AG Barr met with British, Italians to blow the lid off Obama officials spying on Trump

The Democratic Party’s renewed urgency to unseat President Donald Trump takes on a whole different meaning amid a report that Attorney General William Barr is indeed investigating the investigators.

A measure the party’s media allies are working feverishly to assign a sinister turn to, presenting the effort to get to the bottom of what may have been an effort to take out a sitting president as using executive branch powers to further personal interests.

The Washington Post reported Monday that Barr has been meeting with British and Italian intelligence officials regarding the investigation into the origins of the Russia collusion hoax.

Accompanying Barr in Italy was John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, who was tapped to investigate the events leading up to a long, exhaustive probe of Trump and his campaign

AG Barr met with British, Italians to blow the lid off Obama officials spying on Trump

It's time for Barr to start handing down indictments. Adam Schitt belongs in handcuffs.
The charges would have to stick and they wouldnt

Schitt, in collusion with KGB John Brennan and the Clinton crime mob placed a CIA spy in the office of the president of the United States for the purpose of staging a coup against said president. That is an act of war and treason under our Constitution. Schitt is guilty of treason, we all know it, you applaud it. What I want to see "stick" is a needle in his arm for his lethal injection. Time to start executing the traitors.
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Where has welfare worked?
try replying to the facts I present instead of going off on some other distraction. You got the attention span of a pygmy shrew. Welfare works everywhere it is done as long as you have some investment and training and collared so people can go cheaply. Like every modern country but GOP America, brainwashed functional moron.
Training for what? To be a slave? Why not let people open business??
Small business owners struggle too in this economy
Yes because for democrat over regulation, permits and other barriers democrats out up.
That over regulations bs is getting old. What are they? Paying taxes? Tough shit

Can’t dump waste on your property? Sorry

What unfair regulations and why haven’t republicans eliminated them all? They had the governor and both houses.

This is a talking point when you were still living in your parents balls
I don’t but many do. End government over regulation
Then people here should know you are not arguing for workers you’re the investor class.

Thanks for letting us know.

Now convince people making $50k a year or $40k should vote republican.

You can’t. Because in order to max your profits you need to keep wages low

Real simple.

Start with, the Communist party wants to take $20,000 from you right off the back for their Medicare for Illegal aliens scheme. If you make $50,000 a year, the Communists will take half of it off the top. Add to this that the Communists will destroy all energy sector jobs. If you feed your family from a job in oil fields or shale, the Communists will destroy your job. Under 8 years of Communist rule with Obama, middle income wages declined. Under Trump, middle income has risen for the first time in 30 years. The Communist democrats work for China. They are corrupt and have sold American jobs to China since the Clinton years. democrats will give YOUR job to China at the first chance to get a bribe for doing so. The Communist party has no loyalty to America and no love for our people.
Let's face it.....all this Ukraine shit is happening because the DUMS know that Barr is coming.....real soon btw....with the massive bumpy cucumber!

I never thought I'd see a day in this forum that made me more giddy than when Kavanaugh got confirmed! The Barr MOAB will likely cause me to shit my shorts from laughing so hard.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
About ten percent of workers make good money.

You make crumbs
Average wage $28ph .If you worked at all that would be good money.
I make $100k a year. 40 hours a week
I too make about 100 K a year.....................that would be just the NET profit from my stock dividends!!!!!!!!!! LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!
Then people here should know you are not arguing for workers you’re the investor class.

Thanks for letting us know.

Now convince people making $50k a year or $40k should vote republican.

You can’t. Because in order to max your profits you need to keep wages low
No you need to keep it the market wage.. stop your fake news
Let's face it.....all this Ukraine shit is happening because the DUMS know that Barr is coming.....real soon btw....with the massive bumpy cucumber!

