After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from NY

It's a plain, traveling at a high speed... high in the sky... you expect to be able to read the markings on it in video from 2001? You have any idea how far video technology has come in 15 years?

Funny how earlier you were saying it was just a ball and not a plane, and now you are admitting it is a plane, just not 175 because it doesn't have the proper markings and windows.

You can't even spell plane correctly, jackass.

Yeah, sorry I'm watching football and typing at the same time. So that makes me stupid, but at least I'm not crazy.

Who gives a shit. No plane was captured by chopper 4. Do you get that by now? If you don't, go back and read the first page.

Who gives a shit? I would think someone like you who wants people to take your opinion seriously, would care. And if anyone is going to take you seriously, you need to be consistent. Was it some ball out of the sky without wings, or was it a plane without the correct windows and markings to be flight 175? Make up your mind. If you don't know yourself, then why should we believe a word you say?

This is the ball with no wings filmed live. There is nothing to it. She even mistakes it for a chopper. That proves it wasn't altered by anyone afterward. The evidence tells anyone willing to research this that this was the only object there before the south tower blew up.

"I believe that could be a police helicopter"



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I'm sorry, but I can clearly see the faint outlines of wings. That is not some ball hitting the tower, it is a plane.
It only has to do with the angle at which the plane was photographed. In order to get the same wing alignment the plane must be more to the right toward the camera. The fake wing is also angled impossibly upward and the left engine is too close to the front. It's an awful fake that will never have an explanation.


It only has to do with the angle at which the plane was photographed. In order to get the same wing alignment the plane must be more to the right toward the camera. The fake wing is also angled impossibly upward and the left engine is too close to the front. It's an awful fake that will never have an explanation.


Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

First you idiotically claim a "ball," and not a plane, flew into the south tower.....

..... but then you post this image of what is indisputably a plane...


Once again, you completely and utterly destroy your own moronic position without help from anyone else.

Good job, Sport! :thup:
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You're right, I did post an image of one real plane, but it wasn't from 911 you miserable bitch.


You're right, I did post an image of one real plane, but it wasn't from 911 you miserable bitch.


The picture you posted has two planes in it. From where was the image taken of the plane on the top?
And again with this stupid shit. Ok what happened to the crew and passengers of the aircraft? If no planes where did they go?

The 911 commission disagrees with you and offers proof that chopper 4 did not capture flight 175. You must prove that all footage lines up together as only one thing being near the towers. You cannot do this because the ball was at the southwest corner of T1 five seconds before T2 exploded in the front. They cannot be reconciled as being one. It is impossible.

The fake plane nonsense has it behind/south of T2 where it had to be, of course. These simple facts debunk your beliefs and guarantee they cannot be proven in reality.


they do the same thing in their ramblings that a plane hit the towers that they do in their same ramblings that the fires caused the collapse of the towers ignore the laws of physics how they were violated that day.:biggrin:

anytime you tell them pesky little facts that its obvious the photos were faked because it is IMPOSSIBLE for a plane to pass in and out of a steel framed tower like it is swiss cheese as one photo taken shows,they play dodgeball same as they do when you prove to them explosives brought the towers down, go into one liner insults.:biggrin:

they skipped junior high school science classes otherwise they would know that never in history has fires caused a tower to collapse and if they had not,they would know that aluminum crumples up if you slam it against spell that out to them dummies style,it STILL never registers with them cause they only see what they WANT to see.

I posted an article in another thread about some of these things. It was the thread that Dale was saying goodbye. Many of the things you guys are bringing up were refuted there.

Here is an article from Popular Mechanics, who did the research and wrote an entire book debunking the theories, INCLUDING the one that the fires were not hot enough to "melt" steel.

Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report - The World Trade Center

seven this post is to lewdog NOT you.
funny how you are objective and open minded when it comes to the fact oswald was innocent of shooting JFK and no there was no evidence against him but plenty of evidence there were multiple shooters and it was a CIA operation yet when it comes to 9/11 your evidence is the warrren commission of the JFK assassination.:D

hate to break the news to you but that popular mechanics piece " which was funded by the government no less" was debunked years ago by david ray griffins book here.:rolleyes::rofl:

dont you EVER get tired of having your ass handed to you on a platter here?:biggrin:

I see you are one of those people that have the warped logic you can accept it the CIA killed kennedy but 9/11 you cover your ears and close your eyes on since it hits too much close to home to and is much more recent than the JFK case.amazing.:rolleyes:
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Are there not pictures of the second plane flying right into the second tower? It looked like the second plane nearly went all the way through the structure.

