After Telling FL Residents Not To Leave Hurricanes Are Climate Hoax Rush Limbaugh Evacuates FL


Last week, the wafting stench of Limbaugh went across the internet when Rush urged his Florida listeners to ignore warnings from scientists, meteorologists, and officials concerning the impending arrival of Hurricane Irma. Here’s a refresher of the hot-stench of wind Rush was pumping out last week.

“These storms, once they actually hit, are never as strong as they're reported,” Limbaugh claimed on his syndicated radio show. He added that “the graphics have been created to make it look like the ocean's having an exorcism, just getting rid of the devil here in the form of this hurricane, this bright red stuff.”

After telling FL residents not to leave because hurricanes are a climate hoax, Limbaugh evacuates FL
So wait, not a peep when there are record snowfall numbers during the winter. But we have a few nasty hurricanes, and the liberal donkeys start braying uncontrollably.
Ever hear of forced evacuation by law? You libtards are fucking idiots. He has to leave wether he wants to or not.
First of all he had until 5 PM Friday, plenty of time to do his Friday show and still fly out on his OWN plane, but the lying scum coward fled on Thursday.
But the evacuation didn't even require him to leave the COUNTY, only hunker down on the MAINLAND, but the lying scum PUSSY fled the State!!!

September 7, 2017 11:58 AM

A State of Emergency has been declared for the Town of Palm Beach. The Town is now ordering an evacuation of the entire Island. Mayor Gail Coniglio said, “It is evident that Hurricane Irma continues to threaten the Town and the entire state of Florida with a potential landfall as a Category 4 storm. Our primary goal is safety and security of our residents. It is imperative that we initiate this evacuation order. Frequent alerts from the Town will continue prior, during and after the storm. Please be safe and wait for instructions from emergency officials after the storm passes.”

Please gather the essentials for 3-4 days, including clothing, medicine, important documents, and communication devices, and evacuate by 5:00pm tomorrow, Friday, 9-8. Residents do not have to travel hundreds of miles but should seek shelter in a hotel on the mainland at one of the County’s Shelters or hunker down with friends west of US-1 until this storm passes if you do not plan to depart the county. Tolls on the Florida Turnpike have been suspended to expedite traffic movement. County Shelters will be open as of 10:00AM tomorrow. Click below for information about coming back to Town after landfall.

As of 11:00am on September 7, Hurricane Irma is moving west-northwest at 16 mph with sustained winds of 175 mph. Irma is expected to begin taking a turn to the north on Saturday towards South Florida arriving in the Miami area on Sunday morning as a Category 4 and continue north along the east coast of Florida. We anticipate the arrival of tropical storm force winds in Palm Beach County on Saturday.

All Town offices, facilities, beaches and parks will be closed all day on Friday, September 8 in preparation for Hurricane Irma. Hurricane Updates will be issued periodically throughout the weekend in advance and following the storm, including information about reopenings.

The Town is still issuing Voluntary ID Cards. The Hours of Operation are Monday - Friday, 10:00am-6:00pm. However, applications must be received at the Crime Scene Unit’s Lobby window by 4:00pm to receive your ID.
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Wow, I didn't know he told people not to leave.
I would like to see a quote where he said anything of the sort, but we all know liberals lie.
Well actually he said he wasn't leaving as long as he had electricity to do his show, and his DittoTards copy everything he says and does. Except he turned tail and ran Thursday rather than stay and do his Friday show.

September 7, 2017
RUSH: Look, the program has to go on. I can sit here and say, “You know what, I’m gonna stay, I’m gonna ride this out.”
Another butt hurt thread by left wing nuts.

Lies about what Limbaugh said.

The OP is just a flamer wanting some attention.

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I'm of the opinion that.....

The majority of the Left (or at least those at this forum) will never accommodate or tolerate TRUTH. No matter WHO says matter the FACTS.....
If it goes against THEIR agenda......they will vehemently attack, deny and ridicule.

Some are so full of hatred that they do not want to see the truth. Their hatred is their guide. Sad. They either hate all whites or all Christians or all people have succeeded in life or combinations of them all. Some are gays that are angry with heterosexuals.

