AG Barr: I’ve Received No Satisfactory Response Behind the Spying on Trump

If there there are 2 things I do have it's honor and intelligence to see right from wrong
Nope . To justify one act similar to another you object to is not honor.
What am I justifying ? Clinton lied but he wasn't an AH president I voted for GWB ,,he was
He violated are Oval Office and you’re okay with that sleazy behavior! I rest my case
Yeah he violated it How many others have How did you feel about Newt bashing Clinton for the same shit he was doing and more recently what do you think of the pos McConnell with now reversing his BS with SC nominations? Politics is not a pretty game BUT sometimes you have to go with a lesser crime Trump tops the list if subpoenas were honered
Just be consistent . When did Newt misuse the Oval Office?
He never got there BUT he was republican leader cheating while accusing Clinton of cheating Seems lots of republicans are hypocrites but you fail to mention them
I tell you Republican lies all day. You can't tell me one Democratic lie. And no predictions that were obstructed. That is garbage.

I've given you a prime example. Like everything else inconvenient to you, you ignore it.
The woman who testified against what's his name kavanaugh is not propaganda. Very highly respected in her field etc. Testified at Great cost to herself. Nothing you say it's held true by the world's journalists and law enforcement. Your propaganda machine and you are a disgrace. Only a Total ignoramus only can manage your Duperie
Naw she was a liar
It's a conspiracy!!!
It’s a coup
Yep all respected media in the world and our wonderful law enforcement made up mainly of straight arrow Republicans are in a conspiracy against you. Only a few scumbag billionaire GOP drones like Rupert Murdoch and bought off propagandists like Fox primetime Rush Limbaugh Savage etc etc know the truth. You're a goddamn ignoramus brainwashed functional moron change the channel Google Google News get some fresh air. You're brainwashed functional morons voting against your own interests and for greedy scumbags. Great job.... Oh well at least you are in the white party, right? LOL
Another ridiculous phony scandal... Brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut jobs.... Whatever go ahead will take about 10 minutes to see there's nothing there again.

Hey you ignorant Dick Brain Zealot....

Did hillary not pay for the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump?

Was the FISA WARRANT not illegally obtained?

Did the Tard lovebirds strzok and page not conspire to sabotage Trump?

Did the obozo banana republic deep state not spy on and undermine Trump?

I could go on and on but I know it’s a waste of time to reason with a TARD....

I am sure if the situation were reversed you would have a problem with it...

You TARDS are all so very full of SHIT...
Yep only brainwashed ignoramuses like you hypocrite Republicans and totally disrespected propagandists know the truth.... Conspiracy Nut Job. We have a whole party based on garbage propaganda and ridiculous conspiracies. Period.
Another ridiculous phony scandal... Brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut jobs.... Whatever go ahead will take about 10 minutes to see there's nothing there again.

Hey you ignorant Dick Brain Zealot....

Did hillary not pay for the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump?

Was the FISA WARRANT not illegally obtained?

Did the Tard lovebirds strzok and page not conspire to sabotage Trump?

Did the obozo banana republic deep state not spy on and undermine Trump?

I could go on and on but I know it’s a waste of time to reason with a TARD....

I am sure if the situation were reversed you would have a problem with it...

You TARDS are all so very full of SHIT...
Yep Trump campaign people meeting Russians 180 times, not writing anything down, and lying about it is not suspicious at all LOL. No reason to look into that LOL.
Another ridiculous phony scandal... Brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut jobs.... Whatever go ahead will take about 10 minutes to see there's nothing there again.

Hey you ignorant Dick Brain Zealot....

Did hillary not pay for the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump?

Was the FISA WARRANT not illegally obtained?

Did the Tard lovebirds strzok and page not conspire to sabotage Trump?

Did the obozo banana republic deep state not spy on and undermine Trump?

I could go on and on but I know it’s a waste of time to reason with a TARD....

I am sure if the situation were reversed you would have a problem with it...

You TARDS are all so very full of SHIT...
Yep only brainwashed ignoramuses like you hypocrite Republicans and totally disrespected propagandists know the truth.... Conspiracy Nut Job. We have a whole party based on garbage propaganda and ridiculous conspiracies. Period.
everybody tries to get dirt on their opponents, Hillary didn't use any of it. None of it has been disproven either. And I don't give a s*** what the big fat orange clown did in Moscow.

