After Latest De-Classified Documents Dump Exposing Obama's Failed Coup Attempt & Wray Hiding Docs, Anyone Who Still Denies Is Mentally Ill...Period!

And another lie. I didn't say I was "trying" to trigger anyone. are pathetic, a sniveling, spinning, confessed lying TROLL...who can't follow USM Board rules by sticking to thread topics. Spreading BS and continuing to plead your case that your confession was not a confession.

You're wasting our time, snowflake. Just drop it - no expects you to tell the truth and hardly ever takes you seriously, anyway.

Do you have anything ON-topic to comment on?
I already have. That's when you went drama queen, again, and tried to make the thread about me, again.

Please try to get me out of your head. Your fixation on me is boring.
yet you reply to him as often as he replies to you. so if we use your own standards....

your fixation on him is quite boring.

I'm still waiting for Mac to explain how he is going to regulate us to success. It is sad he became a slobbering CNN race troll.
he doesn't explain anything. he just makes fun of people for trying to talk to him.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.

Why did house democrats fire the Awn brothers?

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.
LOVE the old leftard defense of "Uh-Uhhh!"

Funny how you leftards sniff at the term "conspiracy" while pushing the lie that the DNC server was hacked by the ROOSKIES when William Binney, a a former 2nd in command of the NSA proved that the amount of data downloaded from a foreign country (as was claimed) would have taken many days and in small data streams and any decent I.T and firewall system would have seen the security breach. Leftards like you also ignore the fact that none of the three letter alphabet agencies were allowed to do forensics on the server. Fuckwads like yourself simply pretend that the topic is never brought up. The security breach was an inside job BEHIND the firewall and Seth Rich was the one that downloaded them on a thumb drive. Now, go fuck yourself.....
I love it when people bring up Bill Binney. You want to talk about what he found? He made so many mistakes that half of his group posted a letter contradicting him. He claims to prove it wasn’t Russia based on transfer speeds. What he doesn’t do is demonstrate the transfer speed he was referring to occurred anywhere near the actual hack. He just assumed that’s the case with zero evidence. What he demonstrated is that the files were transferred at some time somewhere over a USB or similar direct connection. That’s it.

I expect exactly zero rebuttal from you because I’m guessing you don’t actually know anything other than his name and what you were told to believe.
I work with computers every day, asswipe. I have to laugh at your questioning of William Binney's expertise sans a link PLUS you have no explanation as to why the server was never turned over for evaluation. What i love best about the Wikileaks dump is how disgusting pieces of shit like you were more concerned about the fact that the dirty dealings were revealed instead of being shocked as to what the contents were. So eat shit and die slowly and painfully, you parasitic waste of life.

Most people work with computers every day. This is 2020, kiddo. We live on computers. Bill Binney is not an expert on cybersecurity and made critical mistakes in his analysis.

The server wasn’t turned over because servers aren’t ever turned over. The evidence isn’t the hardware, it’s the data. Big organizations who are hacked don’t rip out their servers and ship them to Quantico. They pull the data off for forensic purposes, then scrub them and get them back up and running.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.

Why did house democrats fire the Awn brothers?

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.
LOVE the old leftard defense of "Uh-Uhhh!"

Funny how you leftards sniff at the term "conspiracy" while pushing the lie that the DNC server was hacked by the ROOSKIES when William Binney, a a former 2nd in command of the NSA proved that the amount of data downloaded from a foreign country (as was claimed) would have taken many days and in small data streams and any decent I.T and firewall system would have seen the security breach. Leftards like you also ignore the fact that none of the three letter alphabet agencies were allowed to do forensics on the server. Fuckwads like yourself simply pretend that the topic is never brought up. The security breach was an inside job BEHIND the firewall and Seth Rich was the one that downloaded them on a thumb drive. Now, go fuck yourself.....
I love it when people bring up Bill Binney. You want to talk about what he found? He made so many mistakes that half of his group posted a letter contradicting him. He claims to prove it wasn’t Russia based on transfer speeds. What he doesn’t do is demonstrate the transfer speed he was referring to occurred anywhere near the actual hack. He just assumed that’s the case with zero evidence. What he demonstrated is that the files were transferred at some time somewhere over a USB or similar direct connection. That’s it.

