over money that white people are willing to give them. Africa could take the money and develop, or it could fight and chooses the latter.

The problem with your argument is that China also had "the white man" turn up, take over, take control.

So why has China managed to get rid of these shackles and not Africa? They're not the only ones either. Many countries in the Far East have done it. Just Africa comes up with a ton of excuses for why they haven't done it.

It's funny, you want to hear from Africans, I present an African and all you do is attack him because he plays a sport. Right.... you're a racist and you're full of shit.

I'm no racist, but you're full of shit.

Actually I've been reading your posts to me and your posts to others and it would seem that you are a racist.

If you're not a racist you're a very, very angry person who doesn't know when to stop.

I'm not full of shit at all. I've started presenting stuff, but discussing with you is like plucking your eyes out with a toothpick. You're constantly attacking, you don't bother to look at things properly. It's painful.

I don't think you're ever going to get into a proper discussion to learn more things about a topic. You know the angle you want, which is white people are bad, and you know EVERYONE you talk to is a fucking white asshole or something like that.

You keep talking to me as if I'm white. I've asked you MULTIPLE times what race I am and you've been unable to reply. Because you don't know. Yet every new post you're shouting your big mouth off that I'm white.

I post things from an African's point of view and you tell me it's a white man's view. Then you tell me it's a soccer player's point of view and neither are valid because.... because... because your argument is so shit you have to resort to such BULLSHIT.

It's tiring.

If you don't give him an answer that resembles his opinions, you are white and racist
14 African Nations Being Forced By France to Pay Taxes for the ‘Benefits’ of Colonialism

Well there's a lot of things you can say about Africa.

Is manufacturing taking off in Africa?

"Africa commands a meagre 1.5% share of the world's total manufacturing output"

"That compares with a 21.7% share for the Asia Pacific region, 17.2% for East Asia and North America's 22.4% share."

That's despite the fact that they have 1.2 billion people, or about 1/6th of the world population, yet can't produce much. Why not?

North America has half that population and 15 times the manufacturing productivity.

Top South Africa Imports

South Africa imports $4 billion a year's worth of electronics. China has developed quickly, while Africa hasn't. What's the difference?

Dictatorships abound in Africa as China is. Corruption is high in Africa as it is in China. So what is the difference?

Having been to both places it's attitude.

In Africa you see people not really trying to make money. They're sort of expecting it to appear.

I met a German guy in Lesotho, he'd been invited by the ambassador to Lesotho in Germany to go and set up water project.
He arrived and couldn't get the project off the ground. When I met him he said "I'm off to visit this govt official to try and get permission" for something or other.
He didn't get it. He was like "sod this", got on his pushbike with the intention of biking up to Botswana.

Lesotho's corruption didn't allow it to do business that it needed. The Chinese were building a new govt building with Chinese workers, not Africa.

The difference is China has Chinese people and Chinese leaders and Black Africa has black African people and black African leaders! That is why they fail.

It is not just Africa, but it is all the Black Caribbean countries: Jamaica and Haiti are still the poorest and most corrupt in the world.

Sent from my iPhone using

IM2 will blame white people for black countries being poor
Africans aren't to dumb to govern themselves, but the reality is they have problems due to the recent past but also because they've been in this western style of nations for a relatively short time still, and they have a lot of internal divisions that will eventually sort themselves out. Wanting "white people" in general to do something about it, is not as simple as it sounds, because it has been tried and failed. Sometimes because the efforts were not entirely genuine but many times the corruption within African countries prevents out siders from doing any good. You can dump billions of dollars there and it will get stolen by officials. If you try to go around the governments they wont stand for that. Though in his earlier years, Ghadafi was a terrorist, he actually had a plan, I'm sure you know, of helping to unite African countries and create their own currency to give them more international power. Never forget the glee of Hillary when he got taken out. She and her type are bought and paid for by Internationalists who want to keep Africa right where it is. As well as manipulating the rest of the world as well. Which is one of the reasons I could never vote for that bitch.

