Afterlife….How About For You?

When I was younger, I went through an experience that has me convinced that unexplainable things do happen. It was an experience I’ve posted about in the past.
It was also an experience I can recall like it happened yesterday.
Inexplicable does not equal supernatural
Would you describe an out of body experience as being supernatural?
No because you are never out of your body.
It's an unexplainable experience that's very real.

It's a function of neurotransmitters in the brain.

That's all
When I was younger, I went through an experience that has me convinced that unexplainable things do happen. It was an experience I’ve posted about in the past.
It was also an experience I can recall like it happened yesterday.
Inexplicable does not equal supernatural
Would you describe an out of body experience as being supernatural?
No because you are never out of your body.
It's an unexplainable experience that's very real.

It's a function of neurotransmitters in the brain.

That's all
Until you experience it.
When I was younger, I went through an experience that has me convinced that unexplainable things do happen. It was an experience I’ve posted about in the past.
It was also an experience I can recall like it happened yesterday.
Inexplicable does not equal supernatural
Would you describe an out of body experience as being supernatural?
No because you are never out of your body.
It's an unexplainable experience that's very real.

It's a function of neurotransmitters in the brain.

That's all
Until you experience it.

I have when I was put under anesthesia I felt like I was looking down on the OR from above.

But that was the drugs and their effects on my brain
When I was younger, I went through an experience that has me convinced that unexplainable things do happen. It was an experience I’ve posted about in the past.
It was also an experience I can recall like it happened yesterday.
Inexplicable does not equal supernatural
Would you describe an out of body experience as being supernatural?
No because you are never out of your body.
It's an unexplainable experience that's very real.

It's a function of neurotransmitters in the brain.

That's all
Until you experience it.

I have when I was put under anesthesia I felt like I was looking down on the OR from above.

But that was the drugs and their effects on my brain
When I was younger, I went through an experience that has me convinced that unexplainable things do happen. It was an experience I’ve posted about in the past.
It was also an experience I can recall like it happened yesterday.
Inexplicable does not equal supernatural
Would you describe an out of body experience as being supernatural?
No because you are never out of your body.
It's an unexplainable experience that's very real.

It's a function of neurotransmitters in the brain.

That's all
Until you experience it.

I have when I was put under anesthesia I felt like I was looking down on the OR from above.

But that was the drugs and their effects on my brain
You're right out of body experiences are BS because you are never out of your body.
When I was younger, I went through an experience that has me convinced that unexplainable things do happen. It was an experience I’ve posted about in the past.
It was also an experience I can recall like it happened yesterday.
Inexplicable does not equal supernatural
Would you describe an out of body experience as being supernatural?
No because you are never out of your body.
It's an unexplainable experience that's very real.

It's a function of neurotransmitters in the brain.

That's all
Until you experience it.

I have when I was put under anesthesia I felt like I was looking down on the OR from above.

But that was the drugs and their effects on my brain

Interesting. NDA (near death experiences) are usually effects on the brain:

"New Light on “Out-of-Body” Experiences

Swiss neurologists, using electrodes to pinpoint the origin of a woman’s epileptic seizures, accidentally triggered so-called out-of-body experiences in the patient, states the German science news service Bild der Wissenschaft-Online. Each time the angular gyrus of the right cortex of the brain was stimulated, the woman reported the sensation of leaving her body and watching it from above. That area of the brain seems to match visual awareness of the body with sensory information on where the body is located. “The stimulation by electrodes disrupted this interaction in the patient, for which reason her sense of perception seemingly detached itself from her body,” says Bild der Wissenschaft. Out-of-body experiences “have time and again nurtured speculations about a soul that is independent of the body.”"

"In the March 1991 issue of the French scientific magazine Science & Vie, the different stages of near-death experiences are called “a universal prototype of hallucination” that has long been known. Similar experiences have not been restricted to those in near-death situations. They can also occur in connection with “fatigue, fever, epileptic attacks, drug abuse.”

