After Years Of Poisoning This "Messy Democracy" Obama Accuses Trump Of Poisoning Democracy


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Obama has to be the biggest hypocrite in history. Obama has poisoned this country since he first became president....America...thinking that the first black president would be a peacekeeper...turns out he was exactly what he was advertised to be.....nothing but a racist troublemaker. But what can you expect from a professional race-baiter......better known as a community organizer.

Barack Obama shares op-ed criticizing President Trump's 'poisoning of our democracy'
Colby Itkowitz, The Washington Post

Published 1:07 pm PDT, Saturday, July 27, 2019

Former President Barack Obama, who doesn't often comment on current politics, seemed to endorse on Saturday an op-ed written by 148 African Americans who served in his administration that called out President Donald Trump for recent comments degrading four congresswomen of color.

"I've always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration. But more than what we did, I'm proud of how they're continuing to fight for an America that's better," Obama tweeted with a link to the op-ed published Friday evening in The Washington Post.

Under the headline, "We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by," the former Obama administration officials vowed to stand up against the "racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia . . . wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy."

"There is truly nothing more un-American than calling on fellow citizens to leave our country - by citing their immigrant roots, or ancestry, or their unwillingness to sit in quiet obedience while democracy is being undermined," they wrote.

Former President Barack Obama, who doesn't often comment on current politics, seemed to endorse on Saturday an op-ed written by 148 African Americans who served in his administration that called out President Donald Trump for recent comments degrading four congresswomen of color.

"I've always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration. But more than what we did, I'm proud of how they're continuing to fight for an America that's better," Obama tweeted with a link to the op-ed published Friday evening in The Washington Post.

Under the headline, "We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by," the former Obama administration officials vowed to stand up against the "racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia . . . wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy."

"There is truly nothing more un-American than calling on fellow citizens to leave our country - by citing their immigrant roots, or ancestry, or their unwillingness to sit in quiet obedience while democracy is being undermined," they wrote.

Barack Obama shares op-ed criticizing President Trump's 'poisoning of our democracy'
After Years Of Poisoning This "Messy Democracy" Obama Accuses Trump Of Poisoning Democracy

I know you ain't surprised by this, MW! After all, the primary MO of the Left ALWAYS IS to do something over and over under the camouflage of hoping to get away with it by accusing the other side of being guilty of it while YOU do it!

Like the little boy who knocks the cookie jar to the kitchen floor stealing cookies then runs to Mom to tell on his sister saying SHE did it!

Best case in point? Tamper with elections while claiming US elections are 100% ironclad, by using the IRS to block Romney voters, have Donna Brazille steel debate questions then secretly feed them to Hillary in advance, have the DNC sabotage Sander's campaign so that he cannot beat Hillary even if the people vote for him, have Hillary hire Fusion GPS and the Brit Steele to work with Ukrainians to manufacture a false dossier against Trump, then lie about it in FISA court to create an investigation of Trump for, of all things, tampering with an election.
I am glad that he can't run again. He would continue taking this country further down the downward spiral, as he did for the past eight years of his term. I just hope that Michelle is smart enough to not run in 2024. Because she would lose, just like Hillary Clinton did. And if she does decide to run, is because of her husband. She wants to continue the Obama legacy. Which this country doesn't need. Just as we don't need a Clinton legacy. JMO
Obama has to be the biggest hypocrite in history. Obama has poisoned this country since he first became president....America...thinking that the first black president would be a peacekeeper...turns out he was exactly what he was advertised to be.....nothing but a racist troublemaker. But what can you expect from a professional race-baiter......better known as a community organizer.

Barack Obama shares op-ed criticizing President Trump's 'poisoning of our democracy'
Colby Itkowitz, The Washington Post

Published 1:07 pm PDT, Saturday, July 27, 2019

Former President Barack Obama, who doesn't often comment on current politics, seemed to endorse on Saturday an op-ed written by 148 African Americans who served in his administration that called out President Donald Trump for recent comments degrading four congresswomen of color.

"I've always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration. But more than what we did, I'm proud of how they're continuing to fight for an America that's better," Obama tweeted with a link to the op-ed published Friday evening in The Washington Post.

Under the headline, "We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by," the former Obama administration officials vowed to stand up against the "racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia . . . wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy."

"There is truly nothing more un-American than calling on fellow citizens to leave our country - by citing their immigrant roots, or ancestry, or their unwillingness to sit in quiet obedience while democracy is being undermined," they wrote.

Former President Barack Obama, who doesn't often comment on current politics, seemed to endorse on Saturday an op-ed written by 148 African Americans who served in his administration that called out President Donald Trump for recent comments degrading four congresswomen of color.

"I've always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration. But more than what we did, I'm proud of how they're continuing to fight for an America that's better," Obama tweeted with a link to the op-ed published Friday evening in The Washington Post.

