AG Bill Barr: This is “The Closest We Have Come to an Organized Effort to Push a President Out of Office”

It is amusing a Trump supporter is asking for civil discourse.

These tards really have no idea of just how ironic/hypocritical they are. :lol:

They must be bleeding from their...wherever.
trump pissed most americans, immigrants, allies....creating a toxic environment and many hostile situations...what did you think would've happened? He has been attacking everyone and everything, people are pushing back and tired of his bullying.
you mean like seattle? or any other city where they are simply attacking people in the streets? and you are linking their chosen path of bullshit to trump.

and you wonder why we have communication problems in this country. you have the mind of a 2 year old that simply says GIMME GIMME GIMME and attacks anything in that path.
given i don't trust the media in general who cares?

huffpost saying something trump did is bad or they over-exaggurate it? please.

huffpost and many far left sites are nothing more than GET OUR BASE PISSED and like clockwork, you get pissed on queue and trot this crap out as if it matters.

i would love to be able to talk w/o the attacks but that is getting less and less likely as everything the left does anymore is in fact an attack.
I agree but with this moron trump acting like an AH it's hard NOT to attack him He is so unqualified
who's the hysterical one bleeving shit like bleach and crap and attributing that to trump?

that would be you, son.

now please - run along and find that quote where trump told people to inject bleach into their system.
It is amusing a Trump supporter is asking for civil discourse.

These tards really have no idea of just how ironic/hypocritical they are. :lol:

They must be bleeding from their...wherever.
intersting you assume since i disagree with you i'm a trump supporter.

care to illustrate more limited binary thinking while you call ME the retard?
I agree but with this moron trump acting like an AH it's hard NOT to attack him He is so unqualified
so was obama to many many people. you disagreeing did NOT make you right or them wrong.

just how BOTH SIDES *FEEL*.

you going hard line anything to get rid of trump is what is destroying the constitution. but again, you said trump was doing it and i'm waiting for your examples of him directly destroying it, not you saying he is by anything he does.

and you're not attacking trump but me. yes i get my shots in but i also hold back an awful lot because that isn't what i want to do. simply sit out here and exchange insults as if that will fix anything.

it won't.
Ice I think you're a reasonable man but my only beef with you is that I see this garbage in our WH as worse than Nixon who is overturning every stone trying to protect his lying cheating butt,,,and you can't see it that way
Ice I think you're a reasonable man but my only beef with you is that I see this garbage in our WH as worse than Nixon who is overturning every stone trying to protect his lying cheating butt,,,and you can't see it that way
no - i see us going to civil war because you and the left must be emotionally satisfied is bullshit.

trump won. build a god damn bridge and get over it. build a better platform, show some god damn leadership for us all, and win the vote back.

the entire stance of the left has been GET RID OF TRUMP *of which* i wont support when that results in the constant contradictions and breaking of laws / going around the constitution to do it happens.

i'll ask you FOR A THIRD TIME - you said trump is destroying the constitution yet the moves of the left certainly qualify for that statement. what has trump done to destroy the constitution and processes?

again - we have the left doing whatever they can and say FUCK the constitution. how is trump doing that?

can you even answer that or are you just lashing out with some serious shit hoping people will go "yea yea destroying it! bastard!"

i challenge you - again - tell me how trump is doing this vs you just saying it.

and nixon just threatened to weaponize the gov against the other party. which side actually has done that in recent history again? you are to me making shit up and attributing it to trump to justify your emotional validation and actions to get there.

