After having watched Comey.....

It's clear to me that he would be a far, far better POTUS than is the person whom we have in that role. I wouldn't care with which party he runs. The man is clearly erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled. Most importantly, the man doesn't say things that he either should not or that he cannot strongly, soundly support.

As an aside, we learned today too that the man has real flair, not that shopworn showy sh*t we've all too much seen from the current POTUS and his ilk. In short and politics be damned, Comey is class act.
A cow would be more presidential than Trump.

I'm about halfway through the hearing and Comey seems decent enough on the whole...but he certainly seems a bit butthurt about being fired...not that I blame him...most people would be. However, there are some good questions being raised as to why he didn't berate Trump over his inappropriate comments...I think there is a legitimate point that he should have told Trump...who is obviously ignorant of how adults to act.
I know enough to say that none of you have out debated me.

So bring it dumb fuck. Because all you are going to do is repeat the same stupid bullshit every other conservative spews. You have no mind, therefore you ae incapable of thinking for yourself.

Really? It appears by the post above that you're resorting to conservatives' tactics. I wouldn't consider one who devolves to that -- attacking a person rather than showing the substantive deficiency in their ideas -- and that alone as one who sees themselves as having prevailed in the colloquy.

I appreciate that you might not always care to take the time to pen something substantively scathing, but when that's the case, keep mum. It's hard to look truly like a "winner," as opposed to a comedian, when one has nothing but hackneyed aspersions to offer. Only people with small minds and cold hearts have only trite insults to offer in retort to things they perceive as wrong, absurd, etc.

I am going to fight you guys with the same tactics you use. So stop whining. When you can say the same thing to the conservative ho posted the comment that it was his job to lower my self esteem then you come say something to me about my responses to that person . If you cannot do that, shut the hell up.
I am going to fight you guys with the same tactics you use.

First of all, let me be crystalline: I am not, nor do I aim to be, a member of "you guys." I am my own person who endeavors rigorously to form my own opinions about, frankly, everything, and I present them without regard to whether they garner the approbation of liberals or conservatives. Indeed, I here participate as neither a self-ascribed liberal nor conservative.

So stop whining.

I don't whine. When I bother to ridicule someone, you can be sure that I will or have previously given a soundly reasoned basis for doing so.

There are things I find objectionable and things I do not. I discuss and opine on topics, behaviors and situations in both genres.

When you can say the same thing to the conservative ho posted the comment that it was his job to lower my self esteem then you come say something to me about my responses to that person . If you cannot do that, shut the hell up.

You just keep thinking that. To my way of thinking, what anyone else does or does not do to one, or says or doesn't say about one does not provide legitimate justification for one doing the same in return. "An eye for an eye" is simply not a sane, mature or civilized approach to handling anything.

In a written setting, if you aim to best someone, your argy-bargy and general comportment needs to be more adult and more civilized than theirs. To that end, better to beleaguer them with the battiness of their own words rather than bombard them with bratty bromides. You also need to realize that the instant you lower yourself to their level, they've won. Thus, as with all communication, knowing when not to say anything at all is every bit as important as knowing what to say and then saying it.

You've got to always keep in mind that here on USMB, you're dealing with total strangers. Of total strangers, it matters not what they think of one for insofar as they are complete strangers, one can hardly attest to thinking something about them when the fact is about them at all one does not think. The reason I mention that is because I may or may not have at some point been willing say the same thing to the individual who stated whatever they did to/about you. I am certainly not going to now or in the future because, quite frankly, they are on my ignore list; thus I haven't seen their remarks. Accordingly, you and they can be certain that I will not respond directly to their remarks or at all about the individual, for as far as I'm concerned, they do not exist, which is to say, they rate even lower than strangers about whom I'm aware yet for whom I have little or no regard.
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So what federal law defines marriage? And where in the constitution is the federal government given power to regulate marriage licenses?

Seems that the supreme court is part of the federal government, it pretty much defined the right to marry and states can't overrule the decision.

