After Telling FL Residents Not To Leave Hurricanes Are Climate Hoax Rush Limbaugh Evacuates FL

Untrue, even during a mandatory evacuation no one has the authority to remove you from your home. It just means that there will be no rescue operations in these areas until conditions permit.
Wrong again Bozo

Voluntary vs. mandatory evacuations

More disasters mean more evacuation orders. But when disaster looms, it’s not the federal government that issues those evacuation orders. That power is left solely to the states.

Those orders come in two flavors: voluntary and mandatory. There’s wide agreement that states have the power to declare a mandatory evacuation, including the power to use “reasonable force” to enforce it.

Enforcing a Mandatory Evacuation

At common law, the normal penalties and consequences of disobeying a lawful order come into play for disobeying an evacuation order. In states like Maryland and California, these have been codified as criminal offenses9. So, a person who fails to evacuate is committing a crime and subject to arrest—meaning the police can seize their person and take them elsewhere, that is, evacuate them. This argument has been raised and implicitly accepted by the Louisiana courts in several of the lawsuits filed in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, wherein several authorities have been sued for false arrest, wrongful imprisonment and civil rights violations in the course of enforcing the various mandatory evacuation orders10.

Fight or Flight: On Enforcing Mandatory Evacuations
Hurricane Irma: Palm Beach County orders mandatory evacuations

Palm Beach (Where Rush Lives ) under mandatory evacuation.
Suck it libtards, your lies just fell apart.

Wrong. There are many people who have been interviewed and said that they are going to shelter in place because they think they can ride it out. Saw one mother who said she was staying because she had enough supplies for a couple of months to ride it out and decided to take her chances with her and her kids.

Kinda stupid to stay in my opinion if you have young children.
Hurricane Irma: Palm Beach County orders mandatory evacuations

Palm Beach (Where Rush Lives ) under mandatory evacuation.
Suck it libtards, your lies just fell apart.

Wrong. There are many people who have been interviewed and said that they are going to shelter in place because they think they can ride it out. Saw one mother who said she was staying because she had enough supplies for a couple of months to ride it out and decided to take her chances with her and her kids.

Kinda stupid to stay in my opinion if you have young children.
I am not talking about retards that dont evacuate...If the Gov. wanted to enforce mandatory evacuation he has the power to remove these people.
Watch this LOL :

This article deals with the likely and potential devastation of Hurricane Irma. However, there are two more hurricanes following Irma, an 8.2 eartquake in Southern Mexico and uncontrollable fires in the American Northwest exponentially increase the odds that these are not unrelated weather and random mother nature events. The pattern represents forethought and purpose. Soon a second major American city will be destroyed and the effects will be felt longer than a decade. Houston was merely the opening act.

Second Major American City Facing Destruction Inside of Two Weeks-Coincidence or Conspiracy?

" meaning watch the reactions to this one" lmfao.
Wrong. The governor of FL just announced on TV if you are going to leave do so by midnight, if not don't be on the road then. There is no forced evacuation and anybody that listens to rush Limbaugh or agrees with him on anything is one dumb sob.
Hurricane Irma: Palm Beach County orders mandatory evacuations
I live here in Florida and have been through a bunch of these things. The authorities say we can't make you leave but it's your ass if things go badly for you, we are not going to send our people to help you.
Hurricane Irma: Palm Beach County orders mandatory evacuations

Palm Beach (Where Rush Lives ) under mandatory evacuation.
Suck it libtards, your lies just fell apart.

Wrong. There are many people who have been interviewed and said that they are going to shelter in place because they think they can ride it out. Saw one mother who said she was staying because she had enough supplies for a couple of months to ride it out and decided to take her chances with her and her kids.

Kinda stupid to stay in my opinion if you have young children.
I am not talking about retards that dont evacuate...If the Gov. wanted to enforce mandatory evacuation he has the power to remove these people.

But they aren't forcing people from their homes. They are telling them to leave now if they can, but they are also telling them that there will be no help for anyone if they call 911 for about 72 hours after the hurricane starts. Nope, sorry, but that "mandatory evacuation" is just a lot of strong words that some people feel like they can ignore.

There are also a whole bunch of people on a barrier island outside of FT Lauderdale who have also elected to stay. The police have barricaded the bridge to the island and the only ones they are letting cross are those who actually live there.

And, if they are letting residents who live on the barrier island go to their homes, is that REALLY a mandatory evacuation? Because if it was, they wouldn't let them go back.

