AG Bill Barr: This is “The Closest We Have Come to an Organized Effort to Push a President Out of Office”

Or, no one can have a conversation with people like you two, who will not embrace any fact that you don't agree with.
Once we state that 2 plus 2 is 4 and you don't accept that - meaningful discussion definitely deteriorates.
Before you all lost your minds and decided that nothing bad that the previous admin might have done would be accepted as fact we could have a conversation - we could agree on the facts, we just thought differently about the affect of those facts.
But not now.
The ignore function works wonderfully well on people who simply ignore facts and refuse to respond to reality.
It worked for me. I haven't had any dealings with this liar in months.

I've come to expect people to ignore those who say what they don't want to hear. I think it's a sign of a fragile world view that can't be exposed to contrary positions.
When republicans ignore the truth I'd call them sinners

Just Republicans?
Thanks to Trumps ass kisser Barr hired to keep him out of trouble
I believe Barack Obama called his Bill Barr (Eric Holder) his "wing man".
Leftists used to love the concept.
How did Holder bail Obama out of impeachable offenses as Barr is bailing trump out?

First -
Describe the impeachable offenses that Trump was bailed out of.
Describe the manner in which William bailed him out.
Google it I'm not here to have you make a joke out of anything I say The pos Barr made a mockery of the Russian investigation Damn well trump asked Russia for help That's impeachable and barr downplayed ALL of it
Thanks to Trumps ass kisser Barr hired to keep him out of trouble
I believe Barack Obama called his Bill Barr (Eric Holder) his "wing man".
Leftists used to love the concept.
How did Holder bail Obama out of impeachable offenses as Barr is bailing trump out?

First -
Describe the impeachable offenses that Trump was bailed out of.
Describe the manner in which William bailed him out.
Google it I'm not here to have you make a joke out of anything I say The pos Barr made a mockery of the Russian investigation Damn well trump asked Russia for help That's impeachable and barr downplayed ALL of it
And now you make believe Americans will bash Bolton saying Trump begged China for help Trump is a disgusting piece of humanity and his followers are either stupid OR something worse
The corrupt Banana Republican and disgraced Attorney General needs to be investigated for his own crimes of obstruction of justice.
Thanks to Trumps ass kisser Barr hired to keep him out of trouble
I believe Barack Obama called his Bill Barr (Eric Holder) his "wing man".
Leftists used to love the concept.
How did Holder bail Obama out of impeachable offenses as Barr is bailing trump out?

First -
Describe the impeachable offenses that Trump was bailed out of.
Describe the manner in which William bailed him out.
Google it I'm not here to have you make a joke out of anything I say The pos Barr made a mockery of the Russian investigation Damn well trump asked Russia for help That's impeachable and barr downplayed ALL of it

So you don't know.
Thanks to Trumps ass kisser Barr hired to keep him out of trouble
I believe Barack Obama called his Bill Barr (Eric Holder) his "wing man".
Leftists used to love the concept.
How did Holder bail Obama out of impeachable offenses as Barr is bailing trump out?

First -
Describe the impeachable offenses that Trump was bailed out of.
Describe the manner in which William bailed him out.
Google it I'm not here to have you make a joke out of anything I say The pos Barr made a mockery of the Russian investigation Damn well trump asked Russia for help That's impeachable and barr downplayed ALL of it
And now you make believe Americans will bash Bolton saying Trump begged China for help Trump is a disgusting piece of humanity and his followers are either stupid OR something worse

You really don't know
Thanks to Trumps ass kisser Barr hired to keep him out of trouble
I believe Barack Obama called his Bill Barr (Eric Holder) his "wing man".
Leftists used to love the concept.
How did Holder bail Obama out of impeachable offenses as Barr is bailing trump out?