So then Citizens United is OK to you? Hobby Lobby is OK to you? Cases closed right?

No they aren't OK. But state rights are secondary to that of the federal government.

They are only secondary in areas where the federal government is given power directly by the constitution. In all other cases it is left to the State legislatures. And of course, rights given to the people cannot be taken away by either.

But you are probably a pro-gun control progressive twat as well, so you feel free to ignore the 2nd amendment, or turn a blind eye when a State or City government does.

It s plainly written in the constitution that the constitution or federal law is the supreme law of the land.

I am not going to be too many more twats bitch. Check yourself.

Only within the enumerated powers.

It's clear to me that he would be a far, far better POTUS than is the person whom we have in that role. I wouldn't care with which party he runs. The man is clearly erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled. Most importantly, the man doesn't say things that he either should not or that he cannot strongly, soundly support.

As an aside, we learned today too that the man has real flair, not that shopworn showy sh*t we've all too much seen from the current POTUS and his ilk. In short and politics be damned, Comey is class act.
so - this one of those "never miss an opportunity to bag on trump" posts.

got it.

Well we just don't need to hear whining from a group of people who still, long after he's gone, takes every opportunity they can to bag on Obama.

Now that -- the chiding of Obama, and Clinton for that matter -- given the temporal dimension you note, is indeed whining. There is no germanity to be found in people's remarks that call attention to what either of those individuals did when the context of a discussion is what the current POTUS and his Administration are doing, doing well or poorly, or not doing that he/it should be doing.
It's clear to me that he would be a far, far better POTUS than is the person whom we have in that role. I wouldn't care with which party he runs. The man is clearly erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled. Most importantly, the man doesn't say things that he either should not or that he cannot strongly, soundly support.

As an aside, we learned today too that the man has real flair, not that shopworn showy sh*t we've all too much seen from the current POTUS and his ilk. In short and politics be damned, Comey is class act.
so - this one of those "never miss an opportunity to bag on trump" posts.

got it.

Well we just don't need to hear whining from a group of people who still, long after he's gone, takes every opportunity they can to bag on Obama.

Now that -- the chiding of Obama, and Clinton for that matter -- given the temporal dimension you note, is indeed whining. For the life of me why there is no sense or credibility in people's still raise what either of those individuals did when the context of a discussion is what the current POTUS and his Administration are doing, doing well or poorly, or not doing that it should be doing.

no - i got it. when someone hates someone else as many do in fact hate trump (good reasons i'm sure) then said people just seem to look for an opportunity after an opportunity to rag on trump in any fashion they can.

trump has already taken more shit in 4 months than obama took in 8 years. period. no more posts of "this guy is so much better than trump!" or "this is why trump sucks!!!!" or my favorite - LOOK AN ARTICLE RAGGING ON TRUMP I TOLD YOU HE SUCKED cause they were suddenly validated by a stranger or something is ever going to change someones mind on trump. so i don't get what the purpose is other than venting daily which leads to my next point.

i never got into that or understood the fascination with letting someone you'll never meet and you can't control take over your own lives like that.

takes all kinds i suppose.
It's clear to me that he would be a far, far better POTUS than is the person whom we have in that role. I wouldn't care with which party he runs. The man is clearly erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled. Most importantly, the man doesn't say things that he either should not or that he cannot strongly, soundly support.

As an aside, we learned today too that the man has real flair, not that shopworn showy sh*t we've all too much seen from the current POTUS and his ilk. In short and politics be damned, Comey is class act.
A cow would be more presidential than Trump.

I'm about halfway through the hearing and Comey seems decent enough on the whole...but he certainly seems a bit butthurt about being fired...not that I blame him...most people would be. However, there are some good questions being raised as to why he didn't berate Trump over his inappropriate comments...I think there is a legitimate point that he should have told Trump...who is obviously ignorant of how adults to act.
good questions being raised as to why he didn't berate Trump over his inappropriate comments...
The people who asked those questions almost surely know why just as I do: civil, intelligent, responsible and mature individuals do not handle their disagreements and objections in that matter. That's most especially so when the parties involved are both principals.
It's clear to me that he would be a far, far better POTUS than is the person whom we have in that role. I wouldn't care with which party he runs. The man is clearly erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled. Most importantly, the man doesn't say things that he either should not or that he cannot strongly, soundly support.