Under the headline, "We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by," the former Obama administration officials vowed to stand up against the "racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia . . . wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy."

"There is truly nothing more un-American than calling on fellow citizens to leave our country - by citing their immigrant roots, or ancestry, or their unwillingness to sit in quiet obedience while democracy is being undermined," they wrote.

Barack Obama shares op-ed criticizing President Trump's 'poisoning of our democracy'

Liberals ALWAYS project. As soon as they started demanding Trump make a statement that he would accept the election results I knew they were going to reject the election results.
These people are easy to understand and predict.
Obama has to be the biggest hypocrite in history. Obama has poisoned this country since he first became president....America...thinking that the first black president would be a peacekeeper...turns out he was exactly what he was advertised to be.....nothing but a racist troublemaker. But what can you expect from a professional race-baiter......better known as a community organizer.

Barack Obama shares op-ed criticizing President Trump's 'poisoning of our democracy'
Colby Itkowitz, The Washington Post

Published 1:07 pm PDT, Saturday, July 27, 2019

Former President Barack Obama, who doesn't often comment on current politics, seemed to endorse on Saturday an op-ed written by 148 African Americans who served in his administration that called out President Donald Trump for recent comments degrading four congresswomen of color.

"I've always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration. But more than what we did, I'm proud of how they're continuing to fight for an America that's better," Obama tweeted with a link to the op-ed published Friday evening in The Washington Post.

Under the headline, "We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by," the former Obama administration officials vowed to stand up against the "racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia . . . wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy."

"There is truly nothing more un-American than calling on fellow citizens to leave our country - by citing their immigrant roots, or ancestry, or their unwillingness to sit in quiet obedience while democracy is being undermined," they wrote.

Former President Barack Obama, who doesn't often comment on current politics, seemed to endorse on Saturday an op-ed written by 148 African Americans who served in his administration that called out President Donald Trump for recent comments degrading four congresswomen of color.

"I've always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration. But more than what we did, I'm proud of how they're continuing to fight for an America that's better," Obama tweeted with a link to the op-ed published Friday evening in The Washington Post.

Under the headline, "We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by," the former Obama administration officials vowed to stand up against the "racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia . . . wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy."

"There is truly nothing more un-American than calling on fellow citizens to leave our country - by citing their immigrant roots, or ancestry, or their unwillingness to sit in quiet obedience while democracy is being undermined," they wrote.

Barack Obama shares op-ed criticizing President Trump's 'poisoning of our democracy'

What they are doing is carrying Putins water. Faced with a new nationalist president who put America first he had to weaken him somehow. The Democrats proclaim Putins lifelong message that Democracy cant be trusted.
Obama has to be the biggest hypocrite in history. Obama has poisoned this country since he first became president....America...thinking that the first black president would be a peacekeeper...turns out he was exactly what he was advertised to be.....nothing but a racist troublemaker. But what can you expect from a professional race-baiter......better known as a community organizer.

Barack Obama shares op-ed criticizing President Trump's 'poisoning of our democracy'
Colby Itkowitz, The Washington Post

Published 1:07 pm PDT, Saturday, July 27, 2019

Former President Barack Obama, who doesn't often comment on current politics, seemed to endorse on Saturday an op-ed written by 148 African Americans who served in his administration that called out President Donald Trump for recent comments degrading four congresswomen of color.

"I've always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration. But more than what we did, I'm proud of how they're continuing to fight for an America that's better," Obama tweeted with a link to the op-ed published Friday evening in The Washington Post.

Under the headline, "We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by," the former Obama administration officials vowed to stand up against the "racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia . . . wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy."

"There is truly nothing more un-American than calling on fellow citizens to leave our country - by citing their immigrant roots, or ancestry, or their unwillingness to sit in quiet obedience while democracy is being undermined," they wrote.

Former President Barack Obama, who doesn't often comment on current politics, seemed to endorse on Saturday an op-ed written by 148 African Americans who served in his administration that called out President Donald Trump for recent comments degrading four congresswomen of color.

"I've always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration. But more than what we did, I'm proud of how they're continuing to fight for an America that's better," Obama tweeted with a link to the op-ed published Friday evening in The Washington Post.

Under the headline, "We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by," the former Obama administration officials vowed to stand up against the "racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia . . . wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy."

"There is truly nothing more un-American than calling on fellow citizens to leave our country - by citing their immigrant roots, or ancestry, or their unwillingness to sit in quiet obedience while democracy is being undermined," they wrote.

