After Letting Russia Cripple Our Pipelines, Biden Issues Emergency Declaration For 17 States

And this was just a test warmup to see what they could do with President Asterisk hiding in his basement wearing 67 masks.

"letting"? If Individual One had actually updated the infrastructure rather than just talking about it, this might not have been a thing. But then again, he loves Putin so much.
Excuse me? Who was adding a major pipeline and who blocked it 4 months ago from being completed?
Trump was told that we faced cybersecurity issues and did nothing.
Trump was fought against from near everyone. Remember? And Progs have their lifetime members in D.C. It could have been brought up by them. We wasted the last 4 years when so much more could have been done. And it was politics and the media that killed anyone from Covid.

Trump had a lifelong reputation as a low IQ liar and a cheat. Why did you elect him?

Orange man was way smarter than the current installed invalid.
But, but, but Joe was going to take him out back of the gymnasium, and whoop his ace.. Rotflmbo.
And this was just a test warmup to see what they could do with President Asterisk hiding in his basement wearing 67 masks.

Joe didn't let the Russians attack your pipeline. Putin sent them to do it. Why aren't you attacking PUTIN over this hacker attack, Weatherman???

Why are you letting Putin skate on this and attacking Biden. Why do you Trump ass clowns never say a negative work about Putin?????
There are things our government is supposed to do. 9/11 happened because many of the employees that are supposed to not let it happen are bums. We can shield our electrical grid from an EMP burst pretty cheaply as a defense move. What happened to the oil pipeline is a disgrace. And putting the oil on manual seems like an easy thing to do. Our nation's government is inept and kills many because of it. The good people are outnumbered by the bad ones by far. All the money we pay for security at all levels in all ways and we are still a sieve. And their answer is of course to make the people suffer with the loss of rights and the indignities that come from it.

9/11 happened because there was an idiot in the White House who was so focused on taking out Saddam Hussein, that he ignored the intel on Al Qaeda. He ignored the real risks, while manufacturing lies about Iraq as an excuse to invade. 9/11 was yet another Republican refusal to acknowledge real dangers while chasing phantoms.

Last year, the Russian government mounted the biggest cyber attack on the US government in history and TRUMP DID NOTHING!!!!! Thus emboldened, Putin is now unleashing his hacker army on the west.

For 5 years, the US government was aware that the Russians interfered with the 2016 elections and TRUMP DENIED IT HAPPENED!!!!

Donald Trump has allowed Russian cyber criminals to operate with impunity throughout the USA all during his Presidency.

Seriously, get some help for your TDS. I don't know if you realize exactly how stupid you make yourself appear. The nonsense of the leftist lie of Trump loving Russia was exposed after we spent for than 40 millions dollars with democrats desperately trying and FAILING to find some collusion or connection between President Trump and "RUSSIANS!!". Our intelligence agencies were corrupted by Obama/Biden and the moles they left in place were too busy doing the DNC'S bidding in targeting American citizens for political reasons than to do their jobs. Now that the moles no longer have to hide they are once again free to do their DNC work and have left our nation exposed to whatever little bully wants our lunch. Only completely fucking stupid people are blaming Trump for Biden working for the DNC instead of the American people. And really, don't you think you might turn some effort to your own nation's issues instead sticking your nose in here. Canada just arrested a preacher for going to church and you're worried about President Trump. TDS, it's treatable.

Do you have any facts in your post or are you just attacking me???

I guess you failed to read the Mueller Report. 200+ pages on Russian interference in the US election. Over 100 indictments filed against Russian corporations and entities?

Russian collusion has been proven multiple times over. Paul Manifort confessed to it. And the Donald Trump White House covered up the evidence:


You lie your ass off Dragon--------you have no morals none. You sound far far more like a chinese troll than any canadian that I know.
And this was just a test warmup to see what they could do with President Asterisk hiding in his basement wearing 67 masks.

