After Latest De-Classified Documents Dump Exposing Obama's Failed Coup Attempt & Wray Hiding Docs, Anyone Who Still Denies Is Mentally Ill...Period!

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
It started with Limbaugh, as usual.

Limbaugh was right about the years long Russia drama being nonsense. How did the rest of the media do on that point? That is one example of many. You don't like conservative media because they are telling the truth.
I remember Limbaugh saying diabetes was no big deal. COVID is the common cold. The guy who famously bragged of his tobacco addition without caring about the consequence dying of lung cancer.

If that’s who you want to stick with, be my guest. I hope you’re not taking medical advice from him.
They believe what they are told in their universe. Period.
Yet you repeat leftist points and feel all original?

Fuck you went full hypocrite lately.
Yeah, that's what the Regressive Lefties said when Obama was in office. I'll bet you remember that.

And all I do along the way is offer my honest observations.

Peas in a pod. Too funny.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

You prefer "revolution" then, Comrade Traitor?

Obama attempted to overthrow the duly elected president once the corruption and perversion of the election by his administration failed to produce victory for the Communist democrat party.

Call it what you want, it's treason regardless.
Totally batshit crazy to use that kind of language to describe what happened.

You’re basically saying no candidate or president can ever be investigated for any wrongdoing which isn’t how our country works. That’s the attitude of the authorities in authoritarian countries. Not ours.
thats what you morons have been saying about biden ever since the Ukraine scandal broke,,,
What scandal? The one that the DoJ won’t touch with a 10 foot pole because it’s baseless?

If someone did something wrong, you investigate using the DoJ, not a geriatric confused ex-mayor campaign advocate.
who are you to tell the POTUS what he can or cant do???

POTUS is fully within their right to investigate anything they want,,,and more so when the FBI and others proved they cant be trusted,,,
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors,

Zero evidence to support your absurd conspiracy theory. Since the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the servers, we don't even know IF they were hacked.

launched an internet troll campaign an all to help Trump win the election.

Comrade traitor, how many votes were changed by the fraudulent story put out by the CIA/FBI on behalf of the crooked Obama regime that the Trump campaign was conspiring with Russia? As we now know, a total fucking lie - but one that was fed to Buzzfeed and the rest of the little Goebbels and reported as fact by the party press all through the campaign cycle.

Russia spent $10,000 for memes on facebook. Obama and his press POUNDED the nation with a fake conspiracy theory presented as fact, 24/7 for months leading up to the election.

You want to talk about election interference, traitor? By all means. The Obama regime were MILLIONS of times worse than the Russians. We recognize that Russia is an enemy of America - so too must we recognize that Obama and the democrats are enemies of America.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

Says the retard spewing long debunked conspiracy theories.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.

Why did house democrats fire the Awn brothers?

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.
LOVE the old leftard defense of "Uh-Uhhh!"

Funny how you leftards sniff at the term "conspiracy" while pushing the lie that the DNC server was hacked by the ROOSKIES when William Binney, a a former 2nd in command of the NSA proved that the amount of data downloaded from a foreign country (as was claimed) would have taken many days and in small data streams and any decent I.T and firewall system would have seen the security breach. Leftards like you also ignore the fact that none of the three letter alphabet agencies were allowed to do forensics on the server. Fuckwads like yourself simply pretend that the topic is never brought up. The security breach was an inside job BEHIND the firewall and Seth Rich was the one that downloaded them on a thumb drive. Now, go fuck yourself.....
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

You prefer "revolution" then, Comrade Traitor?

Obama attempted to overthrow the duly elected president once the corruption and perversion of the election by his administration failed to produce victory for the Communist democrat party.

Call it what you want, it's treason regardless.
Totally batshit crazy to use that kind of language to describe what happened.

You’re basically saying no candidate or president can ever be investigated for any wrongdoing which isn’t how our country works. That’s the attitude of the authorities in authoritarian countries. Not ours.
thats what you morons have been saying about biden ever since the Ukraine scandal broke,,,
What scandal? The one that the DoJ won’t touch with a 10 foot pole because it’s baseless?

If someone did something wrong, you investigate using the DoJ, not a geriatric confused ex-mayor campaign advocate.
who are you to tell the POTUS what he can or cant do???

POTUS is fully within their right to investigate anything they want,,,and more so when the FBI and others proved they cant be trusted,,,
Who am I? A citizen of the US. That’s who. Are you not aware of how this country works? Obviously not.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

You prefer "revolution" then, Comrade Traitor?

