AG Bill Barr: This is “The Closest We Have Come to an Organized Effort to Push a President Out of Office”

Thanks to Trumps ass kisser Barr hired to keep him out of trouble
I believe Barack Obama called his Bill Barr (Eric Holder) his "wing man".
Leftists used to love the concept.
How did Holder bail Obama out of impeachable offenses as Barr is bailing trump out?

First -
Describe the impeachable offenses that Trump was bailed out of.
Describe the manner in which William bailed him out.
Google it I'm not here to have you make a joke out of anything I say The pos Barr made a mockery of the Russian investigation Damn well trump asked Russia for help That's impeachable and barr downplayed ALL of it
he doesn't appear to be making jokes, eddie but trying to get very specific as to how you formulate your opinion. that's all.

you have what you believe and you refuse anything that would counter that and it seems that is 100% hate for trump. to hate trump you have to sacrifice a lot of others along the way.

i hated someone back in college. she was a total bitch. as the local photographer i had to go take a christmas shot where she worked. i made sure to line her up on the end so i could cut her out of the pic.

it was horrible - i know. but hey, i did it.

that weekend, she came storming up to my car (small town we are all out cruising) and she cussed me out saying she was the only person in the picture. i said bullshit. she started to dive in on me and i again said BULLSHIT and followed up with "to get you all the way out i had to cut out some other lady too".

and i did. but i didn't care who else i took out with my hate for her. was it right for me to assume or use the person in such a manner? sure was not. but hate makes you do strange things.

it seems to me you choose to spread your hate around to all who do not share it for trump. if someone else doesn't go after trump, they are on his side and plotting world domination.

you have to sacrifice people along the way to complete your hate for trump and that is not fair to said people, eddie.

but your hate. hate on. i hope one day you can see more than that out of people you may not agree with. til that day, this world of hate and hating people who don't agree is all we have.

that what you really want? for you, your kids or family? hate handed down to them?
There's a guy that posts here sometimes name of Dale more a republican than anything else and we're great friends I can't help it ice if I have this thing about a president married 3 times cheating on all who a usa bank won't lend a dime too who pays off hookers ,and brags about going for the snatch There's more but can't you see why some one could despise him ?
you hate kennedy?

>>> “If I don’t have a lay for three days I get a headache.”
So said the 35th President of the United States, as recalled by British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. Although he carefully cultivated the image of the devoted family man, John F. Kennedy was possibly the most prolific philanderer ever to grace the Oval Office.

seems bragging about it to me.

i don't discount your feelings to trump. never have, never will. but you don't keep it to trump. anyone who doesn't share this "moralistic" view with you you demonize and cuss out.

why? have we not disagreed in our past before and it was ok? didn't cause us to "lose it" to former friends? what is so important today that only hate should survive at the cost of everything else we've ever known or believed in?

i would never ask you to stop hating trump. may as well as you to never take a shit again or eat new york pizza with some cold beer. but what i do ask, and the only thing i have ever asked, is to not hate me if i don't agree with you.

i would never hate you for not agreeing with me so i don't get it and likely never will.
Was Obamas privilege as damning as Trumps could have been ?? Toadying up to an enemy asking for help in our election OR do you think trump is not capable of such a crime?
Do you think Obama is incapable of illegally selling assault weapons to drug cartels in Mexico?

and in the future try not to mention the name of a great man Obama We're talking about this lout in our WH NOW
So you only want to condemn Executive Privilege when Trump asserts it?
That's highly dishonest and cherry picking depending on who is in the White House. It's such a leftist thing
to do.
Who did he stop from testifying? What documents did he refuse to show?
If that ain't obstruction give me the chair

Are you conflating or confusing the Mueller Russian Collusion Probe with the Ukraine Impeachment?

Barr had nothing to do with the Mueller Russian Collusion Probe, other than to release the findings.

Ukraine - as an equal branch Congress can ask for things from the executive Branch, if the executive branch believes that they should not provide those - the Judicial Branch steps in to make the call and decide.

That is the way it is set up.
Your disdain for President Trump seems to be stronger that your love for our Constitution.