Like all the email garbage you know, see Hillary and the DNC staffers, the lovebirds were just bullshiting and they felt about Trump like 90% of the GOP did at the time, brainwashed functional moron.
Another ridiculous phony scandal... Brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut jobs.... Whatever go ahead will take about 10 minutes to see there's nothing there again.

Hey you ignorant Dick Brain Zealot....

Did hillary not pay for the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump?

Was the FISA WARRANT not illegally obtained?

Did the Tard lovebirds strzok and page not conspire to sabotage Trump?

Did the obozo banana republic deep state not spy on and undermine Trump?

I could go on and on but I know it’s a waste of time to reason with a TARD....

I am sure if the situation were reversed you would have a problem with it...

You TARDS are all so very full of SHIT...
Yep Trump campaign people meeting Russians 180 times, not writing anything down, and lying about it is not suspicious at all LOL. No reason to look into that LOL.

Well, we looked into it and found nothing. Satisfied?
Another ridiculous phony scandal... Brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut jobs.... Whatever go ahead will take about 10 minutes to see there's nothing there again.

Hey you ignorant Dick Brain Zealot....

Did hillary not pay for the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump?

Was the FISA WARRANT not illegally obtained?

Did the Tard lovebirds strzok and page not conspire to sabotage Trump?

Did the obozo banana republic deep state not spy on and undermine Trump?

I could go on and on but I know it’s a waste of time to reason with a TARD....

I am sure if the situation were reversed you would have a problem with it...

You TARDS are all so very full of SHIT...
Yep Trump campaign people meeting Russians 180 times, not writing anything down, and lying about it is not suspicious at all LOL. No reason to look into that LOL.

Well, we looked into it and found nothing. Satisfied?
What part of the lying GOP scum looked into it, brainwashed functional moron? Hannity Rush Limbaugh? LOL
Another ridiculous phony scandal... Brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut jobs.... Whatever go ahead will take about 10 minutes to see there's nothing there again.

Hey you ignorant Dick Brain Zealot....

Did hillary not pay for the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump?

Was the FISA WARRANT not illegally obtained?

Did the Tard lovebirds strzok and page not conspire to sabotage Trump?

Did the obozo banana republic deep state not spy on and undermine Trump?

I could go on and on but I know it’s a waste of time to reason with a TARD....

I am sure if the situation were reversed you would have a problem with it...

You TARDS are all so very full of SHIT...
Yep Trump campaign people meeting Russians 180 times, not writing anything down, and lying about it is not suspicious at all LOL. No reason to look into that LOL.

Well, we looked into it and found nothing. Satisfied?
What part of the lying GOP scum looked into it, brainwashed functional moron? Hannity Rush Limbaugh? LOL
Jabba the barrr, the Big Orange clown?
Another ridiculous phony scandal... Brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut jobs.... Whatever go ahead will take about 10 minutes to see there's nothing there again.

Hey you ignorant Dick Brain Zealot....

Did hillary not pay for the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump?

Was the FISA WARRANT not illegally obtained?

Did the Tard lovebirds strzok and page not conspire to sabotage Trump?

Did the obozo banana republic deep state not spy on and undermine Trump?

I could go on and on but I know it’s a waste of time to reason with a TARD....

I am sure if the situation were reversed you would have a problem with it...

You TARDS are all so very full of SHIT...
Yep Trump campaign people meeting Russians 180 times, not writing anything down, and lying about it is not suspicious at all LOL. No reason to look into that LOL.

Well, we looked into it and found nothing. Satisfied?
Last Updated April 30, 2019

On April 18, 2019, a redacted copy of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election” (Mueller Report) was released to the public. The Mueller report builds on the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that there were two campaigns to elect Donald Trump— one run by Trump and one run by the Russian government. The Mueller report clearly identified collusionbetween the Trump campaign and Russia, despite repeated denials from Trump and many of his senior advisers and close associates that there were any connections between the two campaigns.

A total of 251 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives have been identified, including at least 37 meetings. And we know that at least 33 high-ranking campaign officials and Trump advisers were aware of contacts with Russia-linked operatives during the campaign and transition, including Trump himself. None of these contacts were ever reported to the proper authorities. Instead, the Trump team tried to cover up every single one of them.

Beyond the many lies the Trump team told to the American people, Mueller himself repeatedly remarked on how far the Trump team was willing to go to hide their Russian contacts, stating, “the investigation established that several individuals affiliated with the Trump Campaign lied to the Office, and to Congress, about their interactions with Russian-affiliated individuals and related matters. Those lies materially impaired the investigation of Russian election interference.”

