After Telling FL Residents Not To Leave Hurricanes Are Climate Hoax Rush Limbaugh Evacuates FL


Last week, the wafting stench of Limbaugh went across the internet when Rush urged his Florida listeners to ignore warnings from scientists, meteorologists, and officials concerning the impending arrival of Hurricane Irma. Here’s a refresher of the hot-stench of wind Rush was pumping out last week.

“These storms, once they actually hit, are never as strong as they're reported,” Limbaugh claimed on his syndicated radio show. He added that “the graphics have been created to make it look like the ocean's having an exorcism, just getting rid of the devil here in the form of this hurricane, this bright red stuff.”

After telling FL residents not to leave because hurricanes are a climate hoax, Limbaugh evacuates FL

Flat out lie that he said it was a hoax. Read the transcript.
Limbaugh is an entertainer, nothing else. That the left takes him seriously is as stupid as the right taking Jennifer Lawrence seriously.

December 20, 2007
RUSH: That's a liberal complaint. I'm an entertainer. Don't take me seriously.

Since you can't disprove it, my comment still stands.
Your MessiahRushie says you are full of **it!

"I combine two elements: irreverent humor and serious discussion of issues. People tune in for both. But the key is having credibility. This has led to critics saying I am just an entertainer. I'm proud to be an entertainer. This is showbiz. At the same time, I believe everything I say." -Limbaugh to Mediaweek.

Funny you keep proving my point. You seem to get real emotional about his every word. I'm glad I'm not obsessed with an entertainer like you seem to be.

Last week, the wafting stench of Limbaugh went across the internet when Rush urged his Florida listeners to ignore warnings from scientists, meteorologists, and officials concerning the impending arrival of Hurricane Irma. Here’s a refresher of the hot-stench of wind Rush was pumping out last week.

“These storms, once they actually hit, are never as strong as they're reported,” Limbaugh claimed on his syndicated radio show. He added that “the graphics have been created to make it look like the ocean's having an exorcism, just getting rid of the devil here in the form of this hurricane, this bright red stuff.”

After telling FL residents not to leave because hurricanes are a climate hoax, Limbaugh evacuates FL
. This thread is a bold face lie.
The left and their lap dog media always take things Rush says out of context or just completely lie. I didn't get to hear exactly what Rush said but I'll bet it isn't what they say he did.

Last week, the wafting stench of Limbaugh went across the internet when Rush urged his Florida listeners to ignore warnings from scientists, meteorologists, and officials concerning the impending arrival of Hurricane Irma. Here’s a refresher of the hot-stench of wind Rush was pumping out last week.

“These storms, once they actually hit, are never as strong as they're reported,” Limbaugh claimed on his syndicated radio show. He added that “the graphics have been created to make it look like the ocean's having an exorcism, just getting rid of the devil here in the form of this hurricane, this bright red stuff.”

After telling FL residents not to leave because hurricanes are a climate hoax, Limbaugh evacuates FL

Flat out lie that he said it was a hoax. Read the transcript.
The transcripts have already been cited directly from his own website. He always lies that he is being misquoted to draw clicks to his dying website.
The left and their lap dog media always take things Rush says out of context or just completely lie. I didn't get to hear exactly what Rush said but I'll bet it isn't what they say he did.
That is the lie your MessiahRushie always tells his DittoTard SUCKERS when he is caught with his foot in his mouth.
The left and their lap dog media always take things Rush says out of context or just completely lie. I didn't get to hear exactly what Rush said but I'll bet it isn't what they say he did.
That is the lie your MessiahRushie always tells his DittoTard SUCKERS when he is caught with his foot in his mouth.

Nope. It's absolutely true. I have witnessed it happen time after time.
The left and their lap dog media always take things Rush says out of context or just completely lie. I didn't get to hear exactly what Rush said but I'll bet it isn't what they say he did.
That is the lie your MessiahRushie always tells his DittoTard SUCKERS when he is caught with his foot in his mouth.

Nope. It's absolutely true. I have witnessed it happen time after time.
Nope taking people out of context and even changing the words of the people he is "quoting" is your MessiahRushie's MO. See the first quote in my sig.

October 21, 2008
RUSH: He didn't say it in those words, but that's exactly what he meant.
The left and their lap dog media always take things Rush says out of context or just completely lie. I didn't get to hear exactly what Rush said but I'll bet it isn't what they say he did.
That is the lie your MessiahRushie always tells his DittoTard SUCKERS when he is caught with his foot in his mouth.

Nope. It's absolutely true. I have witnessed it happen time after time.
Nope taking people out of context and even changing the words of the people he is "quoting" is your MessiahRushie's MO. See the first quote in my sig.

October 21, 2008
RUSH: He didn't say it in those words, but that's exactly what he meant.

Irrelevant. The thread is about what he said or didn't say. Knowing as I do, how frequently the media takes his comments out of context, I doubt very much that what they are reporting is what he way saying.
Wow, I didn't know he told people not to leave.
It is a common complaint here, mostly against the weather channel, that they oversell the potential danger of a hurricane. They do, I have personally seen them set up cameras where it looks the worst.