Joe didn't let the Russians attack your pipeline. Putin sent them to do it. Why aren't you attacking PUTIN over this hacker attack, Weatherman???

Why are you letting Putin skate on this and attacking Biden. Why do you Trump ass clowns never say a negative work about Putin?????
There are things our government is supposed to do. 9/11 happened because many of the employees that are supposed to not let it happen are bums. We can shield our electrical grid from an EMP burst pretty cheaply as a defense move. What happened to the oil pipeline is a disgrace. And putting the oil on manual seems like an easy thing to do. Our nation's government is inept and kills many because of it. The good people are outnumbered by the bad ones by far. All the money we pay for security at all levels in all ways and we are still a sieve. And their answer is of course to make the people suffer with the loss of rights and the indignities that come from it.

9/11 happened because there was an idiot in the White House who was so focused on taking out Saddam Hussein, that he ignored the intel on Al Qaeda. He ignored the real risks, while manufacturing lies about Iraq as an excuse to invade. 9/11 was yet another Republican refusal to acknowledge real dangers while chasing phantoms.

Last year, the Russian government mounted the biggest cyber attack on the US government in history and TRUMP DID NOTHING!!!!! Thus emboldened, Putin is now unleashing his hacker army on the west.

For 5 years, the US government was aware that the Russians interfered with the 2016 elections and TRUMP DENIED IT HAPPENED!!!!

Donald Trump has allowed Russian cyber criminals to operate with impunity throughout the USA all during his Presidency.

Seriously, get some help for your TDS. I don't know if you realize exactly how stupid you make yourself appear. The nonsense of the leftist lie of Trump loving Russia was exposed after we spent for than 40 millions dollars with democrats desperately trying and FAILING to find some collusion or connection between President Trump and "RUSSIANS!!". Our intelligence agencies were corrupted by Obama/Biden and the moles they left in place were too busy doing the DNC'S bidding in targeting American citizens for political reasons than to do their jobs. Now that the moles no longer have to hide they are once again free to do their DNC work and have left our nation exposed to whatever little bully wants our lunch. Only completely fucking stupid people are blaming Trump for Biden working for the DNC instead of the American people. And really, don't you think you might turn some effort to your own nation's issues instead sticking your nose in here. Canada just arrested a preacher for going to church and you're worried about President Trump. TDS, it's treatable.

Do you have any facts in your post or are you just attacking me???

I guess you failed to read the Mueller Report. 200+ pages on Russian interference in the US election. Over 100 indictments filed against Russian corporations and entities?

Russian collusion has been proven multiple times over. Paul Manifort confessed to it. And the Donald Trump White House covered up the evidence:


Yeah, those Russian Facebook posts were real game changers. :cool: The only place Trump/Russia collusion has been proven in in your own tiny mind. For every article you scurry about and drag to the board I can show another that discounts it. The only thing we really found during that investigation was that Hillary and the DNC had conspired with Russia to try spread false information prior to the election and that our DOJ was corrupted under Obama. And before you ever again believe when someone tells you they KNOW who is responsible for "hacking", look up UMBRAGE. Try either getting your TDS under control or better yet, work towards stopping the Canadian slide in to fascism.

Boy you really get defensive when I link you to all of the ways Trump let the Russians screw Americans over. Denial is NOT just a river in Egypt.

Trump has been caught flat footed doing everything he's been accused of and more. You're just too stupid and gullible to let go of your hate and your racism. Ditto Flynn.

When all you have in defense of your position is Trump's lies about Democrats, you're on really shaky ground. I gave you fact, backed up to link to credible sources. There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE of anything you've posted, hence you have no sources. Trump's word for anything only has value to fools and suckers.

If ANY of what you've posted is true, why haven't any of these people been charged with crimes. Flynn - guilty. Manafort - guilty of ALL charges. Michael Cohen - guilty. Stone - guilty on all charges. Gates - guilty. Papageorgio - guilty.

