After week- long national media attack of Trump.....

hiLIARy is very small if you DNC Drones took a minute to read her campaign managers email but that would pop your make believe world. hiLIARy is a lousy candidate w/ no accomplishments especially as Sec of State. She left N Africa and Syria in flames
hiLIARy is ahead by measey 2 pts lol

she's a terrible candidate

Gingrich correctly stated today that the national media has staged a coup d'état to keep an Establishment (AKA_ crony) candidate viable. He pointed- out that the media has spent a 23:1 ratio talking about Trumps locker room talk compared to Podestas and Clintons Russian deal being exposed

Trump has an excuse for every occasion.

He goes around making stupid statements, then claims the media is against him. Well, probably, seeing as he's making a complete fool out of himself.

But then all he has to do is say he's the victim and loads of people go and give him some sympathy.

This is the GOP. Trump is the perfect representative for them. As in the party of personal responsibility its *always* someone else's fault. And per Trump's ilk, the person least responsible for the outcome of Trump's campaign... Trump.

The only choice the Trumpies have left is to pick their favorite lie for *why* Trump lost before the best lies are snatched up.

Yeah, it's all rather novel like, novel as in the book type rather than new and interesting. I read a John Grisham book and there was a guy running for president who was basically picked by a bunch of guys and all he had to say was something like "we need to be strong" and they did the rest. I'm sure someone will write a novel based around Trump's campaign and it'll be very entertaining.
The depravity deepens.

Trump's electoral defeat is inevitable. All that's happening now is a 23 day long demonstration of the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of the fringe right, evangelicals, and the GOP in general.
another paid- DNC Drone to add to the 10 already here.

And in the face of overwhelming evidence of Trump's defeat, you double down on conspiracy theories. Insisting that anyone who notes the obvious must be part of whatever hapless conspiracy batshit Trump tells you to believe this week.

Tell me how that works out on November 8th.
I'm saying Locker Room Banter is not a pressing national issue you ASSCLOWN but one wouldn't know that judging from the concerted effort of the MSM to make it so

And I'm saying that it doesn't matter what *you* think Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women means. It matters what the electorate believes it means.

Check the polls. Trump's candidacy is over. He pissed away his last chance. Even he knows it....which is why Trump is doubling down on excuses for his loss 23 days before it actually happens.
You doubling down on Locker Room Bravado being this nations pressing issue? You are a drone of drones :rofl: The MSM (mouthpiece of the 1%) counts on dummies like you
The depravity deepens.

Trump's electoral defeat is inevitable. All that's happening now is a 23 day long demonstration of the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of the fringe right, evangelicals, and the GOP in general.
another paid- DNC Drone to add to the 10 already here.

And in the face of overwhelming evidence of Trump's defeat, you double down on conspiracy theories. Insisting that anyone who notes the obvious must be part of whatever hapless conspiracy batshit Trump tells you to believe this week.

Tell me how that works out on November 8th.
I'm saying Locker Room Banter is not a pressing national issue you ASSCLOWN but one wouldn't know that judging from the concerted effort of the MSM to make it so

And I'm saying that it doesn't matter what *you* think Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women means. It matters what the electorate believes it means.

Check the polls. Trump's candidacy is over. He pissed away his last chance. Even he knows it....which is why Trump is doubling down on excuses for his loss 23 days before it actually happens.
Like Trump, I like pussy....why don't you?
the electorate has made its mind up on bantering

it is not good for orange creepy
hiLIARy is ahead by measey 2 pts lol

she's a terrible candidate

Gingrich correctly stated today that the national media has staged a coup d'état to keep an Establishment (AKA_ crony) candidate viable. He pointed- out that the media has spent a 23:1 ratio talking about Trumps locker room talk compared to Podestas and Clintons Russian deal being exposed

Trump has an excuse for every occasion.

He goes around making stupid statements, then claims the media is against him. Well, probably, seeing as he's making a complete fool out of himself.

But then all he has to do is say he's the victim and loads of people go and give him some sympathy.

He went on a spit spewing tantrum over being spoofed on SNL.

You know, if we wanted a man that small for president, we could have gotten the guy from Game of Thrones.

Yeah, they don't want to be PC, up until the point that people are non-PC against them, and then they don't say anything about it. Happened with UKIP in the UK last year.
Trump's electoral defeat is inevitable. All that's happening now is a 23 day long demonstration of the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of the fringe right, evangelicals, and the GOP in general.
another paid- DNC Drone to add to the 10 already here.

