After Paying Off My Own Tuition I Get To Pay Off More Than $2,000 of One Of Joe Biden's Staffer's College Debt

Same reason why I'm paying the unemployment for a jobless machinist in Florida who couldn't hold down a job.

That's what you do in a decent society.

Well I agree we should subsidize college tuition, but that is because it is a good investment that will pay off later in more taxes paid by the college grad.
The machinist in FL who collects unemployment actually already paid in for that himself.
No one else pays your unemployment.
So you honestly think that someone making over a hundred thousand a year needs "relief", Bodecea? Go run that by some person working their ass off and making half that who won't get any relief at all! Then explain to them why the additional inflation from the additional trillion dollars that the Democrats just spent is a good thing! Here's some advice...don't expect that person to be happy.
Martha Stewart isn't a member of the House or Senate. They have "special rules" which allows them to make trades on the insider information they learn as members. It's when they pass along such information to family and friends that they get into trouble. That House member who was recently charged for "insider trading", gave information to his brother.

Biden's lack a serious money is most certainly an indication that he didn't make millions peddling influence around the world. He's also made his income tax records public for years and years, so if he was hiding hiding money, that would be "income tax evasion". Also, people don't borrow money if they don't need to do so. Biden paid off the mortgage from his book contract.

A list of illegal activities:

1. Threatening and intimidating witnesses via Twitter - also known as "obstruction of justice";
2. "Dangling pardons" also done via Twitter - also coming under the heading of "obstruction of justice";
3. "Pay for play" at his East Coast gold clubs, via increased "initiation fees" during his presidency - over 200 untendered government contracts given out to members or corporations booking events at these clubs or the Washington Hotel;
4. Over $11 million in payments to the Trump Corporation for Secret Service accommodations (at full rack rate), even while the hotels were closed for lockdowns.
5. Illegal attempts to overturn the 2020 election;
6. Planning and carrying out an attempted coup on January 6th - leading to 2nd impeachment;
7. Attempting to extort phony investigations of the Bidens from the President of the Ukraine - leading to 1st impeachment;
8. Stealing classified documents from the White House when he left.

That's just a short list of the most blatant of his crimes. We could also ask what happened to the $100 million Inauguration Fund? Or the PPL billions which disappeared with no accounting? Or the $122 million in fraud claims from his donors.

There is so much crime to choose from.

While I do not like Trump, that is mainly about his SCOTUS nominations.
Nothing you listed is actually illegal, just questionable ethics.
And the dems may ever be worse, due to illegal wars, invasion, regime changes, etc., like the "Arab Spring".
Biden will bury you in debt and wealth transfer until we are a socialist Country, all the while you will praise him and the dipshits behind him for a great job he is doing.
You are always on the wrong side of everything aren't you Joe?

You are like US Message Board's equivalent of Joe Potatohead. Remember when The Worthless Negro said "never underestimate the ability of Joe Potatohead to fuck something up"?

It is like "never underestimate the ability of JoeB131 to always be wrong".

All you have done here is to reveal your own economic ignorance and slavish devotion to the fiscal policies which created the status quo. Every Republican tax cut has been followed by out of control deficit spending, followed by an economic crash, which impoverishes the working class, and accelerates the transfer of wealth to the top.

If you were born poor in 1980, you had a 20% chance of working yourself out of poverty. If you're born poor today, you have a 2% chance of getting out of poverty. Affirmative action has been legislated away in university admissions, but "legacy admissions", the 30% of enrollment held for the sons and daughters of middle class alumni, continues unabated. Call it "affirmative action" for stupid white kids.
You are always on the wrong side of everything aren't you Joe?

You are like US Message Board's equivalent of Joe Potatohead. Remember when The Worthless Negro said "never underestimate the ability of Joe Potatohead to fuck something up"?

It is like "never underestimate the ability of JoeB131 to always be wrong".

Somehow, I doubt you've gone through life without collecting a check from the government.
A good judge of Hunter's abilities is that he was run out of the Navy DESPITE who his father was! It seems the Navy doesn't have a job for a drug addled whore monger! Who knew?

Except they gave him a bunch of waivers to join.

Here's the thing about Hunter... he's made mistakes. We all have. As the Good Book says, we are all sinners in our own way. (Yes, I'm an atheist, but I can see value in some parts of the Bible).

Nobody should be judged by the worst thing they ever did.
Except they gave him a bunch of waivers to join.

Here's the thing about Hunter... he's made mistakes. We all have. As the Good Book says, we are all sinners in our own way. (Yes, I'm an atheist, but I can see value in some parts of the Bible).

Nobody should be judged by the worst thing they ever did.
He's made the same mistakes for three decades, Joe! You make it sound like a one time thing! Hunter Biden is a piece of shit and his father has been his enabler for that whole time! That's bad enough in and of itself but Joe Biden has also gotten his cut from Hunter's schemes and that's something he SHOULD be judged on!

