AG Bill Barr: This is “The Closest We Have Come to an Organized Effort to Push a President Out of Office”

What a bunch of BS!
The ONLY coup is coming from INSIDE the WH and from the Orange Blob in the Oval Office!
Trump is taking advantage of, and manufacturing emergencies, just to give him excuses to try and take over.
Will he do it? Is he totalitarian enough and egotistical enough to THINK he is God's Gift to America?
I guess we will have to wait until November to see if he cancels the elections, rigs the elections or ignores his loss.
Donald Trump walks on Water. Holy! HOLY! HOLY! --Donald Trump almighty--Early in the Morning--We sing this song to Thee!
Barr has is head so far up Trumps ass he can see Pence driving out
You HATE the fact that a HIGHLY respected -by both Democrat and Republican - AG replaced the confessed criminal Rosenstein and for the 1st time in 8 years the US has a true man of the law to uphold justice, one that is now holding criminal Democrats accountable...

You HATE the fact that a HIGHLY respected -by both Democrat and Republican - AG replaced the confessed criminal Rosenstein and for the 1st time in 8 years the US has a true man of the law to uphold justice, one that is now holding criminal Democrats accountable...


Barr is not repected by anyone. Barr is the criminal. He is about as much of a man of the law as Al Capone was.
On my death bed, I'll remember retiring at 50 self made calling every shot in my life laughing at fools here slaving to a God Damned boss. If I had a boss, I would not want to live. A Proletariat is an awful waste of life.

What will you remember?

I'll remember how many losers in real life went on to claim to be successes on the Internet. Are you living on dividend income too? LOL
I'll remember how many losers in real life went on to claim to be successes on the Internet. Are you living on dividend income too? LOL
If someone is going to flame me, I give them reality, plain and simple. My son drowned yrs ago and needs life time care now. Fortunately I was able to retire and take care of him full time. Now what the F do you have to say now? It was an internet drowning?
Why aren't they favourable to Republicans? They were mostly appointed by Republicans.

It's not the judges who aren't "favourable to Republicans", it's the evidence. The stuff you need for indictments and convictions. Trump has been called by the judges time and time again on his sloppy paper work. Trump tries to take short cuts and doesn't follow procedures. Trump doesn't want to do the work to get stuff done. He just wants to sign an Executive Order, and it magically happens. Like when Kings issued decrees. Make it so Number One.

A Tri-Part Constitutional Republic doesn't work like that. You can't cut corners or govern by decree. You have to discussion, a consideration of arguments of interested parties, and a study of the impact, both positive and negative, of what you want to do. Democracy is inefficient, messy and argumentative. Dictatorships are easier. Republicans who don't want to consider any one else's needs or points of view but their own, want to end democracy.

It doesn't work that way.
"Make it so Number One." how dare you? lol

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