After Paying Off My Own Tuition I Get To Pay Off More Than $2,000 of One Of Joe Biden's Staffer's College Debt

Nope, Hillary isn't from Arkansas, Moonie! I think she's from Chicago if memory serves! You were probably thrown off by the fake accent she liked to use when she was below the Mason Dixon Line! Gotta love, Hillary! She's so "authentic"!
She lived in Arkansas with Bill.
What does that matter? Is he going to come back next week and say he was just joking? It was just an April Fools joke he pulled in August?
Come on Kiddies! Don't be so naive. This is a game that the Democrats are playing. They know that this isn't Constitutional. They know the Supreme Court is going to shoot it down. So they can claim that they were trying to give money to their college educated base but not actually have to find a way to pay for something that would cost twice what it costs us to have a US Army!
they do by losing their jobs, or hours cut
So they don't have to pay for losses? You see that's thing, Dud! There is no such thing as "Trickle Down" in business! It doesn't exist. Profits trickle up not down. Employees get paid when they work whether the business makes a profit or not. They may very well lose their jobs if the business fails but they won't be sued by the creditors of the business. They aren't entitled to the profits because they're not liable for the losses!
With all due respect, Dragonlady if you think that not being "charged" means that Democrats are somehow less corrupt then Republicans I think you're rather naive! Nancy Pelosi is making millions off of insider trading but she'll never be charged with that crime! The Biden family has been cashing in on influence peddling for decades...making millions selling access to Joe Biden. They've never been charged either but that doesn't mean they're not corrupt as hell!

Take off your partisan blinders...

Members making money from insider trading isn't illegal Oldstyle. And I strongly disagree with you on the Biden Family. There is absolutely NO evidence of anything of the kind. There is Donald Trump claiming this is true. He's hardly a "reliable source" for anything.

Joe Biden had a mortgage on his house when he left the Obama Administration. If the Biden Family was "selling influence", they must have been very bad at doing so. Joe Biden had a mortgage on his house in Delaware when he left office.

When you look at the large numbers of Republicans who have come forward to testify against Donald Trump, and his illegal activities, you realize how difficult it is for anyone to "get away with it" at the highest levels of government in Washington.

You say that Democrats are as "corrupt as hell", but the vast body of evidence and years of oversight hearings says otherwise. Republican SAY Democrats are corrupt, but the lack of evidence, witnesses and charges say otherwise.
Let me ask you a simple question...if a business is unsuccessful and suffers excessive losses...are workers obligated to help pay for those losses?

They don't pay those losses, but then they didn't make the bad decisions that lead to their losses. They lose their jobs, their incomes, and it will be more difficult for them to find alternate employment, so they pay a heavy price if the company goes under.

So yes, if a business is unsuccessful, the employees share in those losses.
My job back then actually paid for my MBA, Dragonlady.

As for your friend's niece? Why is she attending a school that costs that much to get a degree in Social Work? Have her attend a Junior College for two years and then transfer to a State School (in the State she's from!) for the last two. I guarantee that doing that will cut her tuition in half. As for what she's making? If she's working for a Government agency then quite often they will pick up part if not all of the cost of getting an advanced degree and as soon as she receives that degree she will get an automatic bump in pay. My father was a Fire Chief. He took classes to get a Masters in Fire Science and his tuition was paid for by the fire department. His pay was increased once he had the Masters.

Yes, it was much cheaper and easier to get a degree back then.

Today, the reality is that a college degree is the ticket to the middle class. Going to a Junior College for two years and transferring to a state school isn't going to do it for a lot of kids. Especially in a very competitive fields. This girl isn't working for anyone. She just graduated high school. Nobody is going to pick up her tab, but she has won some scholarships.

Like everything else, corporate America has found a way to suck all of the income and wealth earned by these young graduates for themselves, while keeping the kids living in their parents basements for years.
Members making money from insider trading isn't illegal Oldstyle. And I strongly disagree with you on the Biden Family. There is absolutely NO evidence of anything of the kind. There is Donald Trump claiming this is true. He's hardly a "reliable source" for anything.

Joe Biden had a mortgage on his house when he left the Obama Administration. If the Biden Family was "selling influence", they must have been very bad at doing so. Joe Biden had a mortgage on his house in Delaware when he left office.

When you look at the large numbers of Republicans who have come forward to testify against Donald Trump, and his illegal activities, you realize how difficult it is for anyone to "get away with it" at the highest levels of government in Washington.

You say that Democrats are as "corrupt as hell", but the vast body of evidence and years of oversight hearings says otherwise. Republican SAY Democrats are corrupt, but the lack of evidence, witnesses and charges say otherwise.
No evidence that the Biden family makes money through influence peddling? LOL I hate to break this to you, Dragonlady but in order for that to be true you have to believe that foreign entities paid Hunter Biden millions of dollars for his "expertise"! That would be the drug addict, whore monger, Hunter Biden who knew nothing about energy or the Ukraine yet was put on the board of Burisma?

