After Latest De-Classified Documents Dump Exposing Obama's Failed Coup Attempt & Wray Hiding Docs, Anyone Who Still Denies Is Mentally Ill...Period!

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.

Wow, such a comment, and no proof whatsoever. The circumstantial evidence strongly suggests Putin has something (or many somethings) on Trump: From changing the Republican Platform in '16; to meeting with Russian Press and Officials without any US Official or Press in Trump Tower; to private meetings between Putin and Trump sans any notes; Trump's effort to readmit Russia in what is now the G-7; and effort to aid Russian's aggression in the Ukraine.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors,
There is NO PROOF OF THIS! Crowd source is not a reputable company.

Crowdstrike is a Ukrainian company with deep ties to the Clinton gang and to Biden.

Crowdstrike are the ones who claimed the DNC servers were hacked - but never offered any evidence. the Comey FBI used the Ukranian report in leu of an investigation by U.S. law enforcement. The whole thing was corrupt from top to bottom.

The data breach was from inside, no way to move a terabyte of data across the internet in a theft situation. The DNC and Ukrainians knew who did it - so did Comey. Seth Rich paid with his life for his actions.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors,
There is NO PROOF OF THIS! Crowd source is not a reputable company.
They’re very reputable. So reputable they’re used by the RNC to shore up their security.

You’re not reputable.

So reputable that they denied the FBI access to the DNC servers to verify their claims.... Righhhhhhhhhhtttttttttttt..

The FBI has no problem verifying their claims without it. CrowdStrike scrubbed the servers of the malware and got them back into working order so that the DNC could continue their work.

Which is standard operating procedure for organizations and companies that get hacked.
"DNI chief John Ratcliffe on Thursday declassified documents that revealed the FBI’s so-called ‘defensive briefing’ given to Donald Trump and General Flynn in August of 2016 was actually part of the ‘insurance policy’ to take out Trump and his campaign.

The FBI was not giving Trump a defensive briefing on August 17, 2016, rather, they were spying on him and collecting information on his campaign.

The August 2016 briefing notes were filed under the FBI Russia probe “Crossfire Hurricane,” and the FBI probe into GEN Flynn dubbed “Crossfire Razor.”

At the heart of it, Joe Pientka. You’re right. I write about it in my book. But interestingly the government has scrubbed him from all reports including the FBI report, the Department of Justice report, even the FISA Court report. And the FBI has removed him from their website and sequestered him to San Francisco’s field office refusing to make him available, not withstanding any repeated demands to Congress. That’s the cover-up by the existing FBI director Christopher Wray. And the other part of this equation is that the documents today – they’re exculpatory.

They tend to prove Trump’s innocence and yet the FBI and Christopher Wray have concealed these documents along with the intel community for the better part of four years. "

The longer time goes on, the more official reports and other evidence is released to the public, the less 'shadow' the criminal TRAITORS have to hide in...In fact, there is no more 'shadow' to hide in.

FACT: Barak Obama was the most criminal President in US history - the evidence proves it.

FACT: Obama's administration was the most criminal in US history - it is indisputable based on the evidence that exists.

FACT: FBI Director Chris Wray is a criminal traitor, a POS just like Mueller and Comey, who has been groomed within the FBI to take over and not miss a beat if needed to step in. He has done that. He had worked faithfully in the best interest of the FBI, to protect the agency and its people from repercussions for exposed crimes to include treason, which the FBI is guilty of.

The evidence is all there. Wray has had and has hidden evidence for 4 years.
- the EVIDENCE proves he has committed Conspiracy, Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, and even TREASON.

At this point, with the 'bleeding out' of evidence of the attempted political coup attempt by Obama, his administration, the complicit media, and the ON-GOING attempts to still cover-up something that has been fully exposed now CAN NOT BE DENIED by anyone SANE!

ANY continued DENIAL...ANY continued DEFENSE of these TRAITORS....ANY continued claims that THIS EVER HAPPENED can ONLY be attributed to MENTAL ILLNESS!

Oh please. Ratliff has his tongue so far up tRumps ass that they're Frenching in reverse. Nothing he does or says is honest.

Thank you for self-identifying as a psychotic nutbag....

It started with Limbaugh, as usual.