I don't think that you deserve the chair - but you are clearly wrong.
Thanks to Trumps ass kisser Barr hired to keep him out of trouble
I believe Barack Obama called his Bill Barr (Eric Holder) his "wing man".
Leftists used to love the concept.
How did Holder bail Obama out of impeachable offenses as Barr is bailing trump out?

First -
Describe the impeachable offenses that Trump was bailed out of.
Describe the manner in which William bailed him out.
Google it I'm not here to have you make a joke out of anything I say The pos Barr made a mockery of the Russian investigation Damn well trump asked Russia for help That's impeachable and barr downplayed ALL of it
he doesn't appear to be making jokes, eddie but trying to get very specific as to how you formulate your opinion. that's all.

you have what you believe and you refuse anything that would counter that and it seems that is 100% hate for trump. to hate trump you have to sacrifice a lot of others along the way.

i hated someone back in college. she was a total bitch. as the local photographer i had to go take a christmas shot where she worked. i made sure to line her up on the end so i could cut her out of the pic.

it was horrible - i know. but hey, i did it.

that weekend, she came storming up to my car (small town we are all out cruising) and she cussed me out saying she was the only person in the picture. i said bullshit. she started to dive in on me and i again said BULLSHIT and followed up with "to get you all the way out i had to cut out some other lady too".

and i did. but i didn't care who else i took out with my hate for her. was it right for me to assume or use the person in such a manner? sure was not. but hate makes you do strange things.

it seems to me you choose to spread your hate around to all who do not share it for trump. if someone else doesn't go after trump, they are on his side and plotting world domination.

you have to sacrifice people along the way to complete your hate for trump and that is not fair to said people, eddie.

but your hate. hate on. i hope one day you can see more than that out of people you may not agree with. til that day, this world of hate and hating people who don't agree is all we have.

that what you really want? for you, your kids or family? hate handed down to them?
There's a guy that posts here sometimes name of Dale more a republican than anything else and we're great friends I can't help it ice if I have this thing about a president married 3 times cheating on all who a usa bank won't lend a dime too who pays off hookers ,and brags about going for the snatch There's more but can't you see why some one could despise him ?
you hate kennedy?

>>> “If I don’t have a lay for three days I get a headache.”
So said the 35th President of the United States, as recalled by British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. Although he carefully cultivated the image of the devoted family man, John F. Kennedy was possibly the most prolific philanderer ever to grace the Oval Office.

seems bragging about it to me.

i don't discount your feelings to trump. never have, never will. but you don't keep it to trump. anyone who doesn't share this "moralistic" view with you you demonize and cuss out.

why? have we not disagreed in our past before and it was ok? didn't cause us to "lose it" to former friends? what is so important today that only hate should survive at the cost of everything else we've ever known or believed in?

i would never ask you to stop hating trump. may as well as you to never take a shit again or eat new york pizza with some cold beer. but what i do ask, and the only thing i have ever asked, is to not hate me if i don't agree with you.

i would never hate you for not agreeing with me so i don't get it and likely never will.
You could become my new Republican friend I have another
Who did he stop from testifying? What documents did he refuse to show?
If that ain't obstruction give me the chair
I wish that were possible. Trump asserted the same executive privilege that Obama did in 2012
when he blocked Eric Holder's testimony on Fast and Furious.

Either you didn't care then or you shouldn't care now.
And I know I posted this same message yesterday but obviously you just don't pat attention to things
that don't spin your little propeller around.
Was Obamas privilege as damning as Trumps could have been ?? Toadying up to an enemy asking for help in our election OR do you think trump is not capable of such a crime? and in the future try not to mention the name of a great man Obama We're talking about this lout in our WH NOW

Robert Mueller completely cleared not just President Trump but ALL American citizens of what you are still claiming.
Can you see how reasonable people would assume you are not an honest participant in the discussion?
Was Obamas privilege as damning as Trumps could have been ?? Toadying up to an enemy asking for help in our election OR do you think trump is not capable of such a crime?
Do you think Obama is incapable of illegally selling assault weapons to drug cartels in Mexico?

and in the future try not to mention the name of a great man Obama We're talking about this lout in our WH NOW
So you only want to condemn Executive Privilege when Trump asserts it?
That's highly dishonest and cherry picking depending on who is in the White House. It's such a leftist thing
to do.
I won't go back to GWB or how Reagan prevented our prisoners returning home
Who did he stop from testifying? What documents did he refuse to show?
If that ain't obstruction give me the chair
I wish that were possible. Trump asserted the same executive privilege that Obama did in 2012
when he blocked Eric Holder's testimony on Fast and Furious.

