AG Bill Barr: This is “The Closest We Have Come to an Organized Effort to Push a President Out of Office”

Calling every shot still, are you?
Man are you rotten to the F core. Yep. i laugh at slugs like you bitter to a boss your whole life. I hope you find your most cherished loved one at the bottom of 3 foot of water to know thge feeling. Imagine this. I saved him. When I began CPR a whole stream of blood and water sprayed all over my face. You would not believe how hot that water felt. Close your eyes and imagine that.
Man are you rotten to the F core. Yep. i laugh at slugs like you bitter to a boss your whole life. I hope you find your most cherished loved one at the bottom of 3 foot of water to know thge feeling. Imagine this. I saved him. When I began CPR a whole stream of blood and water sprayed all over my face. You would not believe how hot that water felt. Close your eyes and imagine that.
It shows you were not "calling every shot" silly. Sorry for your tragedy. BTW "drowned" means the person died.
Agreed, they decided they didn’t want this to run into the summer. Who knows it could still be going on. Perhaps that’s what you would have liked but I’m glad it is over. It’s a shame to have seen the gross obstruction and lack of investigatorial interest from the republicans.
Why would Republicans be interested in invstigating a farce?
That's a world record amount of denial for even a snowflake.

You might as well attempt to declare to the board 'There is no Sun' and tell people you are serious.

Sorry, it's not "denial" to denounce lies.

Nice try though.
The salient matter is whether what Trump has done..........illegally obstruct the investigations of a Special Counsel and of Congress..........eagerly accept the help of a foreign adversary (Russia) in getting elected...........solicit election help from Ukraine by extorting Zelensky..........are impeachable offenses?

The obvious answer is yes.

Which is to say the constitutional means by which the Dems sought to remove Trump was completely justified.
1. How did Trump illegally obstruct Mueller? What crime did Trump commit that Mueller was investigating?
2. Hillary paid Russians for the Steele Dossier, aka "fictitious dirt" on Trump. That is provable "collusion" with Russia "a foreign adversary", democrat collusion.
3. The Zelensky phone call was not illegal, ask Dershowitz.
4. Turley said that Trump's impeachment was an abuse of power....BY THE HOUSE.
No Rump didn't break any one law. He just broke a whole bunch of them. Clinton was caught in just one. You keep telling yourself that lie. Can't wait to see what it's going to be like watching Rump on November 3rd. You think he's entertaining now, here, hold his beer.
what were the laws that he broke
What a bunch of BS!
The ONLY coup is coming from INSIDE the WH and from the Orange Blob in the Oval Office!
Trump is taking advantage of, and manufacturing emergencies, just to give him excuses to try and take over.
Will he do it? Is he totalitarian enough and egotistical enough to THINK he is God's Gift to America?
I guess we will have to wait until November to see if he cancels the elections, rigs the elections or ignores his loss.

Manufacturing emergencies?

Do you always mix your meds with your booze?
What fantasy?
The fantasy that there is a deep state, and it's out to get Trump.

What is true is there are dedicated civil servants committed to doing their jobs who respond negatively to this lawless prez.
The salient matter is whether what Trump has done..........illegally obstruct the investigations of a Special Counsel and of Congress..........eagerly accept the help of a foreign adversary (Russia) in getting elected...........solicit election help from Ukraine by extorting Zelensky..........are impeachable offenses?

The obvious answer is yes.

Which is to say the constitutional means by which the Dems sought to remove Trump was completely justified.
The fact is.............Billy the Bagman is a willing participant in the most corrupt admin in America's history.

"The president is vindictive, particularly toward law enforcement officials, and Berman’s office has done a number of things that have upset Trump. It prosecuted Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal lawyer—labeling the president “Individual 1” in the process—for, among other things, a scheme in which Cohen coordinated the payment of hush money to women who claimed to have had sex with Trump. (Berman was recused from that matter.) It also prosecuted Halkbank, a Turkish government-owned bank Berman’s office indicted for violating sanctions against Iran. Former National Security Advisor John Bolton recently claimed in his book that Trump personally promised Turkish President Erdogan that he would intervene in the case.