I don't think you've seen me asking for whites to do anything but return the money they have taken from Africa. Hillary would have been better for Africa than a president calling the continent a shit hole. Obama made this call, not Hillary, and this is one area where Obama failed in my estimation. He was too busy trying to appease whites and the same whites he was playing to fought against everything he wanted.

Well, to be fair, the continent is a shithole.

And whites made it that way.

And blacks are keeping it that way.

No, whites are still stealing Africa blind.
how so?
I don't think you've seen me asking for whites to do anything but return the money they have taken from Africa. Hillary would have been better for Africa than a president calling the continent a shit hole. Obama made this call, not Hillary, and this is one area where Obama failed in my estimation. He was too busy trying to appease whites and the same whites he was playing to fought against everything he wanted.

Well, to be fair, the continent is a shithole.

And whites made it that way.

And blacks are keeping it that way.

No, whites are still stealing Africa blind.
how so?

He imagines France is stealing hundreds of billions a year, by threatening to
kill African leaders. He knows it's true, because he saw a conspiracy video and .....whites!!!
IM2, so Blacks are more criminally inclined, are more violent, and have lower IQ's generally because they have inferiority complexes resulting from low self-esteem because Whitey managed to hide the Black African civilization, magically using technology from Area 51, 400 years ago. :p
You can say a lot about anything but that doesn't mean it's true. China is one nation, not 55 separate nations so you cannot make the comparison you just tried making. Yes there are dictatorships but if you actually study the history of this continent you see why dictatorships exist and when you understand who still controls many of these economies you also know how they got put in place. Now lets drop the white opinion on how blacks don't want to work, or don't want to make money.

But here's some Africa from the point of view of an African, from Togo.

Emmanuel Adebayor discusses and criticizes His Family Problems On Facebook - SIRKENAYO™

"I organized a meeting in 2005 to solve our family issues. When I asked them about their opinion, they said I should build each family member a house and give each of them a monthly wage."

"Togolese striker Emmanuel Adebayor has taken to Facebook to denounce claims that he kicked out his mum out of his house and that he has denied his family financial support. The 31 year old striker openly criticised his Family on Facebook on Tuesday evening."

"At the age of 17, with my first wages as a footballer, I built a house for my family and made sure they are safe. As you all know, I have received the trophy of African Player of the Year in 2008. I also brought my mother on stage with me to thank her for everything. In that same year, I brought her to London for various medical check ups. When my daughter was born, we contacted my mum to inform her but she immediately hung up the phone and didn’t wanna know hear about it. "

"A couple years ago, I bought a house in East Lagon (Ghana) for $1.2 million. I found it normal to let my older sister, Yabo Adebayor stay in that house. I also allowed my half brother (Daniel) to stay in the same house. A few months later, I was on vacation and decided to go to that house. At my surprise, I saw many cars in the driveway. In fact, my sister decided to rent out the house without me knowing. She also kicked Daniel out of that house. Note that the house had about 15 rooms. When I called her and asked for explanation, she took about 30 minutes to abuse and insult me over the phone. I called my mother to explain the situation and she did the same as my sister. This same sister says I am ungrateful. Ask her about the car she is driving or anything she is selling today?"

"My brother Kola Adebayor, has now been in Germany for 25 years. He travelled back home about 4 times, at my expense. I fully cover the cost of his children’s education. When I was in Monaco, he came to me and asked for money to start a business. Only God knows how much I gave him. Where is that business today?
When our brother Peter passed away, I sent Kola a great amount of money so he could fly back home. He never showed up at the burial. And today that same brother (Kola) is telling people that I am involved in Peter’s death. How? He is the same brother who went and told inaccurate stories about our family to “The Sun” in other to take some money. They also sent a letter to my Club when I was in Madrid so I could get fired."

"I organized a meeting in 2005 to solve our family issues. When I asked them about their opinion, they said I should build each family member a house and give each of them a monthly wage."

This is what happens in parts of Africa. People expect to be taken care of, expect not to have to work if a family member gets rich, expect hand outs if their party "wins" an election.

