AG lynch on CA shootings- "wonderful moment to really make significant change."


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
People are already saying this was another false flag shooting like sandy hook to get gun control passed. Talk like this will encourage such conspiracy talk.

Loretta Lynch on San Bernardino: ‘Wonderful Opportunity ... to Make Changes’

dec 3 2015 "Let me simply say that whatever the results of this investigation, we county know a lot right now. But one thing is clear that violence like this has no place in this country and in this nation. (Applause) This is not what we stand for. This is not what we do. This is not what we work for. It is not what we live for. It is antithetical to our values. I don't have any operational updates for you at this time. Those will come later from local authorities who are on the scene, but I do want to express my deepest condolences and ask that you join me in standing with our colleague, friends and partners in San Bernardino suffering with this and add all of our thoughts and prayers here today now at this time. Because we're at the point where these issues have come together really like never before in law enforcement thought and in our nation's history and it gives us a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change."
Obama calls Paris attacks a 'setback'
Lynch calls Ca attack 'wonderful opportunity'

WTF is wrong with these PEOPLE?

...and continuing to ignore threat and unphased by yet another successful terrorist attack on US soil in his watch, Obama continues to demand that thousands of poorly vetted Muslim 'refugees' from 'terror central' be brought to the US.

If he continues to demand bringing them here, instead of insisting Americans be DISarmed, he should csll for more Americans to be armed so they'll have a fighting chance.
Obama ignored the call for better background checks on Syrians....and terrorists attack Americans in Ca. Maybe he's focusing on the wrong people....

I think all of them are.

If not stopped by Harry Weed and the Democrats, Kate's Law might have been law today.

So DumBama wants to extend background checks for all US citizens, but promised he would veto a bill that would have imprisoned convicted foreign felons in the US if they came back to our country once deported.

But the Democrats are not looking for more control.....noooooo, they are looking out for the people.
With that "Wonderful Opportunity" statement, it is clear Lynch is just the next Lib Stooge running the DOJ. I can't emphasize how bad that is for America. You have 2 of the 3 branches of our government run by Liberal extremists that protect their policies even if it costs American lives. Again I say to you Liberals WAKE UP!
What a sick, twisted fucking twat, "a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change."
...and continuing to ignore threat and unphased by yet another successful terrorist attack on US soil in his watch, Obama continues to demand that thousands of poorly vetted Muslim 'refugees' from 'terror central' be brought to the US.

Obama uses reverse vetting on his muslim pals. If you're poor and unskilled and illiterate you get to come here since people like that will go on welfare and vote dem the rest of their lives.

But if you got a PHD in engineering or IT, you ain't got no chance.
It's interesting that the democrat politician who coined the phrase "never let a crisis go to waste" is now embroiled in a crisis that he is desperate to downplay. Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel is under fire for the Police shooting of a Black man. He fired the (white) chief of Police but the usually platonic democrat base wants his ass too. Will the rest of the idiotic left wing democrat party continue to risk their careers by attacking the NRA while the jihad is murdering American citizens?
It's a government of aliens, people who hate America. How we're not at torches and pitchforks is just amazing
It's interesting that the democrat politician who coined the phrase "never let a crisis go to waste" is now embroiled in a crisis that he is desperate to downplay. Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel is under fire for the Police shooting of a Black man. He fired the (white) chief of Police but the usually platonic democrat base wants his ass too. Will the rest of the idiotic left wing democrat party continue to risk their careers by attacking the NRA while the jihad is murdering American citizens?

Perhaps..... but on the other hand, if all else fails, just blame Bush.
It's a government of aliens, people who hate America. How we're not at torches and pitchforks is just amazing

Would have been amazing 40 years ago but today all white people are gutless wimps. Not only will they not fight physically, they are afraid to even SAY anything non-pc.

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