AG Bill Barr: This is “The Closest We Have Come to an Organized Effort to Push a President Out of Office”


The senate is the "trial phase". Who ever heard of a trial with no evidence, no witness, no testimony?
You just summed up the failed House Democrat admitted politically partisan Impeachmet.
Bwuhahahaha.....keep it up snowflake....and no one will ever take you seriously again...
I'll keep telling the truth, even if it offends tRumplings.

Mostly because I don't care what tRumplings think. If the do.
Before the Papadopoulos conversation with the Clinton sycophant from Australia, there was only Mifsud, who planted the information about Russian possession of e-mails on Papadopoulos.

When it is finally exposed who Mifsud was working for---and it was NOT the Russians--then the whole conspiracy will have been exposed. I would look for Brennan to be behind it all. Barr-Durham already know.

And Barr has called it "one of the greatest travesties in American history".

Justice grinds slow, but grinds fine.

The Press is trying to ignore ObamaGate
They subpoenaed tones of witnesses. They ignored them.
N o crime.

No evidence.

No witnesses.

Schiff attempted to submit a personally authored fake transcript as evidence.

One of Schiff's witnesses declared BIDEN should be subpoenaed and investigated.

Democrats ADMITTED there was no crime and declared Impeachment does not require a crime having been committed...

...right before confessing theirs was the 1st politically partisan Impeachment in US history.

I can't tell if you are completely ignorant or if part of it is your intentionally being false, denying reality with your last breath.

What a bunch of BS!
The ONLY coup is coming from INSIDE the WH and from the Orange Blob in the Oval Office!
Trump is taking advantage of, and manufacturing emergencies, just to give him excuses to try and take over.
Will he do it? Is he totalitarian enough and egotistical enough to THINK he is God's Gift to America?
I guess we will have to wait until November to see if he cancels the elections, rigs the elections or ignores his loss.
You can take that to the conspiracy realm.
The Attorney General's hands are tied as to what he can do. He is not a dictator. He has to accept political realities. He knows that juries in D.C. are hardly favorable to Republicans. No one is foolish enough to believe that there is any actual "justice."
it was an assault on our democracy* and if it is allowed to go unchallenged the days of our democracy* are numbered
N o crime.

No evidence.

No witnesses.

Schiff attempted to submit a personally authored fake transcript as evidence.

One of Schiff's witnesses declared BIDEN should be subpoenaed and investigated.

Democrats ADMITTED there was no crime and declared Impeachment does not require a crime having been committed...

...right before confessing theirs was the 1st politically partisan Impeachment in US history.

I can't tell if you are completely ignorant or if part of it is your intentionally being false, denying reality with your last breath.

That's a whole lotta lies for one post, Son.
They failed to pursue their subpoenas in court. They have only themselves to blame.
Agreed, they decided they didn’t want this to run into the summer. Who knows it could still be going on. Perhaps that’s what you would have liked but I’m glad it is over. It’s a shame to have seen the gross obstruction and lack of investigatorial interest from the republicans.
It is when in the effort to purge the voter rolls, they take thousands of legal voters off.
Why is it such a big problem to have legitimate Voters. We have great computer programs to run voter registration. When a person dies they should be required to take them off of the voter roles.
I want only valid voters too bri BUT WHY make it difficult for valid voters to vote ?? Why not make it easier ? You know the answer but I'll tell you anyway The more folks come out to vote the less chance republicans have to win
what is so difficult about it?

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