First -
Describe the impeachable offenses that Trump was bailed out of.
Describe the manner in which William bailed him out.
Google it I'm not here to have you make a joke out of anything I say The pos Barr made a mockery of the Russian investigation Damn well trump asked Russia for help That's impeachable and barr downplayed ALL of it

So you don't know.
How would anyone know ? They've stopped any subpoenas from being honored ,they fire anyone who either has or might be getting the goods on the crook The man has always been a cheat a thief and worse You really think he stopped now?
Thanks to Trumps ass kisser Barr hired to keep him out of trouble
I believe Barack Obama called his Bill Barr (Eric Holder) his "wing man".
Leftists used to love the concept.
How did Holder bail Obama out of impeachable offenses as Barr is bailing trump out?

First -
Describe the impeachable offenses that Trump was bailed out of.
Describe the manner in which William bailed him out.
Google it I'm not here to have you make a joke out of anything I say The pos Barr made a mockery of the Russian investigation Damn well trump asked Russia for help That's impeachable and barr downplayed ALL of it
And now you make believe Americans will bash Bolton saying Trump begged China for help Trump is a disgusting piece of humanity and his followers are either stupid OR something worse
The corrupt Banana Republican and disgraced Attorney General needs to be investigated for his own crimes of obstruction of justice.

Describe the obstruction.
Thanks to Trumps ass kisser Barr hired to keep him out of trouble
I believe Barack Obama called his Bill Barr (Eric Holder) his "wing man".
Leftists used to love the concept.
How did Holder bail Obama out of impeachable offenses as Barr is bailing trump out?

First -
Describe the impeachable offenses that Trump was bailed out of.
Describe the manner in which William bailed him out.
Google it I'm not here to have you make a joke out of anything I say The pos Barr made a mockery of the Russian investigation Damn well trump asked Russia for help That's impeachable and barr downplayed ALL of it

So you don't know.
How would anyone know ? They've stopped any subpoenas from being honored ,they fire anyone who either has or might be getting the goods on the crook The man has always been a cheat a thief and worse You really think he stopped now?

So you take back your original assertion.
Who did he stop from testifying? What documents did he refuse to show?
If that ain't obstruction give me the chair
Thanks to Trumps ass kisser Barr hired to keep him out of trouble
I believe Barack Obama called his Bill Barr (Eric Holder) his "wing man".
Leftists used to love the concept.
How did Holder bail Obama out of impeachable offenses as Barr is bailing trump out?

First -
Describe the impeachable offenses that Trump was bailed out of.
Describe the manner in which William bailed him out.
Google it I'm not here to have you make a joke out of anything I say The pos Barr made a mockery of the Russian investigation Damn well trump asked Russia for help That's impeachable and barr downplayed ALL of it
And now you make believe Americans will bash Bolton saying Trump begged China for help Trump is a disgusting piece of humanity and his followers are either stupid OR something worse
The corrupt Banana Republican and disgraced Attorney General needs to be investigated for his own crimes of obstruction of justice.

Describe the obstruction.

Wait and see.
then please tell me who has been prosecuted AND convicted of crimes related to the RUSSIA investigation?

You moved the goalposts.

See, this was your original statement:
Yet no one is in jail or charged for RUSSIA shit, huh?

The OR changed to an AND. Russians were charged with hacking of the DNC and Podesta. They weren't convicted because Russia isn't going to hand over their own.

why did the FBI lie?
why are the FISA warrants found to have been wrongfully provided AS STATED BY THE MAN WHO PROVIDED THEM based on the bullshit the FBI had
why did they setup papadopalous?
why did they go around Flynns rights of due process?
and in the end, why do all you fucks say all this is ok yet get pissed off at fucking pancake syrup?

the left makes zero sense and projects their ignorance on others.

1. Be more specific maybe? Are you referring to false statements in the Carter Page warrant? Seems like no one really is defending that, but it doesn't make it a coup.
2. Not sure what this means, seems a little confusing.
3. They didn't set up Papadopalous. That's a fevered conspiracy theory.
4. They didn't go around Flynn's rights of due process.
5. Carter Page is the only one with any case against the FBI for being mistreated. However, the invasion of his privacy, while wrong, is a far cry from the police murdering someone like Breanna Taylor.

It wasn't a coup.