you do what you do and you own it. i don't care who "made" you. in the end, you made you do it.
here ice ,maybe this will help
In the Trump era, Congress and the courts are like cops walking the beat to protect the rule of law. Unfortunately, President Donald Trump is thumbing his nose at both of them. The question remains: When will there be consequences for the unprecedented level of shameless, flagrant corruption and lawlessness in this administration?
Just last week, President Trump treated the G7 summit like a commercial for his businesses, inviting foreign governments to line his pockets next year and hold their next meeting at his Doral, FL, golf course.
Mocking the Constitution he swore to uphold, President Trump’s G7 comments confirm what we have long known: Unless the courts expeditiously require the President to comply with the words of America’s founders, constitutional provisions like the Foreign Emoluments Clause soon will lose all practical effect, allowing presidents to profit from foreign governments without first obtaining the consent of Congress. And if that happens, the American people will no longer have any assurance that their president is making decisions based on the best interests of the nation, rather than on personal interests.
Meanwhile, the House of Representatives continues to issue subpoena after subpoena — for Trump tax records, records relating to his business interests, and testimony and records from administration officials — just to be ignored by Trump, his team, and his Republican supporters on Capitol Hill. In response to some of these, the House has delivered contempt citations, which are disregarded almost as soon as they’re issued. Congress risks sounding like the old Robin Williams joke, shouting at the President “Stop! Or we’ll say ‘Stop’ again!” as he walks away, effectively permitted to violate the law with impunity.
The American people witness this slow-motion erosion of the Constitution and wonder, rightly, if the president is ever going to be held accountable.
Trump seems incapable of being influenced through normal channels, whether that be concerns about his reputational integrity or basic appeals to his humanity. This makes the prospect of facing hard consequences for any criminal, unconstitutional, or otherwise reprehensible behavior even more vital. Anything short of actual punishment, or the credible threat of such punishment, is essentially a license to continue tearing at the fabric of the rule of law.
And this matters not just in terms of ensuring that no one — not even the president — is above the law, but also for the fundamental survival of our constitutional democracy. Every provision of the Constitution that is disregarded and disobeyed without consequence places the lasting protection of our rights and liberties at risk. Every order from Congress that goes effectively unenforced weakens the institution’s ability to protect the American people from corruption or other lawless behavior from the White House. Not just this White House, but every White House from here on that believes, as Trump proclaimed recently, that Article II of the Constitution gives him “the right to do whatever I want as president.”
That’s not how any of this is supposed to work. Article II of the Constitution does not make this or any president a king. And congressional subpoenas are not mere requests. They aren’t invitations or guidelines. When issued by the branch of government closest to the people — defined in that part of the Constitution President Trump apparently skipped over, Article I — such demands are to be met, full stop. When they are refused, as President Trump is doing, that branch of government designed to interpret and apply the law — the courts, set out in Article III — is meant and designed to enforce them.
The closeness of the presidential election in 2020 has prompted many to say that seeking to hold the Trump Administration accountable through any mechanism other than ballot box is pointless, or even harmful. But it is extremely dangerous to treat what this president and his administration are doing as merely the usual stuff of political disagreement, ultimately resolved by the tally of votes. This president has repeatedly ignored or violated the Constitution. The endless stream of corruption and lawlessness threatens eroding constitutional democracy to a breaking point. If we let it pass as politics as usual, we risk normalizing this disregard for our Constitution and reducing its power and authority.
If in the future Congress wants its constitutional powers of oversight to be taken as gravely as they should be, then leaders need to take concrete steps to enforce those powers immediately. Take Trump to court quickly. Ask the courts to act expeditiously, every single time.
Anything less, appallingly weakens the Congress as an institution, gravely undermines our constitutional democracy, and sets a terrible precedent: Future presidents may be able to get away with virtually any wrongdoing they commit while in office.
Adapted from Will Trump ever face consequences? in The Hill, July 31, 2019.
