After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from NY

Regardless of the worthless quality this Robert Clark image depicts, it is totally fake based solely on every single part being misaligned with a real plane at the same angle, including the left engine. The fake images and videos are sourced at the link posted below. Someone did this comp several years ago and really nailed it.

This single piece of evidence refuting a plane is more reasonable doubt than almost any defense attorney has ever raised that led to a not guilty verdict. It takes a drastically different angle to produce a similar alignment but even then, the right wing is angled upward instead of straight out as it clearly must be.

9/11 Airplane Photo Gallery - 9-11-2001 - 2nd World Trade Center Attack

Gamlon tried and failed at altering evidence to match existing altered evidence. He was exposed then and will be right now.

Only if he'd used a model that wasn't readily available on goog-images. He warped, distorted, and degraded the model to tilt Clark's fake. I found the model and pointed out that its angle was similar to the one I was using to show how different the angle needed to be to create a match. Gammy failed at failing, making the case for forgery that much stronger. Don't even try this BS because I will catch and expose your garbage.

I don't think Gammy produced this fake comparison but whomever did acknowledged that the fake image was at a much straighter angle in relation to the camera. That is evident by Clark's image being greatly reduced in size. Air Canada's wing alignment is closer to the fake because it doesn't reveal the left wing.

No evidence of any real plane exists from 911.

:lmao:That's the single silliest thing you've ever posted (and you've posted a planeload). See the pix below for evidence.

Forget the fact that all four planes fueled & loaded baggage, boarded passengers and crew, took off, and never landed. Forget that all have all been missing since 9/11. Forget the dozens of eye witnesses and millions who watched in horror as the 2nd plane hit the South Tower. Forget even the fact that there is something seriously wrong with you. Just listen to your fellow "Truthers" who find your no-plane silliness not just beyond the pale but to be the mis and disinfo which discredited and finally destroyed what was left of their shabby 9/11 "Truther" Movement.

9-11 Review: The Phantom Planes Meme
"The idea that the crashes of jetliners on 9/11 were faked has been the staple of disinformation and misinformation standing in the way of exposing the nature of the crimes of that day."


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Regardless of the worthless quality this Robert Clark image depicts, it is totally fake based solely on every single part being misaligned with a real plane at the same angle, including the left engine. The fake images and videos are sourced at the link posted below. Someone did this comp several years ago and really nailed it.

This single piece of evidence refuting a plane is more reasonable doubt than almost any defense attorney has ever raised that led to a not guilty verdict. It takes a drastically different angle to produce a similar alignment but even then, the right wing is angled upward instead of straight out as it clearly must be.

9/11 Airplane Photo Gallery - 9-11-2001 - 2nd World Trade Center Attack

So it's a plane then. Thanks for proving you're batshit insane with your mind-numbingly retarded nonsense that it was an "orb."
Regardless of the worthless quality this Robert Clark image depicts, it is totally fake based solely on every single part being misaligned with a real plane at the same angle, including the left engine. The fake images and videos are sourced at the link posted below. Someone did this comp several years ago and really nailed it.

This single piece of evidence refuting a plane is more reasonable doubt than almost any defense attorney has ever raised that led to a not guilty verdict. It takes a drastically different angle to produce a similar alignment but even then, the right wing is angled upward instead of straight out as it clearly must be.

9/11 Airplane Photo Gallery - 9-11-2001 - 2nd World Trade Center Attack

So it's a plane then. Thanks for proving you're batshit insane with your mind-numbingly retarded nonsense that it was an "orb."

But ... but ... it WAS an ORB! An ORB I tell you! And nothing you can say or post will convince me otherwise!

BTW, your tag line of Trump flapping his hands could well be a pic of 7forever
Regardless of the worthless quality this Robert Clark image depicts, it is totally fake based solely on every single part being misaligned with a real plane at the same angle, including the left engine. The fake images and videos are sourced at the link posted below. Someone did this comp several years ago and really nailed it.

This single piece of evidence refuting a plane is more reasonable doubt than almost any defense attorney has ever raised that led to a not guilty verdict. It takes a drastically different angle to produce a similar alignment but even then, the right wing is angled upward instead of straight out as it clearly must be.

9/11 Airplane Photo Gallery - 9-11-2001 - 2nd World Trade Center Attack

So it's a plane then. Thanks for proving you're batshit insane with your mind-numbingly retarded nonsense that it was an "orb."

It could not be plane because the parts are misaligned. You are insane.
Nope, plane parts are fine. You thinking they're not because they don't line up perfectly to another image of a plane at a slightly different angle is what's insane.

And the best part...? YOU just proved it was a plane and not an "orb."

The angles are totally different. They have to align or else the Clark image is fake. Your plane fantasy goes away just like that.
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Regardless of the worthless quality this Robert Clark image depicts, it is totally fake based solely on every single part being misaligned with a real plane at the same angle, including the left engine. The fake images and videos are sourced at the link posted below. Someone did this comp several years ago and really nailed it.