I expect exactly zero rebuttal from you because I’m guessing you don’t actually know anything other than his name and what you were told to believe.
I work with computers every day, asswipe. I have to laugh at your questioning of William Binney's expertise sans a link PLUS you have no explanation as to why the server was never turned over for evaluation. What i love best about the Wikileaks dump is how disgusting pieces of shit like you were more concerned about the fact that the dirty dealings were revealed instead of being shocked as to what the contents were. So eat shit and die slowly and painfully, you parasitic waste of life.

Most people work with computers every day. This is 2020, kiddo. We live on computers. Bill Binney is not an expert on cybersecurity and made critical mistakes in his analysis.

The server wasn’t turned over because servers aren’t ever turned over. The evidence isn’t the hardware, it’s the data. Big organizations who are hacked don’t rip out their servers and ship them to Quantico. They pull the data off for forensic purposes, then scrub them and get them back up and running.
Your provided link is a fucking joke. It is easily the worst spin job ever attempted. Keep believing tbat the ROOOSKIES denied the leftard clown posse of the pedo Hildebeast, ya creepy pussbag.
Yet you can’t provide any actual critique of it. What did the link do wrong?

More if you want:
It's a spin job, nothing more or less. Fact 1: Without forensics to see what kind of code was used ( and it is very provable of a hack because firewalls show data of penetration attempts) coupled with the fact that no I.T complained of hacking or warned of a hack until the Wikileaks drop. You are a joke clinging to lies because the truth is too painful and embarrassing.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.

Why did house democrats fire the Awn brothers?

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.
LOVE the old leftard defense of "Uh-Uhhh!"

Funny how you leftards sniff at the term "conspiracy" while pushing the lie that the DNC server was hacked by the ROOSKIES when William Binney, a a former 2nd in command of the NSA proved that the amount of data downloaded from a foreign country (as was claimed) would have taken many days and in small data streams and any decent I.T and firewall system would have seen the security breach. Leftards like you also ignore the fact that none of the three letter alphabet agencies were allowed to do forensics on the server. Fuckwads like yourself simply pretend that the topic is never brought up. The security breach was an inside job BEHIND the firewall and Seth Rich was the one that downloaded them on a thumb drive. Now, go fuck yourself.....
I love it when people bring up Bill Binney. You want to talk about what he found? He made so many mistakes that half of his group posted a letter contradicting him. He claims to prove it wasn’t Russia based on transfer speeds. What he doesn’t do is demonstrate the transfer speed he was referring to occurred anywhere near the actual hack. He just assumed that’s the case with zero evidence. What he demonstrated is that the files were transferred at some time somewhere over a USB or similar direct connection. That’s it.

I expect exactly zero rebuttal from you because I’m guessing you don’t actually know anything other than his name and what you were told to believe.
I work with computers every day, asswipe. I have to laugh at your questioning of William Binney's expertise sans a link PLUS you have no explanation as to why the server was never turned over for evaluation. What i love best about the Wikileaks dump is how disgusting pieces of shit like you were more concerned about the fact that the dirty dealings were revealed instead of being shocked as to what the contents were. So eat shit and die slowly and painfully, you parasitic waste of life.

Most people work with computers every day. This is 2020, kiddo. We live on computers. Bill Binney is not an expert on cybersecurity and made critical mistakes in his analysis.

The server wasn’t turned over because servers aren’t ever turned over. The evidence isn’t the hardware, it’s the data. Big organizations who are hacked don’t rip out their servers and ship them to Quantico. They pull the data off for forensic purposes, then scrub them and get them back up and running.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.

Why did house democrats fire the Awn brothers?

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.
LOVE the old leftard defense of "Uh-Uhhh!"

Funny how you leftards sniff at the term "conspiracy" while pushing the lie that the DNC server was hacked by the ROOSKIES when William Binney, a a former 2nd in command of the NSA proved that the amount of data downloaded from a foreign country (as was claimed) would have taken many days and in small data streams and any decent I.T and firewall system would have seen the security breach. Leftards like you also ignore the fact that none of the three letter alphabet agencies were allowed to do forensics on the server. Fuckwads like yourself simply pretend that the topic is never brought up. The security breach was an inside job BEHIND the firewall and Seth Rich was the one that downloaded them on a thumb drive. Now, go fuck yourself.....
I love it when people bring up Bill Binney. You want to talk about what he found? He made so many mistakes that half of his group posted a letter contradicting him. He claims to prove it wasn’t Russia based on transfer speeds. What he doesn’t do is demonstrate the transfer speed he was referring to occurred anywhere near the actual hack. He just assumed that’s the case with zero evidence. What he demonstrated is that the files were transferred at some time somewhere over a USB or similar direct connection. That’s it.