Below is a comprehensive chronological list of the contacts that have been discovered to date and some of the many lies Trump’s campaign, transition team, and White House told to hide them.

Extensive reporting, subsequent admissions, and special counsel Mueller’s indictments and report have revealed at least 251 contacts between the Trump team and Russia-linked operatives, despite repeated denials. Among these contacts were 37 meetings (which include Skype calls), which are highlighted below.

  1. July 22, 2015: British publicist Rob Goldstone emailed Trump’s executive assistant Rhona Graff, stating that Russian pop star Emin Agalrov wanted to invite Trump to a birthday celebration in Moscow for his father, Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov. Goldstone also stated that Emin wanted Trump to “write a small message of congratulations to his father.” Graff was Trump’s executive assistant at the Trump Organization, and the Mueller report and press reporting made it clear that Graff handled Trump’s communications while he was a candidate.
  2. July 24, 2015: Graff emailed Goldstone, stating that she would let Trump know about the invitation but that it was “highly unlikely” that he would be able to visit Moscow. Graff also stated that Trump would like to send a “congratulatory note.”
  3. July 24, 2015: Goldstone emailed Graff, saying “I totally understand re Moscow—unless maybe he would welcome a meeting with President Putin which Emin would set up.”
  4. September 2015: Sometime during or after September 2015, Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen “[reached] out to gauge Russia’s interest” in a meeting between Trump and Putin. The sentencing memo for Cohen does not specify the means by which Cohen reached out or specifically to whom he reached out.
  5. September 2015: Felix Sater, a Russian-born Trump business partner, contacted Cohen “on behalf of I.C. Expert Investment Company (I.C. Expert), a Russian real-estate development corporation controlled by Andrei Vladimirovich Rozov.”
  6. September 22, 2015: Cohen forwarded materials related to the Trump Tower Moscow deal to Georgian business executive Giorgi Rtskhiladze. The Mueller report indicates that Cohen “communicated” with Rtskhiladze during the fall of 2015 about the Trump Tower Moscow deal. This report only contains contacts between Cohen and Rtskhiladze that are explicitly listed in the Mueller report. The two men may have had more communications, and the contacts listed in this report represent a conservative estimate. Rtskhiladze has since disputed Mueller’s characterization of him, claiming the report has “glaring inaccuracies.”
Another ridiculous phony scandal... Brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut jobs.... Whatever go ahead will take about 10 minutes to see there's nothing there again.

Hey you ignorant Dick Brain Zealot....

Did hillary not pay for the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump?

Was the FISA WARRANT not illegally obtained?

Did the Tard lovebirds strzok and page not conspire to sabotage Trump?

Did the obozo banana republic deep state not spy on and undermine Trump?

I could go on and on but I know it’s a waste of time to reason with a TARD....

I am sure if the situation were reversed you would have a problem with it...

You TARDS are all so very full of SHIT...
Yep Trump campaign people meeting Russians 180 times, not writing anything down, and lying about it is not suspicious at all LOL. No reason to look into that LOL.

Well, we looked into it and found nothing. Satisfied?
Last Updated April 30, 2019

On April 18, 2019, a redacted copy of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election” (Mueller Report) was released to the public. The Mueller report builds on the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that there were two campaigns to elect Donald Trump— one run by Trump and one run by the Russian government. The Mueller report clearly identified collusionbetween the Trump campaign and Russia, despite repeated denials from Trump and many of his senior advisers and close associates that there were any connections between the two campaigns.

A total of 251 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives have been identified, including at least 37 meetings. And we know that at least 33 high-ranking campaign officials and Trump advisers were aware of contacts with Russia-linked operatives during the campaign and transition, including Trump himself. None of these contacts were ever reported to the proper authorities. Instead, the Trump team tried to cover up every single one of them.

Beyond the many lies the Trump team told to the American people, Mueller himself repeatedly remarked on how far the Trump team was willing to go to hide their Russian contacts, stating, “the investigation established that several individuals affiliated with the Trump Campaign lied to the Office, and to Congress, about their interactions with Russian-affiliated individuals and related matters. Those lies materially impaired the investigation of Russian election interference.”

Below is a comprehensive chronological list of the contacts that have been discovered to date and some of the many lies Trump’s campaign, transition team, and White House told to hide them.

