After having watched Comey.....

It's clear to me that he would be a far, far better POTUS than is the person whom we have in that role. I wouldn't care with which party he runs. The man is clearly erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled. Most importantly, the man doesn't say things that he either should not or that he cannot strongly, soundly support.

As an aside, we learned today too that the man has real flair, not that shopworn showy sh*t we've all too much seen from the current POTUS and his ilk. In short and politics be damned, Comey is class act.


There are much better ways to cover your butthurt than this. A total nothing burger.
so - this one of those "never miss an opportunity to bag on trump" posts.

got it.

Well we just don't need to hear whining from a group of people who still, long after he's gone, takes every opportunity they can to bag on Obama.

Now that -- the chiding of Obama, and Clinton for that matter -- given the temporal dimension you note, is indeed whining. For the life of me why there is no sense or credibility in people's still raise what either of those individuals did when the context of a discussion is what the current POTUS and his Administration are doing, doing well or poorly, or not doing that it should be doing.

no - i got it. when someone hates someone else as many do in fact hate trump (good reasons i'm sure) then said people just seem to look for an opportunity after an opportunity to rag on trump in any fashion they can.

trump has already taken more shit in 4 months than obama took in 8 years. period. no more posts of "this guy is so much better than trump!" or "this is why trump sucks!!!!" or my favorite - LOOK AN ARTICLE RAGGING ON TRUMP I TOLD YOU HE SUCKED cause they were suddenly validated by a stranger or something is ever going to change someones mind on trump. so i don't get what the purpose is other than venting daily which leads to my next point.

i never got into that or understood the fascination with letting someone you'll never meet and you can't control take over your own lives like that.

takes all kinds i suppose.
people just seem to look for an opportunity after an opportunity to rag on trump in any fashion they can.
Dude, if it indeed be so that people actively look for "opportunity after...opportunity to rag on trump," let me assure you that having but half the sense they were born with, they need look neither long nor hard.
that's my point. you can find it anywhere you want whether true or not and since your hate for the man is strong you gotta flog others with your hate cause....

we get it. you hate him.

will post 38,348 saying so make you feel better or change anyone's mind on how they feel about trump? or do they just dig in and fire back more wasted snark and we keep lobbing the shit back and forth until dems are back in office and we switch sides and keep at it.

seems like a shitton of wasted time on hate.

Let me explain something to you for it patently escaped you: the OP, indeed the thread, isn't about Donald Trump. It's about Jim Comey. If you don't like that individuals are remarking about Trump in a thread that is not about him, report the offending posts.

your hate for the man is strong....we get it. you hate him.

I don't hate Trump. I am irrevocably chagrined for my countrymen by, and despise the fact that, he is POTUS.
But for the fact that he is POTUS, Donald Trump wouldn't merit a half-second of a score's worth of my thoughts. I don't care enough about Donald Trump to deign attempting to muster the energy and/or thought and then allot time to hate him. What I have for Trump is contempt, not hate.
when you say trump is much better than the man we have in office, you're baggin on trump. it's about trump.

try to hide it however you want but you should just 'own' it and end it.
I know enough to say that none of you have out debated me.

So bring it dumb fuck. Because all you are going to do is repeat the same stupid bullshit every other conservative spews. You have no mind, therefore you ae incapable of thinking for yourself.

Really? It appears by the post above that you're resorting to conservatives' tactics. I wouldn't consider one who devolves to that -- attacking a person rather than showing the substantive deficiency in their ideas -- and that alone as one who sees themselves as having prevailed in the colloquy.

I appreciate that you might not always care to take the time to pen something substantively scathing, but when that's the case, keep mum. It's hard to look truly like a "winner," as opposed to a comedian, when one has nothing but hackneyed aspersions to offer. Only people with small minds and cold hearts have only trite insults to offer in retort to things they perceive as wrong, absurd, etc.

Yet when someone offers a considered, thoughtful rebuttal you ignore them. See post 59.

NO. WRONG. The 14th Amendment provides equal protection and due process to all individuals.

Exactly, individuals, not couples. Everyone already had the same rights as everyone of their gender. The already had equal protection.


Citizens united granted equal protection to groups. Couples are a subset of groups. So couple also have the same equal protection as individuals and groups.

Citizens United was about speech, the court said people could not be silenced 30 days before a primary or 60 days before a general election. It didn't matter if the speech was paid for collectively or by an individual.