I expect exactly zero rebuttal from you because I’m guessing you don’t actually know anything other than his name and what you were told to believe.
I work with computers every day, asswipe. I have to laugh at your questioning of William Binney's expertise sans a link PLUS you have no explanation as to why the server was never turned over for evaluation. What i love best about the Wikileaks dump is how disgusting pieces of shit like you were more concerned about the fact that the dirty dealings were revealed instead of being shocked as to what the contents were. So eat shit and die slowly and painfully, you parasitic waste of life.

Most people work with computers every day. This is 2020, kiddo. We live on computers. Bill Binney is not an expert on cybersecurity and made critical mistakes in his analysis.

The server wasn’t turned over because servers aren’t ever turned over. The evidence isn’t the hardware, it’s the data. Big organizations who are hacked don’t rip out their servers and ship them to Quantico. They pull the data off for forensic purposes, then scrub them and get them back up and running.
Your provided link is a fucking joke. It is easily the worst spin job ever attempted. Keep believing tbat the ROOOSKIES denied the leftard clown posse of the pedo Hildebeast, ya creepy pussbag.
Yet you can’t provide any actual critique of it. What did the link do wrong?

More if you want:

i'm not going to take technical explanations from someone who fucks up the very acronym they're trying to refute.
yes I did,,,
Not until I corrected your false statement.
I showed you your false statement. You are denying reality.
bless your heart,,,
Reality isn’t your strong suit.
reality is just fine,,, reality tells me that biden and his son have a long list of apparent wrong doing in other countries that include hunter working directly for the chinese government,,,and because of that our POTUS has authority to investigate if he so chooses

your problem is critical thinking,,,

You imagined there is a DoJ investigation, so no, reality is not your strong suit.

There isn’t an investigation because there isn’t “apparent wrongdoing”.
so the son of the VP working directly for a hostile foreign government isnt apparent to you???

and the only way you would know what investigations the DOJ is not doing would be you worked there,,do you???

cause they have said they are looking into it which means they are investigating,,,
so the son of the VP working directly for a hostile foreign government isnt apparent to you???

Because that hasn’t happened

and the only way you would know what investigations the DOJ is not doing would be you worked there,,do you???

And here you claimed to have proof. Where is it?

cause they have said they are looking into it which means they are investigating,,,

No, it doesn’t. Words matter.
so the son of the VP working directly for a hostile foreign government isnt apparent to you???

Because that hasn’t happened

and the only way you would know what investigations the DOJ is not doing would be you worked there,,do you???

And here you claimed to have proof. Where is it?

cause they have said they are looking into it which means they are investigating,,,

No, it doesn’t. Words matter.
sorry its my fault,,,
I didnt realize I was talking to an ignoramus with no real knowledge of the facts of the case,,,

but bless your heart for trying,,,
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.

Why did house democrats fire the Awn brothers?

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.
LOVE the old leftard defense of "Uh-Uhhh!"

Funny how you leftards sniff at the term "conspiracy" while pushing the lie that the DNC server was hacked by the ROOSKIES when William Binney, a a former 2nd in command of the NSA proved that the amount of data downloaded from a foreign country (as was claimed) would have taken many days and in small data streams and any decent I.T and firewall system would have seen the security breach. Leftards like you also ignore the fact that none of the three letter alphabet agencies were allowed to do forensics on the server. Fuckwads like yourself simply pretend that the topic is never brought up. The security breach was an inside job BEHIND the firewall and Seth Rich was the one that downloaded them on a thumb drive. Now, go fuck yourself.....
I love it when people bring up Bill Binney. You want to talk about what he found? He made so many mistakes that half of his group posted a letter contradicting him. He claims to prove it wasn’t Russia based on transfer speeds. What he doesn’t do is demonstrate the transfer speed he was referring to occurred anywhere near the actual hack. He just assumed that’s the case with zero evidence. What he demonstrated is that the files were transferred at some time somewhere over a USB or similar direct connection. That’s it.