As for the Pelosi's? Either Paul Pelosi is a better stock trader than Warren Buffet or he's getting insider information from his wife. What do you think is the truth on that?
Yes, it was much cheaper and easier to get a degree back then.

Today, the reality is that a college degree is the ticket to the middle class. Going to a Junior College for two years and transferring to a state school isn't going to do it for a lot of kids. Especially in a very competitive fields. This girl isn't working for anyone. She just graduated high school. Nobody is going to pick up her tab, but she has won some scholarships.

Like everything else, corporate America has found a way to suck all of the income and wealth earned by these young graduates for themselves, while keeping the kids living in their parents basements for years.
It isn't going to "do it" for a lot of kids? What does that mean? That self absorbed kids don't CARE that it's going to cost their parents twice or three times as much if they attend USC as an out of State student for four years? That parents don't know how to tell their children no...we can't afford to send you to THAT school?
No evidence that the Biden family makes money through influence peddling? LOL I hate to break this to you, Dragonlady but in order for that to be true you have to believe that foreign entities paid Hunter Biden millions of dollars for his "expertise"! That would be the drug addict, whore monger, Hunter Biden who knew nothing about energy or the Ukraine yet was put on the board of Burisma?

As for the Pelosi's? Either Paul Pelosi is a better stock trader than Warren Buffet or he's getting insider information from his wife. What do you think is the truth on that?
Yes he was on the board of directors as a legal professional and paid a lot, guess what, it happens all over the world so you can stop being jealous and as far as you know you do not know what Hunter does and doesn't know about corporate operations.
It isn't going to "do it" for a lot of kids? What does that mean? That self absorbed kids don't CARE that it's going to cost their parents twice or three times as much if they attend USC as an out of State student for four years? That parents don't know how to tell their children no...we can't afford to send you to THAT school?
I have a college age kid and we know what schools we can and can't afford. He doesn't attend schools that are high cost colleges.
They don't pay those losses, but then they didn't make the bad decisions that lead to their losses. They lose their jobs, their incomes, and it will be more difficult for them to find alternate employment, so they pay a heavy price if the company goes under.

So yes, if a business is unsuccessful, the employees share in those losses.
The employee is paid in full for their labor. That's the transaction. The employee agrees to trade an hour of his labor for X amount of compensation. Once that is paid the employee has no other right nor should they have any expectation to additional monies or benefits.
They don't pay those losses, but then they didn't make the bad decisions that lead to their losses. They lose their jobs, their incomes, and it will be more difficult for them to find alternate employment, so they pay a heavy price if the company goes under.

So yes, if a business is unsuccessful, the employees share in those losses.
No, they don't "share" in the losses! They get paid first...not last like an owner does. If I own the business and we lost $10,000 this month that doesn't come out of any employee's pay...that comes out of my pocket! If the business isn't viable then they will lose their job but that's all they lose. As an owner I've risked personal capital. That's what will be lost if a business closes. Workers haven't taken that risk which is why they have no right to a bigger share of the profits than an owner CHOOSES to give them! That happens quite often by the way. Businesses giving bonuses to it's employees as a reward for the company doing well. I know you don't believe that because you see all business owners as greedy monsters but most of them actually care about their employees. In smaller companies employees are almost like family.
Members making money from insider trading isn't illegal Oldstyle. And I strongly disagree with you on the Biden Family. There is absolutely NO evidence of anything of the kind. There is Donald Trump claiming this is true. He's hardly a "reliable source" for anything.

Insider trading is illegal by definition.... That's what Martha Stewart went to jail for.

Joe Biden had a mortgage on his house when he left the Obama Administration. If the Biden Family was "selling influence", they must have been very bad at doing so. Joe Biden had a mortgage on his house in Delaware when he left office.

The Biden's having a mortgage on their house isn't proof that they weren't participating in influence peddling.

When you look at the large numbers of Republicans who have come forward to testify against Donald Trump, and his illegal activities, you realize how difficult it is for anyone to "get away with it" at the highest levels of government in Washington.
Can I get a list of all the illegal activities? Not activities you dont like or things that you think were unpresidential but actual illegal activities that there is actual proof of.

You say that Democrats are as "corrupt as hell", but the vast body of evidence and years of oversight hearings says otherwise. Republican SAY Democrats are corrupt, but the lack of evidence, witnesses and charges say otherwise.

That same can be said of both sides. They are always pointing the finger across the aisle but always seem to come up short on actual evidence.

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