I've seen such an attitude at first hand too on various occasions.

I met a guy in a hostel in Stockholm. He was Nigerian. He didn't have a place to live. Someone helped him to find a place to live. He asked "do I have to share with another person?" They said yes, he turned it down.

Now, the hostel was like $30 a night, the cheapest place in the city, he hadn't worked for 6 months and wouldn't go back to Nigeria either. He'd refuse jobs, but take other people's charity, and take it as a given.

Then I told him some countries require you to have a visa to work, you lose the visa, they kick you out of the country.

He said this was against HUMAN RIGHTS.....

I could go on.

LOL! White American families do the same thing. But when we speak of white America we do not make the same assertion. But as we see you at provided a white as judgment of Africa when there are so many different cultures and traditions there. And even at that I've been to Africa ad know far too many Africans to say what you posted is how things are.

It's funny because you demand that I give you the "black African view" and then when I do this, you then say "White American families do the same thing."

So what's the point of this then? You demand we look at one thing but you'll attack me saying "we do not make the same assertion".

You're playing silly fucking games and I'm not going to hang around talking to you if you keep this shit up.

Apparently I've provided a white view of things by presenting a black African's view of things.

Fuck off.

You presented a view that does not represent the black African view. I've met NO African with that mentality. So maybe it's you who needs to fuck off.
LOL as if you have really met that many Africans

I've been to Zimbabwe ho.
LOL! White American families do the same thing. But when we speak of white America we do not make the same assertion. But as we see you at provided a white as judgment of Africa when there are so many different cultures and traditions there. And even at that I've been to Africa ad know far too many Africans to say what you posted is how things are.

It's funny because you demand that I give you the "black African view" and then when I do this, you then say "White American families do the same thing."

So what's the point of this then? You demand we look at one thing but you'll attack me saying "we do not make the same assertion".

You're playing silly fucking games and I'm not going to hang around talking to you if you keep this shit up.

Apparently I've provided a white view of things by presenting a black African's view of things.

Fuck off.

You presented a view that does not represent the black African view. I've met NO African with that mentality. So maybe it's you who needs to fuck off.

Ah, you've not met, so it doesn't exist.


You are saying that your way is the way Africans in general think. And it's not.
Being black doesn't make you an expert on how Africans think

I'm more of an expert than you and most all of these whites here. I guarantee that.
14 African Nations Being Forced By France to Pay Taxes for the ‘Benefits’ of Colonialism

Well there's a lot of things you can say about Africa.

Is manufacturing taking off in Africa?

"Africa commands a meagre 1.5% share of the world's total manufacturing output"

"That compares with a 21.7% share for the Asia Pacific region, 17.2% for East Asia and North America's 22.4% share."

That's despite the fact that they have 1.2 billion people, or about 1/6th of the world population, yet can't produce much. Why not?

North America has half that population and 15 times the manufacturing productivity.

Top South Africa Imports

South Africa imports $4 billion a year's worth of electronics. China has developed quickly, while Africa hasn't. What's the difference?

Dictatorships abound in Africa as China is. Corruption is high in Africa as it is in China. So what is the difference?

Having been to both places it's attitude.

In Africa you see people not really trying to make money. They're sort of expecting it to appear.

I met a German guy in Lesotho, he'd been invited by the ambassador to Lesotho in Germany to go and set up water project.
He arrived and couldn't get the project off the ground. When I met him he said "I'm off to visit this govt official to try and get permission" for something or other.
He didn't get it. He was like "sod this", got on his pushbike with the intention of biking up to Botswana.

Lesotho's corruption didn't allow it to do business that it needed. The Chinese were building a new govt building with Chinese workers, not Africa.

The difference is China has Chinese people and Chinese leaders and Black Africa has black African people and black African leaders! That is why they fail.

It is not just Africa, but it is all the Black Caribbean countries: Jamaica and Haiti are still the poorest and most corrupt in the world.

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IM2 will blame white people for black countries being poor

That's because whites did cause that to happen.
But here's some Africa from the point of view of an African, from Togo.