The media has a responsibility to present the worst case scenario so people can prepare. Preparing for the worst while hoping for the best, saves lives. One only has to look at the destruction in the Caribbean to see what could have happened if it hadn't shifted so far west.

Last week, the wafting stench of Limbaugh went across the internet when Rush urged his Florida listeners to ignore warnings from scientists, meteorologists, and officials concerning the impending arrival of Hurricane Irma. Here’s a refresher of the hot-stench of wind Rush was pumping out last week.

“These storms, once they actually hit, are never as strong as they're reported,” Limbaugh claimed on his syndicated radio show. He added that “the graphics have been created to make it look like the ocean's having an exorcism, just getting rid of the devil here in the form of this hurricane, this bright red stuff.”

After telling FL residents not to leave because hurricanes are a climate hoax, Limbaugh evacuates FL

Well, actually not true. I looked it up and Limbaugh was talking about the hurricane as it relates to Climate Change as a hoax. Now if people misinterpret this as meaning they can stay home well they can clearly see there is a Cat 5 storm approaching on every form of media available... God help them for being dumb as rocks.

Were you honestly confused?

“So there is a desire to advance this climate change agenda,” Limbaugh said, “and hurricanes are one of the fastest and best ways to do it. You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don’t need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and more dangerous, and you create the panic, and it’s mission accomplished, agenda advanced…”

If hurricanes are just something to advance the climate change agenda, then why are there currently THREE of them in the Atlantic Basin? That has never happened before as far as I know.

NASA snaps all three Atlantic hurricanes in one picture

The link has a picture of Irma, Jose and Katia, all three of them are full fledged hurricanes, and all three of them had their picture taken together yesterday.

I'm not saying that it has nothing to do with climate change. I was only saying that I believe Limbagh was not telling people it was ok to stay home because the Hurricane was a hoax.

The climate over all may be changing, is it caused by man or natural cycles? thats a separate debate and honestly I have no background in the study of climate or natural science, so I can't make any solid claims.
I do know there was a big Cat 5 storm back in the 30s and i wouldn't be too suprised if there was a time when Hurricanes were much more active in the Gulf.
The climate over all may be changing, is it caused by man or natural cycles?

Natural cycles? There is no natural cycle that causes such a change. It would require a natural event like a huge increase in volcanic activity worldwide to increase the
concentration of greenhouse gases to what they are now. As there is no natural process that is pumping huge quantities of these gasses into the atmosphere, it can only be man. guys are saying that the media is against Rush, but don't you realize that Rush is a part of the media?
The left and their lap dog media always take things Rush says out of context or just completely lie. I didn't get to hear exactly what Rush said but I'll bet it isn't what they say he did.
That is the lie your MessiahRushie always tells his DittoTard SUCKERS when he is caught with his foot in his mouth.

Nope. It's absolutely true. I have witnessed it happen time after time.
Nope taking people out of context and even changing the words of the people he is "quoting" is your MessiahRushie's MO. See the first quote in my sig.

October 21, 2008
RUSH: He didn't say it in those words, but that's exactly what he meant.

Irrelevant. The thread is about what he said or didn't say. Knowing as I do, how frequently the media takes his comments out of context, I doubt very much that what they are reporting is what he way saying.
It is quite relevant, the mindless DittoTard argument is if you paraphrase his longwinded rant then he didn't say it, but he does the same thing all the time.
If it's good for the goose, then it's good for the gander!!! guys are saying that the media is against Rush, but don't you realize that Rush is a part of the media?
And he brags about it constantly!

Jun 9, 2017
RUSH: So as a powerful, influential member of the media, I have people in the know in practically every important area of life that I can call.
Limbaugh is an entertainer, nothing else. That the left takes him seriously is as stupid as the right taking Jennifer Lawrence seriously.

December 20, 2007
RUSH: That's a liberal complaint. I'm an entertainer. Don't take me seriously.

Since you can't disprove it, my comment still stands.
Your MessiahRushie says you are full of **it!

"I combine two elements: irreverent humor and serious discussion of issues. People tune in for both. But the key is having credibility. This has led to critics saying I am just an entertainer. I'm proud to be an entertainer. This is showbiz. At the same time, I believe everything I say." -Limbaugh to Mediaweek.

Funny you keep proving my point. You seem to get real emotional about his every word. I'm glad I'm not obsessed with an entertainer like you seem to be.
January 10, 2014
RUSH: I'm just doing what I always do. Folks, I observe. I'm a journalist
Limbaugh is as much of a journalist as Alex Jones is.
What! Do you mean he is LYING about being the only real journalist left???

January 18, 2013
RUSH: Snerdley is wanting to know why I didn't object to the previous caller praising my talents as a journalist. I think what happens here on this show is closer to real journalism than anything we're getting from so-called journalists. I have said for the longest time, "We do here what the mainstream journalists used to do."

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