I love this cartoon. Stealing!!!

I'll tell you how I got through College. In 1981, I enrolled in UIC after taking some basics at a City College. (I found the material at the City College less challenging than my Catholic High School) I joined the Army National Guard to get tuition benefits to an in-state university. I worked two minimum wage jobs to pay for fees, books, transportation and all that other stuff. During the time I was in college, still living at home and commuting to campus, both of my parents were diagnosed with Cancer and eventually died. Despite all of that, I still got my degree.

And, yes, it would be easy for me to have contempt for the more affluent kid who lived in a dorm, took out a bunch of loans and took spring break for a couple of weeks while I trained at Ft. McCoy. But I don't. Because it isn't just about the person working their way through college, it's about the benefit an educated workforce has for all of us.

The Europeans have figured this out. The Japanese have figured this out. The Chinese have figured this out.
No, they don't "share" in the losses! They get paid first...not last like an owner does. If I own the business and we lost $10,000 this month that doesn't come out of any employee's pay...that comes out of my pocket! If the business isn't viable then they will lose their job but that's all they lose. As an owner I've risked personal capital. That's what will be lost if a business closes. Workers haven't taken that risk which is why they have no right to a bigger share of the profits than an owner CHOOSES to give them! That happens quite often by the way. Businesses giving bonuses to it's employees as a reward for the company doing well. I know you don't believe that because you see all business owners as greedy monsters but most of them actually care about their employees. In smaller companies employees are almost like family.

As a former bank manager, you're completely full of shit. If the business loses $10,000 in a month that DOES NOT come out of your pocket. That comes out of the BUSINESS, not your pocket. And such a loss is entirely on YOU. Why should your employees have to pay for YOUR incompetence and mismanagement????

You seem to be speaking from experience when you say that the employees get paid first in the event of a business failure. Except employees don't get paid first. Not even close to it. Secured creditors get paid first, then government debt next, expenses of the business third - that's where your employees get paid, and then your unsecured creditors get paid. Shareholders are last, and deservedly so.

If you don't "choose" to give your worker a fair wage, while you live high on the hog, on the profits of THEIR LABOUR, you won't get or retain good employees. Good employees will always have other opportunities. Even Walmart found that they were losing business because their employees were the lowest paid and shoppers found going to Walmart unpleasant as a result. That's when they started raising wages.

The best place I've ever worked, treated the staff very well. We were well paid, treated with respect, and given every perk in the book. No one ever left. And our reputation was that of the "hardest working firm on Bay Street". We had the most billable hours per capita on Bay Street. When people are well paid and appreciated, they give their absolute best.
He's made the same mistakes for three decades, Joe! You make it sound like a one time thing! Hunter Biden is a piece of shit and his father has been his enabler for that whole time! That's bad enough in and of itself but Joe Biden has also gotten his cut from Hunter's schemes and that's something he SHOULD be judged on!

Unlike Trump, Biden has released his complete tax records. If he got some money from Hunter's "schemes" (actually, legitimate business transactions), you guys have yet to prove it.
As a former bank manager, you're completely full of shit. If the business loses $10,000 in a month that DOES NOT come out of your pocket. That comes out of the BUSINESS, not your pocket. And such a loss is entirely on YOU. Why should your employees have to pay for YOUR incompetence and mismanagement????

You seem to be speaking from experience when you say that the employees get paid first in the event of a business failure. Except employees don't get paid first. Not even close to it. Secured creditors get paid first, then government debt next, expenses of the business third - that's where your employees get paid, and then your unsecured creditors get paid. Shareholders are last, and deservedly so.

If you don't "choose" to give your worker a fair wage, while you live high on the hog, on the profits of THEIR LABOUR, you won't get or retain good employees. Good employees will always have other opportunities. Even Walmart found that they were losing business because their employees were the lowest paid and shoppers found going to Walmart unpleasant as a result. That's when they started raising wages.

The best place I've ever worked, treated the staff very well. We were well paid, treated with respect, and given every perk in the book. No one ever left. And our reputation was that of the "hardest working firm on Bay Street". We had the most billable hours per capita on Bay Street. When people are well paid and appreciated, they give their absolute best.
I'm sorry but explain how the money doesn't come out of my pocket if I'm the sole owner of a business? Who's pocket do you think it DOES come out of?
Unlike Trump, Biden has released his complete tax records. If he got some money from Hunter's "schemes" (actually, legitimate business transactions), you guys have yet to prove it.
The GOP doesn't control Congress, Joey so The Big Guy is protected! What do you think is going to happen come November?

You are just DRIPPING with latent homosexual desire.
Why don't you do yourself a favor and just come out of the closet.
Embrace it!
Celebrate it!
You GO girl!
This is your cute little way of asking me if you can suck my cock?

Awww....well bless your heart skippy.

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