AG Garland Calls Trump's Bluff

Fatty McCoup could have released the warrant any time. And yet he didn't. He played the drama queen for you rubes. Then the rubes started demanding to see the warrant. And STILL Trump didn't release it.

Now Garland has called his bluff.

sure thing. LOLOL Be sure to get into the meat of the article.

Fatty McCoup could have released the warrant any time. And yet he didn't. He played the drama queen for you rubes. Then the rubes started demanding to see the warrant. And STILL Trump didn't release it.

Now Garland has called his bluff.
Nothing you say justifies this raid on a president of the United States...
Hey dope. The warrant is just a form that gets blanks filled in. It gets signed by the “judge” allowing the agents to seize the specified items. So what? We will learn what items they sought. Zzzzz

The receipt or return just generically says what was recovered. “Uh. 15 boxes with documents and a doodle,”

What the sleazy AG isn’t asking to have unsealed is the stuff upon which they made their claim that there was probable cause. You know. The stuff we actually care to see?

Don’t be so gullible.
Nice try. You tards were demanding to see the warrant.

Now you'll see it.

It is not surprising now that your bluff has been called, you are trying to move the goalposts.
Nice try. You tards were demanding to see the warrant.

Now you'll see it.

It is not surprising now that your bluff has been called, you are trying to move the goalposts.
Remember when you loony fucks and Pencil Neck Schiff said all this same shit during the Robert Mueller dog and pony show? Do you ignorant fools ever get tired of making complete fucking asses of yourselves in public?
Remember when you loony fucks and Pencil Neck Schiff said all this same shit during the Robert Mueller dog and pony show? Do you ignorant fools ever get tired of making complete fucking asses of yourselves in public?
Mueller established beyond all doubt that Vladimir Putin gave Donald Trump a leg up into the White House.

Mueller also established Trump obstructed justice at least three times in his attempt to prevent Mueller from getting to the truth.

I realize you did not read the evidence for yourself and only parrot what you are told to parrot. But that's on you.
He is referred to as President Trump... like it or not....
WHOO! How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

Hey Garland we don't hate the FBI or the DOJ we just hate what you and Comey and Obama and Wray did to them....
Do your job fairly....

NASA was making a comeback under Trump... but the dems took over and cut their spending.... just like Obama did....

Everything was better under Trump... than with Obama and Biden....

A judge is ordering the Justice Department to speak with Trump’s lawyers to find out if they’ll object the motion to unseal the warrant. The DOJ has until 3 p.m. Friday to tell the judge what Trump has decided.

A search warrant is normally kept confidential to protect the person under investigation, but Garland has faced intense criticism to disclose it.

What will Trump do now?

He could have made the search warrant public. By law, FBI agents were required to leave a copy behind.

But he didn’t.


Because he wanted to incite his followers against the Justice Department and proclaim himself the victim instead of owning up to his mistakes or even potential crimes.

Will Republicans now demand Trump to unseal the warrant? That’s what they said they wanted, so they must.

But will they? Don’t hold your breath.
If Trump wanted to incite his followers he would have just fired them up with a speech.

The DOJ and the FBI are hoping for another January 6th type event.

Trump is smart enough not to fall into that trap. So far the Trump supporters have behaved themselves. No riots, no cities burning. Just waiting for the Midterm Elections to gain control of both Houses of Congress.
If Trump wanted to incite his followers he would have just fired them up with a speech.

The DOJ and the FBI are hoping for another January 6th type event.

Trump is smart enough not to fall into that trap. So far the Trump supporters have behaved themselves. No riots, no cities burning. Just waiting for the Midterm Elections to gain control of both Houses of Congress.
Just a credulous tard with an AR charging into an FBI office so far and getting himself blown away.

No big deal, amiright?
Nice try. You tards were demanding to see the warrant.

Now you'll see it.

It is not surprising now that your bluff has been called, you are trying to move the goalposts.
You’re the tard. I do want to see the warrant. I do want to see the return on the warrant. But most particularly I want to see the application and the supporting documents.

This shit isn’t hard to understand for people with any brains at all. I understand why it’s so hard for you.
Mueller established beyond all doubt that Vladimir Putin gave Donald Trump a leg up into the White House.

Mueller also established Trump obstructed justice at least three times in his attempt to prevent Mueller from getting to the truth.

I realize you did not read the evidence for yourself and only parrot what you are told to parrot. But that's on you.
Should we believe a whacked out mind-fucked TDS’er in cyberspace or should we believe what all the Dem complicit media said?
Why no “obstruction” charges?

Garland Moves to Release Details on Search of Trump’s Home

So you've all been demanding the release of the warrant, eh?

Be careful what you ask for. Garland has called your bluff.

Now that the AG has asked the judge to allow him to release the warrant to the public, along with an inventory of what was seized at Trump's hideout, Trump has until 3 pm tomorrow to put the kibosh on the request.

Will he? What excuse will he give?

Mr. Garland said he had personally approved the search after the failure of “less intrusive” attempts to retrieve material taken from the White House by Mr. Trump.
Mr. Garland provided no details. But the person briefed on the matter said investigators had been concerned about material from what the government calls “special access programs,” a designation even more classified than “top secret” that is typically reserved for extremely sensitive operations carried out by the United States abroad or for closely held technologies and capabilities.

Government officials have expressed concern that allowing highly classified materials to remain at Mr. Trump’s home could leave them vulnerable to efforts by foreign adversaries to acquire them, according to another person familiar with the Justice Department’s thinking.
I could care less about the warrant! I want to see the affidavit that the DOJ presented to the judge that issued the warrant!

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