A neurosurgery pioneer, Wilder Penfield, who operated on epileptics who were under local anesthesia, made an interesting discovery. He found that by stimulating different parts of the brain with an electrode, he could cause the patient to have the feeling of being outside his own body, traveling through a tunnel, and meeting dead relatives.

An interesting detail in this respect is that children who have had near-death experiences meet, not their dead relatives, but schoolmates or teachers—those who are still alive."

"What about reports made by persons who were revived after being reported to be dead and who spoke of another life?

Normally, after a person stops breathing and the heartbeat ceases, it is several minutes before gradual cessation of the life-force in the body cells begins. If the body is subjected to severe cold, that process can be delayed for hours. For this reason, it is sometimes possible to revive persons by means of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. They were what is termed “clinically dead,” but their body cells were still alive.

Many persons revived from “clinical death” remember nothing. Others report experiencing a floating sensation. Some say they saw beautiful things; others were terrified by their experience.

Is there a medical explanation for any of these experiences?

The medical editor of The Arizona Republic wrote: “When physical prowess is at its lowest ebb, as under anesthesia, or the result of disease or injury, automatic control of bodily functions diminishes accordingly. Thus, the neurohormones and catecholamines of the nervous system are released and pour out in uncontrolled quantity. The result, among other manifestations, is the hallucination, rationalized after returning to consciousness, of having died and returned to life.”—May 28, 1977, p. C-1; also the German medical journal Fortschritte der Medizin, No. 41, 1979; Psychology Today, January 1981."

The Bible teaches the soul dies (Ezekiel 18:4,20 KJV) and the dead are conscious of nothing at all (Ecclesiastes 9:5). The Bible hope for life after death is the resurrection from death to life. We would not need a resurrection if we had immortal souls.

Btw - Lazarus, whom Jesus resurrected (see John chapter 11), did not report seeing a tunnel, etc.
Assuming, of course, that you’re not a government school nihilist…y'know, and believe human beings are nothing but accidental constructions of mud and dust.

For those of us who believe otherwise.....

1.We learned about reward and punishment early on, perhaps via this catechism:

He's making a list
He's checking it twice
Gonna find out who's naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town

He sees when you are sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you been good or bad
So be good for goodness sake

2. At some point later in life it became a more serious question, whether there is something after we shuffle off this mortal coil, and might give some of us pause. Of course, not those victims of government school indoctrination, which does everything possible to marginalize, ridicule, erase, any links to religious traditions. For those folks, it’s government we must worship, and the best part is that the great god government is there to reward all no matter if they’re good or bad. Kind of removes that burden of responsibility.

3. But…”Christian beliefs about life after death are based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus’ death and resurrection are part of God’s divine plan for humankind. Through his death on the cross, Jesus pays the penalty for mankind's sin and mankind's relationship with God is restored. This is called atonement. Christians believe that three days after the crucifixion, God raised Jesus from the dead and he once again appeared to his disciples. This is taken to mean that Jesus’ sacrifice was a victory over sin and death. Although physical death still happens, those who believe in Christ and live good lives will be given eternal life in Heaven.”

And if you read Dante, you have a darn good picture of the damage you will face, depending on how bad you are. Although there was a bar called ‘The Ninth Circle,” in the Village, that was pretty OK……

I always gravitated to the view of the Argentine poet, Jorge Louis Borges: "I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library"

4. The Old Testament appears to be clear, if subtle, on the issue of an afterlife.

In telling Abraham, the first Jewish person, of his future, there is this:

15.15 As for you, You shall go to your fathers

“Often, in describing death, the Torah and the rest of the Hebrew Bible use the phrase “gathered to one’s kin.” Here, the Torah describes Abram’s eventual death as Abram going “to your fathers.” For reasons I will explain at length, the Torah never directly declares there is an afterlife. But throughout the Torah, an afterlife is clearly implied. Sarna notes, “In whatever form, the phrase certainly originates from the belief in an afterlife in which one is reunited with one’s ancestors irrespective of where they are buried.” Dennis Prager, “Genesis”

Make you feel better?

