AG Bill Barr: This is “The Closest We Have Come to an Organized Effort to Push a President Out of Office”

for example -

i can cite all the things obama's camp did to trump that would be a direct comparison to nixon but you will fight me and say trump deserved it, trump is evil, they had suspicion... and great.

but they still went around our law to dig into trump. they still conducted many documented illegal activities you refuse to believe are illegal and yet you want me to believe this emotional tantrum you throw at me is more than spying on our gov (brennan proven) going around FISA (of which the warrants would never have been allowed had full disclosure of the FBI happened) - and you allow this "slow erosion" to happen because you're happy with the results.

great. but it's still illegal and in my mind exactly what this writer is concerned about when it comes to trump.

when you only care when side does it, i simply don't care anymore. you either care the actions are wrong regardless of who does them or you don't if you approve of the target.

you fall into approve of the target so anything is fine. then you put trump into a small box and dare him to move because you hate him.

if hate justifies all of these actions - buckle up for the return fire if biden wins. the left has blazed the trail that anything and everything is fine if you just feel the person in the white house is evil.

congrats. we're building a hell of a country with the left leading the way.
If all you say is illegal on the Dem side if all Obama Hillary did was illegal how come nothing was done Are repubs so inept ?? How many times was Hillary under the gun and what did you find ? The word is BUPKIS Meanwhile subpeonas issued to those who could pin the tail on your repub friends were denied Wonder why??
If all you say is illegal on the Dem side if all Obama Hillary did was illegal how come nothing was done Are repubs so inept ?? How many times was Hillary under the gun and what did you find ? The word is BUPKIS Meanwhile subpeonas issued to those who could pin the tail on your repub friends were denied Wonder why??
good question. but are you going to say it was all "legal"?

and if you want to get into "inept" - how "inept" are you to fail at RUSSIA *and* IMPEACH? both of those failed miserably.

now - barr is coming after those who did all that crap. if he finds them guilty the question is, is that good enough or is barr just a stooge and we go back to fighting more because you didn't get what you want?

barr is coming after those on the left. if you really expected them to prosecute themselves for all this, thats out there, dude.
so was obama to many many people. you disagreeing did NOT make you right or them wrong.

just how BOTH SIDES *FEEL*.

you going hard line anything to get rid of trump is what is destroying the constitution. but again, you said trump was doing it and i'm waiting for your examples of him directly destroying it, not you saying he is by anything he does.

and you're not attacking trump but me. yes i get my shots in but i also hold back an awful lot because that isn't what i want to do. simply sit out here and exchange insults as if that will fix anything.

it won't.
You're wasting your time trying to reason with eddie. He's here only to badmouth Trump.
good question. but are you going to say it was all "legal"?

and if you want to get into "inept" - how "inept" are you to fail at RUSSIA *and* IMPEACH? both of those failed miserably.

now - barr is coming after those who did all that crap. if he finds them guilty the question is, is that good enough or is barr just a stooge and we go back to fighting more because you didn't get what you want?

barr is coming after those on the left. if you really expected them to prosecute themselves for all this, thats out there, dude.
Russia failed because of another Trump toady ,Barr Everyone and his brother in law knew Russia aided Trump in the election and now we're finding out Trump begged China to help too
Russia failed because of another Trump toady ,Barr Everyone and his brother in law knew Russia aided Trump in the election and now we're finding out Trump begged China to help too
see what I mean.

so now I just say no one in Obamas camp was prosecuted cause some Obama toadie....

always an excuse and you never seem to see it.
And you're here to support him Can't see how anyone can support that objectionable unqualified blabbermouth
I support Trump.

that does NOT mean I like everything he does.

I supported Obama. same disclaimer.

We need to seriously get over this weak minded shit.
Clinton was impeached and not over anything Starr was charged with investigating. But Trump wasn't impeached over Russia. Rather, the DOJ establishment he railed against gave him a pass on Russia. No other candidate has ever asked a for nation, let alone one that is in existential threat to America, to help him in an election.

Barr's real issue is that he is an extremist in his view of presidential power. He is so far gone that he may actually think Nixon was right in saying "if the President orders it, it's legal." Trump's using him of course, but it's co-parasitical relationship.
An extra legal transfer of power from one party to another. What do I have wrong here?
The illegal part and a coup generally involves elements of force/violence none of which are true in this case. The Dems went after Trump because Trump lied, covered up and did deeds that they deemed abusive of his power. They followed the legal process and in the end Trump remained in office. That’s not a coup.
The illegal part and a coup generally involves elements of force/violence none of which are true in this case. The Dems went after Trump because Trump lied, covered up and did deeds that they deemed abusive of his power. They followed the legal process and in the end Trump remained in office. That’s not a coup.
Put as much lip stick on your pig as you like. Coups don't necessarily have to be violent and bloodless coups are not unheard of. Plotters like Comey, Brennan etc. did indeed break the law in order to remove Trump so I'm not sure if you claim they broke no laws or not. But they did! So there's that.