You make claims about Obama, Clinton, and Biden, but where are the charges, the evidence, or the guilty pleas. Trump ran dozens of investigations and not one charge.

Get back to me when you have more than Trump's lies, and groundless insults.
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Ah, true enough...But, if the Russian government just says ‘it wasn’t us’ but does nothing to find them, or prosecute them, then they are complicit...

The pressure has to be put on Russia to do this.
I agree with that, but they already have noted their committment to doing that.

Boy you really get defensive when I link you to all of the ways Trump let the Russians screw Americans over. Denial is NOT just a river in Egypt.

Trump has been caught flat footed doing everything he's been accused of and more. You're just too stupid and gullible to let go of your hate and your racism. Ditto Flynn.

When all you have in defense of your position is Trump's lies about Democrats, you're on really shaky ground. I gave you fact, backed up to link to credible sources. There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE of anything you've posted, hence you have no sources. Trump's word for anything only has value to fools and suckers.

If ANY of what you've posted is true, why haven't any of these people been charged with crimes. Flynn - guilty. Manafort - guilty of ALL charges. Michael Cohen - guilty. Stone - guilty on all charges. Gates - guilty. Papageorgio - guilty.

You make claims about Obama, Clinton, and Biden, but where are the charges, the evidence, or the guilty pleas. Trump ran dozens of investigations and not one charge.

Get back to me when you have more than Trump's lies, and groundless insults.
OLD news, but are you still actually relying on the Democrat prop, Robert Mueller ?...who revealed the laughingstock of the Russia hoax, that we wasted $40 Million on. > Mr "I Don't Know"
Lefties, at what point will you stop blaming Trump for everything? Dems control the WH, House, and Senate. All your bills are going through. Biden has spent $7 trillion in 4 months.

You still have TDS. You cannot have a discussion about anything without mentioning Trump.

Trump did not take office until fools do realize that, I hope.

Biden has been in the Government since 1973. MAYBE BLAME HIM FOR SYSTEMIC RACISM...YOU DUMB FUCKS.
We will discuss trump for as longbas you discussed Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Obama.

The failure of trump to meet cybersecurity threats have come home to roost.
And this was just a test warmup to see what they could do with President Asterisk hiding in his basement wearing 67 masks.

Well, it was typical of stupid corporate management to have their pipeline computer systems publicly accessible in the first place, but I guess it saved 30 cents a month and you could hire a code shop in an abandoned cargo container in Mumbai to maintain the network. Hey, all they have to do is raise prices, so no problem for them, just another profit opportunity.
Shitforbrains, every computer hooked to the internet from yours to the CIA to Hillary’s bathroom servers are accessible to hackers.

No, they aren't, dumbass. You don't know shit about it. They don't hav to be hooked to anybody else's but their own private network. They don't have to be hooked to the internet at all for the pipeline operations, and many companies, those with any sense, have separte priavte networks for their sensitive operations, and any competent IO would have implemented such a network.
Biden & his administration surrendered our energy independence, strengthened our enemy by giving them leverage over us, allowed our pipeline to be hacked and held hostage, there is now a national emergency gas shortage, Americans are in gas lines the length of which has not seen since the 70s praying gas doesn't run out before they get some, gas prices are sky-rocketing, unemployment numbers rose, job numbers are only a fraction of what Democrats predicted / hoped for, illegals are literally flooding across the border creating even more of an open border disaster, both Democrats and Republicans are criticizing Biden for his lack of action as Terrorist Hamas continues to lob over 150 missiles into Israel....

Way to go, Joe!

The hackers are being given comfort and shelter by Putin and the Russian government. They would not have dared to launch this major attack without Putin's consent.

If Putin fails to expel or prosecute this criminal gang, he is criminally responsible for their behavior.

And all this came to you in a dream, right ? Oh no, wait, it was VISION, was that it ? Or wait again, it was all spelled out to you by the creases in a large cookie.

