After Paying Off My Own Tuition I Get To Pay Off More Than $2,000 of One Of Joe Biden's Staffer's College Debt

Yes he was on the board of directors as a legal professional and paid a lot, guess what, it happens all over the world so you can stop being jealous and as far as you know you do not know what Hunter does and doesn't know about corporate operations.
Can you name another crack addict, whore mongering, "professional" that is being paid the kind of money that Burisma was paying Hunter, Moonie? You really think THAT happens all over the world?

It happens all over the world for members of the Biden Family! You've got that right!
Can you name another crack addict, whore mongering, "professional" that is being paid the kind of money that Burisma was paying Hunter, Moonie? You really think THAT happens all over the world?
As far as I am concerned all top executives of companies are way overpaid.
As far as I am concerned all top executives of companies are way overpaid.
Nice try at avoiding a rather simple question, Moonie! You claim that there are lots of crack smoking, whoremongers all over the world getting paid millions for their "expertise"! I asked you to name one. Can you?
Yes he was on the board of directors as a legal professional and paid a lot, guess what, it happens all over the world so you can stop being jealous and as far as you know you do not know what Hunter does and doesn't know about corporate operations.
I dont think there's much debate that Hunter got that job from Burisma because of his last name. People at Burisma have said as much. What's in question is whether Joe was involved at all. There's no "smoking gun" for that I dont think but there is some evidence that he could have been. Joe cant stop his adult son from trading on his name any more than he can stop him from being a drug and sex addict. And we cant hold politicians accountable necessarily for what their adult children do, unless it compromises them in some way. It certainly isnt a good look.
I dont think there's much debate that Hunter got that job from Burisma because of his last name. People at Burisma have said as much. What's in question is whether Joe was involved at all. There's no "smoking gun" for that I dont think but there is some evidence that he could have been. Joe cant stop his adult son from trading on his name any more than he can stop him from being a drug and sex addict. And we cant hold politicians accountable necessarily for what their adult children do, unless it compromises them in some way. It certainly isnt a good look.
With all due respect, Couch? Of course Joe could have stopped his son and his brother from influence peddling! People were paying millions to Joe Biden's family because it actually bought them something! You don't spend that kind of money for shits and giggles. You spend it because it gets you what you want! If Biden didn't hand out favors then his family doesn't get cash. It's really just that simple!

As far as a "smoking gun" goes? The email that describes how the bribe is going to be distributed is about as smoking as it gets! Or do you not believe that Joe is "The Big Guy"? That alone should have had the FBI and the IRS going over the Biden family's finances with a microscope.
I dont think there's much debate that Hunter got that job from Burisma because of his last name. People at Burisma have said as much. What's in question is whether Joe was involved at all. There's no "smoking gun" for that I dont think but there is some evidence that he could have been. Joe cant stop his adult son from trading on his name any more than he can stop him from being a drug and sex addict. And we cant hold politicians accountable necessarily for what their adult children do, unless it compromises them in some way. It certainly isnt a good look.
And as far as being "compromised" do you think the Chinese Communist Government having proof that Hunter Biden sold out America for cash and underaged girls would affect how Hunter's dad dealt with them? Do you really think Joe is going to play hard ball with them if they're in possession of something that damaging? Understand that I have ZERO proof that is what has taken place but common sense tells me that it's more than just likely...the Chinese aren't going to pass up getting the goods on someone like Hunter and he was too drug addled to see it or if he did he simply wouldn't have cared!
With all due respect, Couch? Of course Joe could have stopped his son and his brother from influence peddling! People were paying millions to Joe Biden's family because it actually bought them something! You don't spend that kind of money for shits and giggles. You spend it because it gets you what you want! If Biden didn't hand out favors then his family doesn't get cash. It's really just that simple!

As far as a "smoking gun" goes? The email that describes how the bribe is going to be distributed is about as smoking as it gets! Or do you not believe that Joe is "The Big Guy"? That alone should have had the FBI and the IRS going over the Biden family's finances with a microscope.

Technically, he cant. They are adult private citizens so Biden cant force them to not take jobs they are offered due to their last name. We as voters can do something about it but it seems that as long as the person is "on your team" most voters are willing to overlook it. Im not saying Biden isnt compromised in some way or hasnt helped his family make tons of money based on his political positions. I would be shocked if it were proven he didnt. That said I think there are sadly fewer politicians that you can say havent used their position in some form or fashion to make money than you can say did.

Weirdly as much as the left hates Trump, and there are things to dislike about him I dont think he used his position as POTUS to further his private financial standing. I could be wrong but I havent seen any credible evidence of it.
And as far as being "compromised" do you think the Chinese Communist Government having proof that Hunter Biden sold out America for cash and underaged girls would affect how Hunter's dad dealt with them? Do you really think Joe is going to play hard ball with them if they're in possession of something that damaging? Understand that I have ZERO proof that is what has taken place but common sense tells me that it's more than just likely...the Chinese aren't going to pass up getting the goods on someone like Hunter and he was too drug addled to see it or if he did he simply wouldn't have cared!
That's possible certainly. But as you said you have no evidence so...
It’s obvious that the Democratic Marxists are out to destroy the middle class. The bulk of Biden’s tax increase will be paid by small businesses with incomes under $200,000.

Increased inflation and higher taxes: Lenin’s way to destroy the middle class.
Democrats hate Small Business. Small Business is a Working Middle Class person who assumes risk to achieve relative financial independence, prosperity, and job creation for the Community.
How can wealthy elite liberals in the Democrat Party relate?
Same reason why I'm paying the unemployment for a jobless machinist in Florida who couldn't hold down a job.