Barack Obama shares op-ed criticizing President Trump's 'poisoning of our democracy'
Poison of our democracy!?!?
Does Obama mean like this?
Obama using the illegally using the IRS as his political weapon
Obama using the illegally using the NSA as his political weapon
Obama using the illegally using the DOJ as his political weapon
Obama using the illegally using the FBI as his political weapon
Obama blocking Voter ID laws
Obama telling millions of illegal aliens that they can vote in our elelctions
The Press covering up Obama and Hillary's crimes
Obama has to be the biggest hypocrite in history. Obama has poisoned this country since he first became president....America...thinking that the first black president would be a peacekeeper...turns out he was exactly what he was advertised to be.....nothing but a racist troublemaker. But what can you expect from a professional race-baiter......better known as a community organizer.

Barack Obama shares op-ed criticizing President Trump's 'poisoning of our democracy'
Colby Itkowitz, The Washington Post

Published 1:07 pm PDT, Saturday, July 27, 2019

Former President Barack Obama, who doesn't often comment on current politics, seemed to endorse on Saturday an op-ed written by 148 African Americans who served in his administration that called out President Donald Trump for recent comments degrading four congresswomen of color.

"I've always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration. But more than what we did, I'm proud of how they're continuing to fight for an America that's better," Obama tweeted with a link to the op-ed published Friday evening in The Washington Post.

Under the headline, "We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by," the former Obama administration officials vowed to stand up against the "racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia . . . wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy."

"There is truly nothing more un-American than calling on fellow citizens to leave our country - by citing their immigrant roots, or ancestry, or their unwillingness to sit in quiet obedience while democracy is being undermined," they wrote.

Former President Barack Obama, who doesn't often comment on current politics, seemed to endorse on Saturday an op-ed written by 148 African Americans who served in his administration that called out President Donald Trump for recent comments degrading four congresswomen of color.

"I've always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration. But more than what we did, I'm proud of how they're continuing to fight for an America that's better," Obama tweeted with a link to the op-ed published Friday evening in The Washington Post.

Under the headline, "We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by," the former Obama administration officials vowed to stand up against the "racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia . . . wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy."

"There is truly nothing more un-American than calling on fellow citizens to leave our country - by citing their immigrant roots, or ancestry, or their unwillingness to sit in quiet obedience while democracy is being undermined," they wrote.

Barack Obama shares op-ed criticizing President Trump's 'poisoning of our democracy'

Liberals ALWAYS project. As soon as they started demanding Trump make a statement that he would accept the election results I knew they were going to reject the election results.
These people are easy to understand and predict.
The Russian investigation is nothing more than Democrats refusing to accept the election results.
The Alinsky disciple Obama learned his lessons well.
"Racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia"....the magic words that are supposed to make Trump disappear as clearly authored by a leftist contingent who apparently like and endorse the hyperbolic drivel of AOC and her bunch.
Obama has to be the biggest hypocrite in history. Obama has poisoned this country since he first became president....America...thinking that the first black president would be a peacekeeper...turns out he was exactly what he was advertised to be.....nothing but a racist troublemaker. But what can you expect from a professional race-baiter......better known as a community organizer.

Barack Obama shares op-ed criticizing President Trump's 'poisoning of our democracy'
Colby Itkowitz, The Washington Post

Published 1:07 pm PDT, Saturday, July 27, 2019

Former President Barack Obama, who doesn't often comment on current politics, seemed to endorse on Saturday an op-ed written by 148 African Americans who served in his administration that called out President Donald Trump for recent comments degrading four congresswomen of color.

"I've always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration. But more than what we did, I'm proud of how they're continuing to fight for an America that's better," Obama tweeted with a link to the op-ed published Friday evening in The Washington Post.

Under the headline, "We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by," the former Obama administration officials vowed to stand up against the "racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia . . . wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy."

"There is truly nothing more un-American than calling on fellow citizens to leave our country - by citing their immigrant roots, or ancestry, or their unwillingness to sit in quiet obedience while democracy is being undermined," they wrote.

Former President Barack Obama, who doesn't often comment on current politics, seemed to endorse on Saturday an op-ed written by 148 African Americans who served in his administration that called out President Donald Trump for recent comments degrading four congresswomen of color.

"I've always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration. But more than what we did, I'm proud of how they're continuing to fight for an America that's better," Obama tweeted with a link to the op-ed published Friday evening in The Washington Post.

Under the headline, "We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by," the former Obama administration officials vowed to stand up against the "racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia . . . wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy."

"There is truly nothing more un-American than calling on fellow citizens to leave our country - by citing their immigrant roots, or ancestry, or their unwillingness to sit in quiet obedience while democracy is being undermined," they wrote.

Barack Obama shares op-ed criticizing President Trump's 'poisoning of our democracy'
Thanks! It's seldom I get to read a WaPo op ed because of the paywall.
Obama has to be the biggest hypocrite in history. Obama has poisoned this country since he first became president....America...thinking that the first black president would be a peacekeeper...turns out he was exactly what he was advertised to be.....nothing but a racist troublemaker. But what can you expect from a professional race-baiter......better known as a community organizer.

