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After watching explain how you can support abortion

Why don't you post it again. In fact, why don't you start several more threads just like this one. You're getting a lot accomplished.
baby killer

No, I'm just more concerned about who's going to feed those babies once they're here.
so you murder

You brag that you freeload off American taxpayers because you want to starve children.

How many unwanted children have you adopted? How many do you support?

You can lie and cheat all you want but the bottom line is and always will be that you have no right to control women's reproduction.
you are a lying sack of pig shit. It doesn't matter how many times you repeat that shit it's still a lie.

A lie? You actually believe you have a right to control women's reproduction? Just because you found a picture of a fake badge doesn't make you God.
baby killer

No, I'm just more concerned about who's going to feed those babies once they're here.
so you murder

You brag that you freeload off American taxpayers because you want to starve children.

How many unwanted children have you adopted? How many do you support?

You can lie and cheat all you want but the bottom line is and always will be that you have no right to control women's reproduction.
you are a lying sack of pig shit. It doesn't matter how many times you repeat that shit it's still a lie.

A lie? You actually believe you have a right to control women's reproduction? Just because you found a picture of a fake badge doesn't make you God.
ludd boy comment is a lie puppy
Libtards have three basic response to why they support abortion.

First is that a mother should have the freedom to kill her children for the sake of convenience. Of course besides this being a very immoral stance it totally denies the freedom of the child to live. A very disgusting postilion.

Second, society is better off withoput the children since the mother the mother wants to kill them. Equally as disgusting.

Third is the Nazi defense by saying that the children are not human so therefore we can kill them and not worry about it. The same defense the Nazi used to dehumanize the Jews when they sent them to extermination camps.

And embryo/fetus is not a child.
No, I'm just more concerned about who's going to feed those babies once they're here.
so you murder

You brag that you freeload off American taxpayers because you want to starve children.

How many unwanted children have you adopted? How many do you support?

You can lie and cheat all you want but the bottom line is and always will be that you have no right to control women's reproduction.
you are a lying sack of pig shit. It doesn't matter how many times you repeat that shit it's still a lie.

A lie? You actually believe you have a right to control women's reproduction? Just because you found a picture of a fake badge doesn't make you God.
ludd boy comment is a lie puppy

That is what I was referencing, Sargent goober. Get someone to read his post to you. You have no right to control women's reproduction.
Cancer cells die when irradiated, too. Cancer cells are also human ( I know I am teasing out the point). Do Aborted fetuses feel any less or more pain than the cattle that are killed in slaughterhouses to make hamburgers for MacDonald's? I am becoming a vegetarian more and more every day, if that is any response.


A zygote doesn't have a central nervous system so it can't feel anything.

A few cells in a uterus isn't a human.
1. It's human life
2. I guess the baby in the video is just a clump of cells

Unlike you, I know the laws in America.

It's against the law to terminate a pregnancy if it's viable. The only exceptions are if there's a serious problem with the fetus and it's either dead, or near death or would die at birth. The other exception is if the life or health of the woman is in jeopardy.

So a late term abortion only saves the life of the woman or terminates a fetus that's either dead or will be dead at birth.

If your video was shot in America there was a serious problem with either the woman or the fetus.

My cousin's wife had a late term abortion. If she had not done that she would be dead now and the two children she had later never would have been born.

You can post all the propaganda you want. Those of us who know the laws know that it's nothing but lies on your part.

The fact is that over 80% abortions in America happen in the first couple of months. Long before a central nervous system is developed.

You're not happy to live your life as you choose. You need to make everyone live as you live. That's not freedom. Why can't you live your life as you choose and leave everyone else alone? Why do you have this need to take freedom from women?

And why aren't you leading a movement to make all men take full responsibility for the children they create? Why don't I see any posts from you or any anti choice person about how to stop this epidemic of men creating life, then just turning their backs on their own flesh and blood and just walk away?