That's a plane.

This an awfully fake CGI plane from 911 with no right wing.

these are better quality videos and it sure looks like a plane to me

My father's a computer graphics artist. It seems you'd be amazed at what they can do with computers these days. All those movie effects? A lot of them aren't actually filmed, but done with computers. Seriously, if you really want to study the issue, I highly recommend watching a 9/11 documentary such as the following one...

He'd have to be Houdini to make that plane disappear. Too many people's eyes were glued to the towers after the first plane hit. THEY SAW the 2nd plane in real time, from ground zero. Were they all lying about what they saw?

you got it..They were what are called plants.people that work for the government disguised as ordinary citizens.stage actors.they were there in sandy hook,the boston bombing amongst other places as well.

you seem to be unaware of the facts that there was never a shread of evidence that a plane hit the pentagon.that it was a missile that caused the damage,read that book in that links that debunks the lies of the 9/11 coverup commission i referred him to in my post before this one.

when you understand how there was no evidence that a plane hit the pentagon,and how it was impossible to have done that,you will then understand why its very questionable if they hit the tower as well especially since it has been proven multiple times over and over again in this section by myself and many others,that explosives brought down the towers. you dont seem to be familiar with bld 7.that is the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission the 9/11 apologists or the government have never been able to get around that explosives brought the towers down.:)
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Are there not pictures of the second plane flying right into the second tower? It looked like the second plane nearly went all the way through the structure.

That's a plane.

This an awfully fake CGI plane from 911 with no right wing.

these are better quality videos and it sure looks like a plane to me

My father's a computer graphics artist. It seems you'd be amazed at what they can do with computers these days. All those movie effects? A lot of them aren't actually filmed, but done with computers. Seriously, if you really want to study the issue, I highly recommend watching a 9/11 documentary such as the following one...

you took him to school major big time.Like all bush dupes who cant accept defeat,as usuaul in defeat,he comes back with one liner insults.that is always the rebuttals of Bush dupes when they know they cant counter pesky

like you said,you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink showed him the video that he refuses to watch.guess he never heard of steven spielberg how you can fake images to make them LOOK real.:lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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This an awfully fake CGI plane from 911 with no right wing.

these are better quality videos and it sure looks like a plane to me

My father's a computer graphics artist. It seems you'd be amazed at what they can do with computers these days. All those movie effects? A lot of them aren't actually filmed, but done with computers. Seriously, if you really want to study the issue, I highly recommend watching a 9/11 documentary such as the following one...

So all the dead people were CGI????? You're as dumb as the idiot that started this thread.

So, all the dead passengers were inside a CGI with no wings or windows and misaligned plane parts? You're a dumb piece of shit.


Is the reason you keep avoiding my question because there is no logical response? Where are the people hiding that were on 4 planes? Where are they? Where are the planes? Where is flight 175? Surely it has run out of fuel and landed somewhere by now....

Photo shop or hijacked plane full of dead Americans?
Is it a co-incidence that on the same day someone decided to play a visual plane trick on us, there was a plane that was actually hijacked?
Instead of avoiding the hard question, how about coming up with an answer, so I can quit asking, "Where have the United pilots and their planes and passengers been hiding for 15 years?"

actually that is easy as pie to if you REALLY want to learn what really happened that day and want get all the ansers to your questions,do what all these other people who refuse to look at an opposing view wont do like that army retired idiot will never do.which is read all these will get all your questions answered and see for yourself there was never a plane that hit the towers.

oh and read that book by david ray griffith i posted in my earlier link as well.:)

United Airlines Flight 175 | 9/11 PLANES HOAX

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these are better quality videos and it sure looks like a plane to me

My father's a computer graphics artist. It seems you'd be amazed at what they can do with computers these days. All those movie effects? A lot of them aren't actually filmed, but done with computers. Seriously, if you really want to study the issue, I highly recommend watching a 9/11 documentary such as the following one...

So all the dead people were CGI????? You're as dumb as the idiot that started this thread.

So, all the dead passengers were inside a CGI with no wings or windows and misaligned plane parts? You're a dumb piece of shit.


Is the reason you keep avoiding my question because there is no logical response? Where are the people hiding that were on 4 planes? Where are they? Where are the planes? Where is flight 175? Surely it has run out of fuel and landed somewhere by now....