Many others on the Left simply can't comprehend the level to which they've been manipulated although many are finally coming around.
There will always be those without the faculties to discern truth from propaganda and manipulation by the DNC and others of means and influence.
Perhaps peer pressure will eventually help many of those break the chains placed on them by Democrats and Socialists.

We are not simply dealing with opposition.....we are literally at war and our freedoms and sovereignty are at stake.

Hopefully, there is not a single person of Conservative values remaining that doesn't fully understand this.
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Haven't you people figured it out by now.......Conservatives are the biggest HYPOCRITES IN ALL AREAS OF COMMON SENSE...They whine about the gov. but is first in line for disability handouts, FEMA packages and congressional gov. perks. They should put the word conservative in dictionary to define hypocrites!!
I'm of the opinion that.....

The majority of the Left (or at least those at this forum) will never accommodate or tolerate TRUTH. No matter WHO says matter the FACTS.....
If it goes against THEIR agenda......they will vehemently attack, deny and ridicule.

Some are so full of hatred that they do not want to see the truth. Their hatred is their guide. Sad. They either hate all whites or all Christians or all people have succeeded in life or combinations of them all. Some are gays that are angry with heterosexuals.

Many others on the Left simply can't comprehend the level to which they've been manipulated although many are finally coming around.
There will always be those without the faculties to discern truth from propaganda and manipulation by the DNC and others of means and influence.
Perhaps peer pressure will eventually help many of those break the chains placed on them by Democrats and Socialists.

We are not simply dealing with opposition.....we are literally at war and our freedoms and sovereignty are at stake.

Hopefully, there is not a single person of Conservative values remaining that doesn't fully understand this.
Oh lord, another self avowed conservative ass ho, trying his best to spin what is completely obvious to those with brain cells that work....that conservative are the last to be named "Christians" and the first to be called out for being fuckin hypocrites and short, another white ass ho with his head up his ass.
I find it kinda funny that he tells everyone else not to worry, yet he's outta there like a scalded cat.

I bet he end-arounds to the Dominican Republic as soon as the winds die off with a pocketful of Viagra. And offering drinkable water and shelter, for which they'll be "lined up around the block".
Bottom line is this folks, Rush ain't got nobody to humiliate and pimp this time around, his party is in charge of it what does the fat pill poppin puke for brains talk about? Irma!!!! For the record, talk conservative really gonna have to hustle up bullshit conspiracy lies for the next few years, just to stay relevant......cause they's in charge!!LOLOLOLOL

Last week, the wafting stench of Limbaugh went across the internet when Rush urged his Florida listeners to ignore warnings from scientists, meteorologists, and officials concerning the impending arrival of Hurricane Irma. Here’s a refresher of the hot-stench of wind Rush was pumping out last week.

“These storms, once they actually hit, are never as strong as they're reported,” Limbaugh claimed on his syndicated radio show. He added that “the graphics have been created to make it look like the ocean's having an exorcism, just getting rid of the devil here in the form of this hurricane, this bright red stuff.”

After telling FL residents not to leave because hurricanes are a climate hoax, Limbaugh evacuates FL

You are absolutely lying about what he said fucking kill yourself you piece of shit.
Bottom line is this folks, Rush ain't got nobody to humiliate and pimp this time around, his party is in charge of it what does the fat pill poppin puke for brains talk about? Irma!!!! For the record, talk conservative really gonna have to hustle up bullshit conspiracy lies for the next few years, just to stay relevant......cause they's in charge!!LOLOLOLOL

I recall another time his ratings were limp so he went after a Georgetown student and started yelling SLUT SLUT SLUT for three days. It cost him his entire advertiser base. Ironically that makes Limblob the slut.
Every single agenda that leftists are pushing for is based on a lie.

Every. Single. One.
Every single agenda that leftists are pushing for is based on a lie.

Every. Single. One.

Like what? Trump will bring back jobs?

Mexico stealing factory jobs? Blame automation instead

Education is good for the country?

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Cutting disaster relief is, well, a disaster?

Why would Republicans try to cut FEMA's disaster relief fund?

So come on birdbrain, tell us what the lies are fool. Show us a stooge can teach America.

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