Either you didn't care then or you shouldn't care now.
And I know I posted this same message yesterday but obviously you just don't pat attention to things
that don't spin your little propeller around.
Was Obamas privilege as damning as Trumps could have been ?? Toadying up to an enemy asking for help in our election OR do you think trump is not capable of such a crime? and in the future try not to mention the name of a great man Obama We're talking about this lout in our WH NOW
When did this event occur?
Was Obamas privilege as damning as Trumps could have been ?? Toadying up to an enemy asking for help in our election OR do you think trump is not capable of such a crime?
Do you think Obama is incapable of illegally selling assault weapons to drug cartels in Mexico?

and in the future try not to mention the name of a great man Obama We're talking about this lout in our WH NOW
So you only want to condemn Executive Privilege when Trump asserts it?
That's highly dishonest and cherry picking depending on who is in the White House. It's such a leftist thing
to do.

It literally is embedded in their DNA.
Was Obamas privilege as damning as Trumps could have been ?? Toadying up to an enemy asking for help in our election OR do you think trump is not capable of such a crime?
Do you think Obama is incapable of illegally selling assault weapons to drug cartels in Mexico?

and in the future try not to mention the name of a great man Obama We're talking about this lout in our WH NOW
So you only want to condemn Executive Privilege when Trump asserts it?
That's highly dishonest and cherry picking depending on who is in the White House. It's such a leftist thing
to do.
I won't go back to GWB or how Reagan prevented our prisoners returning home
No one believes you voted for GWB, douchebag.
Who did he stop from testifying? What documents did he refuse to show?
If that ain't obstruction give me the chair
I wish that were possible. Trump asserted the same executive privilege that Obama did in 2012
when he blocked Eric Holder's testimony on Fast and Furious.

Either you didn't care then or you shouldn't care now.
And I know I posted this same message yesterday but obviously you just don't pat attention to things
that don't spin your little propeller around.
Was Obamas privilege as damning as Trumps could have been ?? Toadying up to an enemy asking for help in our election OR do you think trump is not capable of such a crime? and in the future try not to mention the name of a great man Obama We're talking about this lout in our WH NOW
When did this event occur?
Many years ago but what's the diff ? Trump is the one NOW running roughshod over our country Was Obama perfect? I'm sure he'd take back some things if he could but he wasn't nearly as despicable as Trump
Was Obamas privilege as damning as Trumps could have been ?? Toadying up to an enemy asking for help in our election OR do you think trump is not capable of such a crime?
Do you think Obama is incapable of illegally selling assault weapons to drug cartels in Mexico?

and in the future try not to mention the name of a great man Obama We're talking about this lout in our WH NOW
So you only want to condemn Executive Privilege when Trump asserts it?
That's highly dishonest and cherry picking depending on who is in the White House. It's such a leftist thing
to do.
I won't go back to GWB or how Reagan prevented our prisoners returning home
No one believes you voted for GWB, douchebag.
And Nixon too I was a republican almost all my life up till my last vote in 2000 for Bush But I did vote for JFK
Thanks to Trumps ass kisser Barr hired to keep him out of trouble
I believe Barack Obama called his Bill Barr (Eric Holder) his "wing man".
Leftists used to love the concept.
How did Holder bail Obama out of impeachable offenses as Barr is bailing trump out?

