AG Garland Calls Trump's Bluff

Remember when you loony fucks and Pencil Neck Schiff said all this same shit during the Robert Mueller dog and pony show? Do you ignorant fools ever get tired of making complete fucking asses of yourselves in public?
They do not.

Like the Nazis they emulate, they are sadomasochists.
Should we believe a whacked out mind-fucked TDS’er in cyberspace or should we believe what all the Dem complicit media said?
Why no “obstruction” charges?

I did not say Mueller found evidence Trump colluded. I said he found evidence Putin gave Trump a leg up.

He did find evidence of Trump campaign members who did collude with Russia. And they were convicted.

You clearly did not read the report. This is what Trump counts on from you rubes.
He's not the president.

And you don't know jack shit on whether Fatty McCoup committed a crime worthy of a raid.

Fatty McCoup is not above the law.

If he committed a crime worthy of a raid the commies would have went to a real judge instead of some lowly magistrate Obama campaign donor. Given his TDS Tweets he should have recused himself immediately. But they went to him for a reason.
We'll see how bored you are if they were seeking documents related to nuclear weapons.
Pretty bored. A. I wouldn’t assume it was a genuine concern. B. I can’t wait to see the basis for that alleged concern. C. And “nuclear documents” is an awfully vague term anyway.

I’m sure this nonsense will occupy your gullible mind though. 😂
Mueller established beyond all doubt that Vladimir Putin gave Donald Trump a leg up into the White House.

Mueller also established Trump obstructed justice at least three times in his attempt to prevent Mueller from getting to the truth.

I realize you did not read the evidence for yourself and only parrot what you are told to parrot. But that's on you.

That is not true.
The Mueller investigation found that Russia did nothing to influence the election at all.
Don't worry, rubes. All the dirty laundry will be aired eventually.

And none of you will read it for yourselves. You'll have long been gaslighted by then.

Deep down inside you know its true.
They do not.

Like the Nazis they emulate, thay are sadomasochists.
g5000 should just admit…he sucked a dudes dick once and he knows Trump would never approve so therefore he hates Trumps politics….That’s literally the case with all these loons… Mac1958 has close ties with those here on stolen citizenships/barely legals.
It’s the same shit every time.
“I have a white daughter who likes black radiator hose therefore I hate Trump.”
“I have a faggot son that likes dick so I hate Trump.”
“I married a wetback so I hate Trump.”
“I love abortions so I hate Trump.”
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Just a credulous tard with an AR charging into an FBI office so far and getting himself blown away.

No big deal, amiright?
With millions and millions of Trump supporters there are bound to be a few nuts. I have no idea what this fool thought he was going to accomplish. Sounds like suicide by cop to me.

Now if 10 or 20 Trump supporters organize and start attacking FBI offices we have a real problem. It is my belief and hope that Tump supporters are smart enough to not do anything that stupid as it would be playing into the hands of those who fear Trump and want to make sure he doesn’t win in 2024.
I did not say Mueller found evidence Trump colluded. I said he found evidence Putin gave Trump a leg up.

He did find evidence of Trump campaign members who did collude with Russia. And they were convicted.

You clearly did not read the report. This is what Trump counts on from you rubes.

Colluding is perfectly legal, but a foreign power aiding a campaign is illegal.
However, Mueller found absolutely no evidence of Russia having any effect on the election at all.

Yes he found campaign members frequently meeting with Russians, but that is collusion and perfectly legal.
No one in Trump's campaign was ever found guilty of "colluding" with anyone.
It would be impossible, since "culluding" is not a criminal offense.
Here are examples:

{... Paul Manafort was found guilty of tax fraud and bank fraud in a jury trial in August 2018. A month later, he pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges related to money laundering, lobbying violations and witness tampering. ...}

Trump’s former personal lawyer is serving a three-year prison sentence at home due to the coronavirus pandemic. He pleaded guilty in August 2018 to crimes including orchestrating ‘hush money’ payments before the 2016 election to women who had said they had sexual encounters with Trump. ...}

The retired Army lieutenant general served as Trump’s national security adviser for less than a month in 2017. He pleaded guilty that year to lying to the FBI about his interactions with Russia’s ambassador to the United States in the weeks before Trump took office. ...}

NONE of these involved any Russian effect on the election, at all, in any way.
I did not say Mueller found evidence Trump colluded. I said he found evidence Putin gave Trump a leg up.