I expect exactly zero rebuttal from you because I’m guessing you don’t actually know anything other than his name and what you were told to believe.
I work with computers every day, asswipe. I have to laugh at your questioning of William Binney's expertise sans a link PLUS you have no explanation as to why the server was never turned over for evaluation. What i love best about the Wikileaks dump is how disgusting pieces of shit like you were more concerned about the fact that the dirty dealings were revealed instead of being shocked as to what the contents were. So eat shit and die slowly and painfully, you parasitic waste of life.

Most people work with computers every day. This is 2020, kiddo. We live on computers. Bill Binney is not an expert on cybersecurity and made critical mistakes in his analysis.

The server wasn’t turned over because servers aren’t ever turned over. The evidence isn’t the hardware, it’s the data. Big organizations who are hacked don’t rip out their servers and ship them to Quantico. They pull the data off for forensic purposes, then scrub them and get them back up and running.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.

Why did house democrats fire the Awn brothers?

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.
LOVE the old leftard defense of "Uh-Uhhh!"

Funny how you leftards sniff at the term "conspiracy" while pushing the lie that the DNC server was hacked by the ROOSKIES when William Binney, a a former 2nd in command of the NSA proved that the amount of data downloaded from a foreign country (as was claimed) would have taken many days and in small data streams and any decent I.T and firewall system would have seen the security breach. Leftards like you also ignore the fact that none of the three letter alphabet agencies were allowed to do forensics on the server. Fuckwads like yourself simply pretend that the topic is never brought up. The security breach was an inside job BEHIND the firewall and Seth Rich was the one that downloaded them on a thumb drive. Now, go fuck yourself.....
I love it when people bring up Bill Binney. You want to talk about what he found? He made so many mistakes that half of his group posted a letter contradicting him. He claims to prove it wasn’t Russia based on transfer speeds. What he doesn’t do is demonstrate the transfer speed he was referring to occurred anywhere near the actual hack. He just assumed that’s the case with zero evidence. What he demonstrated is that the files were transferred at some time somewhere over a USB or similar direct connection. That’s it.

I expect exactly zero rebuttal from you because I’m guessing you don’t actually know anything other than his name and what you were told to believe.
I work with computers every day, asswipe. I have to laugh at your questioning of William Binney's expertise sans a link PLUS you have no explanation as to why the server was never turned over for evaluation. What i love best about the Wikileaks dump is how disgusting pieces of shit like you were more concerned about the fact that the dirty dealings were revealed instead of being shocked as to what the contents were. So eat shit and die slowly and painfully, you parasitic waste of life.

Most people work with computers every day. This is 2020, kiddo. We live on computers. Bill Binney is not an expert on cybersecurity and made critical mistakes in his analysis.

The server wasn’t turned over because servers aren’t ever turned over. The evidence isn’t the hardware, it’s the data. Big organizations who are hacked don’t rip out their servers and ship them to Quantico. They pull the data off for forensic purposes, then scrub them and get them back up and running.
Your provided link is a fucking joke. It is easily the worst spin job ever attempted. Keep believing tbat the ROOOSKIES denied the leftard clown posse of the pedo Hildebeast, ya creepy pussbag.
Yet you can’t provide any actual critique of it. What did the link do wrong?

More if you want:

i'm not going to take technical explanations from someone who fucks up the very acronym they're trying to refute.
Is that really the best you can do? They didn’t capitalize a letter so you disregard all of it?


More of the same point, with proper capitalization your majesty.

The essence of the error is that Binney assumes the transfer that he derived his speed from was the transfer from the DNC server to whatever decide it went to. That’s simply unfounded. We know basically nothing about the context of the transfer to which he’s referring.

For example, as Mueller points out, the files went from the DNC server to a AWS server in Arizona and then transferred to Russian servers. The Russia’s could have at any point in time downloaded the data from their server to a drive resulting in the exact metadata observed.
so the son of the VP working directly for a hostile foreign government isnt apparent to you???

Because that hasn’t happened

and the only way you would know what investigations the DOJ is not doing would be you worked there,,do you???