Now that -- the chiding of Obama, and Clinton for that matter -- given the temporal dimension you note, is indeed whining. For the life of me why there is no sense or credibility in people's still raise what either of those individuals did when the context of a discussion is what the current POTUS and his Administration are doing, doing well or poorly, or not doing that it should be doing.

no - i got it. when someone hates someone else as many do in fact hate trump (good reasons i'm sure) then said people just seem to look for an opportunity after an opportunity to rag on trump in any fashion they can.

trump has already taken more shit in 4 months than obama took in 8 years. period. no more posts of "this guy is so much better than trump!" or "this is why trump sucks!!!!" or my favorite - LOOK AN ARTICLE RAGGING ON TRUMP I TOLD YOU HE SUCKED cause they were suddenly validated by a stranger or something is ever going to change someones mind on trump. so i don't get what the purpose is other than venting daily which leads to my next point.

i never got into that or understood the fascination with letting someone you'll never meet and you can't control take over your own lives like that.

takes all kinds i suppose.
people just seem to look for an opportunity after an opportunity to rag on trump in any fashion they can.
Dude, if it indeed be so that people actively look for "opportunity after...opportunity to rag on trump," let me assure you that having but half the sense they were born with, they need look neither long nor hard.
that's my point. you can find it anywhere you want whether true or not and since your hate for the man is strong you gotta flog others with your hate cause....

we get it. you hate him.

will post 38,348 saying so make you feel better or change anyone's mind on how they feel about trump? or do they just dig in and fire back more wasted snark and we keep lobbing the shit back and forth until dems are back in office and we switch sides and keep at it.

seems like a shitton of wasted time on hate.

Let me explain something to you for it patently escaped you: the OP, indeed the thread, isn't about Donald Trump. It's about Jim Comey. If you don't like that individuals are remarking about Trump in a thread that is not about him, report the offending posts.

your hate for the man is strong....we get it. you hate him.

I don't hate Trump. I am irrevocably chagrined for my countrymen by, and despise the fact that, he is POTUS.
But for the fact that he is POTUS, Donald Trump wouldn't merit a half-second of a score's worth of my thoughts. I don't care enough about Donald Trump to deign attempting to muster the energy and/or thought and then allot time to hate him. What I have for Trump is contempt, not hate.
when you say trump is much better than the man we have in office, you're baggin on trump. it's about trump.

try to hide it however you want but you should just 'own' it and end it.
when you say trump is much better than the man we have in office, you're baggin on trump.

I have never written or said that. With God's blessing on the U.S. and it's people, I never will.
Now that -- the chiding of Obama, and Clinton for that matter -- given the temporal dimension you note, is indeed whining. For the life of me why there is no sense or credibility in people's still raise what either of those individuals did when the context of a discussion is what the current POTUS and his Administration are doing, doing well or poorly, or not doing that it should be doing.

no - i got it. when someone hates someone else as many do in fact hate trump (good reasons i'm sure) then said people just seem to look for an opportunity after an opportunity to rag on trump in any fashion they can.

trump has already taken more shit in 4 months than obama took in 8 years. period. no more posts of "this guy is so much better than trump!" or "this is why trump sucks!!!!" or my favorite - LOOK AN ARTICLE RAGGING ON TRUMP I TOLD YOU HE SUCKED cause they were suddenly validated by a stranger or something is ever going to change someones mind on trump. so i don't get what the purpose is other than venting daily which leads to my next point.

i never got into that or understood the fascination with letting someone you'll never meet and you can't control take over your own lives like that.

takes all kinds i suppose.
people just seem to look for an opportunity after an opportunity to rag on trump in any fashion they can.
Dude, if it indeed be so that people actively look for "opportunity after...opportunity to rag on trump," let me assure you that having but half the sense they were born with, they need look neither long nor hard.
that's my point. you can find it anywhere you want whether true or not and since your hate for the man is strong you gotta flog others with your hate cause....

we get it. you hate him.

will post 38,348 saying so make you feel better or change anyone's mind on how they feel about trump? or do they just dig in and fire back more wasted snark and we keep lobbing the shit back and forth until dems are back in office and we switch sides and keep at it.

seems like a shitton of wasted time on hate.

Let me explain something to you for it patently escaped you: the OP, indeed the thread, isn't about Donald Trump. It's about Jim Comey. If you don't like that individuals are remarking about Trump in a thread that is not about him, report the offending posts.

your hate for the man is strong....we get it. you hate him.