Obama attempted to overthrow the duly elected president once the corruption and perversion of the election by his administration failed to produce victory for the Communist democrat party.

Call it what you want, it's treason regardless.
Totally batshit crazy to use that kind of language to describe what happened.

You’re basically saying no candidate or president can ever be investigated for any wrongdoing which isn’t how our country works. That’s the attitude of the authorities in authoritarian countries. Not ours.
thats what you morons have been saying about biden ever since the Ukraine scandal broke,,,
What scandal? The one that the DoJ won’t touch with a 10 foot pole because it’s baseless?

If someone did something wrong, you investigate using the DoJ, not a geriatric confused ex-mayor campaign advocate.
who are you to tell the POTUS what he can or cant do???

POTUS is fully within their right to investigate anything they want,,,and more so when the FBI and others proved they cant be trusted,,,
Who am I? A citizen of the US. That’s who. Are you not aware of how this country works? Obviously not.
show me where POTUS is forbidden from doing investigations???
Hells bells. Those looks a lot like the memes I see from some Trump supporters on this forums which is why I think you’re belief that no one pays attention is unfounded.

And you Communists are above memes...

You're such a fraud, traitor..
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

You prefer "revolution" then, Comrade Traitor?

Obama attempted to overthrow the duly elected president once the corruption and perversion of the election by his administration failed to produce victory for the Communist democrat party.

Call it what you want, it's treason regardless.
Totally batshit crazy to use that kind of language to describe what happened.

You’re basically saying no candidate or president can ever be investigated for any wrongdoing which isn’t how our country works. That’s the attitude of the authorities in authoritarian countries. Not ours.
thats what you morons have been saying about biden ever since the Ukraine scandal broke,,,
What scandal? The one that the DoJ won’t touch with a 10 foot pole because it’s baseless?

If someone did something wrong, you investigate using the DoJ, not a geriatric confused ex-mayor campaign advocate.
who are you to tell the POTUS what he can or cant do???

POTUS is fully within their right to investigate anything they want,,,and more so when the FBI and others proved they cant be trusted,,,
Who am I? A citizen of the US. That’s who. Are you not aware of how this country works? Obviously not.
show me where POTUS is forbidden from doing investigations???
Fourth amendment.
Russia meddled under Barry’s nose, he did nothing about it, and lunatic Dimwingers try to blame Trump.
Without bipartisan support, y’all would have lost your mind.

Condemning after the fact?

wow, Barry really showed Putin, huh?

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

You prefer "revolution" then, Comrade Traitor?

Obama attempted to overthrow the duly elected president once the corruption and perversion of the election by his administration failed to produce victory for the Communist democrat party.

Call it what you want, it's treason regardless.
Totally batshit crazy to use that kind of language to describe what happened.

You’re basically saying no candidate or president can ever be investigated for any wrongdoing which isn’t how our country works. That’s the attitude of the authorities in authoritarian countries. Not ours.
thats what you morons have been saying about biden ever since the Ukraine scandal broke,,,
What scandal? The one that the DoJ won’t touch with a 10 foot pole because it’s baseless?

If someone did something wrong, you investigate using the DoJ, not a geriatric confused ex-mayor campaign advocate.
who are you to tell the POTUS what he can or cant do???

POTUS is fully within their right to investigate anything they want,,,and more so when the FBI and others proved they cant be trusted,,,
Who am I? A citizen of the US. That’s who. Are you not aware of how this country works? Obviously not.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

You prefer "revolution" then, Comrade Traitor?

Obama attempted to overthrow the duly elected president once the corruption and perversion of the election by his administration failed to produce victory for the Communist democrat party.

Call it what you want, it's treason regardless.
Totally batshit crazy to use that kind of language to describe what happened.

You’re basically saying no candidate or president can ever be investigated for any wrongdoing which isn’t how our country works. That’s the attitude of the authorities in authoritarian countries. Not ours.
thats what you morons have been saying about biden ever since the Ukraine scandal broke,,,
What scandal? The one that the DoJ won’t touch with a 10 foot pole because it’s baseless?

If someone did something wrong, you investigate using the DoJ, not a geriatric confused ex-mayor campaign advocate.
who are you to tell the POTUS what he can or cant do???

