After Boston, do Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

I lived in NYC when William Ayers was blowing us up, and on 9/11/01 the scumbag gave an interview regretting that he didn't do more of it. After Boston, do you Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

Was Ayers ever convicted of setting a bomb off?

he admitted it,and says he wished he did more, wanna play semantics some more asshole?
I lived in NYC when William Ayers was blowing us up, and on 9/11/01 the scumbag gave an interview regretting that he didn't do more of it. After Boston, do you Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

I know why you bother us and why your lies continue to lose you elections.
Ayers is just a way for the right wingnuts to attempt a connection to our democratically elected president. Nothing more nothing less, when your party and your ideology is a complete and total failure you grab at straws. In the wingnut world, oranges are apples and apples bananas and so on and so on. Nothing makes sense as sense is missing from a mind that can only criticize.

"But the fact is that throughout its entire time of activities, Weathermen did not hurt a single citizen. The FBI may call Weathermen a terrorist group, but the FBI's definition of terrorism is rather broad, defining terrorism as "the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives." Based on this definition, America's actions in both Iraq and Afghanistan as well as those in Nicaragua in the 1980s are terrorism. So is Israel's bombing of that mysterious military site in Syria in 2007. But how many Americans consider America or Israel "terrorists""? Sam Sedaei: Calling Bill Ayers a "Terrorist" Doesn't Make Him So

They did not kill a single citizen. Let’s not use the word "hurt." And From the rest you wrote I can see why you don't think the Weather Underground or Obama to be radicals. You, yourself are one. No other conclusion could be made from the garbage posted above. I served in Iraq. You generalization is so far off the mark it not only brings discredit upon yourself but proves that you are far off in the leftist cool aid.
Isn't rebellion against tyranny mandated by the Declaration of Independence?

Isn't that kind of rhetoric you rightwing 'patriots' love to spout off?

Wasn't the US government conscripting American citizens against their will and sending them off to die in Vietnam? Isn't that tyranny? Isn't that exactly the kind of government that you people love to tell us we have the right to rebel against?

The Declaration of Independence, taken from the ideas of john Locke's Second Treatise, a major advocate of the principle of self-ownership and the liberties of the individual, believed that we should overthrow a government the moment it restricts individual liberty via a means that is implemented not to defend individual liberty. This, he calls is Tyranny. This is where Jefferson got the ideas listed in the Declaration of Independence. Now, don’t you dare tell me that left wing commie radicals are in keeping with the spirit of the Declaration of Independence! I swear, we truly are experiencing the fall of western civilization.

If you would have to choose between the gov't we have now and what we'd get if fat fucking teabaggers violently overthrew Washington, which would you honestly choose?

I say fuck the teabaggers. I wouldn't want to live in a country of fat white fucks who violently takeover an elected democratic government.....

I don't think we need to worry-about-that....unless, of course.....they're promised a lifetime-supply o' Twinkies.

I lived in NYC when William Ayers was blowing us up, and on 9/11/01 the scumbag gave an interview regretting that he didn't do more of it. After Boston, do you Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

I know why you bother us and why your lies continue to lose you elections.

Are you intimating that Ayers did NOT say this? Becuase I have seen the interview. Perhaps before you begin putting Ayers into the "robin hood" camp, calling people liars, you do your research.
Isn't rebellion against tyranny mandated by the Declaration of Independence?

Isn't that kind of rhetoric you rightwing 'patriots' love to spout off?

Wasn't the US government conscripting American citizens against their will and sending them off to die in Vietnam? Isn't that tyranny? Isn't that exactly the kind of government that you people love to tell us we have the right to rebel against?

The Declaration of Independence, taken from the ideas of john Locke's Second Treatise, a major advocate of the principle of self-ownership and the liberties of the individual, believed that we should overthrow a government the moment it restricts individual liberty via a means that is implemented not to defend individual liberty. This, he calls is Tyranny. This is where Jefferson got the ideas listed in the Declaration of Independence. Now, don’t you dare tell me that left wing commie radicals are in keeping with the spirit of the Declaration of Independence! I swear, we truly are experiencing the fall of western civilization.

If you would have to choose between the gov't we have now and what we'd get if fat fucking teabaggers violently overthrew Washington, which would you honestly choose?

I say fuck the teabaggers. I wouldn't want to live in a country of fat white fucks who violently takeover an elected democratic government and then try to tell me that I'm more free.

There is no group in the Tea Party with aims to overthrow government. That is a strictly leftist "workers of the world unite" ideal and can be found among those of Occupy.
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So Libs have no problem with some future Lib politician getting chummy with these Boston Bombers
Isn't rebellion against tyranny mandated by the Declaration of Independence?

Isn't that kind of rhetoric you rightwing 'patriots' love to spout off?

Wasn't the US government conscripting American citizens against their will and sending them off to die in Vietnam? Isn't that tyranny? Isn't that exactly the kind of government that you people love to tell us we have the right to rebel against?