I believe God measures humans by their heart. I believe if The Ten Commandments are followed, and/or if a sincere repentance and fair restitution occurs; allows one to earn their wings.

As I've always said, I may not know the answer and maybe there is nothing after death, or even the worse among is able to find their way into heaven, but I'm not going to roll the dice. I'm indifferent to those who do. Almost certainly, those abusers with the most evil intentions know who they are. The rest is up to the Lord.
Time after time I see atheists arguing against the fact that the universe was literally created from nothing and literally popped into existence and then began to expand and cool and evolve until the universe itself became conscious.

I have yet to find one atheist who agrees with what science tells us. The only possible reason is because they understand this implication and they are violently opposed to believing that intelligence created the material world despite the overwhelming evidence that it did.

No one really knows how the universe was actually created and that includes people who think a god did it
There you go again contradicting your beliefs that the universe was created 14 billion years ago.

Not at all

All I said was we don't know HOW it was created.
Again, we have ample evidence to know.

All we know is the after effects after the moment of origin and we still don't understand what 95% of the universe is made of
Sure we do. Energy. It’s all energy.

and it had an origin. It was created from nothing and then began to expand and cool and eventually produce beings that know and create.
When I was younger, I went through an experience that has me convinced that unexplainable things do happen. It was an experience I’ve posted about in the past.
It was also an experience I can recall like it happened yesterday.
Inexplicable does not equal supernatural
Would you describe an out of body experience as being supernatural?
No because you are never out of your body.
It's an unexplainable experience that's very real.

It's a function of neurotransmitters in the brain.

That's all
It’s a little more than that all knowledge all reality is manifested in the mind through neurotransmitters in the brain.

it is literally the only way reality becomes manifest.

if it weren’t for this manifestation it might as well not exist because no one would discover or know about it.

which means everything is mind stuff. What better source of everything than mind.
Time after time I see atheists arguing against the fact that the universe was literally created from nothing and literally popped into existence and then began to expand and cool and evolve until the universe itself became conscious.

I have yet to find one atheist who agrees with what science tells us. The only possible reason is because they understand this implication and they are violently opposed to believing that intelligence created the material world despite the overwhelming evidence that it did.

No one really knows how the universe was actually created and that includes people who think a god did it
There you go again contradicting your beliefs that the universe was created 14 billion years ago.

Not at all

All I said was we don't know HOW it was created.
Again, we have ample evidence to know.

All we know is the after effects after the moment of origin and we still don't understand what 95% of the universe is made of
Sure we do. Energy. It’s all energy.

and it had an origin. It was created from nothing and then began to expand and cool and eventually produce beings that know and create.

It's obviously not the type of energy or matter that we understand.
When I was younger, I went through an experience that has me convinced that unexplainable things do happen. It was an experience I’ve posted about in the past.
It was also an experience I can recall like it happened yesterday.
Inexplicable does not equal supernatural
Would you describe an out of body experience as being supernatural?
No because you are never out of your body.
It's an unexplainable experience that's very real.

It's a function of neurotransmitters in the brain.

That's all
It’s a little more than that all knowledge all reality is manifested in the mind through neurotransmitters in the brain.

it is literally the only way reality becomes manifest.

if it weren’t for this manifestation it might as well not exist because no one would discover or know about it.

which means everything is mind stuff. What better source of everything than mind.

So you're using the old if a tree falls in the forest logic?
When I was younger, I went through an experience that has me convinced that unexplainable things do happen. It was an experience I’ve posted about in the past.
It was also an experience I can recall like it happened yesterday.
Inexplicable does not equal supernatural
Would you describe an out of body experience as being supernatural?
No because you are never out of your body.
It's an unexplainable experience that's very real.

It's a function of neurotransmitters in the brain.

That's all
It’s a little more than that all knowledge all reality is manifested in the mind through neurotransmitters in the brain.

it is literally the only way reality becomes manifest.

if it weren’t for this manifestation it might as well not exist because no one would discover or know about it.

which means everything is mind stuff. What better source of everything than mind.