The process the plotters followed was only legal if one didn't look too closely, like the FISA warrants
obtained by illegal means or the Steele dossier which was claimed to the courts and press as legitimate when it was nothing but a collection on fictitious nonsense gathered by a British espionage gadfly for a nice pay day.

Yes. The part about Trump remaining in office was not a coup. That however was not for lack of trying by Deep State creeps and lying scumbags.
You call it what you like. I know what it was. If you try to run down someone and don't quite hit your mark
murder was still attempted.
The illegal part and a coup generally involves elements of force/violence none of which are true in this case. The Dems went after Trump because Trump lied, covered up and did deeds that they deemed abusive of his power. They followed the legal process and in the end Trump remained in office. That’s not a coup.
no but you are still full of shit.

you don't give a shit what obama did but you'll magnify everything trump does and scream bloody murder cause you're a biased fucktool.
The illegal part and a coup generally involves elements of force/violence none of which are true in this case. The Dems went after Trump because Trump lied, covered up and did deeds that they deemed abusive of his power. They followed the legal process and in the end Trump remained in office. That’s not a coup.
Put as much lip stick on your pig as you like. Coups don't necessarily have to be violent and bloodless coups are not unheard of. Plotters like Comey, Brennan etc. did indeed break the law in order to remove Trump so I'm not sure if you claim they broke no laws or not. But they did! So there's that.

The process the plotters followed was only legal if one didn't look too closely, like the FISA warrants
obtained by illegal means or the Steele dossier which was claimed to the courts and press as legitimate when it was nothing but a collection on fictitious nonsense gathered by a British espionage gadfly for a nice pay day.

Yes. The part about Trump remaining in office was not a coup. That however was not for lack of trying by Deep State creeps and lying scumbags.
You call it what you like. I know what it was. If you try to run down someone and don't quite hit your mark
murder was still attempted.
Look in the mirror if you want to see lipstick. You say all these laws were broken, warranting a coup label, yet nobody is in jail and trumps people have been in charge! In fact part of this so called illegal coup and investigation was started and executed by trump appointed people. This narrative you’re trying to spin is such a joke and so easily debunked. I honestly don’t know why you waste So much of our time repeating it.
trump pissed most americans, immigrants, allies....creating a toxic environment and many hostile situations...what did you think would've happened? He has been attacking everyone and everything, people are pushing back and tired of his bullying.
you mean like seattle? or any other city where they are simply attacking people in the streets? and you are linking their chosen path of bullshit to trump.

and you wonder why we have communication problems in this country. you have the mind of a 2 year old that simply says GIMME GIMME GIMME and attacks anything in that path.
I actually disagree with what's happening in Seattle and what happened in many cities....trump fueled and keeps fueling the situation...he needs to go. Pence or any other republican and many of us wouldn't even watch news anymore and go on with our lives....Trump simply is setting the country ablaze.
Hillary getting smoked was a gift from heaven.
Not getting Hillary was the only thing that came out right in that election, but at the same time it stuck us with this jerk.

Then why did you vote for Hillary?
Have not liked or supported her since Bill's first or 2nd term. Shouldn't have stood by her man as he made a fool out of her, but stayed because of political ambition, without most common core values. Should not have been involved in working on healthcare as first lady, as she was not elected or particularly experienced at that time. should not have supported Iraq war. too many liberal stances for base, but did not believe she had true core beliefs on anything. Tried and to a great extent bought the Democrat party and used it for her personal campaign ambition. Often on the wrong side of foreign policy. Should not have had the Libian Ambassador stationed 300 miles from the American Embassy, should have listened to his about security concerns and made sure the consolate itself and staff were safe and secure or pulled them out, should not have left him there. Should have used her influence to make sure backup forces available, consistent with conservative strategy and tactics if leaving them in place. These errors cost him his life. Should not have tried to blame the attack on a youtube video. Should not have stood by while he was jailed to maker her lie sound good. She was basically out of her league in that job, had very poor character, was a political animal, too loos to weild military force without clear understanding of tactics or strategy (military education stupid and never displayed an aptitude. Never accepted responsibility for her failures, just as trump doesn't take responsibility for his. Hated her voice, her laugh, basically most things about her. She would have been more dangerous than trump as she better knew how government worked and was/is much smarter, so you didn't see her coming and knew how to lie her way out if situation went south, didn't like here sense of entitlement. Is that enough for you? It was plenty enough to make me vote 3rd party for first time ever, after voting republicans and democrats since 1972.
Everything the president does generates controversy. Everything the attorney general does generates controversy. It doesn’t mean it’s warranted.
trump pissed most americans, immigrants, allies....creating a toxic environment and many hostile situations...what did you think would've happened? He has been attacking everyone and everything, people are pushing back and tired of his bullying.
you mean like seattle? or any other city where they are simply attacking people in the streets? and you are linking their chosen path of bullshit to trump.