Photo shop or hijacked plane full of dead Americans?
Is it a co-incidence that on the same day someone decided to play a visual plane trick on us, there was a plane that was actually hijacked?
Instead of avoiding the hard question, how about coming up with an answer, so I can quit asking, "Where have the United pilots and their planes and passengers been hiding for 15 years?"

actually that is easy as pie to if you REALLY want to learn what really happened that day and want get all the ansers to your questions,do what all these other people who refuse to look at an opposing view wont do like that army retired idiot will never do.which is read all these will get all your questions answered and see for yourself there was never a plane that hit the towers.

oh and read that book by david ray griffith i posted in my earlier link as well.:)

United Airlines Flight 175 | 9/11 PLANES HOAX


Did you quit taking your meds again FAN? Your funny, using a conspiracy theorists book as proof?? what a loon, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
Are there not pictures of the second plane flying right into the second tower? It looked like the second plane nearly went all the way through the structure.

That's a plane.

This an awfully fake CGI plane from 911 with no right wing.

these are better quality videos and it sure looks like a plane to me

My father's a computer graphics artist. It seems you'd be amazed at what they can do with computers these days. All those movie effects? A lot of them aren't actually filmed, but done with computers. Seriously, if you really want to study the issue, I highly recommend watching a 9/11 documentary such as the following one...

He'd have to be Houdini to make that plane disappear. Too many people's eyes were glued to the towers after the first plane hit. THEY SAW the 2nd plane in real time, from ground zero. Were they all lying about what they saw?

you got it..They were what are called plants.people that work for the government disguised as ordinary citizens.stage actors.they were there in sandy hook,the boston bombing amongst other places as well.

you seem to be unaware of the facts that there was never a shread of evidence that a plane hit the pentagon.that it was a missile that caused the damage,read that book in that links that debunks the lies of the 9/11 coverup commission i referred him to in my post before this one.

when you understand how there was no evidence that a plane hit the pentagon,and how it was impossible to have done that,you will then understand why its very questionable if they hit the tower as well especially since it has been proven multiple times over and over again in this section by myself and many others,that explosives brought down the towers. you dont seem to be familiar with bld 7.that is the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission the 9/11 apologists or the government have never been able to get around that explosives brought the towers down.:)

Where are the people that boarded plane 175? Where are the people? That plane had to land somewhere as their fuel ran out. Where are the people that were on the plane that you think did not hit the Pentagon. Where are they now? Did any planes hit the towers? If not, where are the people? The plane that was drilled onto the ground that day, where did it go if not into the ground? Who dug that giant hole and filled with with plane debris?
For your theory to be believable you have to account for all those missing people. Tell me how the government pulled off hiding all of those people from their loved ones for all these years. Where are the people?
This an awfully fake CGI plane from 911 with no right wing.

these are better quality videos and it sure looks like a plane to me

My father's a computer graphics artist. It seems you'd be amazed at what they can do with computers these days. All those movie effects? A lot of them aren't actually filmed, but done with computers. Seriously, if you really want to study the issue, I highly recommend watching a 9/11 documentary such as the following one...

He'd have to be Houdini to make that plane disappear. Too many people's eyes were glued to the towers after the first plane hit. THEY SAW the 2nd plane in real time, from ground zero. Were they all lying about what they saw?

you got it..They were what are called plants.people that work for the government disguised as ordinary citizens.stage actors.they were there in sandy hook,the boston bombing amongst other places as well.

you seem to be unaware of the facts that there was never a shread of evidence that a plane hit the pentagon.that it was a missile that caused the damage,read that book in that links that debunks the lies of the 9/11 coverup commission i referred him to in my post before this one.

when you understand how there was no evidence that a plane hit the pentagon,and how it was impossible to have done that,you will then understand why its very questionable if they hit the tower as well especially since it has been proven multiple times over and over again in this section by myself and many others,that explosives brought down the towers. you dont seem to be familiar with bld 7.that is the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission the 9/11 apologists or the government have never been able to get around that explosives brought the towers down.:)

Where are the people that boarded plane 175? Where are the people? That plane had to land somewhere as their fuel ran out. Where are the people that were on the plane that you think did not hit the Pentagon. Where are they now? Did any planes hit the towers? If not, where are the people? The plane that was drilled onto the ground that day, where did it go if not into the ground? Who dug that giant hole and filled with with plane debris?
For your theory to be believable you have to account for all those missing people. Tell me how the government pulled off hiding all of those people from their loved ones for all these years. Where are the people?

you simpleton, they were in the wreckage of the towers, the Pentagon and at Shanksville.
This an awfully fake CGI plane from 911 with no right wing.

these are better quality videos and it sure looks like a plane to me

My father's a computer graphics artist. It seems you'd be amazed at what they can do with computers these days. All those movie effects? A lot of them aren't actually filmed, but done with computers. Seriously, if you really want to study the issue, I highly recommend watching a 9/11 documentary such as the following one...