Extensive reporting, subsequent admissions, and special counsel Mueller’s indictments and report have revealed at least 251 contacts between the Trump team and Russia-linked operatives, despite repeated denials. Among these contacts were 37 meetings (which include Skype calls), which are highlighted below.

  1. July 22, 2015: British publicist Rob Goldstone emailed Trump’s executive assistant Rhona Graff, stating that Russian pop star Emin Agalrov wanted to invite Trump to a birthday celebration in Moscow for his father, Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov. Goldstone also stated that Emin wanted Trump to “write a small message of congratulations to his father.” Graff was Trump’s executive assistant at the Trump Organization, and the Mueller report and press reporting made it clear that Graff handled Trump’s communications while he was a candidate.
  2. July 24, 2015: Graff emailed Goldstone, stating that she would let Trump know about the invitation but that it was “highly unlikely” that he would be able to visit Moscow. Graff also stated that Trump would like to send a “congratulatory note.”
  3. July 24, 2015: Goldstone emailed Graff, saying “I totally understand re Moscow—unless maybe he would welcome a meeting with President Putin which Emin would set up.”
  4. September 2015: Sometime during or after September 2015, Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen “[reached] out to gauge Russia’s interest” in a meeting between Trump and Putin. The sentencing memo for Cohen does not specify the means by which Cohen reached out or specifically to whom he reached out.
  5. September 2015: Felix Sater, a Russian-born Trump business partner, contacted Cohen “on behalf of I.C. Expert Investment Company (I.C. Expert), a Russian real-estate development corporation controlled by Andrei Vladimirovich Rozov.”
  6. September 22, 2015: Cohen forwarded materials related to the Trump Tower Moscow deal to Georgian business executive Giorgi Rtskhiladze. The Mueller report indicates that Cohen “communicated” with Rtskhiladze during the fall of 2015 about the Trump Tower Moscow deal. This report only contains contacts between Cohen and Rtskhiladze that are explicitly listed in the Mueller report. The two men may have had more communications, and the contacts listed in this report represent a conservative estimate. Rtskhiladze has since disputed Mueller’s characterization of him, claiming the report has “glaring inaccuracies.”
That's your evidence, an invitation to a birthday party?

You're such a desperate Trump hating douchebag.
Another ridiculous phony scandal... Brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut jobs.... Whatever go ahead will take about 10 minutes to see there's nothing there again.

Hey you ignorant Dick Brain Zealot....

Did hillary not pay for the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump?

Was the FISA WARRANT not illegally obtained?

Did the Tard lovebirds strzok and page not conspire to sabotage Trump?

Did the obozo banana republic deep state not spy on and undermine Trump?

I could go on and on but I know it’s a waste of time to reason with a TARD....

I am sure if the situation were reversed you would have a problem with it...

You TARDS are all so very full of SHIT...
Yep Trump campaign people meeting Russians 180 times, not writing anything down, and lying about it is not suspicious at all LOL. No reason to look into that LOL.

Well, we looked into it and found nothing. Satisfied?
Last Updated April 30, 2019

On April 18, 2019, a redacted copy of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election” (Mueller Report) was released to the public. The Mueller report builds on the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that there were two campaigns to elect Donald Trump— one run by Trump and one run by the Russian government. The Mueller report clearly identified collusionbetween the Trump campaign and Russia, despite repeated denials from Trump and many of his senior advisers and close associates that there were any connections between the two campaigns.

A total of 251 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives have been identified, including at least 37 meetings. And we know that at least 33 high-ranking campaign officials and Trump advisers were aware of contacts with Russia-linked operatives during the campaign and transition, including Trump himself. None of these contacts were ever reported to the proper authorities. Instead, the Trump team tried to cover up every single one of them.

Beyond the many lies the Trump team told to the American people, Mueller himself repeatedly remarked on how far the Trump team was willing to go to hide their Russian contacts, stating, “the investigation established that several individuals affiliated with the Trump Campaign lied to the Office, and to Congress, about their interactions with Russian-affiliated individuals and related matters. Those lies materially impaired the investigation of Russian election interference.”

Below is a comprehensive chronological list of the contacts that have been discovered to date and some of the many lies Trump’s campaign, transition team, and White House told to hide them.

Extensive reporting, subsequent admissions, and special counsel Mueller’s indictments and report have revealed at least 251 contacts between the Trump team and Russia-linked operatives, despite repeated denials. Among these contacts were 37 meetings (which include Skype calls), which are highlighted below.