So Rush Limbaugh FORCED Obama to buy the dirty dossier from the Kremlin, embed spies in the opposition campaign, leak fake stories to the complicit party press to corrupt and pervert the election, and then MADE Obama plot a coup once the election rigging failed?

Well, damn that sneaky Rush..
Is that what you think I said?



Yer just a troll. What you say is generally stupid and without merit.

You thought you could deflect from facts that expose your filthy traitorous party by spewing hate at a party enemy. It works on Twitter...
I sure can trigger you nutters, though. So either put me on ignore, or tough shit.

Your whining is boring.


Oh calm down, slugger.

Please quote my "lies".

You do know how to use the quote function.

Thanks in advance.
It started with Limbaugh, as usual.


So Rush Limbaugh FORCED Obama to buy the dirty dossier from the Kremlin, embed spies in the opposition campaign, leak fake stories to the complicit party press to corrupt and pervert the election, and then MADE Obama plot a coup once the election rigging failed?

Well, damn that sneaky Rush..
Is that what you think I said?



Yer just a troll. What you say is generally stupid and without merit.

You thought you could deflect from facts that expose your filthy traitorous party by spewing hate at a party enemy. It works on Twitter...
I sure can trigger you nutters, though. So either put me on ignore, or tough shit.

Your whining is boring.

You're not worthy of putting on ignore.
It started with Limbaugh, as usual.


So Rush Limbaugh FORCED Obama to buy the dirty dossier from the Kremlin, embed spies in the opposition campaign, leak fake stories to the complicit party press to corrupt and pervert the election, and then MADE Obama plot a coup once the election rigging failed?

Well, damn that sneaky Rush..
Is that what you think I said?



Yer just a troll. What you say is generally stupid and without merit.

You thought you could deflect from facts that expose your filthy traitorous party by spewing hate at a party enemy. It works on Twitter...
I sure can trigger you nutters, though. So either put me on ignore, or tough shit.

Your whining is boring.

You're not worthy of putting on ignore.
Cool! Then tough shit.
Crowdstrike is a Ukrainian company with deep ties to the Clinton gang and to Biden.
They’re not a Ukrainian company.

It started with Limbaugh, as usual.


So Rush Limbaugh FORCED Obama to buy the dirty dossier from the Kremlin, embed spies in the opposition campaign, leak fake stories to the complicit party press to corrupt and pervert the election, and then MADE Obama plot a coup once the election rigging failed?

Well, damn that sneaky Rush..
Is that what you think I said?



Yer just a troll. What you say is generally stupid and without merit.

You thought you could deflect from facts that expose your filthy traitorous party by spewing hate at a party enemy. It works on Twitter...
I sure can trigger you nutters, though. So either put me on ignore, or tough shit.

Your whining is boring.



IRONY ^^^. Easy65 [65? his score on Stanford-Binet; but I digress]. Making this accusation goes beyond Irony, and Easy65's posts are not only boring, unoriginal and a fantasy they are never presented with probative evidence.
It started with Limbaugh, as usual.


So Rush Limbaugh FORCED Obama to buy the dirty dossier from the Kremlin, embed spies in the opposition campaign, leak fake stories to the complicit party press to corrupt and pervert the election, and then MADE Obama plot a coup once the election rigging failed?

Well, damn that sneaky Rush..
Is that what you think I said?



Yer just a troll. What you say is generally stupid and without merit.

You thought you could deflect from facts that expose your filthy traitorous party by spewing hate at a party enemy. It works on Twitter...
I sure can trigger you nutters, though. So either put me on ignore, or tough shit.

Your whining is boring.


Oh calm down, slugger.

Please quote my "lies".

You do know how to use the quote function.

Thanks in advance.

Bwuhahahaha..... Just like Biden - you confess then quickly attempt to claim you did nothing wrong.

'Self-Confessed Troll'
It started with Limbaugh, as usual.


So Rush Limbaugh FORCED Obama to buy the dirty dossier from the Kremlin, embed spies in the opposition campaign, leak fake stories to the complicit party press to corrupt and pervert the election, and then MADE Obama plot a coup once the election rigging failed?

Well, damn that sneaky Rush..
Is that what you think I said?