I never thought I'd see a day in this forum that made me more giddy than when Kavanaugh got confirmed! The Barr MOAB will likely cause me to shit my shorts from laughing so hard.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

I sure hope you're right. I don't trust Barr even slightly. He is deep state and let Comey off.
Let's face it.....all this Ukraine shit is happening because the DUMS know that Barr is coming.....real soon btw....with the massive bumpy cucumber!

I never thought I'd see a day in this forum that made me more giddy than when Kavanaugh got confirmed! The Barr MOAB will likely cause me to shit my shorts from laughing so hard.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

I sure hope you're right. I don't trust Barr even slightly. He is deep state and let Comey off.

Well you may be right on that.....but I think the Reality Manufacturing Company has to play it such that the bobbleheads on both sides think they are winning, otherwise, civil society could take a big hit and they dont want that. So expect Barr to inflict damage but nothing over the top. Enough to level the playing field.
Let's face it.....all this Ukraine shit is happening because the DUMS know that Barr is coming.....real soon btw....with the massive bumpy cucumber!

I never thought I'd see a day in this forum that made me more giddy than when Kavanaugh got confirmed! The Barr MOAB will likely cause me to shit my shorts from laughing so hard.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You have that backwards. Barr rushed to Italy on short notice after news of the whistleblower broke. The pubbies are fighting a rear guard action against the Mueller report - which is a bit odd, after claiming it was total exoneration.
Let's face it.....all this Ukraine shit is happening because the DUMS know that Barr is coming.....real soon btw....with the massive bumpy cucumber!

I never thought I'd see a day in this forum that made me more giddy than when Kavanaugh got confirmed! The Barr MOAB will likely cause me to shit my shorts from laughing so hard.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You have that backwards. Barr rushed to Italy on short notice after news of the whistleblower broke. The pubbies are fighting a rear guard action against the Mueller report - which is a bit odd, after claiming it was total exoneration.

Let's face it.....all this Ukraine shit is happening because the DUMS know that Barr is coming.....real soon btw....with the massive bumpy cucumber!

I never thought I'd see a day in this forum that made me more giddy than when Kavanaugh got confirmed! The Barr MOAB will likely cause me to shit my shorts from laughing so hard.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You have that backwards. Barr rushed to Italy on short notice after news of the whistleblower broke. The pubbies are fighting a rear guard action against the Mueller report - which is a bit odd, after claiming it was total exoneration.



Barr was in Rome on an under-the-radar mission that was only planned a few days in advance. An official with the embassy confirmed to The Daily Beast that they had to scramble to accommodate Barr’s sudden arrival. He had been in Italy before, but not with such a clear motive. Barr and Durham are looking into the events that led to Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, and suddenly all roads were leading to Rome.

Barr Went to Rome to Hear a Secret Tape From Joseph Mifsud, the Professor Who Helped Ignite the Russia Probe
The Democratic Party’s renewed urgency to unseat President Donald Trump takes on a whole different meaning amid a report that Attorney General William Barr is indeed investigating the investigators.

A measure the party’s media allies are working feverishly to assign a sinister turn to, presenting the effort to get to the bottom of what may have been an effort to take out a sitting president as using executive branch powers to further personal interests.

The Washington Post reported Monday that Barr has been meeting with British and Italian intelligence officials regarding the investigation into the origins of the Russia collusion hoax.

Accompanying Barr in Italy was John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, who was tapped to investigate the events leading up to a long, exhaustive probe of Trump and his campaign

AG Barr met with British, Italians to blow the lid off Obama officials spying on Trump

It's time for Barr to start handing down indictments. Adam Schitt belongs in handcuffs.
The charges would have to stick and they wouldnt

Schitt, in collusion with KGB John Brennan and the Clinton crime mob placed a CIA spy in the office of the president of the United States for the purpose of staging a coup against said president. That is an act of war and treason under our Constitution. Schitt is guilty of treason, we all know it, you applaud it. What I want to see "stick" is a needle in his arm for his lethal injection. Time to start executing the traitors.
Actually, the, the FBI and were going after the scumbag manafort, and they got him and Trump's lawyer, who are now in prison. Trump is co-conspirator number one and he would be in prison too except for some strange reason GOP law enforcement thinks a GOP president cannot be indicted.
The Democratic Party’s renewed urgency to unseat President Donald Trump takes on a whole different meaning amid a report that Attorney General William Barr is indeed investigating the investigators.