I don't hate Trump. I am irrevocably chagrined for my countrymen by, and despise the fact that, he is POTUS.
But for the fact that he is POTUS, Donald Trump wouldn't merit a half-second of a score's worth of my thoughts. I don't care enough about Donald Trump to deign attempting to muster the energy and/or thought and then allot time to hate him. What I have for Trump is contempt, not hate.
when you say trump is much better than the man we have in office, you're baggin on trump. it's about trump.

try to hide it however you want but you should just 'own' it and end it.
when you say trump is much better than the man we have in office, you're baggin on trump. it's about trump.

I suspect I have told you before that reading comprehension is not among your strengths. I can see you've yet to materially improve upon that weakness.

What I wrote to commence this thread is:
After having watched Comey.....It's clear to me that he would be a far, far better POTUS than is the person whom we have in that role. I wouldn't care with which party he runs. The man is clearly erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled. Most importantly, the man doesn't say things that he either should not or that he cannot strongly, soundly support.

As an aside, we learned today too that the man has real flair, not that shopworn showy sh*t we've all too much seen from the current POTUS and his ilk. In short and politics be damned, Comey is class act.
The correct points that adept readers would take from the pellucid thread title and OP are:
  • Comey is a better man than is Trump and would thus be a better POTUS.
  • Comey is, in his own right, "erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled."
  • Comey is prudent in decided what to say and not say.
  • Comey has flair.
  • Comey is a class act.
  • Were Comey to run for POTUS, based on what I know of him right now, I'd vote for him.
If or when I am of a mind to "bag" on Trump, or anyone for that matter, I will not mention anyone other that person. I have written posts that "read" Trump up one side and down the other, if/when you come by them, you'll notice that I didn't discuss others in doing so.

For example, I might write, "Trump is a lamentably ill-bred ninny who evangelically crusades for sub-mediocrity." I would also precede or follow (depending on whether I felt it more rhetorically powerful to open or close my comments with statement) that statement with a litany of examples that illustrate how it is that he is ill-bred, a ninny and a champion of sub-mediocrity. But I did not do that, thus adept readers will not mistakenly construe that, in spite of it containing a reference that compares Comey with Trump, the OP, thus the thread, or at least my intention for it, has nothing to do with Trump.
Last edited:
no - i got it. when someone hates someone else as many do in fact hate trump (good reasons i'm sure) then said people just seem to look for an opportunity after an opportunity to rag on trump in any fashion they can.

trump has already taken more shit in 4 months than obama took in 8 years. period. no more posts of "this guy is so much better than trump!" or "this is why trump sucks!!!!" or my favorite - LOOK AN ARTICLE RAGGING ON TRUMP I TOLD YOU HE SUCKED cause they were suddenly validated by a stranger or something is ever going to change someones mind on trump. so i don't get what the purpose is other than venting daily which leads to my next point.

i never got into that or understood the fascination with letting someone you'll never meet and you can't control take over your own lives like that.

takes all kinds i suppose.
people just seem to look for an opportunity after an opportunity to rag on trump in any fashion they can.
Dude, if it indeed be so that people actively look for "opportunity after...opportunity to rag on trump," let me assure you that having but half the sense they were born with, they need look neither long nor hard.
that's my point. you can find it anywhere you want whether true or not and since your hate for the man is strong you gotta flog others with your hate cause....

we get it. you hate him.

will post 38,348 saying so make you feel better or change anyone's mind on how they feel about trump? or do they just dig in and fire back more wasted snark and we keep lobbing the shit back and forth until dems are back in office and we switch sides and keep at it.

seems like a shitton of wasted time on hate.

Let me explain something to you for it patently escaped you: the OP, indeed the thread, isn't about Donald Trump. It's about Jim Comey. If you don't like that individuals are remarking about Trump in a thread that is not about him, report the offending posts.

your hate for the man is strong....we get it. you hate him.

I don't hate Trump. I am irrevocably chagrined for my countrymen by, and despise the fact that, he is POTUS.
But for the fact that he is POTUS, Donald Trump wouldn't merit a half-second of a score's worth of my thoughts. I don't care enough about Donald Trump to deign attempting to muster the energy and/or thought and then allot time to hate him. What I have for Trump is contempt, not hate.
when you say trump is much better than the man we have in office, you're baggin on trump. it's about trump.

try to hide it however you want but you should just 'own' it and end it.
when you say trump is much better than the man we have in office, you're baggin on trump.

