AG Bill Barr: This is “The Closest We Have Come to an Organized Effort to Push a President Out of Office”

Time-traveler's except from the Inaugural Address of President Joseph Biden on January 20, 2021...

In a spirit of bipartisanship, borrowing a line from President Gerald Ford after he was sworn-in...

"...Our long national nightmare is over..."


Our time-traveler reports that the Orange Baboon-God walked to Marine One in a huff without attending the Inauguration ceremony at the Capitol Building...

Freed from the lethal gaze of The Creature, even Republicans applauded the new President's "nightmare" remark, signaling the beginning of a Nationwide Healing.
January 21, 2021. trump served with divorce papers. lol
'This is the closest we have come'...?!

Barak Obama weaponized the office of the President, US govt agencies - the NSA, CIA, &
the FBI, violated the US Constitution, Constitutional Rights, Civil Rights, the Rule of Law...used corrupt foreign spies and Russian propaganda...the DNC collaborated to rig an election FOR Hillary & AGAINST Donald Trump.

All of this was a massively organized coup attempt.
I think you need to look up the definition of coup. The hyperbolic talking points you’re parroting are making you sound like an Uninformed idiot


Easy nailed this correctly and the majority of men voters agree with this being a massive coup attempt by the enemy of America

The deep state

And now this nov election has been rigged just like the mid terms elections rigged

Nov election will not take place until the crooks are
The illegal part and a coup generally involves elements of force/violence none of which are true in this case. The Dems went after Trump because Trump lied, covered up and did deeds that they deemed abusive of his power. They followed the legal process and in the end Trump remained in office. That’s not a coup.
Put as much lip stick on your pig as you like. Coups don't necessarily have to be violent and bloodless coups are not unheard of. Plotters like Comey, Brennan etc. did indeed break the law in order to remove Trump so I'm not sure if you claim they broke no laws or not. But they did! So there's that.

The process the plotters followed was only legal if one didn't look too closely, like the FISA warrants
obtained by illegal means or the Steele dossier which was claimed to the courts and press as legitimate when it was nothing but a collection on fictitious nonsense gathered by a British espionage gadfly for a nice pay day.

Yes. The part about Trump remaining in office was not a coup. That however was not for lack of trying by Deep State creeps and lying scumbags.
You call it what you like. I know what it was. If you try to run down someone and don't quite hit your mark
murder was still attempted.
Look in the mirror if you want to see lipstick. You say all these laws were broken, warranting a coup label, yet nobody is in jail and trumps people have been in charge! In fact part of this so called illegal coup and investigation was started and executed by trump appointed people. This narrative you’re trying to spin is such a joke and so easily debunked. I honestly don’t know why you waste So much of our time repeating it.
Yet no one is in jail or charged for RUSSIA shit, huh?

Trying to figure out what you mean here. Numerous Russians were charged for hacking the DNC and Podesta's email account as well as other associated illegal actions.

That being said, calling the Mueller investigation a coup is beyond ridiculous.


The majority of the men agrees with trump

A massive coup attempt

Barr said the worst since Abe Lincoln was killed
Ice I think you're a reasonable man but my only beef with you is that I see this garbage in our WH as worse than Nixon who is overturning every stone trying to protect his lying cheating butt,,,and you can't see it that way

The fact that it is not occurring, may be the problem with your argument.
The illegal part and a coup generally involves elements of force/violence none of which are true in this case. The Dems went after Trump because Trump lied, covered up and did deeds that they deemed abusive of his power. They followed the legal process and in the end Trump remained in office. That’s not a coup.
Put as much lip stick on your pig as you like. Coups don't necessarily have to be violent and bloodless coups are not unheard of. Plotters like Comey, Brennan etc. did indeed break the law in order to remove Trump so I'm not sure if you claim they broke no laws or not. But they did! So there's that.

The process the plotters followed was only legal if one didn't look too closely, like the FISA warrants
obtained by illegal means or the Steele dossier which was claimed to the courts and press as legitimate when it was nothing but a collection on fictitious nonsense gathered by a British espionage gadfly for a nice pay day.