Only because it was not successful
Thanks to Trumps ass kisser Barr hired to keep him out of trouble
thanks to comey for not going after hillary like he should have...

we can do that shit forever. appears we will to make ourselves feel better when we don't get what we want.
Thanks to Trumps ass kisser Barr hired to keep him out of trouble
I believe Barack Obama called his Bill Barr (Eric Holder) his "wing man".
Leftists used to love the concept.
How did Holder bail Obama out of impeachable offenses as Barr is bailing trump out?

First -
Describe the impeachable offenses that Trump was bailed out of.
Describe the manner in which William bailed him out.
Google it I'm not here to have you make a joke out of anything I say The pos Barr made a mockery of the Russian investigation Damn well trump asked Russia for help That's impeachable and barr downplayed ALL of it
And now you make believe Americans will bash Bolton saying Trump begged China for help Trump is a disgusting piece of humanity and his followers are either stupid OR something worse
The corrupt Banana Republican and disgraced Attorney General needs to be investigated for his own crimes of obstruction of justice.

Describe the obstruction.

Wait and see.

I have been waitng 5 years for anything
Literally nothing but misfires
Thanks to Trumps ass kisser Barr hired to keep him out of trouble
I believe Barack Obama called his Bill Barr (Eric Holder) his "wing man".
Leftists used to love the concept.
How did Holder bail Obama out of impeachable offenses as Barr is bailing trump out?

First -
Describe the impeachable offenses that Trump was bailed out of.
Describe the manner in which William bailed him out.
Google it I'm not here to have you make a joke out of anything I say The pos Barr made a mockery of the Russian investigation Damn well trump asked Russia for help That's impeachable and barr downplayed ALL of it
he doesn't appear to be making jokes, eddie but trying to get very specific as to how you formulate your opinion. that's all.

you have what you believe and you refuse anything that would counter that and it seems that is 100% hate for trump. to hate trump you have to sacrifice a lot of others along the way.

i hated someone back in college. she was a total bitch. as the local photographer i had to go take a christmas shot where she worked. i made sure to line her up on the end so i could cut her out of the pic.

it was horrible - i know. but hey, i did it.

that weekend, she came storming up to my car (small town we are all out cruising) and she cussed me out saying she was the only person NOT in the picture. i said bullshit. she started to dive in on me and i again said BULLSHIT and followed up with "to get you all the way out i had to cut out some other lady too".

and i did. but i didn't care who else i took out with my hate for her. was it right for me to assume or use the person in such a manner? sure was not. but hate makes you do strange things.

it seems to me you choose to spread your hate around to all who do not share it for trump. if someone else doesn't go after trump, they are on his side and plotting world domination.

you have to sacrifice people along the way to complete your hate for trump and that is not fair to said people, eddie.

but your hate. hate on. i hope one day you can see more than that out of people you may not agree with. til that day, this world of hate and hating people who don't agree is all we have.

that what you really want? for you, your kids or family? hate handed down to them?
Last edited:
Thanks to Trumps ass kisser Barr hired to keep him out of trouble
I believe Barack Obama called his Bill Barr (Eric Holder) his "wing man".
Leftists used to love the concept.
How did Holder bail Obama out of impeachable offenses as Barr is bailing trump out?

First -
Describe the impeachable offenses that Trump was bailed out of.
Describe the manner in which William bailed him out.
Google it I'm not here to have you make a joke out of anything I say The pos Barr made a mockery of the Russian investigation Damn well trump asked Russia for help That's impeachable and barr downplayed ALL of it
he doesn't appear to be making jokes, eddie but trying to get very specific as to how you formulate your opinion. that's all.

you have what you believe and you refuse anything that would counter that and it seems that is 100% hate for trump. to hate trump you have to sacrifice a lot of others along the way.

i hated someone back in college. she was a total bitch. as the local photographer i had to go take a christmas shot where she worked. i made sure to line her up on the end so i could cut her out of the pic.

it was horrible - i know. but hey, i did it.

