After Latest De-Classified Documents Dump Exposing Obama's Failed Coup Attempt & Wray Hiding Docs, Anyone Who Still Denies Is Mentally Ill...Period!

"DNI chief John Ratcliffe on Thursday declassified documents that revealed the FBI’s so-called ‘defensive briefing’ given to Donald Trump and General Flynn in August of 2016 was actually part of the ‘insurance policy’ to take out Trump and his campaign.

The FBI was not giving Trump a defensive briefing on August 17, 2016, rather, they were spying on him and collecting information on his campaign.

The August 2016 briefing notes were filed under the FBI Russia probe “Crossfire Hurricane,” and the FBI probe into GEN Flynn dubbed “Crossfire Razor.”

At the heart of it, Joe Pientka. You’re right. I write about it in my book. But interestingly the government has scrubbed him from all reports including the FBI report, the Department of Justice report, even the FISA Court report. And the FBI has removed him from their website and sequestered him to San Francisco’s field office refusing to make him available, not withstanding any repeated demands to Congress. That’s the cover-up by the existing FBI director Christopher Wray. And the other part of this equation is that the documents today – they’re exculpatory.

They tend to prove Trump’s innocence and yet the FBI and Christopher Wray have concealed these documents along with the intel community for the better part of four years. "

The longer time goes on, the more official reports and other evidence is released to the public, the less 'shadow' the criminal TRAITORS have to hide in...In fact, there is no more 'shadow' to hide in.

FACT: Barak Obama was the most criminal President in US history - the evidence proves it.

FACT: Obama's administration was the most criminal in US history - it is indisputable based on the evidence that exists.

FACT: FBI Director Chris Wray is a criminal traitor, a POS just like Mueller and Comey, who has been groomed within the FBI to take over and not miss a beat if needed to step in. He has done that. He had worked faithfully in the best interest of the FBI, to protect the agency and its people from repercussions for exposed crimes to include treason, which the FBI is guilty of.

The evidence is all there. Wray has had and has hidden evidence for 4 years.
- the EVIDENCE proves he has committed Conspiracy, Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, and even TREASON.

At this point, with the 'bleeding out' of evidence of the attempted political coup attempt by Obama, his administration, the complicit media, and the ON-GOING attempts to still cover-up something that has been fully exposed now CAN NOT BE DENIED by anyone SANE!

ANY continued DENIAL...ANY continued DEFENSE of these TRAITORS....ANY continued claims that THIS EVER HAPPENED can ONLY be attributed to MENTAL ILLNESS!

Links from Fake News sites, especially the Gateway Pundit, are often links to Russian propaganda, especially Russian conspiracy theories about the 2016 election and denial of the roles of the Russian government in trying to aid in the election of Donald Trump. You wouldn't want anyone to think you're promoting Russian propaganda would you, easy?

  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracies and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.


The Gateway Pundit is an extreme right news and opinion website that is not afraid of conspiracy theories and the occasional publication of falsehoods (see analysis). The website was founded by Jim Hoft in 2004 to “speak the truth” and to “expose the wickedness of the left.”

According to their about page “The Gateway Pundit is one of the top political websites. It is consistently ranked as one of the top political blogs in the nation. TGP has been cited by Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, The Blaze, Mark Levin, FOX Nation and by several international news organizations.”

And still, no quotes, no proof.

Good thing I wasn't expecting any.
I linked your own post in which you confessed to being a TROLL, puss.

It's bad enough your being a liar - it's even worse that you are stupid, too.
Minor problem, that's not what I actually said.

So I'll wait here for you to man up and back up your words for a change.

You sure have a need to bitch about me. You know what I think of you?

I don't. Sorry.


That's right, 'Joe-Lite', try to tell us all your confession is not what it looks like.

I have not lost all remaining respect for you because you are a confessed lying troll. I have lost all remaining respect for you because you are a sniveling, whining, puss who can't 'man up' and admit that you were not only caught lying but also caught confessing to be a socialist DNC-apologist TROLL.

Deal with it, Mac...or put me on ignore.

The real scandal.

The FBI allowed all these baseless accusations about Mrs. Clinton not using the right Email address go around for months while they kept Trump and Company's playing footsie with the Russians under wraps until after the election.
Show us any charges against Trump and his associates playing footsie with Russia. Oh, you can’t. Because they weren’t.
Charges, some related charges.... we're made, like Stone's....