This single piece of evidence refuting a plane is more reasonable doubt than almost any defense attorney has ever raised that led to a not guilty verdict. It takes a drastically different angle to produce a similar alignment but even then, the right wing is angled upward instead of straight out as it clearly must be.

9/11 Airplane Photo Gallery - 9-11-2001 - 2nd World Trade Center Attack

So it's a plane then. Thanks for proving you're batshit insane with your mind-numbingly retarded nonsense that it was an "orb."

So it's not a plane then. Thanks for proving you're batshit insane with your mind-numbingly retarded nonsense that a black blob with misaligned parts is a plane.
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Regardless of the worthless quality this Robert Clark image depicts, it is totally fake based solely on every single part being misaligned with a real plane at the same angle, including the left engine. The fake images and videos are sourced at the link posted below. Someone did this comp several years ago and really nailed it.

This single piece of evidence refuting a plane is more reasonable doubt than almost any defense attorney has ever raised that led to a not guilty verdict. It takes a drastically different angle to produce a similar alignment but even then, the right wing is angled upward instead of straight out as it clearly must be.

9/11 Airplane Photo Gallery - 9-11-2001 - 2nd World Trade Center Attack

So it's a plane then. Thanks for proving you're batshit insane with your mind-numbingly retarded nonsense that it was an "orb."

So it's not a plane then. Thanks for proving you're batshit insane with your mind-numbingly retarded nonsense that a black blob with misaligned parts is a plane.
Nope, that's a plane alright. Thanks for proving it. :thup:

Clark's image was proven fake a few years ago. Trolls don't understand facts they disagree with. The black blob is fake.

Clark's image was proven fake a few years ago. Trolls don't understand facts they disagree with. The black blob is fake.

Regardless if you think it's fake, that's the image he captured on video flying into the WTC.

And it's clearly a plane, not an "orb."

Thanks again for clearing that up.

Clark's image was proven fake a few years ago. Trolls don't understand facts they disagree with. The black blob is fake.

Regardless if you think it's fake, that's the image he captured on video flying into the WTC.

And it's clearly a plane, not an "orb."

Thanks again for clearing that up.


It doesn't matter what I think. The image is fake and was never taken by Clark. Its part alignment is not possible no matter what the angle of the real plane is.
Clark's image was proven fake a few years ago. Trolls don't understand facts they disagree with. The black blob is fake.

Regardless if you think it's fake, that's the image he captured on video flying into the WTC.

And it's clearly a plane, not an "orb."

Thanks again for clearing that up.


It doesn't matter what I think. The image is fake and was never taken by Clark. Its part alignment is not possible no matter what the angle of the real plane is.
Your opinion is noted but it's still an image of a plane, not an "orb."
Clark's image was proven fake a few years ago. Trolls don't understand facts they disagree with. The black blob is fake.

Regardless if you think it's fake, that's the image he captured on video flying into the WTC.

And it's clearly a plane, not an "orb."

Thanks again for clearing that up.


It doesn't matter what I think. The image is fake and was never taken by Clark. Its part alignment is not possible no matter what the angle of the real plane is.
Your opinion is noted but it's still an image of a plane, not an "orb."

I never said it was an orb. That was captured one time quite nicely. It could not be a plane for the reasons stated. It would also have to be explained why no one captured any footage that wasn't garbage. You know that's impossible with so much footage.
Your opinion is noted but it's still an image of a plane, not an "orb."
I never said it was an orb. That was captured one time quite nicely. It could not be a plane for the reasons stated. It would also have to be explained why no one captured any footage that wasn't garbage. You know that's impossible with so much footage.

You have indeed claimed (for years) that the Towers were attacked by a black orb or blob and continue to insist there were no planes involved. There was plenty of footage of a plane slamming into the South Tower and even some of what was left of at least one of them (pix below). So why do you continue to deny the planes? Is everyone except you part of the conspiracy and cover up?


And again with this stupid shit. Ok what happened to the crew and passengers of the aircraft? If no planes where did they go?
Some people say those planes were not real
I recently watched this documentary about 9/11 attacks

9/11 CONSPIRACY | Conclusive Evidence the 9/11 Planes Were NOT REAL | - YouTube

Of course I don't know if their conclusions are true or not.
I was just curious :)

Believe it or not, anyone can upload anything to the WWW. There are very serious contributors who say that Neil Armstrong never set foot on the moon and many more who believe the earth is flat. It is important to give them and their theories the consideration they so richly deserve:

That's true SAYIT
I watched so many videos about flat earth, landing on the moon and even reptilians
You can post everything on the web :)
That's true SAYIT
I watched so many videos about flat earth, landing on the moon and even reptilians
You can post everything on the web :)

And people in desperate need of some attention (even anonymously at obscure message boards) do exactly that.
9/11 spawned an entire cottage industry of YouTubes and websites and cult heroes, all of whom claim to have "proof" that the attack was some sort of conspiracy. You can read (and laugh at) their lunacy right here at USMB and while most are harmless and entertaining (like 7forever), there is an undercurrent of malicious intent (like Divid Icke's reptile theory) in many of them.
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