First -
Describe the impeachable offenses that Trump was bailed out of.
Describe the manner in which William bailed him out.
Google it I'm not here to have you make a joke out of anything I say The pos Barr made a mockery of the Russian investigation Damn well trump asked Russia for help That's impeachable and barr downplayed ALL of it
he doesn't appear to be making jokes, eddie but trying to get very specific as to how you formulate your opinion. that's all.

you have what you believe and you refuse anything that would counter that and it seems that is 100% hate for trump. to hate trump you have to sacrifice a lot of others along the way.

i hated someone back in college. she was a total bitch. as the local photographer i had to go take a christmas shot where she worked. i made sure to line her up on the end so i could cut her out of the pic.

it was horrible - i know. but hey, i did it.

that weekend, she came storming up to my car (small town we are all out cruising) and she cussed me out saying she was the only person in the picture. i said bullshit. she started to dive in on me and i again said BULLSHIT and followed up with "to get you all the way out i had to cut out some other lady too".

and i did. but i didn't care who else i took out with my hate for her. was it right for me to assume or use the person in such a manner? sure was not. but hate makes you do strange things.

it seems to me you choose to spread your hate around to all who do not share it for trump. if someone else doesn't go after trump, they are on his side and plotting world domination.

you have to sacrifice people along the way to complete your hate for trump and that is not fair to said people, eddie.

but your hate. hate on. i hope one day you can see more than that out of people you may not agree with. til that day, this world of hate and hating people who don't agree is all we have.

that what you really want? for you, your kids or family? hate handed down to them?
There's a guy that posts here sometimes name of Dale more a republican than anything else and we're great friends I can't help it ice if I have this thing about a president married 3 times cheating on all who a usa bank won't lend a dime too who pays off hookers ,and brags about going for the snatch There's more but can't you see why some one could despise him ?
you hate kennedy?

>>> “If I don’t have a lay for three days I get a headache.”
So said the 35th President of the United States, as recalled by British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. Although he carefully cultivated the image of the devoted family man, John F. Kennedy was possibly the most prolific philanderer ever to grace the Oval Office.

seems bragging about it to me.

i don't discount your feelings to trump. never have, never will. but you don't keep it to trump. anyone who doesn't share this "moralistic" view with you you demonize and cuss out.

why? have we not disagreed in our past before and it was ok? didn't cause us to "lose it" to former friends? what is so important today that only hate should survive at the cost of everything else we've ever known or believed in?

i would never ask you to stop hating trump. may as well as you to never take a shit again or eat new york pizza with some cold beer. but what i do ask, and the only thing i have ever asked, is to not hate me if i don't agree with you.

i would never hate you for not agreeing with me so i don't get it and likely never will.
You could become my new Republican friend I have another
you didn't answer the question however.

do you hate kennedy for his lack of "morality" on his wife? to me its either you hate trump because you just do - (do you really need a reason? hate just happens then we work to justify it) and if you hate trump because you just do then it won't matter what he does you'll add it to the list of what you hate about him.

now if you hate the lack of morality, you're gonna do an awful lot of presidential hating in order to be consistent.

like i said, if you wanna hate trump because you do, just leave it there. but to make up reasons why that you don't also hold to other people puts the hate in question to me as to why you really do.
Who did he stop from testifying? What documents did he refuse to show?
If that ain't obstruction give me the chair
I wish that were possible. Trump asserted the same executive privilege that Obama did in 2012
when he blocked Eric Holder's testimony on Fast and Furious.

Either you didn't care then or you shouldn't care now.
And I know I posted this same message yesterday but obviously you just don't pat attention to things
that don't spin your little propeller around.
Was Obamas privilege as damning as Trumps could have been ?? Toadying up to an enemy asking for help in our election OR do you think trump is not capable of such a crime? and in the future try not to mention the name of a great man Obama We're talking about this lout in our WH NOW
When did this event occur?
Many years ago but what's the diff ? Trump is the one NOW running roughshod over our country Was Obama perfect? I'm sure he'd take back some things if he could but he wasn't nearly as despicable as Trump
exactly how is he running roughshod over the country?

you keep linking him to extreme actions you never define. just use extreme words and leave it there. i would rather define them so we know the basis of it and can figure out what to do about it. but again, if you just want to hate n bitch, that's fine too. i won't bother trying to talk through things then because your purpose here is to hate trump, not talk.

not saying it's right or wrong, just what you are here to do. if i am here to talk and put pretenses and emotional baggage at the door and i'm talking to someone who doesn't, it simply won't end well. knowing what you want out of a convo helps resolve it much more quickly, or keeps you from even bothering.
Who did he stop from testifying? What documents did he refuse to show?
If that ain't obstruction give me the chair
I wish that were possible. Trump asserted the same executive privilege that Obama did in 2012
when he blocked Eric Holder's testimony on Fast and Furious.

