After Civil War, What would the 2 Americas Look Like?

Are you Kamala Harris?
Close. We're both Black and Asian with parents from Jamaica but no. Not even related as far a I know. In fact I think only her father is Jamaican, her mother and father met here in the States if I remember correctly. My Asian relatives have been in Jamaica since my grandparents. All but one of my grandparents were born in Jamaica. My mother's father was born in China but left with his family when he was a baby.


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Its incredible to realize that really is the US military leadership under Democrats rule. Lord help us!
The real military, the warriors, have all been purged. No toxic masculinity wanted, or tolerated.

They are still here. Still trained. Still ready to fight the enemy.
They were not allowed into DC for 1/6
When it all goes down the Mil / NG & LEOs ranks will dwindle rapidly as rank & file will go home to protect their Families & Property rather than follow orders to go to some far away City or State most likely to not return
So does the rest of the world
Blue cities have ports where food is routinely imported

Not really. You should look how little gets landed in blue ports these days. SF Bay is a shadow of its former self.

Shipping companies deliver to ports in Red cities and it goes out by train and truck.

Which are mostly operated by people who don't like you clods very much.
Oil is a commodity. Refineries are near urban areas. You'll be back to horse and buggy in two months you redneck racist fuctards.

But it's ok. There's only a few hundred of you numbnuts circle jerking to Jackson statues. The test of the US sees how pathetic you are.

LOL...the vast majority of American refineries are in Texas.
And refineries are worthless if you dont have crude oil to run through them.

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