But who needs charges, when you have Trump associates playing footsie all over the place with the Russian operatives....?
And still, no quotes, no proof.

Good thing I wasn't expecting any.
I linked your own post in which you confessed to being a TROLL, puss.

It's bad enough your being a liar - it's even worse that you are stupid, too.
Minor problem, that's not what I actually said.

So I'll wait here for you to man up and back up your words for a change.

You sure have a need to bitch about me. You know what I think of you?

I don't. Sorry.


That's right, 'Joe-Lite', try to tell us all your confession is not what it looks like.

I have not lost all remaining respect for you because you are a confessed lying troll. I have lost all remaining respect for you because you are a sniveling, whining, puss who can't 'man up' and admit that you were not only caught lying but also caught confessing to be a socialist DNC-apologist TROLL.

Deal with it, Mac...or put me on ignore.

Okie dokie!

I won't expect any proof.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

You prefer "revolution" then, Comrade Traitor?

Obama attempted to overthrow the duly elected president once the corruption and perversion of the election by his administration failed to produce victory for the Communist democrat party.

Call it what you want, it's treason regardless.
Totally batshit crazy to use that kind of language to describe what happened.

You’re basically saying no candidate or president can ever be investigated for any wrongdoing which isn’t how our country works. That’s the attitude of the authorities in authoritarian countries. Not ours.
thats what you morons have been saying about biden ever since the Ukraine scandal broke,,,
What scandal? The one that the DoJ won’t touch with a 10 foot pole because it’s baseless?

If someone did something wrong, you investigate using the DoJ, not a geriatric confused ex-mayor campaign advocate.
who are you to tell the POTUS what he can or cant do???

POTUS is fully within their right to investigate anything they want,,,and more so when the FBI and others proved they cant be trusted,,,
Who am I? A citizen of the US. That’s who. Are you not aware of how this country works? Obviously not.
show me where POTUS is forbidden from doing investigations???
Fourth amendment.
there was a lot off probable cause,,,

that brings me back to my other comment,,,

have you ever been right about something???
I guess not,,,
If there were probable cause, the DoJ would have investigated.

But they aren’t because there isn’t. Just a bunch of nonsense conspiracy theories promoted by corrupt Ukrainians taking advantage of a weak president.
well now they are,,
and it doesnt matter if they were in the beginning or not,,POTUS as all branchs have authority to investgate,,,
No, the DoJ is not investigating Joe Biden and Ukraine.

They don’t have the authority to investigate without cause. That would be a violation of our civil rights. This isn’t an authoritarian country. The President is not able to do whatever he wants.
Crazy Joe is on video saying he outright blackmailed Ukraine, idiot.

Ukraine didn't have to accept the US and our allies conditions on our offer of help. Perhaps you think we should just give foreign aid away and not attach pro USA conditions to it?

I hope dumbshit Donnie brings that up in the debates too.
I won't expect any proof.

As this thread topic states, anyone who still denies the 'criminal messiah' and his traitorous posse did not fail miserably in attempting a coup, you are mentally ill.

And you give the perfect example of just HOW mentally ill by 'pulling a Biden', confessing to be a TROLL, denying it, having your own post - in which you admitted it - shown to you, and you still attempt to deny it.

Thanks for the help, puss.

I won't expect any proof.

As this thread topic states, anyone who still denies the 'criminal messiah' and his traitorous posse did not fail miserably in attempting a coup, you are mentally ill.

And you give the perfect example of just HOW mentally ill by 'pulling a Biden', confessing to be a TROLL, denying it, having your own post - in which you admitted it - shown to you, and you still attempt to deny it.

Thanks for the help, puss.

Okay, well, always interesting to peer into the mind of a Trumpster. If I didn't say something, you just pretend I did.

And still, no quotes, no proof.

Good thing I wasn't expecting any.
I linked your own post in which you confessed to being a TROLL, puss.

It's bad enough your being a liar - it's even worse that you are stupid, too.
Minor problem, that's not what I actually said.

So I'll wait here for you to man up and back up your words for a change.

You sure have a need to bitch about me. You know what I think of you?

I don't. Sorry.


That's right, 'Joe-Lite', try to tell us all your confession is not what it looks like.