Yer just a troll. What you say is generally stupid and without merit.

You thought you could deflect from facts that expose your filthy traitorous party by spewing hate at a party enemy. It works on Twitter...
I sure can trigger you nutters, though. So either put me on ignore, or tough shit.

Your whining is boring.



IRONY ^^^. Easy65 [65? his score on Stanford-Binet; but I digress]. Making this accusation goes beyond Irony, and Easy65's posts are not only boring, unoriginal and a fantasy they are never presented with probative evidence.
They try this one all the time in a feeble attempt to put me on the defensive, yet they can never back up their words.

Liars and cowards.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors,
There is NO PROOF OF THIS! Crowd source is not a reputable company.
They’re very reputable. So reputable they’re used by the RNC to shore up their security.

You’re not reputable.

So reputable that they denied the FBI access to the DNC servers to verify their claims.... Righhhhhhhhhhtttttttttttt..

It's Crowdstrike and they never had possession of the servers either. Furthermore they provide all their findings to the FBI and fulfilled all FBI requests as well.
It started with Limbaugh, as usual.


So Rush Limbaugh FORCED Obama to buy the dirty dossier from the Kremlin, embed spies in the opposition campaign, leak fake stories to the complicit party press to corrupt and pervert the election, and then MADE Obama plot a coup once the election rigging failed?

Well, damn that sneaky Rush..
Is that what you think I said?



Yer just a troll. What you say is generally stupid and without merit.

You thought you could deflect from facts that expose your filthy traitorous party by spewing hate at a party enemy. It works on Twitter...
I sure can trigger you nutters, though. So either put me on ignore, or tough shit.

Your whining is boring.


Oh calm down, slugger.

Please quote my "lies".

You do know how to use the quote function.

Thanks in advance.

Bwuhahahaha..... Just like Biden - you confess then quickly attempt to claim you did nothing wrong.

'Self-Confessed Troll'
I don't see a quote.

Did you forget, or are you just lying?
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

You prefer "revolution" then, Comrade Traitor?

Obama attempted to overthrow the duly elected president once the corruption and perversion of the election by his administration failed to produce victory for the Communist democrat party.

Call it what you want, it's treason regardless.
Totally batshit crazy to use that kind of language to describe what happened.

You’re basically saying no candidate or president can ever be investigated for any wrongdoing which isn’t how our country works. That’s the attitude of the authorities in authoritarian countries. Not ours.
thats what you morons have been saying about biden ever since the Ukraine scandal broke,,,
What scandal? The one that the DoJ won’t touch with a 10 foot pole because it’s baseless?

If someone did something wrong, you investigate using the DoJ, not a geriatric confused ex-mayor campaign advocate.
who are you to tell the POTUS what he can or cant do???

POTUS is fully within their right to investigate anything they want,,,and more so when the FBI and others proved they cant be trusted,,,
Who am I? A citizen of the US. That’s who. Are you not aware of how this country works? Obviously not.
show me where POTUS is forbidden from doing investigations???
Fourth amendment.
there was a lot off probable cause,,,

that brings me back to my other comment,,,

have you ever been right about something???
I guess not,,,
If there were probable cause, the DoJ would have investigated.

But they aren’t because there isn’t. Just a bunch of nonsense conspiracy theories promoted by corrupt Ukrainians taking advantage of a weak president.
well now they are,,
and it doesnt matter if they were in the beginning or not,,POTUS as all branchs have authority to investgate,,,
No, the DoJ is not investigating Joe Biden and Ukraine.

They don’t have the authority to investigate without cause. That would be a violation of our civil rights. This isn’t an authoritarian country. The President is not able to do whatever he wants.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

You prefer "revolution" then, Comrade Traitor?

Obama attempted to overthrow the duly elected president once the corruption and perversion of the election by his administration failed to produce victory for the Communist democrat party.

Call it what you want, it's treason regardless.
Totally batshit crazy to use that kind of language to describe what happened.

You’re basically saying no candidate or president can ever be investigated for any wrongdoing which isn’t how our country works. That’s the attitude of the authorities in authoritarian countries. Not ours.
thats what you morons have been saying about biden ever since the Ukraine scandal broke,,,
What scandal? The one that the DoJ won’t touch with a 10 foot pole because it’s baseless?