And in the face of overwhelming evidence of Trump's defeat, you double down on conspiracy theories. Insisting that anyone who notes the obvious must be part of whatever hapless conspiracy batshit Trump tells you to believe this week.

Tell me how that works out on November 8th.
I'm saying Locker Room Banter is not a pressing national issue you ASSCLOWN but one wouldn't know that judging from the concerted effort of the MSM to make it so

And I'm saying that it doesn't matter what *you* think Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women means. It matters what the electorate believes it means.

Check the polls. Trump's candidacy is over. He pissed away his last chance. Even he knows it....which is why Trump is doubling down on excuses for his loss 23 days before it actually happens.
Like Trump, I like pussy....why don't you?

Like Trump, do you brag about sexually assaulting women? Are there 10 women who are coming forward with their experiences of being sexually assaulted by you?
another paid- DNC Drone to add to the 10 already here.

And in the face of overwhelming evidence of Trump's defeat, you double down on conspiracy theories. Insisting that anyone who notes the obvious must be part of whatever hapless conspiracy batshit Trump tells you to believe this week.

Tell me how that works out on November 8th.
I'm saying Locker Room Banter is not a pressing national issue you ASSCLOWN but one wouldn't know that judging from the concerted effort of the MSM to make it so

And I'm saying that it doesn't matter what *you* think Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women means. It matters what the electorate believes it means.

Check the polls. Trump's candidacy is over. He pissed away his last chance. Even he knows it....which is why Trump is doubling down on excuses for his loss 23 days before it actually happens.
Like Trump, I like pussy....why don't you?

Like Trump, do you brag about sexually assaulting women? Are there 10 women who are coming forward with their experiences of being sexually assaulted by you?
Can you link me to the assault charges....I simply can't find them......
And in the face of overwhelming evidence of Trump's defeat, you double down on conspiracy theories. Insisting that anyone who notes the obvious must be part of whatever hapless conspiracy batshit Trump tells you to believe this week.

Tell me how that works out on November 8th.
I'm saying Locker Room Banter is not a pressing national issue you ASSCLOWN but one wouldn't know that judging from the concerted effort of the MSM to make it so

And I'm saying that it doesn't matter what *you* think Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women means. It matters what the electorate believes it means.

Check the polls. Trump's candidacy is over. He pissed away his last chance. Even he knows it....which is why Trump is doubling down on excuses for his loss 23 days before it actually happens.
Like Trump, I like pussy....why don't you?

Like Trump, do you brag about sexually assaulting women? Are there 10 women who are coming forward with their experiences of being sexually assaulted by you?
Can you link me to the assault charges....I simply can't find them......

You're the one comparing yourself to Trump. I'm just asking how far the similarities go.

Trump has bragged about sexually assaulting women. Trump has 10 women coming forward that he's done what he's bragged about doing.

You can ignore this fact. But you can't make the rest of us ignore it.
Trump's electoral defeat is inevitable. All that's happening now is a 23 day long demonstration of the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of the fringe right, evangelicals, and the GOP in general.
another paid- DNC Drone to add to the 10 already here.

And in the face of overwhelming evidence of Trump's defeat, you double down on conspiracy theories. Insisting that anyone who notes the obvious must be part of whatever hapless conspiracy batshit Trump tells you to believe this week.

Tell me how that works out on November 8th.
I'm saying Locker Room Banter is not a pressing national issue you ASSCLOWN but one wouldn't know that judging from the concerted effort of the MSM to make it so

And I'm saying that it doesn't matter what *you* think Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women means. It matters what the electorate believes it means.

Check the polls. Trump's candidacy is over. He pissed away his last chance. Even he knows it....which is why Trump is doubling down on excuses for his loss 23 days before it actually happens.
You doubling down on Locker Room Bravado being this nations pressing issue? You are a drone of drones :rofl: The MSM (mouthpiece of the 1%) counts on dummies like you

Laughing....its not me you have to convince. Its the rest of the electorate. Check the polls. They aren't buying your increasingly desperately bullshit either.

Enjoy November 8th. I certainly will!
4- point lead after MSM concerted week- long attack. Speaks volumes about hiLIARy

It's 5.5 points. I'll save you from the temptation to lie THREE times about it.
5 entire points after having the nations MSM give hiLIARy free above the fold attack ads for a solid week against a guy for Locker Room Bravado talk. You must be proud
4- point lead after MSM concerted week- long attack. Speaks volumes about hiLIARy

It's 5.5 points. I'll save you from the temptation to lie THREE times about it.
5 entire points after having the nations MSM give hiLIARy free above the fold attack ads for a solid week against a guy for Locker Room Bravado talk. You must be proud

Even in your narrative, Trump is a helpless little victim. A leaf on the water with no control or even influence over his own destiny. A passive, inert lump that is little more than a canvas for others to paint up.