I have not lost all remaining respect for you because you are a confessed lying troll. I have lost all remaining respect for you because you are a sniveling, whining, puss who can't 'man up' and admit that you were not only caught lying but also caught confessing to be a socialist DNC-apologist TROLL.

Deal with it, Mac...or put me on ignore.


I lost all respect for you for your lies, and your unreasonable hatred and name calling of Hillary Clinton, who has never even been charged with a crime, while denying the crimes of Donald Trump and his minions, and your complete denial of any Russian involvement in the election. You promote the lies, and deny the truth.

You also said that I couldn't accuse Trump of being a criminal because he's never been "convicted" of a crime, but consistenly call Clinton a criminal even though she's never even been charged with a crime. In fact, 25 investigations EXONERATED HER completely.

The only reason Trump hasn't been convicted of a crimed is because he "settled" his criminal charges and paid up to $25 million to make the charges disappear, or he bribed public officials not to join criminal law suits. He paid fines to the IRS for illegal "campaign contributions" to two states' AG's who were considering joining the Trump University law suit, and both declined to join the suit.

Not to worry, Trump will be convicted after he leaves office. Americans have never charged a former President with crimes, but giving the corruption, and outright theft of public funds, and receiving "emouluments" both foreign and domestic, and his abuses of power, they're prepared to make an exception for Trump.
And still, no quotes, no proof.

Good thing I wasn't expecting any.
I linked your own post in which you confessed to being a TROLL, puss.

It's bad enough your being a liar - it's even worse that you are stupid, too.
Minor problem, that's not what I actually said.

So I'll wait here for you to man up and back up your words for a change.

You sure have a need to bitch about me. You know what I think of you?

I don't. Sorry.


That's right, 'Joe-Lite', try to tell us all your confession is not what it looks like.

I have not lost all remaining respect for you because you are a confessed lying troll. I have lost all remaining respect for you because you are a sniveling, whining, puss who can't 'man up' and admit that you were not only caught lying but also caught confessing to be a socialist DNC-apologist TROLL.

Deal with it, Mac...or put me on ignore.


I lost all respect for you for your lies, and your unreasonable hatred and name calling of Hillary Clinton, who has never even been charged with a crime, while denying the crimes of Donald Trump and his minions, and your complete denial of any Russian involvement in the election. You promote the lies, and deny the truth.

You also said that I couldn't accuse Trump of being a criminal because he's never been "convicted" of a crime, but consistenly call Clinton a criminal even though she's never even been charged with a crime. In fact, 25 investigations EXONERATED HER completely.

The only reason Trump hasn't been convicted of a crimed is because he "settled" his criminal charges and paid up to $25 million to make the charges disappear, or he bribed public officials not to join criminal law suits. He paid fines to the IRS for illegal "campaign contributions" to two states' AG's who were considering joining the Trump University law suit, and both declined to join the suit.

Not to worry, Trump will be convicted after he leaves office. Americans have never charged a former President with crimes, but giving the corruption, and outright theft of public funds, and receiving "emouluments" both foreign and domestic, and his abuses of power, they're prepared to make an exception for Trump.
You have any Proof of your allegations? Didn't think so...
I won't expect any proof.

As this thread topic states, anyone who still denies the 'criminal messiah' and his traitorous posse did not fail miserably in attempting a coup, you are mentally ill.

And you give the perfect example of just HOW mentally ill by 'pulling a Biden', confessing to be a TROLL, denying it, having your own post - in which you admitted it - shown to you, and you still attempt to deny it.

Thanks for the help, puss.

Okay, well, always interesting to peer into the mind of a Trumpster. If I didn't say something, you just pretend I did.

Are you saying something to me, CONFESSED TROLL? You're wasting your time. You already admitted you post known BS to try to trigger members. (I even posted a link to YOIUR own post, YOUR own words...)

You are desperate to plead your case, which has nothing to do with the topic of discussion, so why don't you head off to another thread where you can TROLL without having your confession posted for everyone to read?!
I won't expect any proof.

As this thread topic states, anyone who still denies the 'criminal messiah' and his traitorous posse did not fail miserably in attempting a coup, you are mentally ill.

And you give the perfect example of just HOW mentally ill by 'pulling a Biden', confessing to be a TROLL, denying it, having your own post - in which you admitted it - shown to you, and you still attempt to deny it.

Thanks for the help, puss.

Since birthirism is over, and benghazism is over. now you need this.
I won't expect any proof.