He'd have to be Houdini to make that plane disappear. Too many people's eyes were glued to the towers after the first plane hit. THEY SAW the 2nd plane in real time, from ground zero. Were they all lying about what they saw?

you got it..They were what are called plants.people that work for the government disguised as ordinary citizens.stage actors.they were there in sandy hook,the boston bombing amongst other places as well.

you seem to be unaware of the facts that there was never a shread of evidence that a plane hit the pentagon.that it was a missile that caused the damage,read that book in that links that debunks the lies of the 9/11 coverup commission i referred him to in my post before this one.

when you understand how there was no evidence that a plane hit the pentagon,and how it was impossible to have done that,you will then understand why its very questionable if they hit the tower as well especially since it has been proven multiple times over and over again in this section by myself and many others,that explosives brought down the towers. you dont seem to be familiar with bld 7.that is the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission the 9/11 apologists or the government have never been able to get around that explosives brought the towers down.:)

Where are the people that boarded plane 175? Where are the people? That plane had to land somewhere as their fuel ran out. Where are the people that were on the plane that you think did not hit the Pentagon. Where are they now? Did any planes hit the towers? If not, where are the people? The plane that was drilled onto the ground that day, where did it go if not into the ground? Who dug that giant hole and filled with with plane debris?
For your theory to be believable you have to account for all those missing people. Tell me how the government pulled off hiding all of those people from their loved ones for all these years. Where are the people?

I just referred you to links that will give you the answers,I cant help it if you wont read them you know?:rofl::lmao::haha:
He'd have to be Houdini to make that plane disappear. Too many people's eyes were glued to the towers after the first plane hit. THEY SAW the 2nd plane in real time, from ground zero. Were they all lying about what they saw?
you got it..They were what are called plants.people that work for the government disguised as ordinary citizens.stage actors.they were there in sandy hook,the boston bombing amongst other places as well.

Yet you post no evidence that anyone lied about what they saw on 9/11, at Sandy Hook or Boston or any other point of attack, nor did you post any proof that "plants, people that work for the government disguised as ordinary citizens" were involved in any of these tragedies. That which is in your head is just part of the delusions your doctor told you about.

you seem to be unaware of the facts that there was never a shread of evidence that a plane hit the pentagon.that it was a missile that caused the damage,read that book in that links that debunks the lies of the 9/11 coverup commission i referred him to in my post before this one.

There's plenty of evidence the Pentagon was hit by AA77 but absolutely none that it was a missile - unless you consider a passenger jet to be a missile - and no evidence of explosives (not that an explosion could have caused the linear damage).
Simply living in denial may satisfy your personal need to belong to something - in this case a gaggle of mindless sheeple who have convinced themselves (but no one else) that they have superior knowledge and intelligence.

You've known since your school days (or does it still pick you up?) that just isn't so:

My father's a computer graphics artist. It seems you'd be amazed at what they can do with computers these days. All those movie effects? A lot of them aren't actually filmed, but done with computers. Seriously, if you really want to study the issue, I highly recommend watching a 9/11 documentary such as the following one...

So all the dead people were CGI????? You're as dumb as the idiot that started this thread.

So, all the dead passengers were inside a CGI with no wings or windows and misaligned plane parts? You're a dumb piece of shit.


Is the reason you keep avoiding my question because there is no logical response? Where are the people hiding that were on 4 planes? Where are they? Where are the planes? Where is flight 175? Surely it has run out of fuel and landed somewhere by now....

Photo shop or hijacked plane full of dead Americans?
Is it a co-incidence that on the same day someone decided to play a visual plane trick on us, there was a plane that was actually hijacked?
Instead of avoiding the hard question, how about coming up with an answer, so I can quit asking, "Where have the United pilots and their planes and passengers been hiding for 15 years?"

actually that is easy as pie to if you REALLY want to learn what really happened that day and want get all the ansers to your questions,do what all these other people who refuse to look at an opposing view wont do like that army retired idiot will never do.which is read all these will get all your questions answered and see for yourself there was never a plane that hit the towers.

oh and read that book by david ray griffith i posted in my earlier link as well.:)