here ice ,maybe this will help
In the Trump era, Congress and the courts are like cops walking the beat to protect the rule of law. Unfortunately, President Donald Trump is thumbing his nose at both of them. The question remains: When will there be consequences for the unprecedented level of shameless, flagrant corruption and lawlessness in this administration?
Just last week, President Trump treated the G7 summit like a commercial for his businesses, inviting foreign governments to line his pockets next year and hold their next meeting at his Doral, FL, golf course.
Mocking the Constitution he swore to uphold, President Trump’s G7 comments confirm what we have long known: Unless the courts expeditiously require the President to comply with the words of America’s founders, constitutional provisions like the Foreign Emoluments Clause soon will lose all practical effect, allowing presidents to profit from foreign governments without first obtaining the consent of Congress. And if that happens, the American people will no longer have any assurance that their president is making decisions based on the best interests of the nation, rather than on personal interests.
Meanwhile, the House of Representatives continues to issue subpoena after subpoena — for Trump tax records, records relating to his business interests, and testimony and records from administration officials — just to be ignored by Trump, his team, and his Republican supporters on Capitol Hill. In response to some of these, the House has delivered contempt citations, which are disregarded almost as soon as they’re issued. Congress risks sounding like the old Robin Williams joke, shouting at the President “Stop! Or we’ll say ‘Stop’ again!” as he walks away, effectively permitted to violate the law with impunity.
The American people witness this slow-motion erosion of the Constitution and wonder, rightly, if the president is ever going to be held accountable.
Trump seems incapable of being influenced through normal channels, whether that be concerns about his reputational integrity or basic appeals to his humanity. This makes the prospect of facing hard consequences for any criminal, unconstitutional, or otherwise reprehensible behavior even more vital. Anything short of actual punishment, or the credible threat of such punishment, is essentially a license to continue tearing at the fabric of the rule of law.
And this matters not just in terms of ensuring that no one — not even the president — is above the law, but also for the fundamental survival of our constitutional democracy. Every provision of the Constitution that is disregarded and disobeyed without consequence places the lasting protection of our rights and liberties at risk. Every order from Congress that goes effectively unenforced weakens the institution’s ability to protect the American people from corruption or other lawless behavior from the White House. Not just this White House, but every White House from here on that believes, as Trump proclaimed recently, that Article II of the Constitution gives him “the right to do whatever I want as president.”
That’s not how any of this is supposed to work. Article II of the Constitution does not make this or any president a king. And congressional subpoenas are not mere requests. They aren’t invitations or guidelines. When issued by the branch of government closest to the people — defined in that part of the Constitution President Trump apparently skipped over, Article I — such demands are to be met, full stop. When they are refused, as President Trump is doing, that branch of government designed to interpret and apply the law — the courts, set out in Article III — is meant and designed to enforce them.
The closeness of the presidential election in 2020 has prompted many to say that seeking to hold the Trump Administration accountable through any mechanism other than ballot box is pointless, or even harmful. But it is extremely dangerous to treat what this president and his administration are doing as merely the usual stuff of political disagreement, ultimately resolved by the tally of votes. This president has repeatedly ignored or violated the Constitution. The endless stream of corruption and lawlessness threatens eroding constitutional democracy to a breaking point. If we let it pass as politics as usual, we risk normalizing this disregard for our Constitution and reducing its power and authority.
If in the future Congress wants its constitutional powers of oversight to be taken as gravely as they should be, then leaders need to take concrete steps to enforce those powers immediately. Take Trump to court quickly. Ask the courts to act expeditiously, every single time.
Anything less, appallingly weakens the Congress as an institution, gravely undermines our constitutional democracy, and sets a terrible precedent: Future presidents may be able to get away with virtually any wrongdoing they commit while in office.
Adapted from Will Trump ever face consequences? in The Hill, July 31, 2019.
you quote me opinions and in the end they are worthless.