As this thread topic states, anyone who still denies the 'criminal messiah' and his traitorous posse did not fail miserably in attempting a coup, you are mentally ill.

And you give the perfect example of just HOW mentally ill by 'pulling a Biden', confessing to be a TROLL, denying it, having your own post - in which you admitted it - shown to you, and you still attempt to deny it.

Thanks for the help, puss.


The "criminal messiah". I guess things have gotten so bad for you with Trump, you're trying to promote the idea that a President who ran the least criminal administration in American history is somehow worse than the current President who is running the MOST corrupt and criminal administration in American history.

Facts and history are just not on your side, E. When the only sources you have are fake news and propaganda websites, your side is in BIG trouble.

Why don't you just hold your breathe until Obama is facing charges. It shouldn't be long now.

I won't expect any proof.

As this thread topic states, anyone who still denies the 'criminal messiah' and his traitorous posse did not fail miserably in attempting a coup, you are mentally ill.

And you give the perfect example of just HOW mentally ill by 'pulling a Biden', confessing to be a TROLL, denying it, having your own post - in which you admitted it - shown to you, and you still attempt to deny it.

Thanks for the help, puss.

Okay, well, always interesting to peer into the mind of a Trumpster. If I didn't say something, you just pretend I did.

Are you saying something to me, CONFESSED TROLL? You're wasting your time. You already admitted you post known BS to try to trigger members. (I even posted a link to YOIUR own post, YOUR own words...)

You are desperate to plead your case, which has nothing to do with the topic of discussion, so why don't you head off to another thread where you can TROLL without having your confession posted for everyone to read?!
And another lie. I didn't say I was "trying" to trigger anyone.

Two lies now for you, none for me.

I must say, your sloppy desperation to put me on the defensive pleases me.
And still, no quotes, no proof.

Good thing I wasn't expecting any.
I linked your own post in which you confessed to being a TROLL, puss.

It's bad enough your being a liar - it's even worse that you are stupid, too.
Minor problem, that's not what I actually said.

So I'll wait here for you to man up and back up your words for a change.

You sure have a need to bitch about me. You know what I think of you?

I don't. Sorry.


That's right, 'Joe-Lite', try to tell us all your confession is not what it looks like.

I have not lost all remaining respect for you because you are a confessed lying troll. I have lost all remaining respect for you because you are a sniveling, whining, puss who can't 'man up' and admit that you were not only caught lying but also caught confessing to be a socialist DNC-apologist TROLL.

Deal with it, Mac...or put me on ignore.


I lost all respect for you for your lies, and your unreasonable hatred and name calling of Hillary Clinton, who has never even been charged with a crime, while denying the crimes of Donald Trump and his minions, and your complete denial of any Russian involvement in the election. You promote the lies, and deny the truth.

You also said that I couldn't accuse Trump of being a criminal because he's never been "convicted" of a crime, but consistenly call Clinton a criminal even though she's never even been charged with a crime. In fact, 25 investigations EXONERATED HER completely.

The only reason Trump hasn't been convicted of a crimed is because he "settled" his criminal charges and paid up to $25 million to make the charges disappear, or he bribed public officials not to join criminal law suits. He paid fines to the IRS for illegal "campaign contributions" to two states' AG's who were considering joining the Trump University law suit, and both declined to join the suit.

Not to worry, Trump will be convicted after he leaves office. Americans have never charged a former President with crimes, but giving the corruption, and outright theft of public funds, and receiving "emouluments" both foreign and domestic, and his abuses of power, they're prepared to make an exception for Trump.
You have any Proof of your allegations? Didn't think so...
She never does. Dems, the media, and snowflakes deal in accusations, lies, feelings, and emotion....what they can prove is not important....until they get their ass handed to them. Just ask the WaPo - they just coughed up $250 million after being caught lying / slandering.

Funny as hell - the WaPo reporter and editor caused the owner to pay a teenager more money that both of them will probably make in their lives because they intentionally lied just to continue to con snowflakes / incite hatred and division.

Since birthirism is over, and benghazism is over. now you need this.

I don't NEED anything, lyin' lil' snowflake. Much like Sandman didn't NEED or even ASK for $250 Million, the LYING WaPo just came along and gave it to him. No one ASKS for Mac to continue to spread BS, as he confessed to doing, but he does so anyway.
And another lie. I didn't say I was "trying" to trigger anyone. are pathetic, a sniveling, spinning, confessed lying TROLL...who can't follow USM Board rules by sticking to thread topics. Spreading BS and continuing to plead your case that your confession was not a confession.