Emmanuel Adebayor discusses and criticizes His Family Problems On Facebook - SIRKENAYO™

"I organized a meeting in 2005 to solve our family issues. When I asked them about their opinion, they said I should build each family member a house and give each of them a monthly wage."

"Togolese striker Emmanuel Adebayor has taken to Facebook to denounce claims that he kicked out his mum out of his house and that he has denied his family financial support. The 31 year old striker openly criticised his Family on Facebook on Tuesday evening."

"At the age of 17, with my first wages as a footballer, I built a house for my family and made sure they are safe. As you all know, I have received the trophy of African Player of the Year in 2008. I also brought my mother on stage with me to thank her for everything. In that same year, I brought her to London for various medical check ups. When my daughter was born, we contacted my mum to inform her but she immediately hung up the phone and didn’t wanna know hear about it. "

"A couple years ago, I bought a house in East Lagon (Ghana) for $1.2 million. I found it normal to let my older sister, Yabo Adebayor stay in that house. I also allowed my half brother (Daniel) to stay in the same house. A few months later, I was on vacation and decided to go to that house. At my surprise, I saw many cars in the driveway. In fact, my sister decided to rent out the house without me knowing. She also kicked Daniel out of that house. Note that the house had about 15 rooms. When I called her and asked for explanation, she took about 30 minutes to abuse and insult me over the phone. I called my mother to explain the situation and she did the same as my sister. This same sister says I am ungrateful. Ask her about the car she is driving or anything she is selling today?"

"My brother Kola Adebayor, has now been in Germany for 25 years. He travelled back home about 4 times, at my expense. I fully cover the cost of his children’s education. When I was in Monaco, he came to me and asked for money to start a business. Only God knows how much I gave him. Where is that business today?
When our brother Peter passed away, I sent Kola a great amount of money so he could fly back home. He never showed up at the burial. And today that same brother (Kola) is telling people that I am involved in Peter’s death. How? He is the same brother who went and told inaccurate stories about our family to “The Sun” in other to take some money. They also sent a letter to my Club when I was in Madrid so I could get fired."

"I organized a meeting in 2005 to solve our family issues. When I asked them about their opinion, they said I should build each family member a house and give each of them a monthly wage."

This is what happens in parts of Africa. People expect to be taken care of, expect not to have to work if a family member gets rich, expect hand outs if their party "wins" an election.

I've seen such an attitude at first hand too on various occasions.

I met a guy in a hostel in Stockholm. He was Nigerian. He didn't have a place to live. Someone helped him to find a place to live. He asked "do I have to share with another person?" They said yes, he turned it down.

Now, the hostel was like $30 a night, the cheapest place in the city, he hadn't worked for 6 months and wouldn't go back to Nigeria either. He'd refuse jobs, but take other people's charity, and take it as a given.

Then I told him some countries require you to have a visa to work, you lose the visa, they kick you out of the country.

He said this was against HUMAN RIGHTS.....

I could go on.

LOL! White American families do the same thing. But when we speak of white America we do not make the same assertion. But as we see you at provided a white as judgment of Africa when there are so many different cultures and traditions there. And even at that I've been to Africa ad know far too many Africans to say what you posted is how things are.

It's funny because you demand that I give you the "black African view" and then when I do this, you then say "White American families do the same thing."

So what's the point of this then? You demand we look at one thing but you'll attack me saying "we do not make the same assertion".

You're playing silly fucking games and I'm not going to hang around talking to you if you keep this shit up.

Apparently I've provided a white view of things by presenting a black African's view of things.

Fuck off.

You presented a view that does not represent the black African view. I've met NO African with that mentality. So maybe it's you who needs to fuck off.
LOL as if you have really met that many Africans

I've been to Zimbabwe ho.

That's it?
It's funny because you demand that I give you the "black African view" and then when I do this, you then say "White American families do the same thing."

So what's the point of this then? You demand we look at one thing but you'll attack me saying "we do not make the same assertion".

You're playing silly fucking games and I'm not going to hang around talking to you if you keep this shit up.