I have never written or said that. With God's blessing on the U.S. and it's people, I never will.
you are right. long day. :). c0mey.
Dude, if it indeed be so that people actively look for "opportunity after...opportunity to rag on trump," let me assure you that having but half the sense they were born with, they need look neither long nor hard.
that's my point. you can find it anywhere you want whether true or not and since your hate for the man is strong you gotta flog others with your hate cause....

we get it. you hate him.

will post 38,348 saying so make you feel better or change anyone's mind on how they feel about trump? or do they just dig in and fire back more wasted snark and we keep lobbing the shit back and forth until dems are back in office and we switch sides and keep at it.

seems like a shitton of wasted time on hate.

Let me explain something to you for it patently escaped you: the OP, indeed the thread, isn't about Donald Trump. It's about Jim Comey. If you don't like that individuals are remarking about Trump in a thread that is not about him, report the offending posts.

your hate for the man is strong....we get it. you hate him.

I don't hate Trump. I am irrevocably chagrined for my countrymen by, and despise the fact that, he is POTUS.
But for the fact that he is POTUS, Donald Trump wouldn't merit a half-second of a score's worth of my thoughts. I don't care enough about Donald Trump to deign attempting to muster the energy and/or thought and then allot time to hate him. What I have for Trump is contempt, not hate.
when you say trump is much better than the man we have in office, you're baggin on trump. it's about trump.

try to hide it however you want but you should just 'own' it and end it.
when you say trump is much better than the man we have in office, you're baggin on trump.

I have never written or said that. With God's blessing on the U.S. and it's people, I never will.
you are right. long day. :). c0mey.
Okay. I understand that.
no - i got it. when someone hates someone else as many do in fact hate trump (good reasons i'm sure) then said people just seem to look for an opportunity after an opportunity to rag on trump in any fashion they can.

trump has already taken more shit in 4 months than obama took in 8 years. period. no more posts of "this guy is so much better than trump!" or "this is why trump sucks!!!!" or my favorite - LOOK AN ARTICLE RAGGING ON TRUMP I TOLD YOU HE SUCKED cause they were suddenly validated by a stranger or something is ever going to change someones mind on trump. so i don't get what the purpose is other than venting daily which leads to my next point.

i never got into that or understood the fascination with letting someone you'll never meet and you can't control take over your own lives like that.

takes all kinds i suppose.
people just seem to look for an opportunity after an opportunity to rag on trump in any fashion they can.
Dude, if it indeed be so that people actively look for "opportunity after...opportunity to rag on trump," let me assure you that having but half the sense they were born with, they need look neither long nor hard.
that's my point. you can find it anywhere you want whether true or not and since your hate for the man is strong you gotta flog others with your hate cause....

we get it. you hate him.

will post 38,348 saying so make you feel better or change anyone's mind on how they feel about trump? or do they just dig in and fire back more wasted snark and we keep lobbing the shit back and forth until dems are back in office and we switch sides and keep at it.

seems like a shitton of wasted time on hate.

Let me explain something to you for it patently escaped you: the OP, indeed the thread, isn't about Donald Trump. It's about Jim Comey. If you don't like that individuals are remarking about Trump in a thread that is not about him, report the offending posts.

your hate for the man is strong....we get it. you hate him.

I don't hate Trump. I am irrevocably chagrined for my countrymen by, and despise the fact that, he is POTUS.
But for the fact that he is POTUS, Donald Trump wouldn't merit a half-second of a score's worth of my thoughts. I don't care enough about Donald Trump to deign attempting to muster the energy and/or thought and then allot time to hate him. What I have for Trump is contempt, not hate.
when you say trump is much better than the man we have in office, you're baggin on trump. it's about trump.

try to hide it however you want but you should just 'own' it and end it.
when you say trump is much better than the man we have in office, you're baggin on trump. it's about trump.

I suspect I have told you before that reading comprehension is not among your strengths. I can see you've yet to materially improve upon that weakness.

What I wrote to commence this thread is:
After having watched Comey.....It's clear to me that he would be a far, far better POTUS than is the person whom we have in that role. I wouldn't care with which party he runs. The man is clearly erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled. Most importantly, the man doesn't say things that he either should not or that he cannot strongly, soundly support.

As an aside, we learned today too that the man has real flair, not that shopworn showy sh*t we've all too much seen from the current POTUS and his ilk. In short and politics be damned, Comey is class act.
The correct points that adept readers would take from the pellucid thread title and OP are:
  • Comey is a better man than is Trump and would thus be a better POTUS.
  • Comey is, in his own right, "erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled."
  • Comey is prudent in decided what to say and not say.
  • Comey has flair.
  • Comey is a class act.
  • Were Comey to run for POTUS, based on what I know of him right now, I'd vote for him.
If or when I am of a mind to "bag" on Trump, or anyone for that matter, I will not mention anyone other that person. I have written posts that "read" Trump up one side and down the other, if/when you come by them, you'll notice that I didn't discuss others in doing so.

