Afro American Congressman? Wants People Who Don't Receive Welfare To Be Drug Tested.

The only whey is to cut off their welfare..

Just to be clear, are you saying a tax deduction is welfare?
Yes, what else would it be?
It's money you earned, moron.
If you get a interest deduction it's only paid for by the a lost revenue..So the govt. has to make it up somehow..
How does that make it not my money?
How about IQ tests for welfare recipients?

If it were up to me, I would have a law where you can't receive one cent of any welfare program unless you are fixed first. We can never solve poverty by influencing poor people to procreate. The apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree in most cases.

Tax deductions are 2 things: congress using its power to pay off their buddies and the government social engineering the people by rewarding certain behaviors. Both are rather despicable in my mind.

Either way, tax deductions should, for the most part, be utterly eliminated but until that occurs there is no grounds or possible reason for drug testing people for receiving them.

This 'official' knows that as well. This is nothing more than a sad attempt (that unfortunately worked) to use a 5 second clip to grab free media attention.

She has a constituency base, and she has to appear as stupid as they are.
Welfare? What welfare. I used to be on welfare back in the 80's. Until Michigan govenor Engler ended it and threw me and over 80,000 other people out on the street. Causing no doubt every republican in the country to orgasm. Not that I would move there, it would be interesting to know what state still has welfare.

I suppose it could be that if you receive any pittance of government assistance, they still call it welfare. Such as food stamps. But there are many underemployed people who receive food stamps. How can you be employed and still be considered to be on welfare.

Another thing is who and under what circumstances are those on "welfare" required to be drug tested. Did somebody mis the boat when it came to realizing that the good feelings that come from having love, money or status are drugs too? If you don't have any of those things, who gives a flippin flying fuck if they take drugs. (I myself take the tobacco drug) What kind of tyrannical slime would require their slaves to be sober.

When you don't create your own money, you are subject to the rules of those who give you money.

In the working world, we have to take drug tests to obtain or keep our jobs. That's because it's the employer that is giving us money in exchange for work. In my case, it's the federal government that forces us to take drug tests to keep our job. My employer could personally care less if his employees smoke pot every night.

That being said, we the taxpayers are providing for people that don't work, made bad decisions in life, or work very little. If you are going to live off of our money, we should be able to make the rules. If you are all doped up on welfare, then you have absolutely no chance at getting a good job enough to get off of welfare.
And I should feel what? You get your deduction and someone gets some food..Works for me...It's still welfare, since those taxes not normally paid is creating a budget problem, just like welfare....Now piss in the bottle, you have nothing to hide..

That's because you live with the philosophy that all money belongs to government first, and what they allow you to keep is a gift from them to you.
And I should feel what? You get your deduction and someone gets some food..Works for me...It's still welfare, since those taxes not normally paid is creating a budget problem, just like welfare....Now piss in the bottle, you have nothing to hide..

That's because you live with the philosophy that all money belongs to government first, and what they allow you to keep is a gift from them to you.
Is that why I have practiced tax avoision for 35 years?

Lawmaker wants the rich to be drug tested before receiving high-dollar tax deductions

A Congresswoman who is “sick and tired” of drug testing welfare recipients has introduced a bill in Congress that would subject the rich to many of those same requirements.

Personally I am sick and tired of government dependent savages infringing on my liberty.
She looks nuts.

Well, actually she looks like a man wearing a mop.
The only whey is to cut off their welfare..

Just to be clear, are you saying a tax deduction is welfare?
Yes, what else would it be?
It's called keeping your own money. One day when you actually earn a paycheck, you will realize that.
I do earn a pay check, just earned one yesterday....Yet, no taxes were paid..

So you're one of those freeloaders that the rest of us support.
The only whey is to cut off their welfare..

Just to be clear, are you saying a tax deduction is welfare?
Yes, what else would it be?
It's called keeping your own money. One day when you actually earn a paycheck, you will realize that.
I do earn a pay check, just earned one yesterday....Yet, no taxes were paid..

So you're one of those freeloaders that the rest of us support.
I can earn more in three days than what welfare would give me in a month, so I see no advantage in getting welfare...
How about IQ tests for welfare recipients?

If it were up to me, I would have a law where you can't receive one cent of any welfare program unless you are fixed first. We can never solve poverty by influencing poor people to procreate. The apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree in most cases.

I second that.

There are people in this country that continue to procreate despite already being on the government dole. Perhaps they think having one more will make it cheaper, don't really give it a lot of consideration at all since many have been living off the government using the apple concept you mentioned and thinks it's normal to do so, or those continuing to enable them to do so haven't figured out that you can't give certain people a reason to be a leech then expect them to do anything but that.
Just to be clear, are you saying a tax deduction is welfare?
Yes, what else would it be?
It's called keeping your own money. One day when you actually earn a paycheck, you will realize that.
I do earn a pay check, just earned one yesterday....Yet, no taxes were paid..

So you're one of those freeloaders that the rest of us support.
I can earn more in three days than what welfare would give me in a month, so I see no advantage in getting welfare...

Then you should instead instead of living off the taxpayers.
How about IQ tests for welfare recipients?

If it were up to me, I would have a law where you can't receive one cent of any welfare program unless you are fixed first. We can never solve poverty by influencing poor people to procreate. The apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree in most cases.

I second that.

There are people in this country that continue to procreate despite already being on the government dole. Perhaps they think having one more will make it cheaper, don't really give it a lot of consideration at all since many have been living off the government using the apple concept you mentioned and thinks it's normal to do so, or those continuing to enable them to do so haven't figured out that you can't give certain people a reason to be a leech then expect them to do anything but that.
Yeah, those seniors on welfare need to stop knocking boots..
Yes, what else would it be?
It's called keeping your own money. One day when you actually earn a paycheck, you will realize that.
I do earn a pay check, just earned one yesterday....Yet, no taxes were paid..

So you're one of those freeloaders that the rest of us support.
I can earn more in three days than what welfare would give me in a month, so I see no advantage in getting welfare...

Then you should instead instead of living off the taxpayers.
Maybe you should stop eating food grown by other people and be a self reliant guru..
How about IQ tests for welfare recipients?

If it were up to me, I would have a law where you can't receive one cent of any welfare program unless you are fixed first. We can never solve poverty by influencing poor people to procreate. The apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree in most cases.

I second that.

There are people in this country that continue to procreate despite already being on the government dole. Perhaps they think having one more will make it cheaper, don't really give it a lot of consideration at all since many have been living off the government using the apple concept you mentioned and thinks it's normal to do so, or those continuing to enable them to do so haven't figured out that you can't give certain people a reason to be a leech then expect them to do anything but that.
Yeah, those seniors on welfare need to stop knocking boots..

Yeah, all those old people having babies, huh? Maybe if black girls would quit having bastard children at such a high rate, the white people wouldn't have to feed so damn many of them.

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