Apparently I've provided a white view of things by presenting a black African's view of things.

Fuck off.

You presented a view that does not represent the black African view. I've met NO African with that mentality. So maybe it's you who needs to fuck off.

Ah, you've not met, so it doesn't exist.


You are saying that your way is the way Africans in general think. And it's not.
Being black doesn't make you an expert on how Africans think

I'm more of an expert than you and most all of these whites here. I guarantee that.

Are you more of an expert than me?
14 African Nations Being Forced By France to Pay Taxes for the ‘Benefits’ of Colonialism

Well there's a lot of things you can say about Africa.

Is manufacturing taking off in Africa?

"Africa commands a meagre 1.5% share of the world's total manufacturing output"

"That compares with a 21.7% share for the Asia Pacific region, 17.2% for East Asia and North America's 22.4% share."

That's despite the fact that they have 1.2 billion people, or about 1/6th of the world population, yet can't produce much. Why not?

North America has half that population and 15 times the manufacturing productivity.

Top South Africa Imports

South Africa imports $4 billion a year's worth of electronics. China has developed quickly, while Africa hasn't. What's the difference?

Dictatorships abound in Africa as China is. Corruption is high in Africa as it is in China. So what is the difference?

Having been to both places it's attitude.

In Africa you see people not really trying to make money. They're sort of expecting it to appear.

I met a German guy in Lesotho, he'd been invited by the ambassador to Lesotho in Germany to go and set up water project.
He arrived and couldn't get the project off the ground. When I met him he said "I'm off to visit this govt official to try and get permission" for something or other.
He didn't get it. He was like "sod this", got on his pushbike with the intention of biking up to Botswana.

Lesotho's corruption didn't allow it to do business that it needed. The Chinese were building a new govt building with Chinese workers, not Africa.

The difference is China has Chinese people and Chinese leaders and Black Africa has black African people and black African leaders! That is why they fail.

It is not just Africa, but it is all the Black Caribbean countries: Jamaica and Haiti are still the poorest and most corrupt in the world.

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IM2 will blame white people for black countries being poor

That's because whites did cause that to happen.

But then white people caused China to have lots of problems too. Why isn't China poor any more?
I don't think you've seen me asking for whites to do anything but return the money they have taken from Africa. Hillary would have been better for Africa than a president calling the continent a shit hole. Obama made this call, not Hillary, and this is one area where Obama failed in my estimation. He was too busy trying to appease whites and the same whites he was playing to fought against everything he wanted.

Well, to be fair, the continent is a shithole.

And whites made it that way.

And blacks are keeping it that way.

No, whites are still stealing Africa blind.
how so?

West Stealing Africa's Resources

Well, to be fair, the continent is a shithole.

And whites made it that way.

And blacks are keeping it that way.

No, whites are still stealing Africa blind.
how so?

West Stealing Africa's Resources

The West is stealing them, or the Africans in charge are selling them and pocketing all the resources?

The largest mining company in Africa is called Anglo American. It's based in Jo'burg and London (UK)

Sir John Parker is the Chairman of the Board, he's from Northern Ireland.

Mark Cutifani is CEO, he's from Australia.

The company was founded by Ernest Oppenheimer, a German.

Number 2 is Rio Tinto. Australian/British company. 44.65% is owned by the Chinese govt.

Number 3 is Vale, Brazilian

Number 4 BHP Billiton, Australian.

Number 5 Barrick Gold, Australian.

These are the top 10 Mining Companies to Work For in Africa

We could go on. Top ten, not one of them is an African company. Why not? Africans gained control of their countries a long while ago and are still relying on American, Australian, British, Brazilian, Canadian companies to do the mining.

It's not stealing on the part of the companies. If there's any theft, it'd be on the part of the politicians selling their countries to fund their own lavish lifestyles.
You presented a view that does not represent the black African view. I've met NO African with that mentality. So maybe it's you who needs to fuck off.

Ah, you've not met, so it doesn't exist.