If you hate abortion so much why aren't you doing everything you can to make sure all women and men have proper contraceptives? Taking a video of an abortion and posting it on line won't do one single thing to stop abortion. Contraceptives and education will. Yet you're probably against both.
And embryo/fetus is not a child.

A human embryo/fetus is a human being in the very earliest stages of development. Abortion ends the life of that human being. That's what abortion does, it kills another human being. If you are "pro-choice", you are fine with killing unborn humans.
Leftist Progressives don't give two hoots about the sanctity of life and the innocence of unborn children. They care about one thing: living a life of debauchery and sexual promiscuity. I hope they get an STD as a just reward -- time for nature to start aborting some "adults" for a change.
That is what I was referencing, Sargent goober. Get someone to read his post to you. You have no right to control women's reproduction.

The woman is controlling the life of another human being and the unborn who are deemed to be aborted don't even have their own mother protecting them. Someone has to be their voice.
Anyone brave enough to stand up and say they support abortion?

That would be me.

I support abortion. It saves women's lives.

I guess you're one of those who believes that a woman should die just because her pregnancy went wrong.

You probably believe that a woman or girl should be forced to give up her life to raise a child she doesn't want while the man who made her pregnant walked away to continue his life as he chooses.

I wouldn't be surprised if you're one of those people who believes that it's perfectly fine for men to make a child and then turn his back and walk away from his own flesh and blood.

Please tell me what life is in an ectopic pregnancy and why you want a woman to die because she has an ectopic pregnancy.

I realize that you feel abortion should be used as birth control. See I to can build a straw man just as big as your bull shit

More lies.

Abortion can't be used as birth control. First of all birth control prevents a pregnancy. You can't prevent a pregnancy if it's already occurred.

Second, the laws of our nation prevent it being used as birth control. The law states that no doctor can perform an abortion on a woman if she has had one in the last 6 months. A doctor would lose their license if they did that. Which they don't do that. So for abortion to be used as so called birth control, a woman would have to have an abortion every few months.

Last, a woman can't keep having abortions back to back. She will become infertile. Abortion aspirates the lining of the uterus. If it's done too often and too close together scar tissue forms and the woman is infertile for life.

Maybe if you started posting truths some might take you seriously. But then if you started posting truths, you wouldn't be able to start threads like this one.
More lies.

Abortion can't be used as birth control. First of all birth control prevents a pregnancy. You can't prevent a pregnancy if it's already occurred.

Second, the laws of our nation prevent it being used as birth control. The law states that no doctor can perform an abortion on a woman if she has had one in the last 6 months. A doctor would lose their license if they did that. Which they don't do that. So for abortion to be used as so called birth control, a woman would have to have an abortion every few months.

Last, a woman can't keep having abortions back to back. She will become infertile. Abortion aspirates the lining of the uterus. If it's done too often and too close together scar tissue forms and the woman is infertile for life.

Maybe if you started posting truths some might take you seriously. But then if you started posting truths, you wouldn't be able to start threads like this one.

Of course it can and of course it is used as such.

Birth control .... doesn't say pregnancy prevention, says birth control. When a woman has an abortion, does she give birth? No. She controls the birth from taking place by destroying the human being inside.
I know. He changed it when he replied.

I posted that.

I read his posts and realized that he's not a logical or caring person.

Anyone who would force a child to give birth to their brother's child is a cruel and heartless person. Anyone who would force a woman or child to give birth to a rapist's child is a cruel and heartless person.

These same people run around screaming about personal freedom and the government staying out of their lives. It's all a lie.

They aren't happy to have the freedom to live as they choose. They want to take that same freedom from everyone else. They seem to have some need to force everyone to live and believe as that right winger lives and believes. They call that freedom. They have no idea what that word means.

They scream about abortion yet do everything in their power to make abortion necessary by taking contraceptives from women. The contraceptives that would prevent an abortion. It's all a lie. If they actually wanted to stop abortion they would be on every street corner handing out free contraception to everyone who wants it. Yet they do all they can to deny women contraception to force women to become pregnant and give birth to children those women don't want.