You're wasting our time, snowflake. Just drop it - no expects you to tell the truth and hardly ever takes you seriously, anyway.

Do you have anything ON-topic to comment on?
It started with Limbaugh, as usual.


So Rush Limbaugh FORCED Obama to buy the dirty dossier from the Kremlin, embed spies in the opposition campaign, leak fake stories to the complicit party press to corrupt and pervert the election, and then MADE Obama plot a coup once the election rigging failed?

Well, damn that sneaky Rush..
Is that what you think I said?



Yer just a troll. What you say is generally stupid and without merit.

You thought you could deflect from facts that expose your filthy traitorous party by spewing hate at a party enemy. It works on Twitter...
I sure can trigger you nutters, though. So either put me on ignore, or tough shit.

Your whining is boring.



IRONY ^^^. Easy65 [65? his score on Stanford-Binet; but I digress]. Making this accusation goes beyond Irony, and Easy65's posts are not only boring, unoriginal and a fantasy they are never presented with probative evidence.
They try this one all the time in a feeble attempt to put me on the defensive, yet they can never back up their words.

Liars and cowards.

The good ole democrat party destroys evidence, spys during a transition, uses a media backed fake Russia conspiracy, make up stuff to attack a Supreme Court Nominee, race baits, allows criminals to walk free, shits on cops, and you whine about talk radio. If you are the minister of truth, you live in the worst bubble of all. So far, the only thing I've read from you besides trolling is that you think Trump is sinister for some 1940 reason that is not racism, you want to rebuild Central America and think it can be done without enriching drug lords, you are obsessed with the media asking Trump about David Duke, somehow increased regulatoin is supposed to fix the economy, and you believe in some spectrum thingy and are sore because people call it communism whenever the government wants to take over more industries. There was also the gem that minorities don't vote on issues, because republicans don't do some unnamed thing to prove they love minorities. You are also completely silent when asked how democrat policies will help the middle class or families where both parents work. So why do you hate Trump and republicans so much? You said it isn't race, but you can't get David Duke out of your brain and you post pictures of Archie Bunker. lol
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

You prefer "revolution" then, Comrade Traitor?

Obama attempted to overthrow the duly elected president once the corruption and perversion of the election by his administration failed to produce victory for the Communist democrat party.

Call it what you want, it's treason regardless.
Totally batshit crazy to use that kind of language to describe what happened.

You’re basically saying no candidate or president can ever be investigated for any wrongdoing which isn’t how our country works. That’s the attitude of the authorities in authoritarian countries. Not ours.
thats what you morons have been saying about biden ever since the Ukraine scandal broke,,,
What scandal? The one that the DoJ won’t touch with a 10 foot pole because it’s baseless?

If someone did something wrong, you investigate using the DoJ, not a geriatric confused ex-mayor campaign advocate.
now would you meet with the DOJ in their offices, or find a nice runway off to the side of an airport somewhere?

this is where it gets confusing as you preach proper technique.
And another lie. I didn't say I was "trying" to trigger anyone. are pathetic, a sniveling, spinning, confessed lying TROLL...who can't follow USM Board rules by sticking to thread topics. Spreading BS and continuing to plead your case that your confession was not a confession.

You're wasting our time, snowflake. Just drop it - no expects you to tell the truth and hardly ever takes you seriously, anyway.

Do you have anything ON-topic to comment on?
I already have. That's when you went drama queen, again, and tried to make the thread about me, again.

Please try to get me out of your head. Your fixation on me is boring.
And another lie. I didn't say I was "trying" to trigger anyone. are pathetic, a sniveling, spinning, confessed lying TROLL...who can't follow USM Board rules by sticking to thread topics. Spreading BS and continuing to plead your case that your confession was not a confession.

You're wasting our time, snowflake. Just drop it - no expects you to tell the truth and hardly ever takes you seriously, anyway.

Do you have anything ON-topic to comment on?
I already have. That's when you went drama queen, again, and tried to make the thread about me, again.

Please try to get me out of your head. Your fixation on me is boring.
yet you reply to him as often as he replies to you. so if we use your own standards....

your fixation on him is quite boring.

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