  1. July 22, 2015: British publicist Rob Goldstone emailed Trump’s executive assistant Rhona Graff, stating that Russian pop star Emin Agalrov wanted to invite Trump to a birthday celebration in Moscow for his father, Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov. Goldstone also stated that Emin wanted Trump to “write a small message of congratulations to his father.” Graff was Trump’s executive assistant at the Trump Organization, and the Mueller report and press reporting made it clear that Graff handled Trump’s communications while he was a candidate.
  2. July 24, 2015: Graff emailed Goldstone, stating that she would let Trump know about the invitation but that it was “highly unlikely” that he would be able to visit Moscow. Graff also stated that Trump would like to send a “congratulatory note.”
  3. July 24, 2015: Goldstone emailed Graff, saying “I totally understand re Moscow—unless maybe he would welcome a meeting with President Putin which Emin would set up.”
  4. September 2015: Sometime during or after September 2015, Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen “[reached] out to gauge Russia’s interest” in a meeting between Trump and Putin. The sentencing memo for Cohen does not specify the means by which Cohen reached out or specifically to whom he reached out.
  5. September 2015: Felix Sater, a Russian-born Trump business partner, contacted Cohen “on behalf of I.C. Expert Investment Company (I.C. Expert), a Russian real-estate development corporation controlled by Andrei Vladimirovich Rozov.”
  6. September 22, 2015: Cohen forwarded materials related to the Trump Tower Moscow deal to Georgian business executive Giorgi Rtskhiladze. The Mueller report indicates that Cohen “communicated” with Rtskhiladze during the fall of 2015 about the Trump Tower Moscow deal. This report only contains contacts between Cohen and Rtskhiladze that are explicitly listed in the Mueller report. The two men may have had more communications, and the contacts listed in this report represent a conservative estimate. Rtskhiladze has since disputed Mueller’s characterization of him, claiming the report has “glaring inaccuracies.”
Check this out hadit and #1

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Trump's Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 251 contacts with Russia ...

Apr 30, 2019 - Beyond the many lies the Trump team told to the American people, Mueller ... Among these contacts were 37 meetings (which include Skype ...
Another ridiculous phony scandal... Brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut jobs.... Whatever go ahead will take about 10 minutes to see there's nothing there again.

Hey you ignorant Dick Brain Zealot....

Did hillary not pay for the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump?

Was the FISA WARRANT not illegally obtained?

Did the Tard lovebirds strzok and page not conspire to sabotage Trump?

Did the obozo banana republic deep state not spy on and undermine Trump?

I could go on and on but I know it’s a waste of time to reason with a TARD....

I am sure if the situation were reversed you would have a problem with it...

You TARDS are all so very full of SHIT...
Yep Trump campaign people meeting Russians 180 times, not writing anything down, and lying about it is not suspicious at all LOL. No reason to look into that LOL.

Well, we looked into it and found nothing. Satisfied?
Last Updated April 30, 2019

On April 18, 2019, a redacted copy of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election” (Mueller Report) was released to the public. The Mueller report builds on the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that there were two campaigns to elect Donald Trump— one run by Trump and one run by the Russian government. The Mueller report clearly identified collusionbetween the Trump campaign and Russia, despite repeated denials from Trump and many of his senior advisers and close associates that there were any connections between the two campaigns.

A total of 251 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives have been identified, including at least 37 meetings. And we know that at least 33 high-ranking campaign officials and Trump advisers were aware of contacts with Russia-linked operatives during the campaign and transition, including Trump himself. None of these contacts were ever reported to the proper authorities. Instead, the Trump team tried to cover up every single one of them.

Beyond the many lies the Trump team told to the American people, Mueller himself repeatedly remarked on how far the Trump team was willing to go to hide their Russian contacts, stating, “the investigation established that several individuals affiliated with the Trump Campaign lied to the Office, and to Congress, about their interactions with Russian-affiliated individuals and related matters. Those lies materially impaired the investigation of Russian election interference.”

Below is a comprehensive chronological list of the contacts that have been discovered to date and some of the many lies Trump’s campaign, transition team, and White House told to hide them.

Extensive reporting, subsequent admissions, and special counsel Mueller’s indictments and report have revealed at least 251 contacts between the Trump team and Russia-linked operatives, despite repeated denials. Among these contacts were 37 meetings (which include Skype calls), which are highlighted below.