If you want to personally attack and slander people you don't even know then there's nothing stopping you. If it will make you feel better, have at it. Call me a baby-eater and a demon, too. Why not simply go all out and attack me viciously until you have nothing else left to throw? Or, instead, you could be mature and discuss this issue with a modicum of general respect. It'd be appreciated.

On this issue I feel, based on your emotionally-charged posts and accusations, that you're willing to attack people who disagree with you. That's not how people should debate. You know what they say about keeping a cool head. It's not reasonable to degrade people who believe in the sanctity of human life by calling them cruel or heartless. That's emotional ranting, and will serve you no good when you discuss issues with serious people.

In a way, it's no better than the ravings of zealous Christians or Muslims, where your own concentrated biases cause you to rush quickly to judgment without forethought or consideration for others. I think a good start would be for you to qualify your posts instead of making sloppy, generalized fallacies. Who is "they"? I do not condone abortion unless it is between the life of the unborn child or the mother. At the same time, I believe in using contraceptives that prevent the zygote from forming, and having it mass-produced and readily available. I am not "they."

If you want to fall apart against my opinions by losing control of your emotions, I can't stop you from doing so. You and you alone decide how you will react to the people and ideas you don't agree with. I don't agree with your beliefs, but I show my respect for you by not attacking you personally or generalizing you and your beliefs. Will you maintain your composure, or will you go down in flames?

I would read your whole post if you stuck to the truth. However I couldn't get past the lies and whining so I stopped reading it.

I wasn't attacking you. I was pointing out how women feel about giving birth to a rapist's child. Or giving birth to their relative's child.

Women don't want to do that. None of it is consensual by the woman so why should she then be forced to reproduce that rapist's child?

It's a fact. It's heartless and cruel to force a woman or teenager to give birth to a rapist's child or their relative's child. If you don't like the facts that's not my problem. Look at yourself to find the problem because that's where it lies.

You're a man so you can never know what it's like to be forced to be pregnant and give birth to a rapist's child so it's very easy for you to force that on a woman. It can never happen to you.

Here's a thought, why don't you live your life as you choose and leave everyone else alone? Why not be happy to be free to live your life as you choose and stop advocating to take that same freedom from women? I tell you what, when you're faced with having to carry a rapist's child or your relative's child, exercise your freedom of choice to give birth to it. Stop advocating to take that same freedom of choice from women.
Cancer cells die when irradiated, too. Cancer cells are also human ( I know I am teasing out the point). Do Aborted fetuses feel any less or more pain than the cattle that are killed in slaughterhouses to make hamburgers for MacDonald's? I am becoming a vegetarian more and more every day, if that is any response.


A zygote doesn't have a central nervous system so it can't feel anything.

A few cells in a uterus isn't a human.
1. It's human life
2. I guess the baby in the video is just a clump of cells

What you are seeing the response is the Liberal denial of human life. They do it to justify the murder of the kids.

They deny that a child with a brain, eyes, ears, toes etc including separate and distinct DNA is human life. The child has always developed to that state before a woman knows she is pregnant and can arrange for an abortion. This bit about "nothing but cells" is nothing more than the despicable dehumanization of the victim.

They do it for the same reasons the Nazis said that Jews were sub human. That way the Liberals can kill the children because after all they are not human.
Anyone who would force a child to give birth to their brother's child is a cruel and heartless person. Anyone who would force a woman or child to give birth to a rapist's child is a cruel and heartless person.

You're a man so you can never know what it's like to be forced to be pregnant and give birth to a rapist's child so it's very easy for you to force that on a woman. It can never happen to you.


Very very few abortions are performed for the reasons of rape or incest. That is a bogus argument and a deflection. The opposition to abortion is because it is used for the widespread murder of children on demand for the sake of convenience.

By the way, some men in addition to quite a few women, do understand that it is wrong to murder a child for the sake of convenience.
Anyone brave enough to stand up and say they support abortion?