i simply DO NOT AND NEVER WILL pay attention any "news" story where it starts off:

"In the Trump era, Congress and the courts are like cops walking the beat to protect the rule of law. Unfortunately, President Donald Trump is thumbing his nose at both of them. The question remains: When will there be consequences for the unprecedented level of shameless, flagrant corruption and lawlessness in this administration?"

it is NOT the job of the news to characterize people or add in the emotionally bound terminology that seems to fire you up. that is the job of the words to FIRE YOU UP. if what trump has done is true then these tricks and opinions articles shouldn't be necessary.

so i've asked you 3 times to tell me precisely what trump has done to destroy the constitution and you have yet to do that. only thing you've offered is an opinion piece and i can counter rush limbaugh or something and i'm sure you'd call foul.

are we doing to discuss facts, ever, eddie or are you going to keep throwing your emotionally bound opinions at me?
and yet, he never at any point told people to go do it. he said the doctor / researcher should test it.

care to try again? you keep mis-stating shit and then trying to sell it.
Trump said the doctor should look into injecting bleach as a treatment.

And you are failing to see just how unbelievably retarded that is? Really?

No wonder Trump is so easily able to hoax people.
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here ice ,maybe this will help
In the Trump era, Congress and the courts are like cops walking the beat to protect the rule of law. Unfortunately, President Donald Trump is thumbing his nose at both of them. The question remains: When will there be consequences for the unprecedented level of shameless, flagrant corruption and lawlessness in this administration?
Just last week, President Trump treated the G7 summit like a commercial for his businesses, inviting foreign governments to line his pockets next year and hold their next meeting at his Doral, FL, golf course.
Mocking the Constitution he swore to uphold, President Trump’s G7 comments confirm what we have long known: Unless the courts expeditiously require the President to comply with the words of America’s founders, constitutional provisions like the Foreign Emoluments Clause soon will lose all practical effect, allowing presidents to profit from foreign governments without first obtaining the consent of Congress. And if that happens, the American people will no longer have any assurance that their president is making decisions based on the best interests of the nation, rather than on personal interests.
Meanwhile, the House of Representatives continues to issue subpoena after subpoena — for Trump tax records, records relating to his business interests, and testimony and records from administration officials — just to be ignored by Trump, his team, and his Republican supporters on Capitol Hill. In response to some of these, the House has delivered contempt citations, which are disregarded almost as soon as they’re issued. Congress risks sounding like the old Robin Williams joke, shouting at the President “Stop! Or we’ll say ‘Stop’ again!” as he walks away, effectively permitted to violate the law with impunity.
The American people witness this slow-motion erosion of the Constitution and wonder, rightly, if the president is ever going to be held accountable.
Trump seems incapable of being influenced through normal channels, whether that be concerns about his reputational integrity or basic appeals to his humanity. This makes the prospect of facing hard consequences for any criminal, unconstitutional, or otherwise reprehensible behavior even more vital. Anything short of actual punishment, or the credible threat of such punishment, is essentially a license to continue tearing at the fabric of the rule of law.
And this matters not just in terms of ensuring that no one — not even the president — is above the law, but also for the fundamental survival of our constitutional democracy. Every provision of the Constitution that is disregarded and disobeyed without consequence places the lasting protection of our rights and liberties at risk. Every order from Congress that goes effectively unenforced weakens the institution’s ability to protect the American people from corruption or other lawless behavior from the White House. Not just this White House, but every White House from here on that believes, as Trump proclaimed recently, that Article II of the Constitution gives him “the right to do whatever I want as president.”
That’s not how any of this is supposed to work. Article II of the Constitution does not make this or any president a king. And congressional subpoenas are not mere requests. They aren’t invitations or guidelines. When issued by the branch of government closest to the people — defined in that part of the Constitution President Trump apparently skipped over, Article I — such demands are to be met, full stop. When they are refused, as President Trump is doing, that branch of government designed to interpret and apply the law — the courts, set out in Article III — is meant and designed to enforce them.
The closeness of the presidential election in 2020 has prompted many to say that seeking to hold the Trump Administration accountable through any mechanism other than ballot box is pointless, or even harmful. But it is extremely dangerous to treat what this president and his administration are doing as merely the usual stuff of political disagreement, ultimately resolved by the tally of votes. This president has repeatedly ignored or violated the Constitution. The endless stream of corruption and lawlessness threatens eroding constitutional democracy to a breaking point. If we let it pass as politics as usual, we risk normalizing this disregard for our Constitution and reducing its power and authority.
If in the future Congress wants its constitutional powers of oversight to be taken as gravely as they should be, then leaders need to take concrete steps to enforce those powers immediately. Take Trump to court quickly. Ask the courts to act expeditiously, every single time.
Anything less, appallingly weakens the Congress as an institution, gravely undermines our constitutional democracy, and sets a terrible precedent: Future presidents may be able to get away with virtually any wrongdoing they commit while in office.
Adapted from Will Trump ever face consequences? in The Hill, July 31, 2019.
for example -