Yes. The part about Trump remaining in office was not a coup. That however was not for lack of trying by Deep State creeps and lying scumbags.
You call it what you like. I know what it was. If you try to run down someone and don't quite hit your mark
murder was still attempted.
Look in the mirror if you want to see lipstick. You say all these laws were broken, warranting a coup label, yet nobody is in jail and trumps people have been in charge! In fact part of this so called illegal coup and investigation was started and executed by trump appointed people. This narrative you’re trying to spin is such a joke and so easily debunked. I honestly don’t know why you waste So much of our time repeating it.
Yet no one is in jail or charged for RUSSIA shit, huh?

Trying to figure out what you mean here. Numerous Russians were charged for hacking the DNC and Podesta's email account as well as other associated illegal actions.

That being said, calling the Mueller investigation a coup is beyond ridiculous.
Agreed, yet that’s the brainless talking point the turds are circulating
'This is the closest we have come'...?!

Barak Obama weaponized the office of the President, US govt agencies - the NSA, CIA, &
the FBI, violated the US Constitution, Constitutional Rights, Civil Rights, the Rule of Law...used corrupt foreign spies and Russian propaganda...the DNC collaborated to rig an election FOR Hillary & AGAINST Donald Trump.

All of this was a massively organized coup attempt.
I think you need to look up the definition of coup. The hyperbolic talking points you’re parroting are making you sound like an Uninformed idiot


Easy nailed this correctly and the majority of men voters agree with this being a massive coup attempt by the enemy of America

The deep state

And now this nov election has been rigged just like the mid terms elections rigged

Nov election will not take place until the crooks are
Wow , you are gullible! Sucked in by retarded talking points and now out here repeating them while sounding like a moron
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money... why do you love it so much?
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The illegal part and a coup generally involves elements of force/violence none of which are true in this case. The Dems went after Trump because Trump lied, covered up and did deeds that they deemed abusive of his power. They followed the legal process and in the end Trump remained in office. That’s not a coup.
Put as much lip stick on your pig as you like. Coups don't necessarily have to be violent and bloodless coups are not unheard of. Plotters like Comey, Brennan etc. did indeed break the law in order to remove Trump so I'm not sure if you claim they broke no laws or not. But they did! So there's that.

The process the plotters followed was only legal if one didn't look too closely, like the FISA warrants
obtained by illegal means or the Steele dossier which was claimed to the courts and press as legitimate when it was nothing but a collection on fictitious nonsense gathered by a British espionage gadfly for a nice pay day.

Yes. The part about Trump remaining in office was not a coup. That however was not for lack of trying by Deep State creeps and lying scumbags.
You call it what you like. I know what it was. If you try to run down someone and don't quite hit your mark
murder was still attempted.
Look in the mirror if you want to see lipstick. You say all these laws were broken, warranting a coup label, yet nobody is in jail and trumps people have been in charge! In fact part of this so called illegal coup and investigation was started and executed by trump appointed people. This narrative you’re trying to spin is such a joke and so easily debunked. I honestly don’t know why you waste So much of our time repeating it.
Yet no one is in jail or charged for RUSSIA shit, huh?

Trying to figure out what you mean here. Numerous Russians were charged for hacking the DNC and Podesta's email account as well as other associated illegal actions.

That being said, calling the Mueller investigation a coup is beyond ridiculous.
Agreed, yet that’s the brainless talking point the turds are circulating
then please tell me who has been prosecuted AND convicted of crimes related to the RUSSIA investigation?

not crap found off to the side.

Flynn would be as close as i know and that is done and found to be a fraud also.

as for it NOT being a coup:

why did the FBI lie?
why are the FISA warrants found to have been wrongfully provided AS STATED BY THE MAN WHO PROVIDED THEM based on the bullshit the FBI had
why did they setup papadopalous?
why did they go around Flynns rights of due process?
and in the end, why do all you fucks say all this is ok yet get pissed off at fucking pancake syrup?

the left makes zero sense and projects their ignorance on others.