that weekend, she came storming up to my car (small town we are all out cruising) and she cussed me out saying she was the only person in the picture. i said bullshit. she started to dive in on me and i again said BULLSHIT and followed up with "to get you all the way out i had to cut out some other lady too".

and i did. but i didn't care who else i took out with my hate for her. was it right for me to assume or use the person in such a manner? sure was not. but hate makes you do strange things.

it seems to me you choose to spread your hate around to all who do not share it for trump. if someone else doesn't go after trump, they are on his side and plotting world domination.

you have to sacrifice people along the way to complete your hate for trump and that is not fair to said people, eddie.

but your hate. hate on. i hope one day you can see more than that out of people you may not agree with. til that day, this world of hate and hating people who don't agree is all we have.

that what you really want? for you, your kids or family? hate handed down to them?
There's a guy that posts here sometimes name of Dale more a republican than anything else and we're great friends I can't help it ice if I have this thing about a president married 3 times cheating on all who a usa bank won't lend a dime too who pays off hookers ,and brags about going for the snatch There's more but can't you see why some one could despise him ?
Thanks to Trumps ass kisser Barr hired to keep him out of trouble
I believe Barack Obama called his Bill Barr (Eric Holder) his "wing man".
Leftists used to love the concept.
How did Holder bail Obama out of impeachable offenses as Barr is bailing trump out?

First -
Describe the impeachable offenses that Trump was bailed out of.
Describe the manner in which William bailed him out.
Google it I'm not here to have you make a joke out of anything I say The pos Barr made a mockery of the Russian investigation Damn well trump asked Russia for help That's impeachable and barr downplayed ALL of it
he doesn't appear to be making jokes, eddie but trying to get very specific as to how you formulate your opinion. that's all.

you have what you believe and you refuse anything that would counter that and it seems that is 100% hate for trump. to hate trump you have to sacrifice a lot of others along the way.

i hated someone back in college. she was a total bitch. as the local photographer i had to go take a christmas shot where she worked. i made sure to line her up on the end so i could cut her out of the pic.

it was horrible - i know. but hey, i did it.

that weekend, she came storming up to my car (small town we are all out cruising) and she cussed me out saying she was the only person in the picture. i said bullshit. she started to dive in on me and i again said BULLSHIT and followed up with "to get you all the way out i had to cut out some other lady too".

and i did. but i didn't care who else i took out with my hate for her. was it right for me to assume or use the person in such a manner? sure was not. but hate makes you do strange things.

it seems to me you choose to spread your hate around to all who do not share it for trump. if someone else doesn't go after trump, they are on his side and plotting world domination.

you have to sacrifice people along the way to complete your hate for trump and that is not fair to said people, eddie.

but your hate. hate on. i hope one day you can see more than that out of people you may not agree with. til that day, this world of hate and hating people who don't agree is all we have.

that what you really want? for you, your kids or family? hate handed down to them?
One of the best posts I've read here in years So well said
Who did he stop from testifying? What documents did he refuse to show?
If that ain't obstruction give me the chair
I wish that were possible. Trump asserted the same executive privilege that Obama did in 2012
when he blocked Eric Holder's testimony on Fast and Furious.

Either you didn't care then or you shouldn't care now.
And I know I posted this same message yesterday but obviously you just don't pay attention to things
that don't spin your little propeller around.
Last edited:
Who did he stop from testifying? What documents did he refuse to show?
If that ain't obstruction give me the chair
I wish that were possible. Trump asserted the same executive privilege that Obama did in 2012
when he blocked Eric Holder's testimony on Fast and Furious.

Either you didn't care then or you shouldn't care now.
And I know I posted this same message yesterday but obviously you just don't pat attention to things
that don't spin your little propeller around.
Was Obamas privilege as damning as Trumps could have been ?? Toadying up to an enemy asking for help in our election OR do you think trump is not capable of such a crime? and in the future try not to mention the name of a great man Obama We're talking about this lout in our WH NOW
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.

Cuba doesnt want him...they have enough problems.

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