A measure the party’s media allies are working feverishly to assign a sinister turn to, presenting the effort to get to the bottom of what may have been an effort to take out a sitting president as using executive branch powers to further personal interests.

The Washington Post reported Monday that Barr has been meeting with British and Italian intelligence officials regarding the investigation into the origins of the Russia collusion hoax.

Accompanying Barr in Italy was John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, who was tapped to investigate the events leading up to a long, exhaustive probe of Trump and his campaign

AG Barr met with British, Italians to blow the lid off Obama officials spying on Trump
Which is why the rush to a bullshit inmeachment inquiry by the Dems.

The Dems must have information that their shit is about to hit the fan. This is all timed by Trump to hit smack in the middle of his reelection campaign.

First, expose and tarnish Biden, which the Left's most viable candidate, and then the knock out punch comes in the form of the Durham / Barr showing the treasonous behavior by the Dems, Obama admin, intelligence agency leadership, and the media.
Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
When we take back the White House

People say, “don’t impeach. It will just get trump supporters to show up”

I think there going to show up either way so fuck it. We need to impeach and the goal is to wake up the people who usually don’t show up to vote.

But my fear is these people will vote for trump. He’s a populist and great bullshit artist aka con man

I am going to love it if should the day come when a Democrat wins the Presidency, and Republican's start in with all the shit y'all threw at this President....

I'll bet some squealing will be heard then.
If the next dem is this criminal go for it.

But then you can’t cry he or she is abusing her power when she does a trump thang

Yeah right....if that day arrives, (I have my doubts considering how democrats are tearing this country apart) you'll be among the first probably posting how unfair the mean ol Republicans are being....Time will tell.
We’re tearing the country apart? are....By refusing to accept the last presidential election results, liberal progressives are purposely dividing the country....

You deserve a torn apart country. So stupid

There you go....I suppose you think that is unifying....Stupid is right.
About ten percent of workers make good money.

You make crumbs
Average wage $28ph .If you worked at all that would be good money.
I make $100k a year. 40 hours a week
I too make about 100 K a year.....................that would be just the NET profit from my stock dividends!!!!!!!!!! LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!
Then people here should know you are not arguing for workers you’re the investor class.

Thanks for letting us know.

Now convince people making $50k a year or $40k should vote republican.

You can’t. Because in order to max your profits you need to keep wages low
What is Warren promising to do to the union's pension funds?
The "investor class" is what keeps the economy moving forward. Warren has promised to gut the banks and Wall street if she's elected.
Not to mention what she is promising to do to union member's health care programs.
Okay GOP tax rates and policies. Passed by 51 vote GOP scumbag reconciliation rule, while Democrats need 60 votes to end them. What a scam, brainwashed functional moron.

Remind me again how ACA was passed?

And for the record, I am not OK with GOP tax rates. They should be much lower.
On the middle class yes.... And the working and poor the non rich as it were... 90% at least of Obamacare was passed with 60 votes. The Democrats had 60 votes for 35 days or so in session and just barely got it passed.unlike the dupes who believed they had two years and passed all kinds of policies. Absolutely ridiculous version of history as always. Everyone should fact check Fox and Rush Limbaugh etc etc nonstop. The amount of misinformation and phony scandals without any retractions ever is a disgrace....

Nope, Senate version of the bill (America’s Healthy Future Act) passed with 60 votes, and since Scott Brown won in special elections, Democrats did not have 60 votes anymore, so they passed it thru reconciliation.

Now you're calling Republicans scumbags for doing the same thing, but it's OK when Democrats do it. Eh, shitstain?

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