AG Bill Barr: This is “The Closest We Have Come to an Organized Effort to Push a President Out of Office”

Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.

Back in the biblical days, they didn't have HUD people moving in next door to them, or the Holy Bible would have been written differently.
well that’s between you and Jesus
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.

Back in the biblical days, they didn't have HUD people moving in next door to them, or the Holy Bible would have been written differently.
Slade is pretending that I used the term "virtue" in the religious sense, even though I explained that's not what I meant. The stench of hypocrisy coming off this guy is difficult to tolerate.
Im not pretending that you used anything In the religious sense. That you making shit up again
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.

Back in the biblical days, they didn't have HUD people moving in next door to them, or the Holy Bible would have been written differently.
Slade is pretending that I used the term "virtue" in the religious sense, even though I explained that's not what I meant. The stench of hypocrisy coming off this guy is difficult to tolerate.
Im not pretending that you used anything In the religious sense. That you making shit up again
When are you going to quit lying?
I'm done arguing with you about it, weasel. All you do is lie and avoid answering the question. You're just like FAUX in your forum behavior. You harp incessantly on some issue that has nothing to do with the topic of the thread.

We're talking about government policy here, numskull, not being a good christian. If you want to debate moral philosophy, then start another thread on it.

Again, you weaseled out of answering the question.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I answered the question, you wanted to get off topic and harp on those who support diversity and in the process you lost it, that’s on you. We can talk about government policy all you want but this side conversation was about why I don’t like Trump and why I loved America. Questions posed to me, not topics I changed the subject to. Sorry you couldn’t hang with it.
Wrong. I didn't want to "get off the topic." I wanted to get back on it. You have consistently avoid addressing it. The topic is how Americans benefit from so-called "diversity." I could care less about your so-called love for America because it's utterly fake. You're utterly fake.

Answer the question I posed to you, douchebag. You claimed that America benefits from "diversity." Now prove it.
Prove it ? Ask the CEO's from the top companies in America for your answer shit for brains
Did you ever answer how, Trump is running roughshod over the constitution?
They never explain that.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.

Back in the biblical days, they didn't have HUD people moving in next door to them, or the Holy Bible would have been written differently.
Slade is pretending that I used the term "virtue" in the religious sense, even though I explained that's not what I meant. The stench of hypocrisy coming off this guy is difficult to tolerate.
Im not pretending that you used anything In the religious sense. That you making shit up again
When are you going to quit lying?
I never started. Lying is a waste of time. No point
I'm done arguing with you about it, weasel. All you do is lie and avoid answering the question. You're just like FAUX in your forum behavior. You harp incessantly on some issue that has nothing to do with the topic of the thread.

We're talking about government policy here, numskull, not being a good christian. If you want to debate moral philosophy, then start another thread on it.

Again, you weaseled out of answering the question.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I answered the question, you wanted to get off topic and harp on those who support diversity and in the process you lost it, that’s on you. We can talk about government policy all you want but this side conversation was about why I don’t like Trump and why I loved America. Questions posed to me, not topics I changed the subject to. Sorry you couldn’t hang with it.
Wrong. I didn't want to "get off the topic." I wanted to get back on it. You have consistently avoid addressing it. The topic is how Americans benefit from so-called "diversity." I could care less about your so-called love for America because it's utterly fake. You're utterly fake.

Answer the question I posed to you, douchebag. You claimed that America benefits from "diversity." Now prove it.
Prove it ? Ask the CEO's from the top companies in America for your answer shit for brains
Did you ever answer how, Trump is running roughshod over the constitution?
They never explain that.
It does get annoying when some is an emotional volcano of accusations but can't validate a single one.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Diversity also not only prevented my property value from increasing, it cut it in half after 25 years. So much for diversity.
What does that even mean?
An "organized effort to push a president out of office"? How so?
BLM leader SAID SO. It is one of their primary goals. Wake the hell up