That's what you do in a decent society.

You are always on the wrong side of everything aren't you Joe?

You are like US Message Board's equivalent of Joe Potatohead. Remember when The Worthless Negro said "never underestimate the ability of Joe Potatohead to fuck something up"?

It is like "never underestimate the ability of JoeB131 to always be wrong".
Insider trading is illegal by definition.... That's what Martha Stewart went to jail for.

The Biden's having a mortgage on their house isn't proof that they weren't participating in influence peddling.

Can I get a list of all the illegal activities? Not activities you dont like or things that you think were unpresidential but actual illegal activities that there is actual proof of.

That same can be said of both sides. They are always pointing the finger across the aisle but always seem to come up short on actual evidence.

Martha Stewart isn't a member of the House or Senate. They have "special rules" which allows them to make trades on the insider information they learn as members. It's when they pass along such information to family and friends that they get into trouble. That House member who was recently charged for "insider trading", gave information to his brother.

Biden's lack a serious money is most certainly an indication that he didn't make millions peddling influence around the world. He's also made his income tax records public for years and years, so if he was hiding hiding money, that would be "income tax evasion". Also, people don't borrow money if they don't need to do so. Biden paid off the mortgage from his book contract.

A list of illegal activities:

1. Threatening and intimidating witnesses via Twitter - also known as "obstruction of justice";
2. "Dangling pardons" also done via Twitter - also coming under the heading of "obstruction of justice";
3. "Pay for play" at his East Coast gold clubs, via increased "initiation fees" during his presidency - over 200 untendered government contracts given out to members or corporations booking events at these clubs or the Washington Hotel;
4. Over $11 million in payments to the Trump Corporation for Secret Service accommodations (at full rack rate), even while the hotels were closed for lockdowns.
5. Illegal attempts to overturn the 2020 election;
6. Planning and carrying out an attempted coup on January 6th - leading to 2nd impeachment;
7. Attempting to extort phony investigations of the Bidens from the President of the Ukraine - leading to 1st impeachment;
8. Stealing classified documents from the White House when he left.

That's just a short list of the most blatant of his crimes. We could also ask what happened to the $100 million Inauguration Fund? Or the PPL billions which disappeared with no accounting? Or the $122 million in fraud claims from his donors.

There is so much crime to choose from.
Why should a machinist in Florida pay for the student loans of a jobless philosophy major in Los Angeles?

Why should the machinist pay for a billionaire's tax cuts, or wage supplements for the billionaire's workers? Why shouldn't the billionaire pay his own workers a living wage? Why does the billionaire get a tax break????
Technically, he cant. They are adult private citizens so Biden cant force them to not take jobs they are offered due to their last name. We as voters can do something about it but it seems that as long as the person is "on your team" most voters are willing to overlook it. Im not saying Biden isnt compromised in some way or hasnt helped his family make tons of money based on his political positions. I would be shocked if it were proven he didnt. That said I think there are sadly fewer politicians that you can say havent used their position in some form or fashion to make money than you can say did.

Weirdly as much as the left hates Trump, and there are things to dislike about him I dont think he used his position as POTUS to further his private financial standing. I could be wrong but I havent seen any credible evidence of it.
Come on, know I'm right when I say that Joe Biden totally controlled that dynamic. If he never gave a political favor in return for cash or a high paying no show job for one of his family members then people would stop giving out that cash or job!

As for Trump? He's probably the first modern American President who was worth less leaving office than he was going in! He only took a dollar a year in salary. I guarantee you Biden will never do that!
Martha Stewart isn't a member of the House or Senate. They have "special rules" which allows them to make trades on the insider information they learn as members. It's when they pass along such information to family and friends that they get into trouble. That House member who was recently charged for "insider trading", gave information to his brother.

Biden's lack a serious money is most certainly an indication that he didn't make millions peddling influence around the world. He's also made his income tax records public for years and years, so if he was hiding hiding money, that would be "income tax evasion". Also, people don't borrow money if they don't need to do so. Biden paid off the mortgage from his book contract.

A list of illegal activities:

1. Threatening and intimidating witnesses via Twitter - also known as "obstruction of justice";
2. "Dangling pardons" also done via Twitter - also coming under the heading of "obstruction of justice";
3. "Pay for play" at his East Coast gold clubs, via increased "initiation fees" during his presidency - over 200 untendered government contracts given out to members or corporations booking events at these clubs or the Washington Hotel;
4. Over $11 million in payments to the Trump Corporation for Secret Service accommodations (at full rack rate), even while the hotels were closed for lockdowns.
5. Illegal attempts to overturn the 2020 election;
6. Planning and carrying out an attempted coup on January 6th - leading to 2nd impeachment;
7. Attempting to extort phony investigations of the Bidens from the President of the Ukraine - leading to 1st impeachment;
8. Stealing classified documents from the White House when he left.

That's just a short list of the most blatant of his crimes. We could also ask what happened to the $100 million Inauguration Fund? Or the PPL billions which disappeared with no accounting? Or the $122 million in fraud claims from his donors.

There is so much crime to choose from.
I'm curious, Dragonlady...where did your "list" come from?
You do realize that it's laughable...right?
You know how I know that? It's simple actually...the Democrats have been spending millions trying to FIND something they could charge Trump with for the better part of six YEARS now and they've got nothing! That should tell you something! Well it should if you weren't such a partisan!

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