Seriously, you don't have a shred of evidence for a single word of what you have posted here, so stop blabbering words based on nothing more than what you would like to have occured.

And if Putin catches the members of Darkside and punishes them, good. If however he doesn't, and maybe can't find them, he is no more liable than anybody else. In the US, if Biden doesn't catch the members of the Sinaloa Cartel, MS 13, or the Latin kings, you call him "criminally responsible for their behavior " ?

I am defending the Russian government from wild, reckless accusers like you , because there is no evidence that it has anything to do with the Colonial cyberattack, and even Biden said so.
And this was just a test warmup to see what they could do with President Asterisk hiding in his basement wearing 67 masks.

Why Does Faux Xiden have our pipeline projects shut down?

Also, I believe it was the Biden Regime itself that engaged in a Cyber attack on the pipeline.

Anyone care to discuss that possibility?
You are such an idiot. First, Darkside is not a state sponsered entity. So any comments in this thread about Russia this and Russia that is just emblematic of our uninformed citizenry. Yes, they operate out of Russia, most cybergangs do. But they are a for-profit organization, to them, it is all about the benjamins. Hell, a very simple action you can do to prevent hacking, something I have done for years, is set the language on your computer to Russian.

And no, Biden didn't do it. But, that does bring up a good point. For Colonial, what is the down side? Most companies have entire departments devoted to internet security. A cyberattack can result in lost business and a hit to the company's reputation. But Colonial failed to even take minimum steps to prevent cyberattacks. There is no reason access to the pipeline control systems from the internet was needed. Those systems should have been protected by not being linked to other company components. The truth is Darkside is only a semi-pro operation. This was probably the result of a simple SQL injection attack that provided Darkside with access to the control systems.

But like I said, what is the downside for Colonial. They are making money hand over fist with the millions of gallons of gas they have on their tank farms. They screw up, and they profit. That is something that should be addressed by government action.
Biden & his administration surrendered our energy independence, strengthened our enemy by giving them leverage over us, allowed our pipeline to be hacked and held hostage, there is now a national emergency gas shortage, Americans are in gas lines the length of which has not seen since the 70s praying gas doesn't run out before they get some, gas prices are sky-rocketing, unemployment numbers rose, job numbers are only a fraction of what Democrats predicted / hoped for, illegals are literally flooding across the border creating even more of an open border disaster, both Democrats and Republicans are criticizing Biden for his lack of action as Terrorist Hamas continues to lob over 150 missiles into Israel....

Way to go, Joe!
Americans are in gas lines because this country's people are about the most self-absorbed assholes the world has ever seen. Everyone runs to the pump, tops their tanks off, and fills multiple containers. The damn pipeline is going to be up and running by this weekend. But it will be weeks before supplies can be returned to normal thanks to all you FLIPPIN IDIOTS. I mean the directive was clear, only get the gas you need to make it to next week, no panic buying are it will be worse. Hell, they might have well said, everyone run to the gas pumps and suck up all you can because that is exactly what happened.
Biden & his administration surrendered our energy independence, strengthened our enemy by giving them leverage over us, allowed our pipeline to be hacked and held hostage, there is now a national emergency gas shortage, Americans are in gas lines the length of which has not seen since the 70s praying gas doesn't run out before they get some, gas prices are sky-rocketing, unemployment numbers rose, job numbers are only a fraction of what Democrats predicted / hoped for, illegals are literally flooding across the border creating even more of an open border disaster, both Democrats and Republicans are criticizing Biden for his lack of action as Terrorist Hamas continues to lob over 150 missiles into Israel....

