After 50 Years, the Press Is Still Whitewashing Chappaquiddick

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After 50 Years, the Press Is Still Whitewashing Chappaquiddick

Just think of the media as a branch of the DNC and it all makes sense.

Leave the dead alone! Of course you won't because there is something very wrong with you (like food long passed their editable date).
The alleged cop tells others to not investigate the obvious criminal acts, because it involves a member of his team.

You're a fucking disgrace.

This piece to shit stay in the Senate for decades after leaving a woman to die and the press supported him and lionized him when he died.

So fucking disgusting.

Lefties are soulless ghouls. Any group that would support murdering babies DURING DELIVERY are soulless and evil.

Laura Bush killed someone in an auto accident, too. But no one really called her on it at all.

Ted left MaryJo to suffocated to death overnight in the back of his drowned car.
Leave the dead alone! Of course you won't because there is something very wrong with you (like food long passed their editable date).
What did you think this thread was about when you joined in?

Q. What did you think this thread was about when you joined in

A. It's what I know, supporters of trump will continue to toss mud at the Democratic Party because a) they know trump is in trouble; b) they can't offer anything probative why anyone should vote for trump or the Republican's running for Congress, & c) the author of the OP is a hack.
Laura Bush killed someone in an auto accident, too. But no one really called her on it at all.
Laura Bush had an accident.

Your uncle Ted committed homicide. Not that you care.
Laura Bush caused the accident.
Ted Kennedy's car ran off a bridge.

No sobriety test is either one.
No sobriety test for the shit-faced drunken Kennedy because.... Kennedy...
I said he ran probably for that reason. I am not defending Ted Kennedy.
If it were anyone but Ten Kennedy, he would have been brought up on Manslaughter charges at the least, maybe 2nd degree murder. They coroner covered up she was pregnant because he was paid off and threatened.

However, he was allowed to keep his Senate seat, and the only thing he lost, thankfully was becoming President, which he never got over. Good! Lying, cheating scum.
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After 50 Years, the Press Is Still Whitewashing Chappaquiddick

Just think of the media as a branch of the DNC and it all makes sense.

Leave the dead alone! Of course you won't because there is something very wrong with you (like food long passed their editable date).
AP ran the article, Dufus. Talk to them. They felt the need to continue to rewrite history.

I'm not surprised, you are one of the simple Simons', that set which never originates and always echo's others.
View attachment 270110

After 50 Years, the Press Is Still Whitewashing Chappaquiddick

Just think of the media as a branch of the DNC and it all makes sense.

Leave the dead alone! Of course you won't because there is something very wrong with you (like food long passed their editable date).

The alleged cop tells others to not investigate the obvious criminal acts, because it involves a member of his team.

You're a fucking disgrace.

Tissue? Simply because I mock you at all opportunities (that is, all of you posts) there is no need to react angrily, sulk a bit and learn you are as welcome here as a turd in punch bowl.
There are many ways to die. I would believe to not know it is coming and it is quick and painless would be a preferable way of being tortured to death. This woman survived for a period of time under the water with fear we have no idea how much she was going through and was part of her demise as she slowly drowned. The insulting thing to the people of our nation is that Ted Kennedy was a viable Democratic candidate in the 1980 Presidential election. Again, Mary Joe Kopechne died horribly.
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After 50 Years, the Press Is Still Whitewashing Chappaquiddick

Just think of the media as a branch of the DNC and it all makes sense.

Leave the dead alone! Of course you won't because there is something very wrong with you (like food long passed their editable date).
AP ran the article, Dufus. Talk to them. They felt the need to continue to rewrite history.

I'm not surprised, you are one of the simple Simons', that set which never originates and always echo's others.
Tell AP to stop talking about the murderer then.
View attachment 270110

After 50 Years, the Press Is Still Whitewashing Chappaquiddick

Just think of the media as a branch of the DNC and it all makes sense.

Leave the dead alone! Of course you won't because there is something very wrong with you (like food long passed their editable date).

The alleged cop tells others to not investigate the obvious criminal acts, because it involves a member of his team.

You're a fucking disgrace.

Tissue? Simply because I mock you at all opportunities (that is, all of you posts) there is no need to react angrily, sulk a bit and learn you are as welcome here as a turd in punch bowl.
This from the sociopathic douchebag who has the nerve to call others "callous".

Fucking disgrace.
How long have they been whitewashing our search for WMDs that weren`t there? 20,000+ dead and wounded and some idiots want to prosecute a dead Kennedy. Great priorities!
Your deflection is cowardly and off point. Go eff yourself!

Besides the point is a media whitewash for fat drunken Teddy. The press has written tons of stories, books, esays, etc. about those WMD's of Saddam Hussein and how they didn't justify invading Iraq. Your post is just all around idiotic!
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How long have they been whitewashing our search for WMDs that weren`t there? 20,000+ dead and wounded and some idiots want to prosecute a dead Kennedy. Great priorities!
Numerous democrats were parroting the WMD lies too.....In fact, they were saying the same things when Bubba Clintoon was in charge.

Get the plank out of your eye, chump.

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