Couple of things. Pro-choice advocates do not "support abortions". Neither do we condemn them. As we do not believe that it is our place to pronounce moral judgements on others for the choices they make.

That being said, yup. I am still of the opinion that I have always been. Until about the 21st week a fetus is just that - a fetus - and is not capable of independent survival; it is not a viable life. therefore a fetus is not, by definition a person. Thus a fetus, by definition is not guaranteed any "rights" in this country, by our Constitution. For this reason, the only person whose right of self-determination that I am concerned with is that of the pregnant woman.

Does this clarify my position on this issue for you bigrebnc? Have I made myself clear enough that there is no number of graphic videos, or photographs that you can produce that will convince me to have an emotional reaction contrary to medical, and scientific fact?
Cancer cells die when irradiated, too. Cancer cells are also human ( I know I am teasing out the point). Do Aborted fetuses feel any less or more pain than the cattle that are killed in slaughterhouses to make hamburgers for MacDonald's? I am becoming a vegetarian more and more every day, if that is any response.


A zygote doesn't have a central nervous system so it can't feel anything.

A few cells in a uterus isn't a human.
1. It's human life
2. I guess the baby in the video is just a clump of cells

What you are seeing the response is the Liberal denial of human life.
Actually what you are seeing is acceptance of scientific fact over emotional appeal. I know that is hard for you moralists to accept, but there it is. Some of us prefer to let science inform our reality.
Abortion is a very emotional topic.

I don't support abortion, not even in cases of incest and rape. There is, I believe, the right to live. When a woman is pregnant, she has not one life within her body, but two. The developing child is innocent. If I were only to support abortion in cases of rape and incest that would be hypocritical, if I thought it was murder or that all innocent life is sacred.

There was once a commercial I saw about an unborn child struggling against the suction vacuum that would tear it limb from limb. Any prevention method that keeps the zygote from forming I condone as an ideal substitute for abortion. It should also be free and easily-accessible. I would rather that be the case than seeing so many countless innocent lives snuffed out before having a chance to live.

You don't support abortion, under any circumstances?

The next time you get pregnant, don't have one.

Meanwhile, MYOB.

Problem solved.
Anyone brave enough to stand up and say they support abortion?

That would be me.

I support abortion. It saves women's lives.

I guess you're one of those who believes that a woman should die just because her pregnancy went wrong.

You probably believe that a woman or girl should be forced to give up her life to raise a child she doesn't want while the man who made her pregnant walked away to continue his life as he chooses.

I wouldn't be surprised if you're one of those people who believes that it's perfectly fine for men to make a child and then turn his back and walk away from his own flesh and blood.

Please tell me what life is in an ectopic pregnancy and why you want a woman to die because she has an ectopic pregnancy.

I realize that you feel abortion should be used as birth control. See I to can build a straw man just as big as your bull shit

Actually, you used the "straw man bull shit".

The reason for the abortion is none of your business either.

The right to control one's own body and one's own reproduction is absolute.

Anyone brave enough to stand up and say they support abortion?

Couple of things. Pro-choice advocates do not "support abortions". Neither do we condemn them. As we do not believe that it is our place to pronounce moral judgements on others for the choices they make.

That being said, yup. I am still of the opinion that I have always been. Until about the 21st week a fetus is just that - a fetus - and is not capable of independent survival; it is not a viable life. therefore a fetus is not, by definition a person. Thus a fetus, by definition is not guaranteed any "rights" in this country, by our Constitution. For this reason, the only person whose right of self-determination that I am concerned with is that of the pregnant woman.

Does this clarify my position on this issue for you bigrebnc? Have I made myself clear enough that there is no number of graphic videos, or photographs that you can produce that will convince me to have an emotional reaction contrary to medical, and scientific fact?

I don't think you can take that middle ground.

Either you support the murder of children for the sake of convenience or you don't.

The medical fact is that at 20 week old fetus has a brain, eyes, toes and human DNA. No different from you except in a different development stage. Why would anybody with any moral foundation agree to killing a child for the sake of convenience?

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