For example, I might write, "Trump is a lamentably ill-bred ninny who evangelically crusades for sub-mediocrity." I would also precede or follow (depending on whether I felt it more rhetorically powerful to open or close my comments with statement) that statement with a litany of examples that illustrate how it is that he is ill-bred, a ninny and a champion of sub-mediocrity. But I did not do that, thus adept readers will not mistakenly construe that, in spite of it containing a reference that compares Comey with Trump, the OP, thus the thread, or at least my intention for it, has nothing to do with Trump.
my comprehension is fine, i simply do not agree with you.

and yes you are trump-struck.
Dude, if it indeed be so that people actively look for "opportunity after...opportunity to rag on trump," let me assure you that having but half the sense they were born with, they need look neither long nor hard.
that's my point. you can find it anywhere you want whether true or not and since your hate for the man is strong you gotta flog others with your hate cause....

we get it. you hate him.

will post 38,348 saying so make you feel better or change anyone's mind on how they feel about trump? or do they just dig in and fire back more wasted snark and we keep lobbing the shit back and forth until dems are back in office and we switch sides and keep at it.

seems like a shitton of wasted time on hate.

Let me explain something to you for it patently escaped you: the OP, indeed the thread, isn't about Donald Trump. It's about Jim Comey. If you don't like that individuals are remarking about Trump in a thread that is not about him, report the offending posts.

your hate for the man is strong....we get it. you hate him.

I don't hate Trump. I am irrevocably chagrined for my countrymen by, and despise the fact that, he is POTUS.
But for the fact that he is POTUS, Donald Trump wouldn't merit a half-second of a score's worth of my thoughts. I don't care enough about Donald Trump to deign attempting to muster the energy and/or thought and then allot time to hate him. What I have for Trump is contempt, not hate.
when you say trump is much better than the man we have in office, you're baggin on trump. it's about trump.

try to hide it however you want but you should just 'own' it and end it.
when you say trump is much better than the man we have in office, you're baggin on trump. it's about trump.

I suspect I have told you before that reading comprehension is not among your strengths. I can see you've yet to materially improve upon that weakness.

What I wrote to commence this thread is:
After having watched Comey.....It's clear to me that he would be a far, far better POTUS than is the person whom we have in that role. I wouldn't care with which party he runs. The man is clearly erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled. Most importantly, the man doesn't say things that he either should not or that he cannot strongly, soundly support.

As an aside, we learned today too that the man has real flair, not that shopworn showy sh*t we've all too much seen from the current POTUS and his ilk. In short and politics be damned, Comey is class act.
The correct points that adept readers would take from the pellucid thread title and OP are:
  • Comey is a better man than is Trump and would thus be a better POTUS.
  • Comey is, in his own right, "erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled."
  • Comey is prudent in decided what to say and not say.
  • Comey has flair.
  • Comey is a class act.
  • Were Comey to run for POTUS, based on what I know of him right now, I'd vote for him.
If or when I am of a mind to "bag" on Trump, or anyone for that matter, I will not mention anyone other that person. I have written posts that "read" Trump up one side and down the other, if/when you come by them, you'll notice that I didn't discuss others in doing so.

For example, I might write, "Trump is a lamentably ill-bred ninny who evangelically crusades for sub-mediocrity." I would also precede or follow (depending on whether I felt it more rhetorically powerful to open or close my comments with statement) that statement with a litany of examples that illustrate how it is that he is ill-bred, a ninny and a champion of sub-mediocrity. But I did not do that, thus adept readers will not mistakenly construe that, in spite of it containing a reference that compares Comey with Trump, the OP, thus the thread, or at least my intention for it, has nothing to do with Trump.
my comprehension is fine, i simply do not agree with you.

and yes you are trump-struck.
my comprehension is fine, i simply do not agree with you.

It can't be because you think, as evidenced by your having stated so....
so - this one of those "never miss an opportunity to bag on trump" posts.
...that my OP (this thread) is about deriding Trump, even as I've explained in a post found above that it is not.

BTW, what I assert are the explicit and implicit natures of my remarks isn't something anyone gets to credibly disagree with -- Who better than I to say what I meant? -- most especially when it comes to whether my intent was to ridicule Trump. Trust me, I would have no reason to deny that be my purpose were it my purpose.

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