Last week, the wafting stench of Limbaugh went across the internet when Rush urged his Florida listeners to ignore warnings from scientists, meteorologists, and officials concerning the impending arrival of Hurricane Irma. Here’s a refresher of the hot-stench of wind Rush was pumping out last week.

“These storms, once they actually hit, are never as strong as they're reported,” Limbaugh claimed on his syndicated radio show. He added that “the graphics have been created to make it look like the ocean's having an exorcism, just getting rid of the devil here in the form of this hurricane, this bright red stuff.”

After telling FL residents not to leave because hurricanes are a climate hoax, Limbaugh evacuates FL

Well, actually not true. I looked it up and Limbaugh was talking about the hurricane as it relates to Climate Change as a hoax. Now if people misinterpret this as meaning they can stay home well they can clearly see there is a Cat 5 storm approaching on every form of media available... God help them for being dumb as rocks.

Were you honestly confused?

“So there is a desire to advance this climate change agenda,” Limbaugh said, “and hurricanes are one of the fastest and best ways to do it. You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don’t need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and more dangerous, and you create the panic, and it’s mission accomplished, agenda advanced…”

Last week, the wafting stench of Limbaugh went across the internet when Rush urged his Florida listeners to ignore warnings from scientists, meteorologists, and officials concerning the impending arrival of Hurricane Irma. Here’s a refresher of the hot-stench of wind Rush was pumping out last week.

“These storms, once they actually hit, are never as strong as they're reported,” Limbaugh claimed on his syndicated radio show. He added that “the graphics have been created to make it look like the ocean's having an exorcism, just getting rid of the devil here in the form of this hurricane, this bright red stuff.”

After telling FL residents not to leave because hurricanes are a climate hoax, Limbaugh evacuates FL

Well, actually not true. I looked it up and Limbaugh was talking about the hurricane as it relates to Climate Change as a hoax. Now if people misinterpret this as meaning they can stay home well they can clearly see there is a Cat 5 storm approaching on every form of media available... God help them for being dumb as rocks.

Were you honestly confused?

“So there is a desire to advance this climate change agenda,” Limbaugh said, “and hurricanes are one of the fastest and best ways to do it. You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don’t need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and more dangerous, and you create the panic, and it’s mission accomplished, agenda advanced…”

If hurricanes are just something to advance the climate change agenda, then why are there currently THREE of them in the Atlantic Basin? That has never happened before as far as I know.

NASA snaps all three Atlantic hurricanes in one picture

The link has a picture of Irma, Jose and Katia, all three of them are full fledged hurricanes, and all three of them had their picture taken together yesterday.
Nice to see libs misrepresenting everything.

If anyone ever wondered how someone could possibly post over 26,000 times in less than 2 years, just take a look at this post and it starts to become crystal clear.
You don't like? Kiss my fucking ass!

Oh no, you have it all wrong. I love it. I find it fascinating that someone who obviously never leaves the house can pretend to have any idea what is going on in the outside world.
"Someone who obviously never leaves the COUCH"..........and I couldn't help laughing at the guy pushing his way thru the women and children to get to the lifeboat on the Titanic after telling everyone it wasn't such a big deal.
Watch this LOL :

This article deals with the likely and potential devastation of Hurricane Irma. However, there are two more hurricanes following Irma, an 8.2 eartquake in Southern Mexico and uncontrollable fires in the American Northwest exponentially increase the odds that these are not unrelated weather and random mother nature events. The pattern represents forethought and purpose. Soon a second major American city will be destroyed and the effects will be felt longer than a decade. Houston was merely the opening act.

Second Major American City Facing Destruction Inside of Two Weeks-Coincidence or Conspiracy?

" meaning watch the reactions to this one" lmfao.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Last week, the wafting stench of Limbaugh went across the internet when Rush urged his Florida listeners to ignore warnings from scientists, meteorologists, and officials concerning the impending arrival of Hurricane Irma. Here’s a refresher of the hot-stench of wind Rush was pumping out last week.

“These storms, once they actually hit, are never as strong as they're reported,” Limbaugh claimed on his syndicated radio show. He added that “the graphics have been created to make it look like the ocean's having an exorcism, just getting rid of the devil here in the form of this hurricane, this bright red stuff.”

After telling FL residents not to leave because hurricanes are a climate hoax, Limbaugh evacuates FL

Well, actually not true. I looked it up and Limbaugh was talking about the hurricane as it relates to Climate Change as a hoax. Now if people misinterpret this as meaning they can stay home well they can clearly see there is a Cat 5 storm approaching on every form of media available... God help them for being dumb as rocks.