Writes Bolton, “Trump . . . told Erdogan he would take care of things, explaining that the Southern District prosecutors were not his people but were Obama people, a problem that would be fixed when they were replaced with his people.” (Berman is, in fact, not an Obama person, but never mind that.)"

That's why Trump won't
Capones tax returns landed him in jail
you really wanting a war dude? are you so convinced the world has cheated you personally that you are willing to destroy the constitution to get rid of trump?

rest assured if that should happen NO ONE is going to like where are after that but it's too late. you've justified "any means necessary" because you've got the emotional control of a 2 year old.
The fact is.............Billy the Bagman is a willing participant in the most corrupt admin in America's history.

"The president is vindictive, particularly toward law enforcement officials, and Berman’s office has done a number of things that have upset Trump. It prosecuted Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal lawyer—labeling the president “Individual 1” in the process—for, among other things, a scheme in which Cohen coordinated the payment of hush money to women who claimed to have had sex with Trump. (Berman was recused from that matter.) It also prosecuted Halkbank, a Turkish government-owned bank Berman’s office indicted for violating sanctions against Iran. Former National Security Advisor John Bolton recently claimed in his book that Trump personally promised Turkish President Erdogan that he would intervene in the case.

Writes Bolton, “Trump . . . told Erdogan he would take care of things, explaining that the Southern District prosecutors were not his people but were Obama people, a problem that would be fixed when they were replaced with his people.” (Berman is, in fact, not an Obama person, but never mind that.)"

bolton is about to get sued. you may want to stop shouting shit just because some asswhipe wrote a book saying ITS TRUE ITS TRUE and you simply want it to be.

ya fuck. so god damn tired of people emotionally forever lost within their ID persona.
The fantasy that there is a deep state, and it's out to get Trump.

What is true is there are dedicated civil servants committed to doing their jobs who respond negatively to this lawless prez.
> nothing found after 3 years of searching
> no convictions of anything related to RUSSIA
> FBI lied and falsified evidence to get warrants
> FBI setup people and did not follow process and procedures in their work
> many who participated are now in Barrs sights, so sure you're not going to attack Barr. it's what you fucks do. unfortunately it's what has spilled into what people now do because you've made it "acceptable" to attack people openly you don't like.

> phone call only
> no direct evidence, just your own speculation that ties things together
> witness jacking and neither side doing much close to accepted process
> total failure

> general bullshit day after day lying about him
> lying about lafayette sq activities
> lying about anything trump does
> lying about covid responses
> calling him racist because he stopped foreigners from entering the country
> the list goes on and on

so in short - go fuck yourself and this fantasy shit. y'all have done gone and pushed shit way out of any form of reasonable behavior and shit is about to start flying moreso than it is.
The fantasy that there is a deep state, and it's out to get Trump.

What is true is there are dedicated civil servants committed to doing their jobs who respond negatively to this lawless prez.
I agree
1. How did Trump illegally obstruct Mueller? What crime did Trump commit that Mueller was investigating?
2. Hillary paid Russians for the Steele Dossier, aka "fictitious dirt" on Trump. That is provable "collusion" with Russia "a foreign adversary", democrat collusion.
3. The Zelensky phone call was not illegal, ask Dershowitz.
4. Turley said that Trump's impeachment was an abuse of power....BY THE HOUSE.
1. The mueller report laid out a dozen instances of obstruction
2. Paying a company for Oppo research is very different than what Trumps “collusion” was being investigated for. Stop playing games:
3. Agreed, the phone call was not illegal. Trump is allowed to talk to other leaders. If he held up funds to peruse a personal agenda And not national policy then that would be illegal.
4. Good for Turley... I personally think impeachment was a poor decision
He is so correct. The Obama coup plotters will be brought to justice. They are terrified of U.S. Attorney John Durham.

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It's unbelievable. There is a definitely a conspiracy to unseat the Fuhrer. There are people who actually dare to join an opposition party and campaign against our dear feeble leader.

They have actually organized their effort to defeat him! They are running ads on TV, for chrissakes! They are telling Americans to vote for some other guy. It's downright blatant, this coup.

This whole idea of a democracy is an outrage when we have a man like Donald Trump to watch over us and tell us what to think and bleev whether it is based on reality or not!

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