The Declaration of Independence, taken from the ideas of john Locke's Second Treatise, a major advocate of the principle of self-ownership and the liberties of the individual, believed that we should overthrow a government the moment it restricts individual liberty via a means that is implemented not to defend individual liberty. This, he calls is Tyranny. This is where Jefferson got the ideas listed in the Declaration of Independence. Now, don’t you dare tell me that left wing commie radicals are in keeping with the spirit of the Declaration of Independence! I swear, we truly are experiencing the fall of western civilization.

If you would have to choose between the gov't we have now and what we'd get if fat fucking teabaggers violently overthrew Washington, which would you honestly choose?

I say fuck the teabaggers. I wouldn't want to live in a country of fat white fucks who violently takeover an elected democratic government and then try to tell me that I'm more free.

No tea party people are espousing such violence as you proclaim. You're just whipping yourself into a frenzied hate.
"I don't regret setting bombs," said Ayers in 2001, "I feel we didn't do enough." Contemplating whether or not he might again use bombs against the U.S. sometime in the future, he wrote: “I can’t imagine entirely dismissing the possibility.”

Scary stuff.

I'm more scared of the bombs that have yet to be set.

Maybe you should pass a law making them illegal because that will make you safe, right?
Bill Ayers, who set off some bombs in public buildings 50 years ago for which he was never convicted, who had contact with Obama but no close relationship, was a hero to suspected liberal terrorists whose agenda and politics are totally unknown. Sounds like the beginning of another conspiracy theory.

The WUO were violent radicals opposed to the US military involvment in Vietnam war. When the government forced young American to fight, kill and die for political ideology. They caused a lot of property damage. They never targeted civilians. They alway phoned in warnings to let people get out.

What you are saying is that if a violent group of radicals do not like US Policy, they can use violence and cause property damage just as long as they phone in warnings. Got it.
Isn't rebellion against tyranny mandated by the Declaration of Independence?

Isn't that kind of rhetoric you rightwing 'patriots' love to spout off?

Wasn't the US government conscripting American citizens against their will and sending them off to die in Vietnam? Isn't that tyranny? Isn't that exactly the kind of government that you people love to tell us we have the right to rebel against?

The Declaration of Independence, taken from the ideas of john Locke's Second Treatise, a major advocate of the principle of self-ownership and the liberties of the individual, believed that we should overthrow a government the moment it restricts individual liberty via a means that is implemented not to defend individual liberty. This, he calls is Tyranny. This is where Jefferson got the ideas listed in the Declaration of Independence. Now, don’t you dare tell me that left wing commie radicals are in keeping with the spirit of the Declaration of Independence! I swear, we truly are experiencing the fall of western civilization.

The government was drafting people into the military and sending them to die in Vietnam.

Tell me that isn't tyranny. Tell me that was not a restriction of individual liberty.
Isn't rebellion against tyranny mandated by the Declaration of Independence?

Isn't that kind of rhetoric you rightwing 'patriots' love to spout off?

Wasn't the US government conscripting American citizens against their will and sending them off to die in Vietnam? Isn't that tyranny? Isn't that exactly the kind of government that you people love to tell us we have the right to rebel against?

The Declaration of Independence, taken from the ideas of john Locke's Second Treatise, a major advocate of the principle of self-ownership and the liberties of the individual, believed that we should overthrow a government the moment it restricts individual liberty via a means that is implemented not to defend individual liberty. This, he calls is Tyranny. This is where Jefferson got the ideas listed in the Declaration of Independence. Now, don’t you dare tell me that left wing commie radicals are in keeping with the spirit of the Declaration of Independence! I swear, we truly are experiencing the fall of western civilization.

The government was drafting people into the military and sending them to die in Vietnam.

Tell me that isn't tyranny. Tell me that was not a restriction of individual liberty.

Kennedy and Johnson's viet nam war was a terrible waste of 58,000 american lives and billions of dollars. Protesting the war was patriotic. Bombing public buildings was, and is, a crime.

amazing how you can't see the difference.
This isn't the 60's anymore, idiot.

The most dangerous people out there these days are right-wing extremists blowing up women's healthcare clinics and shooting and blowing up other Americans, and Islamic terrorists.

A left-wing fanatic nowadays is the kind of person who wishes to smoke pot after a lascivious afternoon of gay sex.

Not quite, einvironmentalists, love to blow shit up as well......lets not forget those the Unabomber......
Frank is channeling Sarah Palin and her pal-ing around with terrorists nonsense. In his case that's an upgrade.

what is it with you libs and Palin? She is no one, holds no position, has no authority. But she continues to scare the living shit out of you guys. strange------
I lived in NYC when William Ayers was blowing us up, and on 9/11/01 the scumbag gave an interview regretting that he didn't do more of it. After Boston, do you Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

Saying they were "pals" is a bit of a stretch. They attended some of the same events and lived relatively close to one another, but if you know big cities, that's hardly proof of "paldom".

They also shared an office and served on the same board, that would hardly equal just another guy in the freaking neighborhood. Any more lies up your sleeve?

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