If someone did something wrong, you investigate using the DoJ, not a geriatric confused ex-mayor campaign advocate.
who are you to tell the POTUS what he can or cant do???

POTUS is fully within their right to investigate anything they want,,,and more so when the FBI and others proved they cant be trusted,,,
Who am I? A citizen of the US. That’s who. Are you not aware of how this country works? Obviously not.
show me where POTUS is forbidden from doing investigations???
Fourth amendment.
there was a lot off probable cause,,,

that brings me back to my other comment,,,

have you ever been right about something???
I guess not,,,
If there were probable cause, the DoJ would have investigated.

But they aren’t because there isn’t. Just a bunch of nonsense conspiracy theories promoted by corrupt Ukrainians taking advantage of a weak president.
well now they are,,
and it doesnt matter if they were in the beginning or not,,POTUS as all branchs have authority to investgate,,,
No, the DoJ is not investigating Joe Biden and Ukraine.

They don’t have the authority to investigate without cause. That would be a violation of our civil rights. This isn’t an authoritarian country. The President is not able to do whatever he wants.
I never said POTUS can do what he wants,,,so why are you lying about what I said???

sorry jr there is plenty of probable cause even if you reject it,,,and yes the DOJ is investigating him and hunter over their ukrains and chinese connections,,,
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

You prefer "revolution" then, Comrade Traitor?

Obama attempted to overthrow the duly elected president once the corruption and perversion of the election by his administration failed to produce victory for the Communist democrat party.

Call it what you want, it's treason regardless.
Totally batshit crazy to use that kind of language to describe what happened.

You’re basically saying no candidate or president can ever be investigated for any wrongdoing which isn’t how our country works. That’s the attitude of the authorities in authoritarian countries. Not ours.
thats what you morons have been saying about biden ever since the Ukraine scandal broke,,,
What scandal? The one that the DoJ won’t touch with a 10 foot pole because it’s baseless?

If someone did something wrong, you investigate using the DoJ, not a geriatric confused ex-mayor campaign advocate.
who are you to tell the POTUS what he can or cant do???

POTUS is fully within their right to investigate anything they want,,,and more so when the FBI and others proved they cant be trusted,,,
Who am I? A citizen of the US. That’s who. Are you not aware of how this country works? Obviously not.
show me where POTUS is forbidden from doing investigations???
Fourth amendment.
there was a lot off probable cause,,,

that brings me back to my other comment,,,

have you ever been right about something???
I guess not,,,
If there were probable cause, the DoJ would have investigated.

But they aren’t because there isn’t. Just a bunch of nonsense conspiracy theories promoted by corrupt Ukrainians taking advantage of a weak president.
well now they are,,
and it doesnt matter if they were in the beginning or not,,POTUS as all branchs have authority to investgate,,,
No, the DoJ is not investigating Joe Biden and Ukraine.

They don’t have the authority to investigate without cause. That would be a violation of our civil rights. This isn’t an authoritarian country. The President is not able to do whatever he wants.
I never said POTUS can do what he wants,,,so why are you lying about what I said???

sorry jr there is plenty of probable cause even if you reject it,,,and yes the DOJ is investigating him and hunter over their ukrains and chinese connections,,,

You said the president can investigate anything he wants.

That’s not true.

The DoJ is not investigating Hunter and Joe Biden over Ukraine.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

You prefer "revolution" then, Comrade Traitor?

Obama attempted to overthrow the duly elected president once the corruption and perversion of the election by his administration failed to produce victory for the Communist democrat party.

Call it what you want, it's treason regardless.
Totally batshit crazy to use that kind of language to describe what happened.

You’re basically saying no candidate or president can ever be investigated for any wrongdoing which isn’t how our country works. That’s the attitude of the authorities in authoritarian countries. Not ours.
thats what you morons have been saying about biden ever since the Ukraine scandal broke,,,
What scandal? The one that the DoJ won’t touch with a 10 foot pole because it’s baseless?

If someone did something wrong, you investigate using the DoJ, not a geriatric confused ex-mayor campaign advocate.
who are you to tell the POTUS what he can or cant do???