And here you claimed to have proof. Where is it?

cause they have said they are looking into it which means they are investigating,,,

No, it doesn’t. Words matter.
sorry its my fault,,,
I didnt realize I was talking to an ignoramus with no real knowledge of the facts of the case,,,

but bless your heart for trying,,,
Sorry, but I know what I’m talking about. You’re living in a fantasy land.

Let’s have the proof of a DoJ investigation, shall we?
so the son of the VP working directly for a hostile foreign government isnt apparent to you???

Because that hasn’t happened

and the only way you would know what investigations the DOJ is not doing would be you worked there,,do you???

And here you claimed to have proof. Where is it?

cause they have said they are looking into it which means they are investigating,,,

No, it doesn’t. Words matter.
sorry its my fault,,,
I didnt realize I was talking to an ignoramus with no real knowledge of the facts of the case,,,

but bless your heart for trying,,,
Sorry, but I know what I’m talking about. You’re living in a fantasy land.

Let’s have the proof of a DoJ investigation, shall we?
its in the link I provided,,,
explanation as to why the server was never turned over for evaluation

How do you turn over several virtual machines on virtual networks? Crowdstrike never handled any physical server either.
trick question?

simply turn access over to them for full evaluation.

not copies, not backups - but the environment itself.

What about all the other virtual servers housed in the same environment? You think a shop like AWS would allow the FBI to take its virtual environment.
so the son of the VP working directly for a hostile foreign government isnt apparent to you???

Because that hasn’t happened

and the only way you would know what investigations the DOJ is not doing would be you worked there,,do you???

And here you claimed to have proof. Where is it?

cause they have said they are looking into it which means they are investigating,,,

No, it doesn’t. Words matter.
sorry its my fault,,,
I didnt realize I was talking to an ignoramus with no real knowledge of the facts of the case,,,

but bless your heart for trying,,,
Sorry, but I know what I’m talking about. You’re living in a fantasy land.

Let’s have the proof of a DoJ investigation, shall we?
its in the link I provided,,,
Negative. No source was in the link you provided.
so the son of the VP working directly for a hostile foreign government isnt apparent to you???

Because that hasn’t happened

and the only way you would know what investigations the DOJ is not doing would be you worked there,,do you???

And here you claimed to have proof. Where is it?

cause they have said they are looking into it which means they are investigating,,,

No, it doesn’t. Words matter.
sorry its my fault,,,
I didnt realize I was talking to an ignoramus with no real knowledge of the facts of the case,,,

but bless your heart for trying,,,
Sorry, but I know what I’m talking about. You’re living in a fantasy land.

Let’s have the proof of a DoJ investigation, shall we?
its in the link I provided,,,
Negative. No source was in the link you provided.
yes there was,,,
so the son of the VP working directly for a hostile foreign government isnt apparent to you???

Because that hasn’t happened

and the only way you would know what investigations the DOJ is not doing would be you worked there,,do you???

And here you claimed to have proof. Where is it?

cause they have said they are looking into it which means they are investigating,,,

No, it doesn’t. Words matter.
sorry its my fault,,,
I didnt realize I was talking to an ignoramus with no real knowledge of the facts of the case,,,

but bless your heart for trying,,,
Sorry, but I know what I’m talking about. You’re living in a fantasy land.

Let’s have the proof of a DoJ investigation, shall we?
its in the link I provided,,,
Negative. No source was in the link you provided.
yes there was,,,
Maybe in your fantasy world. Not in reality. I read the link. Zero sources about it.
so the son of the VP working directly for a hostile foreign government isnt apparent to you???

Because that hasn’t happened

and the only way you would know what investigations the DOJ is not doing would be you worked there,,do you???

And here you claimed to have proof. Where is it?

cause they have said they are looking into it which means they are investigating,,,

No, it doesn’t. Words matter.
sorry its my fault,,,
I didnt realize I was talking to an ignoramus with no real knowledge of the facts of the case,,,

but bless your heart for trying,,,
Sorry, but I know what I’m talking about. You’re living in a fantasy land.

Let’s have the proof of a DoJ investigation, shall we?
its in the link I provided,,,
Negative. No source was in the link you provided.
yes there was,,,
Maybe in your fantasy world. Not in reality. I read the link. Zero sources about it.
youve lied so many times before youre obviously lying again because I know its there since I put it there,,,
so the son of the VP working directly for a hostile foreign government isnt apparent to you???