Either you didn't care then or you shouldn't care now.
And I know I posted this same message yesterday but obviously you just don't pat attention to things
that don't spin your little propeller around.
Was Obamas privilege as damning as Trumps could have been ?? Toadying up to an enemy asking for help in our election OR do you think trump is not capable of such a crime? and in the future try not to mention the name of a great man Obama We're talking about this lout in our WH NOW
When did this event occur?
Many years ago but what's the diff ? Trump is the one NOW running roughshod over our country Was Obama perfect? I'm sure he'd take back some things if he could but he wasn't nearly as despicable as Trump
exactly how is he running roughshod over the country?

you keep linking him to extreme actions you never define. just use extreme words and leave it there. i would rather define them so we know the basis of it and can figure out what to do about it. but again, if you just want to hate n bitch, that's fine too. i won't bother trying to talk through things then because your purpose here is to hate trump, not talk.

not saying it's right or wrong, just what you are here to do. if i am here to talk and put pretenses and emotional baggage at the door and i'm talking to someone who doesn't, it simply won't end well. knowing what you want out of a convo helps resolve it much more quickly, or keeps you from even bothering.

I'm sorry, but he literally doesn't know anything except the soundbites that the Democratic Media puts out there.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about
Now that’s funny all this shit you said about your president
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
Look in the mirror if you want to see lipstick. You say all these laws were broken, warranting a coup label, yet nobody is in jail and trumps people have been in charge! In fact part of this so called illegal coup and investigation was started and executed by trump appointed people. This narrative you’re trying to spin is such a joke and so easily debunked. I honestly don’t know why you waste So much of our time repeating it.
So if I hit someone over the head and steal all of his money no crime is committed unless I wind up in jail?
I don't think I need to tell you how stupid that is. Hopefully you have just enough brain power to figure it
out somehow.
of course not, if you assault and rob somebody then a crime was absolutely committed regardless on whether you got caught or not. But that is a very different situation than what we are talking about and we all know it. Be a little more honest with your arguments and don't use false comparisons if you want to make stronger points.
Who did he stop from testifying? What documents did he refuse to show?
If that ain't obstruction give me the chair
I wish that were possible. Trump asserted the same executive privilege that Obama did in 2012
when he blocked Eric Holder's testimony on Fast and Furious.

Either you didn't care then or you shouldn't care now.
And I know I posted this same message yesterday but obviously you just don't pat attention to things
that don't spin your little propeller around.
Was Obamas privilege as damning as Trumps could have been ?? Toadying up to an enemy asking for help in our election OR do you think trump is not capable of such a crime? and in the future try not to mention the name of a great man Obama We're talking about this lout in our WH NOW
When did this event occur?
Many years ago but what's the diff ? Trump is the one NOW running roughshod over our country Was Obama perfect? I'm sure he'd take back some things if he could but he wasn't nearly as despicable as Trump
exactly how is he running roughshod over the country?

you keep linking him to extreme actions you never define. just use extreme words and leave it there. i would rather define them so we know the basis of it and can figure out what to do about it. but again, if you just want to hate n bitch, that's fine too. i won't bother trying to talk through things then because your purpose here is to hate trump, not talk.

not saying it's right or wrong, just what you are here to do. if i am here to talk and put pretenses and emotional baggage at the door and i'm talking to someone who doesn't, it simply won't end well. knowing what you want out of a convo helps resolve it much more quickly, or keeps you from even bothering.

I'm sorry, but he literally doesn't know anything except the soundbites that the Democratic Media puts out there.
yea i'm not going to believe that. he does hide it well at times. but i think we all do.

but i do know screaming NO YOU'RE THE IDIOT hasn't worked. no harm in trying something else is there?
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about
which country is that again? Assholia?

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