As an aside, we learned today too that the man has real flair, not that shopworn showy sh*t we've all too much seen from the current POTUS and his ilk. In short and politics be damned, Comey is class act.
so - this one of those "never miss an opportunity to bag on trump" posts.

got it.

Well we just don't need to hear whining from a group of people who still, long after he's gone, takes every opportunity they can to bag on Obama.

Now that -- the chiding of Obama, and Clinton for that matter -- given the temporal dimension you note, is indeed whining. For the life of me why there is no sense or credibility in people's still raise what either of those individuals did when the context of a discussion is what the current POTUS and his Administration are doing, doing well or poorly, or not doing that it should be doing.

no - i got it. when someone hates someone else as many do in fact hate trump (good reasons i'm sure) then said people just seem to look for an opportunity after an opportunity to rag on trump in any fashion they can.

trump has already taken more shit in 4 months than obama took in 8 years. period. no more posts of "this guy is so much better than trump!" or "this is why trump sucks!!!!" or my favorite - LOOK AN ARTICLE RAGGING ON TRUMP I TOLD YOU HE SUCKED cause they were suddenly validated by a stranger or something is ever going to change someones mind on trump. so i don't get what the purpose is other than venting daily which leads to my next point.

i never got into that or understood the fascination with letting someone you'll never meet and you can't control take over your own lives like that.

takes all kinds i suppose.
people just seem to look for an opportunity after an opportunity to rag on trump in any fashion they can.
Dude, if it indeed be so that people actively look for "opportunity after...opportunity to rag on trump," let me assure you that having but half the sense they were born with, they need look neither long nor hard.

trump has already taken more shit in 4 months than obama took in 8 years.
As well he should. He did and said the sh*t he has and never while under duress.
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It's clear to me that he would be a far, far better POTUS than is the person whom we have in that role. I wouldn't care with which party he runs. The man is clearly erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled. Most importantly, the man doesn't say things that he either should not or that he cannot strongly, soundly support.

As an aside, we learned today too that the man has real flair, not that shopworn showy sh*t we've all too much seen from the current POTUS and his ilk. In short and politics be damned, Comey is class act.
so - this one of those "never miss an opportunity to bag on trump" posts.

got it.

Well we just don't need to hear whining from a group of people who still, long after he's gone, takes every opportunity they can to bag on Obama.

Now that -- the chiding of Obama, and Clinton for that matter -- given the temporal dimension you note, is indeed whining. For the life of me why there is no sense or credibility in people's still raise what either of those individuals did when the context of a discussion is what the current POTUS and his Administration are doing, doing well or poorly, or not doing that it should be doing.

no - i got it. when someone hates someone else as many do in fact hate trump (good reasons i'm sure) then said people just seem to look for an opportunity after an opportunity to rag on trump in any fashion they can.

trump has already taken more shit in 4 months than obama took in 8 years. period. no more posts of "this guy is so much better than trump!" or "this is why trump sucks!!!!" or my favorite - LOOK AN ARTICLE RAGGING ON TRUMP I TOLD YOU HE SUCKED cause they were suddenly validated by a stranger or something is ever going to change someones mind on trump. so i don't get what the purpose is other than venting daily which leads to my next point.

i never got into that or understood the fascination with letting someone you'll never meet and you can't control take over your own lives like that.

takes all kinds i suppose.
people just seem to look for an opportunity after an opportunity to rag on trump in any fashion they can.
Dude, if it indeed be so that people actively look for "opportunity after...opportunity to rag on trump," let me assure you that having but half the sense they were born with, they need look neither long nor hard.
that's my point. you can find it anywhere you want whether true or not and since your hate for the man is strong you gotta flog others with your hate cause....

we get it. you hate him.

will post 38,348 saying so make you feel better or change anyone's mind on how they feel about trump? or do they just dig in and fire back more wasted snark and we keep lobbing the shit back and forth until dems are back in office and we switch sides and keep at it.

seems like a shitton of wasted time on hate.
None of it is true. He did not leak anything pertaining to the probe.