  1. July 22, 2015: British publicist Rob Goldstone emailed Trump’s executive assistant Rhona Graff, stating that Russian pop star Emin Agalrov wanted to invite Trump to a birthday celebration in Moscow for his father, Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov. Goldstone also stated that Emin wanted Trump to “write a small message of congratulations to his father.” Graff was Trump’s executive assistant at the Trump Organization, and the Mueller report and press reporting made it clear that Graff handled Trump’s communications while he was a candidate.
  2. July 24, 2015: Graff emailed Goldstone, stating that she would let Trump know about the invitation but that it was “highly unlikely” that he would be able to visit Moscow. Graff also stated that Trump would like to send a “congratulatory note.”
  3. July 24, 2015: Goldstone emailed Graff, saying “I totally understand re Moscow—unless maybe he would welcome a meeting with President Putin which Emin would set up.”
  4. September 2015: Sometime during or after September 2015, Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen “[reached] out to gauge Russia’s interest” in a meeting between Trump and Putin. The sentencing memo for Cohen does not specify the means by which Cohen reached out or specifically to whom he reached out.
  5. September 2015: Felix Sater, a Russian-born Trump business partner, contacted Cohen “on behalf of I.C. Expert Investment Company (I.C. Expert), a Russian real-estate development corporation controlled by Andrei Vladimirovich Rozov.”
  6. September 22, 2015: Cohen forwarded materials related to the Trump Tower Moscow deal to Georgian business executive Giorgi Rtskhiladze. The Mueller report indicates that Cohen “communicated” with Rtskhiladze during the fall of 2015 about the Trump Tower Moscow deal. This report only contains contacts between Cohen and Rtskhiladze that are explicitly listed in the Mueller report. The two men may have had more communications, and the contacts listed in this report represent a conservative estimate. Rtskhiladze has since disputed Mueller’s characterization of him, claiming the report has “glaring inaccuracies.”
That's your evidence, an invitation to a birthday party?

You're such a desperate Trump hating douchebag.
Read the WHOLE story #1
Another ridiculous phony scandal... Brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut jobs.... Whatever go ahead will take about 10 minutes to see there's nothing there again.

Hey you ignorant Dick Brain Zealot....

Did hillary not pay for the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump?

Was the FISA WARRANT not illegally obtained?

Did the Tard lovebirds strzok and page not conspire to sabotage Trump?

Did the obozo banana republic deep state not spy on and undermine Trump?

I could go on and on but I know it’s a waste of time to reason with a TARD....

I am sure if the situation were reversed you would have a problem with it...

You TARDS are all so very full of SHIT...
Yep Trump campaign people meeting Russians 180 times, not writing anything down, and lying about it is not suspicious at all LOL. No reason to look into that LOL.

Well, we looked into it and found nothing. Satisfied?
What part of the lying GOP scum looked into it, brainwashed functional moron? Hannity Rush Limbaugh? LOL

I predicted the left would turn on Mueller if he didn't give them Trump, and here they are.
Hey you ignorant Dick Brain Zealot....

Did hillary not pay for the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump?

Was the FISA WARRANT not illegally obtained?

Did the Tard lovebirds strzok and page not conspire to sabotage Trump?

Did the obozo banana republic deep state not spy on and undermine Trump?

I could go on and on but I know it’s a waste of time to reason with a TARD....

I am sure if the situation were reversed you would have a problem with it...

You TARDS are all so very full of SHIT...
Yep Trump campaign people meeting Russians 180 times, not writing anything down, and lying about it is not suspicious at all LOL. No reason to look into that LOL.

Well, we looked into it and found nothing. Satisfied?
Last Updated April 30, 2019

On April 18, 2019, a redacted copy of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election” (Mueller Report) was released to the public. The Mueller report builds on the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that there were two campaigns to elect Donald Trump— one run by Trump and one run by the Russian government. The Mueller report clearly identified collusionbetween the Trump campaign and Russia, despite repeated denials from Trump and many of his senior advisers and close associates that there were any connections between the two campaigns.

A total of 251 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives have been identified, including at least 37 meetings. And we know that at least 33 high-ranking campaign officials and Trump advisers were aware of contacts with Russia-linked operatives during the campaign and transition, including Trump himself. None of these contacts were ever reported to the proper authorities. Instead, the Trump team tried to cover up every single one of them.