Facts literally have no affect on those people
But a 4 page bullshit brief by the pig barr on Meullers russia report was ok with you had no affect?
How was it "bullshit?"
He made nothing out of something .He was only trying to protect your idol The truth is Trump asked for and used Putins help in the election and you deny it

Mueller denied it.
Barr lied and made a mockery of Muellers many months of investigation He has proven time and time again to be Trumps lawyer not Americas He should be impeached along with the swine in our WH
An "organized effort to push a president out of office"? How so?
BLM leader SAID SO. It is one of their primary goals. Wake the hell up

Facts literally have no affect on those people
But a 4 page bullshit brief by the pig barr on Meullers russia report was ok with you had no affect?
How was it "bullshit?"
He made nothing out of something .He was only trying to protect your idol The truth is Trump asked for and used Putins help in the election and you deny it

Mueller denied it.
Barr lied and made a mockery of Muellers many months of investigation He has proven time and time again to be Trumps lawyer not Americas He should be impeached along with the swine in our WH
Barr told the plain truth. Mueller was a figurehead. Weinstein is the one who really did the "investigation." In fact, it was just a witch hunt. Weinstein and Mueller knew a month after their witch hunt started that there was no evidence of collusion.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Diversity also not only prevented my property value from increasing, it cut it in half after 25 years. So much for diversity.
What does that even mean?

Exactly what I said. After blacks moved in, closed down stores, drastically increased theft and violent crime, it lowered our property value.
An "organized effort to push a president out of office"? How so?
BLM leader SAID SO. It is one of their primary goals. Wake the hell up

Facts literally have no affect on those people
But a 4 page bullshit brief by the pig barr on Meullers russia report was ok with you had no affect?
How was it "bullshit?"
He made nothing out of something .He was only trying to protect your idol The truth is Trump asked for and used Putins help in the election and you deny it

Mueller denied it.
Barr lied and made a mockery of Muellers many months of investigation He has proven time and time again to be Trumps lawyer not Americas He should be impeached along with the swine in our WH

What did Barr say that was incongruous with the Mueller Report?
Hint - Mueller did not claim that anything was.

He's not "Americas" lawyer.

He is the AG - Head of the Dept. of Justice which is under the Executive Branch which is led by the President.

I think a lot of your concerns are simply based in the fact that you are not very knowledgeable of our system.
An "organized effort to push a president out of office"? How so?
BLM leader SAID SO. It is one of their primary goals. Wake the hell up

Facts literally have no affect on those people
But a 4 page bullshit brief by the pig barr on Meullers russia report was ok with you had no affect?
How was it "bullshit?"
He made nothing out of something .He was only trying to protect your idol The truth is Trump asked for and used Putins help in the election and you deny it

Mueller denied it.
Barr lied and made a mockery of Muellers many months of investigation He has proven time and time again to be Trumps lawyer not Americas He should be impeached along with the swine in our WH
again - can you be specific?

and if making a mockery of someones work is a validation of making someone a liar or evil we're all in this jail together, dude. obama spent 8 years making a mockery of bush's administration. your rage isn't issue focused it's people focused. 2 people do the same thing you're furious at one you don't like, die defending the one you do - yet they do the same thing.

this is why i prefer focusing on issues and such; not the people doing them.

if you delete 33k mails, you are held accountable. i don't care who you are.
you invade a country on bad evidence, you are accountable, i don't care who you are.

but when we start to finely split hairs so we can "be different" we get where we are today. and if you are happy with the violence in the streets and are ok with protesters - and you get there by slicing up something so many ways it's no longer recognizable to the original intent, it's not the same.

it's a lot worse. and that's how you get trump. that's how you get seattle giving itself away to granola girl and the vagatarians, that's how you get college students out of starbucks and yelling at the police and throwing shit at them while they justify their rage with their rage.

and it sucks.

now - i do wish you'd stop these wide ass brush statements like TRUMP IS RUNNING ROUGHSHOD OVER THE CONSTITUTION and never back it up. BARR IS A LIAR without backing it up.

it's the epitome of fake news.

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