So you're using the old if a tree falls in the forest logic?
Not exactly. I’m making a primacy of mind argument. That the material world was created by mind and can only be perceived by mind.
Time after time I see atheists arguing against the fact that the universe was literally created from nothing and literally popped into existence and then began to expand and cool and evolve until the universe itself became conscious.

I have yet to find one atheist who agrees with what science tells us. The only possible reason is because they understand this implication and they are violently opposed to believing that intelligence created the material world despite the overwhelming evidence that it did.

No one really knows how the universe was actually created and that includes people who think a god did it
There you go again contradicting your beliefs that the universe was created 14 billion years ago.

Not at all

All I said was we don't know HOW it was created.
Again, we have ample evidence to know.

All we know is the after effects after the moment of origin and we still don't understand what 95% of the universe is made of
Sure we do. Energy. It’s all energy.

and it had an origin. It was created from nothing and then began to expand and cool and eventually produce beings that know and create.

It's obviously not the type of energy or matter that we understand.
Not exactly. I believe it is beyond energy and matter. Not a different type. But something altogether foreign to energy and matter.
When I was younger, I went through an experience that has me convinced that unexplainable things do happen. It was an experience I’ve posted about in the past.
It was also an experience I can recall like it happened yesterday.
Inexplicable does not equal supernatural
Would you describe an out of body experience as being supernatural?
No because you are never out of your body.
It's an unexplainable experience that's very real.

It's a function of neurotransmitters in the brain.

That's all
It’s a little more than that all knowledge all reality is manifested in the mind through neurotransmitters in the brain.

it is literally the only way reality becomes manifest.

if it weren’t for this manifestation it might as well not exist because no one would discover or know about it.

which means everything is mind stuff. What better source of everything than mind.

So you're using the old if a tree falls in the forest logic?
Not exactly. I’m making a primacy of mind argument. That the material world was created by mind and can only be perceived by mind.
So I think you are saying if there is no mind present then the material world does not exist.

Therefore a tree cannot fall in a forest unless there is a mind there to perceive it because if there is no mind there perceive the tree and the forest don't exist.
Time after time I see atheists arguing against the fact that the universe was literally created from nothing and literally popped into existence and then began to expand and cool and evolve until the universe itself became conscious.

I have yet to find one atheist who agrees with what science tells us. The only possible reason is because they understand this implication and they are violently opposed to believing that intelligence created the material world despite the overwhelming evidence that it did.

No one really knows how the universe was actually created and that includes people who think a god did it
There you go again contradicting your beliefs that the universe was created 14 billion years ago.

Not at all

All I said was we don't know HOW it was created.
Again, we have ample evidence to know.

All we know is the after effects after the moment of origin and we still don't understand what 95% of the universe is made of
Sure we do. Energy. It’s all energy.

and it had an origin. It was created from nothing and then began to expand and cool and eventually produce beings that know and create.

It's obviously not the type of energy or matter that we understand.
Not exactly. I believe it is beyond energy and matter. Not a different type. But something altogether foreign to energy and matter.
That we have no understanding of.

It doesn't matter what we call it. We could call it Cosmic Candy but the fact remains we have no understanding of it.
When I was younger, I went through an experience that has me convinced that unexplainable things do happen. It was an experience I’ve posted about in the past.
It was also an experience I can recall like it happened yesterday.
Inexplicable does not equal supernatural
Would you describe an out of body experience as being supernatural?
No because you are never out of your body.
It's an unexplainable experience that's very real.

It's a function of neurotransmitters in the brain.

That's all
It’s a little more than that all knowledge all reality is manifested in the mind through neurotransmitters in the brain.

it is literally the only way reality becomes manifest.

if it weren’t for this manifestation it might as well not exist because no one would discover or know about it.

which means everything is mind stuff. What better source of everything than mind.

So you're using the old if a tree falls in the forest logic?
Not exactly. I’m making a primacy of mind argument. That the material world was created by mind and can only be perceived by mind.
So I think you are saying if there is no mind present then the material world does not exist.