Beyond the many lies the Trump team told to the American people, Mueller himself repeatedly remarked on how far the Trump team was willing to go to hide their Russian contacts, stating, “the investigation established that several individuals affiliated with the Trump Campaign lied to the Office, and to Congress, about their interactions with Russian-affiliated individuals and related matters. Those lies materially impaired the investigation of Russian election interference.”

Below is a comprehensive chronological list of the contacts that have been discovered to date and some of the many lies Trump’s campaign, transition team, and White House told to hide them.

Extensive reporting, subsequent admissions, and special counsel Mueller’s indictments and report have revealed at least 251 contacts between the Trump team and Russia-linked operatives, despite repeated denials. Among these contacts were 37 meetings (which include Skype calls), which are highlighted below.

  1. July 22, 2015: British publicist Rob Goldstone emailed Trump’s executive assistant Rhona Graff, stating that Russian pop star Emin Agalrov wanted to invite Trump to a birthday celebration in Moscow for his father, Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov. Goldstone also stated that Emin wanted Trump to “write a small message of congratulations to his father.” Graff was Trump’s executive assistant at the Trump Organization, and the Mueller report and press reporting made it clear that Graff handled Trump’s communications while he was a candidate.
  2. July 24, 2015: Graff emailed Goldstone, stating that she would let Trump know about the invitation but that it was “highly unlikely” that he would be able to visit Moscow. Graff also stated that Trump would like to send a “congratulatory note.”
  3. July 24, 2015: Goldstone emailed Graff, saying “I totally understand re Moscow—unless maybe he would welcome a meeting with President Putin which Emin would set up.”
  4. September 2015: Sometime during or after September 2015, Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen “[reached] out to gauge Russia’s interest” in a meeting between Trump and Putin. The sentencing memo for Cohen does not specify the means by which Cohen reached out or specifically to whom he reached out.
  5. September 2015: Felix Sater, a Russian-born Trump business partner, contacted Cohen “on behalf of I.C. Expert Investment Company (I.C. Expert), a Russian real-estate development corporation controlled by Andrei Vladimirovich Rozov.”
  6. September 22, 2015: Cohen forwarded materials related to the Trump Tower Moscow deal to Georgian business executive Giorgi Rtskhiladze. The Mueller report indicates that Cohen “communicated” with Rtskhiladze during the fall of 2015 about the Trump Tower Moscow deal. This report only contains contacts between Cohen and Rtskhiladze that are explicitly listed in the Mueller report. The two men may have had more communications, and the contacts listed in this report represent a conservative estimate. Rtskhiladze has since disputed Mueller’s characterization of him, claiming the report has “glaring inaccuracies.”
That's your evidence, an invitation to a birthday party?

You're such a desperate Trump hating douchebag.
Read the WHOLE story #1
I did. It's a big nothing.
Nope . To justify one act similar to another you object to is not honor.
What am I justifying ? Clinton lied but he wasn't an AH president I voted for GWB ,,he was
He violated are Oval Office and you’re okay with that sleazy behavior! I rest my case
Yeah he violated it How many others have How did you feel about Newt bashing Clinton for the same shit he was doing and more recently what do you think of the pos McConnell with now reversing his BS with SC nominations? Politics is not a pretty game BUT sometimes you have to go with a lesser crime Trump tops the list if subpoenas were honered
Just be consistent . When did Newt misuse the Oval Office?
He never got there BUT he was republican leader cheating while accusing Clinton of cheating Seems lots of republicans are hypocrites but you fail to mention them
well that makes him a hypocrite. so what, how does it excuse your blind eye at it? I give two fks what any other individual thinks when I make my points.
Another ridiculous phony scandal... Brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut jobs.... Whatever go ahead will take about 10 minutes to see there's nothing there again.

Hey you ignorant Dick Brain Zealot....

Did hillary not pay for the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump?

Was the FISA WARRANT not illegally obtained?

Did the Tard lovebirds strzok and page not conspire to sabotage Trump?

Did the obozo banana republic deep state not spy on and undermine Trump?

I could go on and on but I know it’s a waste of time to reason with a TARD....

I am sure if the situation were reversed you would have a problem with it...

You TARDS are all so very full of SHIT...
Yep Trump campaign people meeting Russians 180 times, not writing anything down, and lying about it is not suspicious at all LOL. No reason to look into that LOL.