Were you honestly confused?

“So there is a desire to advance this climate change agenda,” Limbaugh said, “and hurricanes are one of the fastest and best ways to do it. You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don’t need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and more dangerous, and you create the panic, and it’s mission accomplished, agenda advanced…”

If hurricanes are just something to advance the climate change agenda, then why are there currently THREE of them in the Atlantic Basin? That has never happened before as far as I know.

NASA snaps all three Atlantic hurricanes in one picture

The link has a picture of Irma, Jose and Katia, all three of them are full fledged hurricanes, and all three of them had their picture taken together yesterday.

I'm not saying that it has nothing to do with climate change. I was only saying that I believe Limbagh was not telling people it was ok to stay home because the Hurricane was a hoax.

The climate over all may be changing, is it caused by man or natural cycles? thats a separate debate and honestly I have no background in the study of climate or natural science, so I can't make any solid claims.
I do know there was a big Cat 5 storm back in the 30s and i wouldn't be too suprised if there was a time when Hurricanes were much more active in the Gulf.
Wrong. The governor of FL just announced on TV if you are going to leave do so by midnight, if not don't be on the road then. There is no forced evacuation and anybody that listens to rush Limbaugh or agrees with him on anything is one dumb sob.
Hurricane Irma: Palm Beach County orders mandatory evacuations
I live here in Florida and have been through a bunch of these things. The authorities say we can't make you leave but it's your ass if things go badly for you, we are not going to send our people to help you.

That's exactly how it should be. They should not be able to force you to leave your home, but if you decide to stay, don't expect help.
Watch this LOL :

This article deals with the likely and potential devastation of Hurricane Irma. However, there are two more hurricanes following Irma, an 8.2 eartquake in Southern Mexico and uncontrollable fires in the American Northwest exponentially increase the odds that these are not unrelated weather and random mother nature events. The pattern represents forethought and purpose. Soon a second major American city will be destroyed and the effects will be felt longer than a decade. Houston was merely the opening act.

Second Major American City Facing Destruction Inside of Two Weeks-Coincidence or Conspiracy?

" meaning watch the reactions to this one" lmfao.

If only you had been born after the ban on lead in paint was put into place.
Wrong. The governor of FL just announced on TV if you are going to leave do so by midnight, if not don't be on the road then. There is no forced evacuation and anybody that listens to rush Limbaugh or agrees with him on anything is one dumb sob.
Hurricane Irma: Palm Beach County orders mandatory evacuations
I live here in Florida and have been through a bunch of these things. The authorities say we can't make you leave but it's your ass if things go badly for you, we are not going to send our people to help you.

That's exactly how it should be. They should not be able to force you to leave your home, but if you decide to stay, don't expect help.
One day here it was going to flood and the city manager called for mandatory evacuation. I called the sheriffs office and asked about it and they said yes we had to leave. I told her they could not force me out of my house and I wasn't leaving. Bitch said "then die", and hung up on me.
No flooding occurred.
Watch this LOL :

This article deals with the likely and potential devastation of Hurricane Irma. However, there are two more hurricanes following Irma, an 8.2 eartquake in Southern Mexico and uncontrollable fires in the American Northwest exponentially increase the odds that these are not unrelated weather and random mother nature events. The pattern represents forethought and purpose. Soon a second major American city will be destroyed and the effects will be felt longer than a decade. Houston was merely the opening act.

Second Major American City Facing Destruction Inside of Two Weeks-Coincidence or Conspiracy?

" meaning watch the reactions to this one" lmfao.

If only you had been born after the ban on lead in paint was put into place.

APPARENTLY, while you were being carried there was an over load of it fed to you via the umbilical cord which would explain why you lack the ability to absorb real information, and lack total common sense. None of it can be rehabilitated.

In fact all those vaccines that has assisted to the holes in your brain done by the over dosing of mercury so you have an overload of it all. Such a shame.

In fact maybe this is even your dunce problem and ignorance since you are on the same levels as the 11 year old who flipped of the infowar reporter.

The below article probably explains why liberals are such fkn morons.

We Need to Talk About the Power of AI to Manipulate Humans
Our tendency to become emotionally attached to chatbots could be exploited by companies seeking a profit.
We need to talk about the power of AI to manipulate us
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Nice to see libs misrepresenting everything.

You see on twitter the usual liberal Jews are telling lies about what Rush said....I hope the storm keeps moving west and misses Florida. He can rub their noses in shit

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