i can cite all the things obama's camp did to trump that would be a direct comparison to nixon but you will fight me and say trump deserved it, trump is evil, they had suspicion... and great.

but they still went around our law to dig into trump. they still conducted many documented illegal activities you refuse to believe are illegal and yet you want me to believe this emotional tantrum you throw at me is more than spying on our gov (brennan proven) going around FISA (of which the warrants would never have been allowed had full disclosure of the FBI happened) - and you allow this "slow erosion" to happen because you're happy with the results.

great. but it's still illegal and in my mind exactly what this writer is concerned about when it comes to trump.

when you only care when side does it, i simply don't care anymore. you either care the actions are wrong regardless of who does them or you don't if you approve of the target.

you fall into approve of the target so anything is fine. then you put trump into a small box and dare him to move because you hate him.

if hate justifies all of these actions - buckle up for the return fire if biden wins. the left has blazed the trail that anything and everything is fine if you just feel the person in the white house is evil.

congrats. we're building a hell of a country with the left leading the way.
Little Rubio, Creepy Joe, Da Nang Dick, Low Energy Jeb, Lyin' Hillary, Lyin' Ted, Fat Jerry, Cheating Obama, Crazy Bernie, Pocohantas, etc., etc., etc.

It is so nasty no one can talk civilly about Trump. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
All of Trump's lies, false witness, bullying, nastiness, hypocrisy, evilness, mind-boggling stupidity, ignorance, and viciousness is finally catching up to him.

The only organized conspiracy against Trump is karma, and karma is a BITCH!
All of Trump's lies, false witness, bullying, nastiness, hypocrisy, evilness, mind-boggling stupidity, ignorance, and viciousness is finally catching up to him.

The only organized conspiracy against Trump is karma, and karma is a BITCH!
dude - you said trump told people to inject bleach in their system and gave me evidence that DOES NOT FUCKING SAY THAT.

be careful about that karma shit. karma doesn't know political parties. you lied about trump, i called you on it, you gave me "proof" that did NOT back up your claim and now you're running around accusing trump of doing the same shit you're doing in here.

quite funny. annoying as fuck but quite funny as well.
A health expert tells the room that disinfectant does a great job of killing viruses on surfaces like table and counters.

Our Retard-in-Chief then says, gosh, maybe we should look into injecting it into ourselves since it's so good at killing the virus!

Even more amazingly, to this very day we find people still desperately trying to defend this profound display of stupidity. :lol:
A health expert tells the room that disinfectant does a great job of killing viruses on surfaces like table and counters.

Our Retard-in-Chief then says, gosh, maybe we should look into injecting it into ourselves since it's so good at killing the virus!

Even more amazingly, to this very day we find people still desperately trying to defend this profound display of stupidity. :lol:
what's stupid is your prancing around mocking something you don't understand.

list out every therapy mentioned by trump and then list out where we are medically in that study.

$20 says you won't do it but come back bitching more cause that's all you got.
Little Rubio, Creepy Joe, Da Nang Dick, Low Energy Jeb, Lyin' Hillary, Lyin' Ted, Fat Jerry, Cheating Obama, Crazy Bernie, Pocohantas, etc., etc., etc.

It is so nasty no one can talk civilly about Trump. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
i never said i liked it when trump did this either. for you to carry on your conversation with ANYONE in this manner and blame trump is just you doing it cause you're a fucking dick.

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