POTUS is fully within their right to investigate anything they want,,,and more so when the FBI and others proved they cant be trusted,,,
Who am I? A citizen of the US. That’s who. Are you not aware of how this country works? Obviously not.
show me where POTUS is forbidden from doing investigations???
Fourth amendment.
there was a lot off probable cause,,,

that brings me back to my other comment,,,

have you ever been right about something???
I guess not,,,
If there were probable cause, the DoJ would have investigated.

But they aren’t because there isn’t. Just a bunch of nonsense conspiracy theories promoted by corrupt Ukrainians taking advantage of a weak president.
well now they are,,
and it doesnt matter if they were in the beginning or not,,POTUS as all branchs have authority to investgate,,,
No, the DoJ is not investigating Joe Biden and Ukraine.

They don’t have the authority to investigate without cause. That would be a violation of our civil rights. This isn’t an authoritarian country. The President is not able to do whatever he wants.
I never said POTUS can do what he wants,,,so why are you lying about what I said???

sorry jr there is plenty of probable cause even if you reject it,,,and yes the DOJ is investigating him and hunter over their ukrains and chinese connections,,,

You said the president can investigate anything he wants.

That’s not true.

The DoJ is not investigating Hunter and Joe Biden over Ukraine.
you need to make up your mind,,,

I said and its true he can investigate if he wants too,,,

he cant do whatever he wants,,,

and yes the DOJ is investigating them,,,
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors,
There is NO PROOF OF THIS! Crowd source is not a reputable company.
They’re very reputable. So reputable they’re used by the RNC to shore up their security.

You’re not reputable.
crowd strike was just hired to do a job. that's it.

but as usual people take one or two things said and off we go, spinning. all sides.
What spin? CrowdStrike was hired by the RNC because they’re reputable.

I was just pushing back at the narrative that they’re some Democratic lackeys engaging in some kind of cover up.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

You prefer "revolution" then, Comrade Traitor?

Obama attempted to overthrow the duly elected president once the corruption and perversion of the election by his administration failed to produce victory for the Communist democrat party.

Call it what you want, it's treason regardless.
Totally batshit crazy to use that kind of language to describe what happened.

You’re basically saying no candidate or president can ever be investigated for any wrongdoing which isn’t how our country works. That’s the attitude of the authorities in authoritarian countries. Not ours.
thats what you morons have been saying about biden ever since the Ukraine scandal broke,,,
What scandal? The one that the DoJ won’t touch with a 10 foot pole because it’s baseless?

If someone did something wrong, you investigate using the DoJ, not a geriatric confused ex-mayor campaign advocate.
who are you to tell the POTUS what he can or cant do???

POTUS is fully within their right to investigate anything they want,,,and more so when the FBI and others proved they cant be trusted,,,
Who am I? A citizen of the US. That’s who. Are you not aware of how this country works? Obviously not.
show me where POTUS is forbidden from doing investigations???
Fourth amendment.
there was a lot off probable cause,,,

that brings me back to my other comment,,,

have you ever been right about something???
I guess not,,,
If there were probable cause, the DoJ would have investigated.

But they aren’t because there isn’t. Just a bunch of nonsense conspiracy theories promoted by corrupt Ukrainians taking advantage of a weak president.
well now they are,,
and it doesnt matter if they were in the beginning or not,,POTUS as all branchs have authority to investgate,,,
No, the DoJ is not investigating Joe Biden and Ukraine.

They don’t have the authority to investigate without cause. That would be a violation of our civil rights. This isn’t an authoritarian country. The President is not able to do whatever he wants.
I never said POTUS can do what he wants,,,so why are you lying about what I said???

sorry jr there is plenty of probable cause even if you reject it,,,and yes the DOJ is investigating him and hunter over their ukrains and chinese connections,,,

You said the president can investigate anything he wants.

That’s not true.

The DoJ is not investigating Hunter and Joe Biden over Ukraine.
you need to make up your mind,,,

I said and its true he can investigate if he wants too,,,

he cant do whatever he wants,,,

and yes the DOJ is investigating them,,,
Prove the DOJ is investigating please. Or is that just an opinion disguised as a fact?

The bill of rights protects us from being investigated by the government without a good reason. So no, he isn’t allowed to investigate whatever he wants. That’s not how it works in this country.

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