and you wonder why we have communication problems in this country. you have the mind of a 2 year old that simply says GIMME GIMME GIMME and attacks anything in that path.
I actually disagree with what's happening in Seattle and what happened in many cities....trump fueled and keeps fueling the situation...he needs to go. Pence or any other republican and many of us wouldn't even watch news anymore and go on with our lives....Trump simply is setting the country ablaze.
People are responsible for their own actions. So fuck that passive blame game. Or are you saying the left is weak minded and, can't think for themselves?
The illegal part and a coup generally involves elements of force/violence none of which are true in this case. The Dems went after Trump because Trump lied, covered up and did deeds that they deemed abusive of his power. They followed the legal process and in the end Trump remained in office. That’s not a coup.
Put as much lip stick on your pig as you like. Coups don't necessarily have to be violent and bloodless coups are not unheard of. Plotters like Comey, Brennan etc. did indeed break the law in order to remove Trump so I'm not sure if you claim they broke no laws or not. But they did! So there's that.

The process the plotters followed was only legal if one didn't look too closely, like the FISA warrants
obtained by illegal means or the Steele dossier which was claimed to the courts and press as legitimate when it was nothing but a collection on fictitious nonsense gathered by a British espionage gadfly for a nice pay day.

Yes. The part about Trump remaining in office was not a coup. That however was not for lack of trying by Deep State creeps and lying scumbags.
You call it what you like. I know what it was. If you try to run down someone and don't quite hit your mark
murder was still attempted.
Look in the mirror if you want to see lipstick. You say all these laws were broken, warranting a coup label, yet nobody is in jail and trumps people have been in charge! In fact part of this so called illegal coup and investigation was started and executed by trump appointed people. This narrative you’re trying to spin is such a joke and so easily debunked. I honestly don’t know why you waste So much of our time repeating it.
Yet no one is in jail or charged for RUSSIA shit, huh?
Time-traveler's except from the Inaugural Address of President Joseph Biden on January 20, 2021...

In a spirit of bipartisanship, borrowing a line from President Gerald Ford after he was sworn-in...

"...Our long national nightmare is over..."


Our time-traveler reports that the Orange Baboon-God walked to Marine One in a huff without attending the Inauguration ceremony at the Capitol Building...

Freed from the lethal gaze of The Creature, even Republicans applauded the new President's "nightmare" remark, signaling the beginning of a Nationwide Healing.
The illegal part and a coup generally involves elements of force/violence none of which are true in this case. The Dems went after Trump because Trump lied, covered up and did deeds that they deemed abusive of his power. They followed the legal process and in the end Trump remained in office. That’s not a coup.
Put as much lip stick on your pig as you like. Coups don't necessarily have to be violent and bloodless coups are not unheard of. Plotters like Comey, Brennan etc. did indeed break the law in order to remove Trump so I'm not sure if you claim they broke no laws or not. But they did! So there's that.

The process the plotters followed was only legal if one didn't look too closely, like the FISA warrants
obtained by illegal means or the Steele dossier which was claimed to the courts and press as legitimate when it was nothing but a collection on fictitious nonsense gathered by a British espionage gadfly for a nice pay day.

Yes. The part about Trump remaining in office was not a coup. That however was not for lack of trying by Deep State creeps and lying scumbags.
You call it what you like. I know what it was. If you try to run down someone and don't quite hit your mark
murder was still attempted.
Look in the mirror if you want to see lipstick. You say all these laws were broken, warranting a coup label, yet nobody is in jail and trumps people have been in charge! In fact part of this so called illegal coup and investigation was started and executed by trump appointed people. This narrative you’re trying to spin is such a joke and so easily debunked. I honestly don’t know why you waste So much of our time repeating it.
Yet no one is in jail or charged for RUSSIA shit, huh?

Trying to figure out what you mean here. Numerous Russians were charged for hacking the DNC and Podesta's email account as well as other associated illegal actions.

That being said, calling the Mueller investigation a coup is beyond ridiculous.

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