You are saying that your way is the way Africans in general think. And it's not.
Being black doesn't make you an expert on how Africans think

I'm more of an expert than you and most all of these whites here. I guarantee that.

Are you more of an expert than me?

I worked with several African governments in my years of work. I have worked with African universities and student groups. The organization I helped build with my friend had African chapters in Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Swaziland, now eSwatini. We worked with the late Rev. Sullivan and followed his principles for Africa as well. We were invited to the bi annual African-African American Summits. I don't know what you have done, but I do know that what you've produced as conclusions about Africa are sorely lacking. I am not saying the things you say don't happen, what I am saying is what you said is not the overall cause for the conditions in Africa today.
This woman is skinnier than holocaust victims! Scary!

Darkies from Africa or the Middle East in this day and age are genetically prone to being very low IQ and very dangerous. Do the math.
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Ah, you've not met, so it doesn't exist.


You are saying that your way is the way Africans in general think. And it's not.
Being black doesn't make you an expert on how Africans think

I'm more of an expert than you and most all of these whites here. I guarantee that.

Are you more of an expert than me?

I worked with several African governments in my years of work. I have worked with African universities and student groups. The organization I helped build with my friend had African chapters in Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Swaziland, now eSwatini. We worked with the late Rev. Sullivan and followed his principles for Africa as well. We were invited to the bi annual African-African American Summits. I don't know what you have done, but I do know that what you've produced as conclusions about Africa are sorely lacking. I am not saying the things you say don't happen, what I am saying is what you said is not the overall cause for the conditions in Africa today.

No, you don't know what I've done and I'm not about to tell. Arguments are arguments and it really doesn't matter to me if you've been to Africa or not.

No, my arguments are not severely lacking. You don't know a lot of stuff, because, as I've said, you're very aggressive and and you don't wait for the whole argument. You just attack.

No, I wouldn't expect what I said, or even what you've said, to be the "overall cause for the conditions in Africa today", these are very complex and can't be dealt with in one or two posts.

I introduce one factor, then we can discuss it, move on to other factors and see where it gets us, or we can bitch and argue all the time and learn nothing, explain nothing, and get nowhere.

But it's your choice.
And whites made it that way.

And blacks are keeping it that way.

No, whites are still stealing Africa blind.
how so?

West Stealing Africa's Resources

The West is stealing them, or the Africans in charge are selling them and pocketing all the resources?

The largest mining company in Africa is called Anglo American. It's based in Jo'burg and London (UK)

Sir John Parker is the Chairman of the Board, he's from Northern Ireland.

Mark Cutifani is CEO, he's from Australia.

The company was founded by Ernest Oppenheimer, a German.

Number 2 is Rio Tinto. Australian/British company. 44.65% is owned by the Chinese govt.

Number 3 is Vale, Brazilian

Number 4 BHP Billiton, Australian.

Number 5 Barrick Gold, Australian.

These are the top 10 Mining Companies to Work For in Africa

We could go on. Top ten, not one of them is an African company. Why not? Africans gained control of their countries a long while ago and are still relying on American, Australian, British, Brazilian, Canadian companies to do the mining.

It's not stealing on the part of the companies. If there's any theft, it'd be on the part of the politicians selling their countries to fund their own lavish lifestyles.

The west is stealing.

The woman in the video is from Africa. I think she can say that the west is robbing them, .Most African countries gained independence 50 years ago or less. Of course you don't want to accept that whites are still robbing Africa.

How Western Countries Steal From Africa by Patenting Her Natural Resources

Europe and America has always stolen from Africa using deception or force. In the 90s, Africa was pressed hard by the West to adopt a legislation recognizing foreign patents. This meant no country can steal another country’s knowledge and natural resources.

This law prevents Africa countries from using the discoveries and knowledge of great inventors and innovators, and the natural resources from western countries without paying a huge price, but allows western countries to use Africa’s traditional knowledge passed down from generation to generation and natural resources without the consent of the country of origin and without paying for the knowledge or resources.

How Western Countries Steal From Africa by Patenting Her Natural Resources

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