United Airlines Flight 175 | 9/11 PLANES HOAX


Did you quit taking your meds again FAN? Your funny, using a conspiracy theorists book as proof?? what a loon, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

great rebuttal to all the facts in those links.I guessed you showed me.

you did the same thing with me you did with that other guy that showed you the video how things are faked just like in hollywood this-:scared1:

well since you cover your eyes and close your ears to evidence .I can see you are a complete waste of time not worthy bothering anymore.:rolleyes:
this government agent paid shill agent agent always runs off with his tail between his legs when you ask him to produce the evidence of the plane flying into the pentagon.when you bring up the fact the pentagon has thousands of cameras yet they cannot produce ONE SINGLE film of evidence of a plane flying into the pentagon as would be so easy to show if there WAS a plane that came in.:rolleyes: all the pentagon has ever released and allthey can ever show is five frames of an orange ball exploding outside the wall as their evidence of a plane coming in.:rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao:

That goes in line with there is no proof that any passengers boarded any flights. If they boarded the flights,WHY cant the govenment produce the film footage of them loading on the flights as would be easy to do if they had any film footage and as they always did back then? answer,nobody ever boarded them.

pretty much spells it out and black and white here below in this paragraph.produce the evidence they loaded the planes Irish Ram,or you have no evidenced they boarded.:lol:

these are not MY words below.FACTS by independent

1. Do we have any evidence that shows the passengers at the airport, boarding terminals or boarding the planes?

Answer: No - Not on any of the "4 flights" of 911 [Is this not a huge red flag already? If such footage existed, and by all means if the governments story is true, there is indeed footage of all the passengers at the airports and boarding terminals. Yet not an inch of footage of this video has ever once been produced.] **The answer why there is no video of any of the passengers at any of the terminals or airports is because it simply does not exist and never did exist.

He nailed it.:happy-1: cause they never boarded is WHY it does not exist.:D

Bodies ,luggage and titanium plane parts do not " Vaporize " as the US Governments story line says.

The lack of plane wreckage/debris ,bodies at the pentagon and shanksville crash sites alone are proof that the US Government LIED to the American people.

I have no doubt that the US Government executed all the passengers of the flights that were supposedly taken over by men with boxcutters.

also people seem to think that it is out of the question that our government would have actually murdered all those on those flights which they are very capable of the fact the clintons and bushs have along history of murdering people off yet they get off scott free with no serious investigation into them when there is all the evidence in the world to put them behind bars.:lmao::haha:

those bodies vapoirizing at the pentagaon as the government and agent sayit CLAIMS,works well in a hollywood movie with sean connery and nicholas cage but on not in the REAL world sheep.
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these are better quality videos and it sure looks like a plane to me

My father's a computer graphics artist. It seems you'd be amazed at what they can do with computers these days. All those movie effects? A lot of them aren't actually filmed, but done with computers. Seriously, if you really want to study the issue, I highly recommend watching a 9/11 documentary such as the following one...

He'd have to be Houdini to make that plane disappear. Too many people's eyes were glued to the towers after the first plane hit. THEY SAW the 2nd plane in real time, from ground zero. Were they all lying about what they saw?

you got it..They were what are called plants.people that work for the government disguised as ordinary citizens.stage actors.they were there in sandy hook,the boston bombing amongst other places as well.

you seem to be unaware of the facts that there was never a shread of evidence that a plane hit the pentagon.that it was a missile that caused the damage,read that book in that links that debunks the lies of the 9/11 coverup commission i referred him to in my post before this one.

when you understand how there was no evidence that a plane hit the pentagon,and how it was impossible to have done that,you will then understand why its very questionable if they hit the tower as well especially since it has been proven multiple times over and over again in this section by myself and many others,that explosives brought down the towers. you dont seem to be familiar with bld 7.that is the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission the 9/11 apologists or the government have never been able to get around that explosives brought the towers down.:)

Where are the people that boarded plane 175? Where are the people? That plane had to land somewhere as their fuel ran out. Where are the people that were on the plane that you think did not hit the Pentagon. Where are they now? Did any planes hit the towers? If not, where are the people? The plane that was drilled onto the ground that day, where did it go if not into the ground? Who dug that giant hole and filled with with plane debris?
For your theory to be believable you have to account for all those missing people. Tell me how the government pulled off hiding all of those people from their loved ones for all these years. Where are the people?

I just referred you to links that will give you the answers,I cant help it if you wont read them you know?:rofl::lmao::haha:

And of course, you're the individual that knows what all the correct answers are.

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