He did find evidence of Trump campaign members who did collude with Russia. And they were convicted.

You clearly did not read the report. This is what Trump counts on from you rubes.
Holy fuck, I thought you hate moving the goalposts?
The $50M witch-hunt had nothing to do with “a leg up”……hahaha…dude you’re broken beyond repair.
Now the FBI is saying this wasn't a "raid".... no no no... we didn't raid the former president of the united states home..... we just stopped by with 40 agents and as many as 60 agents patrolling the bay in gun boats and militarized men and woman surrounding the perimeter of the resort....

Are you libs kidding us... how in the hell can you defend this?....
Don't worry, rubes. All the dirty laundry will be aired eventually.

And none of you will read it for yourselves. You'll have long been gaslighted by then.

Deep down inside you know its true.
Deep down and right at surface level we see that you’re an imbecile.
If he committed a crime worthy of a raid the commies would have went to a real judge instead of some lowly magistrate Obama campaign donor. Given his TDS Tweets he should have recused himself immediately. But they went to him for a reason.

And now the Useful Idiots are falling for "documents relating to nuclear weapons". Um. Can we just ponder for a moment ALL of the documents that might be meaningless that might "relate to nuclear weapons". You could say that the cocktail napkin that Trump kept when he met with Kim Jong Un was "related to nuclear weapons" since that's what they discussed. The useless govt bureaucracies are masters at making meetings to talk about meeting and minutiae, and generating paper.

I picture our local court eunuchs whipping themselves into a dancing frenzy about "nuclear documents" and it's a supply order for bolts or something. I'm not exaggerating.
Colluding is perfectly legal, but a foreign power aiding a campaign is illegal.
However, Mueller found absolutely no evidence of Russia having any effect on the election at all.

Yes he found campaign members frequently meeting with Russians, but that is collusion and perfectly legal.
No one in Trump's campaign was ever found guilty of "colluding" with anyone.
It would be impossible, since "culluding" is not a criminal offense.
Here are examples:

{... Paul Manafort was found guilty of tax fraud and bank fraud in a jury trial in August 2018. A month later, he pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges related to money laundering, lobbying violations and witness tampering. ...}

Trump’s former personal lawyer is serving a three-year prison sentence at home due to the coronavirus pandemic. He pleaded guilty in August 2018 to crimes including orchestrating ‘hush money’ payments before the 2016 election to women who had said they had sexual encounters with Trump. ...}

The retired Army lieutenant general served as Trump’s national security adviser for less than a month in 2017. He pleaded guilty that year to lying to the FBI about his interactions with Russia’s ambassador to the United States in the weeks before Trump took office. ...}

NONE of these involved any Russian effect on the election, at all, in any way.

What he (and Mueller) were talking about were some ads on Facebook that nobody pays attention to. We all quickly scroll by advertisements on the news feed. Very few if any base their vote on WTF they seen on Facebook even if they read it. There is zero evidence any of those ads had any effect on the election.
The White House... of course... and by the white house I don't necessarily mean Joe Biden....

Correct. That's why I want to see a name and background of who did initiate it. To get a warrant for something like this you have to present to the court probable cause. So what was the information this person had to present probable cause? The only person that is privy to that information was Wray, because Trump complied with the FBI looking into any paperwork he had, and even told his aids "give them anything they ask for." Nobody else seen the documents Trump was in possession of outside of the Left-BI.

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