Well, we looked into it and found nothing. Satisfied?
Last Updated April 30, 2019

On April 18, 2019, a redacted copy of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election” (Mueller Report) was released to the public. The Mueller report builds on the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that there were two campaigns to elect Donald Trump— one run by Trump and one run by the Russian government. The Mueller report clearly identified collusionbetween the Trump campaign and Russia, despite repeated denials from Trump and many of his senior advisers and close associates that there were any connections between the two campaigns.

A total of 251 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives have been identified, including at least 37 meetings. And we know that at least 33 high-ranking campaign officials and Trump advisers were aware of contacts with Russia-linked operatives during the campaign and transition, including Trump himself. None of these contacts were ever reported to the proper authorities. Instead, the Trump team tried to cover up every single one of them.

Beyond the many lies the Trump team told to the American people, Mueller himself repeatedly remarked on how far the Trump team was willing to go to hide their Russian contacts, stating, “the investigation established that several individuals affiliated with the Trump Campaign lied to the Office, and to Congress, about their interactions with Russian-affiliated individuals and related matters. Those lies materially impaired the investigation of Russian election interference.”

Below is a comprehensive chronological list of the contacts that have been discovered to date and some of the many lies Trump’s campaign, transition team, and White House told to hide them.

Extensive reporting, subsequent admissions, and special counsel Mueller’s indictments and report have revealed at least 251 contacts between the Trump team and Russia-linked operatives, despite repeated denials. Among these contacts were 37 meetings (which include Skype calls), which are highlighted below.

  1. July 22, 2015: British publicist Rob Goldstone emailed Trump’s executive assistant Rhona Graff, stating that Russian pop star Emin Agalrov wanted to invite Trump to a birthday celebration in Moscow for his father, Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov. Goldstone also stated that Emin wanted Trump to “write a small message of congratulations to his father.” Graff was Trump’s executive assistant at the Trump Organization, and the Mueller report and press reporting made it clear that Graff handled Trump’s communications while he was a candidate.
  2. July 24, 2015: Graff emailed Goldstone, stating that she would let Trump know about the invitation but that it was “highly unlikely” that he would be able to visit Moscow. Graff also stated that Trump would like to send a “congratulatory note.”
  3. July 24, 2015: Goldstone emailed Graff, saying “I totally understand re Moscow—unless maybe he would welcome a meeting with President Putin which Emin would set up.”
  4. September 2015: Sometime during or after September 2015, Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen “[reached] out to gauge Russia’s interest” in a meeting between Trump and Putin. The sentencing memo for Cohen does not specify the means by which Cohen reached out or specifically to whom he reached out.
  5. September 2015: Felix Sater, a Russian-born Trump business partner, contacted Cohen “on behalf of I.C. Expert Investment Company (I.C. Expert), a Russian real-estate development corporation controlled by Andrei Vladimirovich Rozov.”
  6. September 22, 2015: Cohen forwarded materials related to the Trump Tower Moscow deal to Georgian business executive Giorgi Rtskhiladze. The Mueller report indicates that Cohen “communicated” with Rtskhiladze during the fall of 2015 about the Trump Tower Moscow deal. This report only contains contacts between Cohen and Rtskhiladze that are explicitly listed in the Mueller report. The two men may have had more communications, and the contacts listed in this report represent a conservative estimate. Rtskhiladze has since disputed Mueller’s characterization of him, claiming the report has “glaring inaccuracies.”
and? what's the big deal here? he was a businessman with business interest. he wasn't president correct?
I've given you a prime example. Like everything else inconvenient to you, you ignore it.
The woman who testified against what's his name kavanaugh is not propaganda. Very highly respected in her field etc. Testified at Great cost to herself. Nothing you say it's held true by the world's journalists and law enforcement. Your propaganda machine and you are a disgrace. Only a Total ignoramus only can manage your Duperie
Naw she was a liar
It's a conspiracy!!!
It’s a coup
Yep all respected media in the world and our wonderful law enforcement made up mainly of straight arrow Republicans are in a conspiracy against you. Only a few scumbag billionaire GOP drones like Rupert Murdoch and bought off propagandists like Fox primetime Rush Limbaugh Savage etc etc know the truth. You're a goddamn ignoramus brainwashed functional moron change the channel Google Google News get some fresh air. You're brainwashed functional morons voting against your own interests and for greedy scumbags. Great job.... Oh well at least you are in the white party, right? LOL
see you can't handle the truth. this is pure gold!!!! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

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