Um....why would I or any rational person want such a helpless lump as president?
4- point lead after MSM concerted week- long attack. Speaks volumes about hiLIARy

It's 5.5 points. I'll save you from the temptation to lie THREE times about it.
5 entire points after having the nations MSM give hiLIARy free above the fold attack ads for a solid week against a guy for Locker Room Bravado talk. You must be proud

The media is doing its patriotic duty.
since when has it been the media's job to protect crony pols like hiLIARy or any pol for that matter?

They used to be known as the 4th Estate. Sadly, they work for the cronies in Wash DC now

No sense in wasting anymore time on a crony drone like you :bye1:
Jknownounderstand is the problem.

But. . . Obama will not be CiC in three months, OK?

Trump, if elected, will have us attacking antartica, if we are very lucky.
No, if Hillary is elected we are looking at ww3. If Trump is elected he wants to negotiate. Tell me fakey Jakey when did you vote for just war?

The depravity deepens.

Trump's electoral defeat is inevitable. All that's happening now is a 23 day long demonstration of the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of the fringe right, evangelicals, and the GOP in general.

No, the only thing left to see, is whether America collectively is asking to be nuked or not.

If Hillary can not muster at least 40% of the registered voting population to support her, then I would say she has no legitimacy to govern. And certainly does NOT have enough of the support of the population to continue this undeclared war that the government is prosecuting.
Jknownounderstand is the problem.

But. . . Obama will not be CiC in three months, OK?

Trump, if elected, will have us attacking antartica, if we are very lucky.
No, if Hillary is elected we are looking at ww3. If Trump is elected he wants to negotiate. Tell me fakey Jakey when did you vote for just war?

The depravity deepens.

Trump's electoral defeat is inevitable. All that's happening now is a 23 day long demonstration of the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of the fringe right, evangelicals, and the GOP in general.

No, the only thing left to see, is whether America collectively is asking to be nuked or not.

If Hillary can not muster at least 40% of the registered voting population to support her, then I would say she has no legitimacy to govern. And certainly does NOT have enough of the support of the population to continue this undeclared war that the government is prosecuting.

What 'undeclared war'?
4- point lead after MSM concerted week- long attack. Speaks volumes about hiLIARy

It's 5.5 points. I'll save you from the temptation to lie THREE times about it.
5 entire points after having the nations MSM give hiLIARy free above the fold attack ads for a solid week against a guy for Locker Room Bravado talk. You must be proud

The media is doing its patriotic duty.
since when has it been the media's job to protect crony pols like hiLIARy or any pol for that matter?

They used to be known as the 4th Estate. Sadly, they work for the cronies in Wash DC now

No sense in wasting anymore time on a crony drone like you :bye1:
Jknownounderstand is the problem.

But. . . Obama will not be CiC in three months, OK?

Trump, if elected, will have us attacking antartica, if we are very lucky.
No, if Hillary is elected we are looking at ww3. If Trump is elected he wants to negotiate. Tell me fakey Jakey when did you vote for just war?

The depravity deepens.

Trump's electoral defeat is inevitable. All that's happening now is a 23 day long demonstration of the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of the fringe right, evangelicals, and the GOP in general.

No, the only thing left to see, is whether America collectively is asking to be nuked or not.

If Hillary can not muster at least 40% of the registered voting population to support her, then I would say she has no legitimacy to govern. And certainly does NOT have enough of the support of the population to continue this undeclared war that the government is prosecuting.

What 'undeclared war'?

So let me get this straight, the only place you get your news is CNN, MSNBC, the NYT, FOX NEWS, etc. and other related establishment press? etc? :badgrin:

Who woulda thought they could hide war so easily. Or that Americans would refuse to call it what it is.

You didn't know that the American Military is currently engaged in operations in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia and every Wednesday, drone strikes all over the world?


A world war has begun. Break the silence.
A world war has begun. Break the silence.
"In the last eighteen months, the greatest build-up of military forces since World War Two -- led by the United States -- is taking place along Russia's western frontier. Not since Hitler invaded the Soviet Union have foreign troops presented such a demonstrable threat to Russia.