Barack Obama shares op-ed criticizing President Trump's 'poisoning of our democracy'
Colby Itkowitz, The Washington Post

Published 1:07 pm PDT, Saturday, July 27, 2019

Former President Barack Obama, who doesn't often comment on current politics, seemed to endorse on Saturday an op-ed written by 148 African Americans who served in his administration that called out President Donald Trump for recent comments degrading four congresswomen of color.

"I've always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration. But more than what we did, I'm proud of how they're continuing to fight for an America that's better," Obama tweeted with a link to the op-ed published Friday evening in The Washington Post.

Under the headline, "We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by," the former Obama administration officials vowed to stand up against the "racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia . . . wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy."

"There is truly nothing more un-American than calling on fellow citizens to leave our country - by citing their immigrant roots, or ancestry, or their unwillingness to sit in quiet obedience while democracy is being undermined," they wrote.

Former President Barack Obama, who doesn't often comment on current politics, seemed to endorse on Saturday an op-ed written by 148 African Americans who served in his administration that called out President Donald Trump for recent comments degrading four congresswomen of color.

"I've always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration. But more than what we did, I'm proud of how they're continuing to fight for an America that's better," Obama tweeted with a link to the op-ed published Friday evening in The Washington Post.

Under the headline, "We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by," the former Obama administration officials vowed to stand up against the "racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia . . . wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy."

"There is truly nothing more un-American than calling on fellow citizens to leave our country - by citing their immigrant roots, or ancestry, or their unwillingness to sit in quiet obedience while democracy is being undermined," they wrote.

Barack Obama shares op-ed criticizing President Trump's 'poisoning of our democracy'

Liberals ALWAYS project. As soon as they started demanding Trump make a statement that he would accept the election results I knew they were going to reject the election results.
These people are easy to understand and predict.
The Russian investigation is nothing more than Democrats refusing to accept the election results.

It's tiresome but essential for them to continue to draw losing hands.
Obama has to be the biggest hypocrite in history. Obama has poisoned this country since he first became president....America...thinking that the first black president would be a peacekeeper...turns out he was exactly what he was advertised to be.....nothing but a racist troublemaker. But what can you expect from a professional race-baiter......better known as a community organizer.

Barack Obama shares op-ed criticizing President Trump's 'poisoning of our democracy'
Colby Itkowitz, The Washington Post

Published 1:07 pm PDT, Saturday, July 27, 2019

Former President Barack Obama, who doesn't often comment on current politics, seemed to endorse on Saturday an op-ed written by 148 African Americans who served in his administration that called out President Donald Trump for recent comments degrading four congresswomen of color.

"I've always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration. But more than what we did, I'm proud of how they're continuing to fight for an America that's better," Obama tweeted with a link to the op-ed published Friday evening in The Washington Post.

Under the headline, "We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by," the former Obama administration officials vowed to stand up against the "racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia . . . wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy."

"There is truly nothing more un-American than calling on fellow citizens to leave our country - by citing their immigrant roots, or ancestry, or their unwillingness to sit in quiet obedience while democracy is being undermined," they wrote.

Former President Barack Obama, who doesn't often comment on current politics, seemed to endorse on Saturday an op-ed written by 148 African Americans who served in his administration that called out President Donald Trump for recent comments degrading four congresswomen of color.

"I've always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration. But more than what we did, I'm proud of how they're continuing to fight for an America that's better," Obama tweeted with a link to the op-ed published Friday evening in The Washington Post.

Under the headline, "We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by," the former Obama administration officials vowed to stand up against the "racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia . . . wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy."

"There is truly nothing more un-American than calling on fellow citizens to leave our country - by citing their immigrant roots, or ancestry, or their unwillingness to sit in quiet obedience while democracy is being undermined," they wrote.

Barack Obama shares op-ed criticizing President Trump's 'poisoning of our democracy'

Liberals ALWAYS project. As soon as they started demanding Trump make a statement that he would accept the election results I knew they were going to reject the election results.
These people are easy to understand and predict.
The Russian investigation is nothing more than Democrats refusing to accept the election results.

It's tiresome but essential for them to continue to draw losing hands.

Its true the Democrats have paralyzed the country and pretty much stymied the will of the people. On the other hand they are losing and have lost everywhere except their obstruction. They have succeeded in keeping the border open for new Democrats to cross over but other than that they have wasted three years just trying to stop the tide.
Obama has some accounting he needs to make for overseeing the Steele dossier and approving of it. Lying about it this time will not work, because we found the 33000 e-mails Hillary axed and bleached-out her personal computer to get final riddance of. She and Obama are so going to Ft. Leavenworth to work off the illegal damages they did to President Trump.

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