You conservatives make shit up that's not true and think if you repeat it a million times it turns true.

It doesn't
The party is over IM2. The whole thing has been exposed as a get Trump campaign. Comey the Clown put an end to it all today. The air escaping from the Dems balloon is the only sound we here tonight. Thanks Comey now go away weirdo. lol
It's clear to me that he would be a far, far better POTUS than is the person whom we have in that role. I wouldn't care with which party he runs. The man is clearly erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled. Most importantly, the man doesn't say things that he either should not or that he cannot strongly, soundly support.

As an aside, we learned today too that the man has real flair, not that shopworn showy sh*t we've all too much seen from the current POTUS and his ilk. In short and politics be damned, Comey is class act.
so - this one of those "never miss an opportunity to bag on trump" posts.

got it.

Well we just don't need to hear whining from a group of people who still, long after he's gone, takes every opportunity they can to bag on Obama.

Now that -- the chiding of Obama, and Clinton for that matter -- given the temporal dimension you note, is indeed whining. For the life of me why there is no sense or credibility in people's still raise what either of those individuals did when the context of a discussion is what the current POTUS and his Administration are doing, doing well or poorly, or not doing that it should be doing.

no - i got it. when someone hates someone else as many do in fact hate trump (good reasons i'm sure) then said people just seem to look for an opportunity after an opportunity to rag on trump in any fashion they can.

trump has already taken more shit in 4 months than obama took in 8 years. period. no more posts of "this guy is so much better than trump!" or "this is why trump sucks!!!!" or my favorite - LOOK AN ARTICLE RAGGING ON TRUMP I TOLD YOU HE SUCKED cause they were suddenly validated by a stranger or something is ever going to change someones mind on trump. so i don't get what the purpose is other than venting daily which leads to my next point.

i never got into that or understood the fascination with letting someone you'll never meet and you can't control take over your own lives like that.

takes all kinds i suppose.
people just seem to look for an opportunity after an opportunity to rag on trump in any fashion they can.
Dude, if it indeed be so that people actively look for "opportunity after...opportunity to rag on trump," let me assure you that having but half the sense they were born with, they need look neither long nor hard.
that's my point. you can find it anywhere you want whether true or not and since your hate for the man is strong you gotta flog others with your hate cause....

we get it. you hate him.

will post 38,348 saying so make you feel better or change anyone's mind on how they feel about trump? or do they just dig in and fire back more wasted snark and we keep lobbing the shit back and forth until dems are back in office and we switch sides and keep at it.

seems like a shitton of wasted time on hate.

Let me explain something to you for it patently escaped you: the OP, indeed the thread, isn't about Donald Trump. It's about Jim Comey. If you don't like that individuals are remarking about Trump in a thread that is not about him, report the offending posts.

your hate for the man is strong....we get it. you hate him.

I don't hate Trump. I am irrevocably chagrined for my countrymen by, and despise the fact that, he is POTUS.
But for the fact that he is POTUS, Donald Trump wouldn't merit a half-second of a score's worth of my thoughts. I don't care enough about Donald Trump to deign attempting to muster the energy and/or thought and then allot time to hate him. What I have for Trump is contempt, not hate.
NO. WRONG. The 14th Amendment provides equal protection and due process to all individuals.

Exactly, individuals, not couples. Everyone already had the same rights as everyone of their gender. The already had equal protection.


Citizens united granted equal protection to groups. Couples are a subset of groups. So couple also have the same equal protection as individuals and groups.
DOJ will be opening an investigation of Comey. That is my prediction. It is warranted at this point. Who is his leaker friend? What else has that tool leaked? Oh Boy for a man everyone thinks is so smart he talked himself into a possible crime.

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