POTUS is fully within their right to investigate anything they want,,,and more so when the FBI and others proved they cant be trusted,,,
Who am I? A citizen of the US. That’s who. Are you not aware of how this country works? Obviously not.
show me where POTUS is forbidden from doing investigations???
Fourth amendment.
there was a lot of probable cause,,,

that brings me back to my other comment,,,

have you ever been right about something???
I guess not,,,
Last edited:
Who am I? A citizen of the US. That’s who. Are you not aware of how this country works? Obviously not.

More importantly though, you're a traitor plotting the destruction of the Constitutional Republic and establishment of a Marxist dictatorship under the rule of a globalist cabal headed by China.

In other words, you're a democrat.
Russia meddled under Barry’s nose, he did nothing about it, and lunatic Dimwingers try to blame Trump.
Without bipartisan support, y’all would have lost your mind.

Condemning after the fact?

wow, Barry really showed Putin, huh?


I don’t know if you remember, but during the 2016 election, Republicans even refused to admit Russian involvement.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

You prefer "revolution" then, Comrade Traitor?

Obama attempted to overthrow the duly elected president once the corruption and perversion of the election by his administration failed to produce victory for the Communist democrat party.

Call it what you want, it's treason regardless.
Totally batshit crazy to use that kind of language to describe what happened.

You’re basically saying no candidate or president can ever be investigated for any wrongdoing which isn’t how our country works. That’s the attitude of the authorities in authoritarian countries. Not ours.
thats what you morons have been saying about biden ever since the Ukraine scandal broke,,,
What scandal? The one that the DoJ won’t touch with a 10 foot pole because it’s baseless?

If someone did something wrong, you investigate using the DoJ, not a geriatric confused ex-mayor campaign advocate.
who are you to tell the POTUS what he can or cant do???

POTUS is fully within their right to investigate anything they want,,,and more so when the FBI and others proved they cant be trusted,,,
Who am I? A citizen of the US. That’s who. Are you not aware of how this country works? Obviously not.
show me where POTUS is forbidden from doing investigations???
Fourth amendment.
there was a lot off probable cause,,,

that brings me back to my other comment,,,

have you ever been right about something???
I guess not,,,
If there were probable cause, the DoJ would have investigated.

But they aren’t because there isn’t. Just a bunch of nonsense conspiracy theories promoted by corrupt Ukrainians taking advantage of a weak president.
Russia meddled under Barry’s nose, he did nothing about it, and lunatic Dimwingers try to blame Trump.
Without bipartisan support, y’all would have lost your mind.

Condemning after the fact?

wow, Barry really showed Putin, huh?


I don’t know if you remember, but during the 2016 election, Republicans even refused to admit Russian involvement.
Look Moron, your bullshit deflections won’t work on me. Barry was in charge. Period.

He did nothing. Deal with it.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.

You prefer "revolution" then, Comrade Traitor?

Obama attempted to overthrow the duly elected president once the corruption and perversion of the election by his administration failed to produce victory for the Communist democrat party.

Call it what you want, it's treason regardless.
Totally batshit crazy to use that kind of language to describe what happened.

You’re basically saying no candidate or president can ever be investigated for any wrongdoing which isn’t how our country works. That’s the attitude of the authorities in authoritarian countries. Not ours.
thats what you morons have been saying about biden ever since the Ukraine scandal broke,,,
What scandal? The one that the DoJ won’t touch with a 10 foot pole because it’s baseless?

If someone did something wrong, you investigate using the DoJ, not a geriatric confused ex-mayor campaign advocate.
who are you to tell the POTUS what he can or cant do???

POTUS is fully within their right to investigate anything they want,,,and more so when the FBI and others proved they cant be trusted,,,
Who am I? A citizen of the US. That’s who. Are you not aware of how this country works? Obviously not.
show me where POTUS is forbidden from doing investigations???
Fourth amendment.
there was a lot off probable cause,,,

that brings me back to my other comment,,,

have you ever been right about something???
I guess not,,,
If there were probable cause, the DoJ would have investigated.

But they aren’t because there isn’t. Just a bunch of nonsense conspiracy theories promoted by corrupt Ukrainians taking advantage of a weak president.
well now they are,,
and it doesnt matter if they were in the beginning or not,,POTUS as all branchs have authority to investgate,,,
Klonservatives are funny. It's no problem when the deep state dissapears protestors, but when they go after a meritless rich person it is treason. Unbelievable.

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