and slade - fuck you. so sick of you leftist wads thinking your shit don't stink regardless of how much you squirt out that facial ass of yours.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
Look in the mirror if you want to see lipstick. You say all these laws were broken, warranting a coup label, yet nobody is in jail and trumps people have been in charge! In fact part of this so called illegal coup and investigation was started and executed by trump appointed people. This narrative you’re trying to spin is such a joke and so easily debunked. I honestly don’t know why you waste So much of our time repeating it.
So if I hit someone over the head and steal all of his money no crime is committed unless I wind up in jail?
I don't think I need to tell you how stupid that is. Hopefully you have just enough brain power to figure it
out somehow.
Look in the mirror if you want to see lipstick. You say all these laws were broken, warranting a coup label, yet nobody is in jail and trumps people have been in charge! In fact part of this so called illegal coup and investigation was started and executed by trump appointed people. This narrative you’re trying to spin is such a joke and so easily debunked. I honestly don’t know why you waste So much of our time repeating it.
So if I hit someone over the head and steal all of his money no crime is committed unless I wind up in jail?
I don't think I need to tell you how stupid that is. Hopefully you have just enough brain power to figure it out.

Doubtful, actually.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money... why do you love it so much?
Turds like you are the ones who are always proposing government as a solution to every conceivable problem. You just posted some very good reasons why we shouldn't.
then please tell me who has been prosecuted AND convicted of crimes related to the RUSSIA investigation?

You moved the goalposts.

See, this was your original statement:
Yet no one is in jail or charged for RUSSIA shit, huh?

The OR changed to an AND. Russians were charged with hacking of the DNC and Podesta. They weren't convicted because Russia isn't going to hand over their own.

why did the FBI lie?
why are the FISA warrants found to have been wrongfully provided AS STATED BY THE MAN WHO PROVIDED THEM based on the bullshit the FBI had
why did they setup papadopalous?
why did they go around Flynns rights of due process?
and in the end, why do all you fucks say all this is ok yet get pissed off at fucking pancake syrup?

the left makes zero sense and projects their ignorance on others.

1. Be more specific maybe? Are you referring to false statements in the Carter Page warrant? Seems like no one really is defending that, but it doesn't make it a coup.
2. Not sure what this means, seems a little confusing.
3. They didn't set up Papadopalous. That's a fevered conspiracy theory.
4. They didn't go around Flynn's rights of due process.
5. Carter Page is the only one with any case against the FBI for being mistreated. However, the invasion of his privacy, while wrong, is a far cry from the police murdering someone like Breanna Taylor.

It wasn't a coup.
The illegal part and a coup generally involves elements of force/violence none of which are true in this case. The Dems went after Trump because Trump lied, covered up and did deeds that they deemed abusive of his power. They followed the legal process and in the end Trump remained in office. That’s not a coup.
Put as much lip stick on your pig as you like. Coups don't necessarily have to be violent and bloodless coups are not unheard of. Plotters like Comey, Brennan etc. did indeed break the law in order to remove Trump so I'm not sure if you claim they broke no laws or not. But they did! So there's that.

The process the plotters followed was only legal if one didn't look too closely, like the FISA warrants
obtained by illegal means or the Steele dossier which was claimed to the courts and press as legitimate when it was nothing but a collection on fictitious nonsense gathered by a British espionage gadfly for a nice pay day.

Yes. The part about Trump remaining in office was not a coup. That however was not for lack of trying by Deep State creeps and lying scumbags.
You call it what you like. I know what it was. If you try to run down someone and don't quite hit your mark
murder was still attempted.
Look in the mirror if you want to see lipstick. You say all these laws were broken, warranting a coup label, yet nobody is in jail and trumps people have been in charge! In fact part of this so called illegal coup and investigation was started and executed by trump appointed people. This narrative you’re trying to spin is such a joke and so easily debunked. I honestly don’t know why you waste So much of our time repeating it.
Yet no one is in jail or charged for RUSSIA shit, huh?

Trying to figure out what you mean here. Numerous Russians were charged for hacking the DNC and Podesta's email account as well as other associated illegal actions.

That being said, calling the Mueller investigation a coup is beyond ridiculous.
Agreed, yet that’s the brainless talking point the turds are circulating
Of course it is. They haven't thought through this very much and instead just repeat the talking point. If they stopped and thought about it for a few minutes, the talking point would fall apart.

Which is why none of them are going to actually have a conversation about it and just call you names.

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