Ukraine - once part of the Soviet Union - has become a CIA theme park. Having orchestrated a coup in Kiev, Washington effectively controls a regime that is next door and hostile to Russia: a regime rotten with Nazis, literally. Prominent parliamentary figures in Ukraine are the political descendants of the notorious OUN and UPA fascists. They openly praise Hitler and call for the persecution and expulsion of the Russian speaking minority.

This is seldom news in the West, or it is inverted to suppress the truth.

In Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia -- next door to Russia - the US military is deploying combat troops, tanks, heavy weapons. This extreme provocation of the world's second nuclear power is met with silence in the West.

What makes the prospect of nuclear war even more dangerous is a parallel campaign against China.

Seldom a day passes when China is not elevated to the status of a "threat". According to Admiral Harry Harris, the US Pacific commander, China is "building a great wall of sand in the South China Sea".

What he is referring to is China building airstrips in the Spratly Islands, which are the subject of a dispute with the Philippines - a dispute without priority until Washington pressured and bribed the government in Manila and the Pentagon launched a propaganda campaign called "freedom of navigation".

What does this really mean? It means freedom for American warships to patrol and dominate the coastal waters of China. Try to imagine the American reaction if Chinese warships did the same off the coast of California.

I made a film called The War You Don't See, in which I interviewed distinguished journalists in America and Britain: reporters such as Dan Rather of CBS, Rageh Omar of the BBC, David Rose of the Observer.

All of them said that had journalists and broadcasters done their job and questioned the propaganda that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction; had the lies of George W. Bush and Tony Blair not been amplified and echoed by journalists, the 2003 invasion of Iraq might not have happened, and hundreds of thousands of men, women and children would be alive today.

The propaganda laying the ground for a war against Russia and/or China is no different in principle. To my knowledge, no journalist in the Western "mainstream" -- a Dan Rather equivalent, say --asks why China is building airstrips in the South China Sea.

The answer ought to be glaringly obvious. The United States is encircling China with a network of bases, with ballistic missiles, battle groups, nuclear -armed bombers.

This lethal arc extends from Australia to the islands of the Pacific, the Marianas and the Marshalls and Guam, to the Philippines, Thailand, Okinawa, Korea and across Eurasia to Afghanistan and India. America has hung a noose around the neck of China. This is not news. Silence by media; war by media.

In 2015, in high secrecy, the US and Australia staged the biggest single air-sea military exercise in recent history, known as Talisman Sabre. Its aim was to rehearse an Air-Sea Battle Plan, blocking sea lanes, such as the Straits of Malacca and the Lombok Straits, that cut off China's access to oil, gas and other vital raw materials from the Middle East and Africa. "

And, if you are willing to believe the government lies and the establishment lies, here is the establishment spin on KNOWN facts.
U.S. Admits Airstrike in Syria, Meant to Hit ISIS, Killed Syrian Troops

Remember, US troops and air power are not even supposed to be in Syria, it is there against approval of the UN, Syria, and international law. IOW, it's a war crime. This is a policy Hillary not only supports, but hopes to try to extend with a "No fly Zone?" Are you fucking kidding me? And American Idiots want to compare that to "claims" of 2nd or 3rd degree sexual assault? Have they lost their fucking mind? Hmm. . . let's see, a possible sex offender or a probable war criminal, those are our choices. Nice. I know what I would choose if I were to stoop to voting.

More proof we are already in perpetual war for the folks that are asleep at the wheel. It's like nobody ever read 1984 or learned lessons from it.


The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Covert Drone War Archives - The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

Airwars – Monitoring the coalition air war against ISIS
Oh, did I forget Libya? Yeah, we're still fighting there too. Hell, we pay millions of dollars everyday to fight all over the planet.

Here's a video if your interested.

Courtesy Video
U.S. Africa Command

U.S. Precision Strike Against ISIL Tank in Sirte, Libya

I'm willing to bet that Tank we paid to destroy in August was either made in the US or by one of our allies originally. But then, that is something you probably won't even give a second thought about.

Oh how I long for the days when real liberals and leftists used to care about the US military-industrial-complex killing women and children around the world. Now they only care if pervs give unwanted attention to overly sensitive women at home. smdh.

It seems the MSM has conditioned the more dull witted ones to believe the most pressing issue today is about some chuckle head being a chauvinist that is running for Pres. who may, or may not (keep in mind, nothing has been proven) have sexually assaulted every angry and scared partisan democratic woman he has ever met.

Talk about "intellectual and moral bankruptcy," eh?

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