Way to go, Joe!
Americans are in gas lines because this country's people are about the most self-absorbed assholes the world has ever seen. Everyone runs to the pump, tops their tanks off, and fills multiple containers. The damn pipeline is going to be up and running by this weekend. But it will be weeks before supplies can be returned to normal thanks to all you FLIPPIN IDIOTS. I mean the directive was clear, only get the gas you need to make it to next week, no panic buying are it will be worse. Hell, they might have well said, everyone run to the gas pumps and suck up all you can because that is exactly what happened.
Did you live thru 70’s cris or just another bovating jackass?
Biden & his administration surrendered our energy independence, strengthened our enemy by giving them leverage over us, allowed our pipeline to be hacked and held hostage, there is now a national emergency gas shortage, Americans are in gas lines the length of which has not seen since the 70s praying gas doesn't run out before they get some, gas prices are sky-rocketing, unemployment numbers rose, job numbers are only a fraction of what Democrats predicted / hoped for, illegals are literally flooding across the border creating even more of an open border disaster, both Democrats and Republicans are criticizing Biden for his lack of action as Terrorist Hamas continues to lob over 150 missiles into Israel....

Way to go, Joe!
Americans are in gas lines because this country's people are about the most self-absorbed assholes the world has ever seen. Everyone runs to the pump, tops their tanks off, and fills multiple containers. The damn pipeline is going to be up and running by this weekend. But it will be weeks before supplies can be returned to normal thanks to all you FLIPPIN IDIOTS. I mean the directive was clear, only get the gas you need to make it to next week, no panic buying are it will be worse. Hell, they might have well said, everyone run to the gas pumps and suck up all you can because that is exactly what happened.
Did you live thru 70’s cris or just another bovating jackass?

Yes, I lived through the 70's crisis. That was a long term thing, not some short term interruption like this. And from what I remember, no one in the 70's pulled up to a pump and started filling up multiple ten gallon containers.
Biden & his administration surrendered our energy independence, strengthened our enemy by giving them leverage over us, allowed our pipeline to be hacked and held hostage, there is now a national emergency gas shortage, Americans are in gas lines the length of which has not seen since the 70s praying gas doesn't run out before they get some, gas prices are sky-rocketing, unemployment numbers rose, job numbers are only a fraction of what Democrats predicted / hoped for, illegals are literally flooding across the border creating even more of an open border disaster, both Democrats and Republicans are criticizing Biden for his lack of action as Terrorist Hamas continues to lob over 150 missiles into Israel....

Way to go, Joe!
Americans are in gas lines because this country's people are about the most self-absorbed assholes the world has ever seen. Everyone runs to the pump, tops their tanks off, and fills multiple containers. The damn pipeline is going to be up and running by this weekend. But it will be weeks before supplies can be returned to normal thanks to all you FLIPPIN IDIOTS. I mean the directive was clear, only get the gas you need to make it to next week, no panic buying are it will be worse. Hell, they might have well said, everyone run to the gas pumps and suck up all you can because that is exactly what happened.
Thanks to Joe, there’s a shortage of fuel because he let Russia shutdown a major pipeline.
Biden & his administration surrendered our energy independence, strengthened our enemy by giving them leverage over us, allowed our pipeline to be hacked and held hostage, there is now a national emergency gas shortage, Americans are in gas lines the length of which has not seen since the 70s praying gas doesn't run out before they get some, gas prices are sky-rocketing, unemployment numbers rose, job numbers are only a fraction of what Democrats predicted / hoped for, illegals are literally flooding across the border creating even more of an open border disaster, both Democrats and Republicans are criticizing Biden for his lack of action as Terrorist Hamas continues to lob over 150 missiles into Israel....

Way to go, Joe!
Americans are in gas lines because this country's people are about the most self-absorbed assholes the world has ever seen. Everyone runs to the pump, tops their tanks off, and fills multiple containers. The damn pipeline is going to be up and running by this weekend. But it will be weeks before supplies can be returned to normal thanks to all you FLIPPIN IDIOTS. I mean the directive was clear, only get the gas you need to make it to next week, no panic buying are it will be worse. Hell, they might have well said, everyone run to the gas pumps and suck up all you can because that is exactly what happened.
Did you live thru 70’s cris or just another bovating jackass?
Yep. Buy gas on certain days only at 4X the normal price.

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