Therefore a tree cannot fall in a forest unless there is a mind there to perceive it because if there is no mind there perceive the tree and the forest don't exist.
Not exactly. It only becomes manifest in the mind AND the source of the material world is the mind.
Time after time I see atheists arguing against the fact that the universe was literally created from nothing and literally popped into existence and then began to expand and cool and evolve until the universe itself became conscious.

I have yet to find one atheist who agrees with what science tells us. The only possible reason is because they understand this implication and they are violently opposed to believing that intelligence created the material world despite the overwhelming evidence that it did.

No one really knows how the universe was actually created and that includes people who think a god did it
There you go again contradicting your beliefs that the universe was created 14 billion years ago.

Not at all

All I said was we don't know HOW it was created.
Again, we have ample evidence to know.

All we know is the after effects after the moment of origin and we still don't understand what 95% of the universe is made of
Sure we do. Energy. It’s all energy.

and it had an origin. It was created from nothing and then began to expand and cool and eventually produce beings that know and create.

It's obviously not the type of energy or matter that we understand.
Not exactly. I believe it is beyond energy and matter. Not a different type. But something altogether foreign to energy and matter.
That we have no understanding of.

It doesn't matter what we call it. We could call it Cosmic Candy but the fact remains we have no understanding of it.
No understanding? Or limited understanding? Why can’t we study what was created? Why can’t we use our experiences as creators? Why can’t we use reason and logic?
When I was younger, I went through an experience that has me convinced that unexplainable things do happen. It was an experience I’ve posted about in the past.
It was also an experience I can recall like it happened yesterday.
Inexplicable does not equal supernatural
Would you describe an out of body experience as being supernatural?
No because you are never out of your body.
It's an unexplainable experience that's very real.

It's a function of neurotransmitters in the brain.

That's all
It’s a little more than that all knowledge all reality is manifested in the mind through neurotransmitters in the brain.

it is literally the only way reality becomes manifest.

if it weren’t for this manifestation it might as well not exist because no one would discover or know about it.

which means everything is mind stuff. What better source of everything than mind.

So you're using the old if a tree falls in the forest logic?
Not exactly. I’m making a primacy of mind argument. That the material world was created by mind and can only be perceived by mind.
So I think you are saying if there is no mind present then the material world does not exist.

Therefore a tree cannot fall in a forest unless there is a mind there to perceive it because if there is no mind there perceive the tree and the forest don't exist.
Not exactly. It only becomes manifest in the mind AND the source of the material world is the mind.

so if there is no mind present in one place than that place does not exist because there is no mind there at that moment nothing can be perceived

You might as well say if there isn't a person there to perceive the tree falling in the forest then the tree doesn't exist.
Time after time I see atheists arguing against the fact that the universe was literally created from nothing and literally popped into existence and then began to expand and cool and evolve until the universe itself became conscious.

I have yet to find one atheist who agrees with what science tells us. The only possible reason is because they understand this implication and they are violently opposed to believing that intelligence created the material world despite the overwhelming evidence that it did.

No one really knows how the universe was actually created and that includes people who think a god did it
There you go again contradicting your beliefs that the universe was created 14 billion years ago.

Not at all

All I said was we don't know HOW it was created.
Again, we have ample evidence to know.

All we know is the after effects after the moment of origin and we still don't understand what 95% of the universe is made of
Sure we do. Energy. It’s all energy.

and it had an origin. It was created from nothing and then began to expand and cool and eventually produce beings that know and create.

It's obviously not the type of energy or matter that we understand.
Not exactly. I believe it is beyond energy and matter. Not a different type. But something altogether foreign to energy and matter.
That we have no understanding of.

It doesn't matter what we call it. We could call it Cosmic Candy but the fact remains we have no understanding of it.
No understanding? Or limited understanding? Why can’t we study what was created? Why can’t we use our experiences as creators? Why can’t we use reason and logic?

People who study the universe admit they only understand about 5% of it.

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