Because that hasn’t happened

and the only way you would know what investigations the DOJ is not doing would be you worked there,,do you???

And here you claimed to have proof. Where is it?

cause they have said they are looking into it which means they are investigating,,,

No, it doesn’t. Words matter.
sorry its my fault,,,
I didnt realize I was talking to an ignoramus with no real knowledge of the facts of the case,,,

but bless your heart for trying,,,
Sorry, but I know what I’m talking about. You’re living in a fantasy land.

Let’s have the proof of a DoJ investigation, shall we?
its in the link I provided,,,
Negative. No source was in the link you provided.
yes there was,,,
Maybe in your fantasy world. Not in reality. I read the link. Zero sources about it.
so the son of the VP working directly for a hostile foreign government isnt apparent to you???

Because that hasn’t happened

and the only way you would know what investigations the DOJ is not doing would be you worked there,,do you???

And here you claimed to have proof. Where is it?

cause they have said they are looking into it which means they are investigating,,,

No, it doesn’t. Words matter.
sorry its my fault,,,
I didnt realize I was talking to an ignoramus with no real knowledge of the facts of the case,,,

but bless your heart for trying,,,
Sorry, but I know what I’m talking about. You’re living in a fantasy land.

Let’s have the proof of a DoJ investigation, shall we?
its in the link I provided,,,
Negative. No source was in the link you provided.
yes there was,,,
Maybe in your fantasy world. Not in reality. I read the link. Zero sources about it.
youve lied so many times before youre obviously lying again because I know its there since I put it there,,,

This was your link. It contains two Glenn Beck videos and no proof of a DoJ investigation.
so the son of the VP working directly for a hostile foreign government isnt apparent to you???

Because that hasn’t happened

and the only way you would know what investigations the DOJ is not doing would be you worked there,,do you???

And here you claimed to have proof. Where is it?

cause they have said they are looking into it which means they are investigating,,,

No, it doesn’t. Words matter.
sorry its my fault,,,
I didnt realize I was talking to an ignoramus with no real knowledge of the facts of the case,,,

but bless your heart for trying,,,
Sorry, but I know what I’m talking about. You’re living in a fantasy land.

Let’s have the proof of a DoJ investigation, shall we?
its in the link I provided,,,
Negative. No source was in the link you provided.
yes there was,,,
Maybe in your fantasy world. Not in reality. I read the link. Zero sources about it.
That link does not show there’s an investigation.
so the son of the VP working directly for a hostile foreign government isnt apparent to you???

Because that hasn’t happened

and the only way you would know what investigations the DOJ is not doing would be you worked there,,do you???

And here you claimed to have proof. Where is it?

cause they have said they are looking into it which means they are investigating,,,

No, it doesn’t. Words matter.
sorry its my fault,,,
I didnt realize I was talking to an ignoramus with no real knowledge of the facts of the case,,,

but bless your heart for trying,,,
Sorry, but I know what I’m talking about. You’re living in a fantasy land.

Let’s have the proof of a DoJ investigation, shall we?
its in the link I provided,,,
Negative. No source was in the link you provided.
yes there was,,,
Maybe in your fantasy world. Not in reality. I read the link. Zero sources about it.
youve lied so many times before youre obviously lying again because I know its there since I put it there,,,

This was your link. It contains two Glenn Beck videos and no proof of a DoJ investigation.
my god youre a fucking idiot,,,
so the son of the VP working directly for a hostile foreign government isnt apparent to you???

Because that hasn’t happened

and the only way you would know what investigations the DOJ is not doing would be you worked there,,do you???

And here you claimed to have proof. Where is it?

cause they have said they are looking into it which means they are investigating,,,

No, it doesn’t. Words matter.
sorry its my fault,,,
I didnt realize I was talking to an ignoramus with no real knowledge of the facts of the case,,,

but bless your heart for trying,,,
Sorry, but I know what I’m talking about. You’re living in a fantasy land.

Let’s have the proof of a DoJ investigation, shall we?
its in the link I provided,,,
Negative. No source was in the link you provided.
yes there was,,,
Maybe in your fantasy world. Not in reality. I read the link. Zero sources about it.
That link does not show there’s an investigation.
well they arent using it for toilet paper,,,

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