AG Sessions: "'amazed' judge 'on an island in the Pacific' halted Trump travel order

Sessions 'amazed' judge 'on an island in the Pacific' halted Trump travel order
Sessions 'amazed' judge 'on an island in the Pacific' halted Trump travel order

I'm personally amazed that a rednecked, pig-headed, ignorant confirmed racist from one of the stoooopidest states in the South got to be AG. Oh, wait! His BOSS is too!
What's much more concerning is Sessions' amazement over how the judicial system works in the United States. For the top lawyer in the US to be confused over how a federal judge can rule federal EO as unconstitutional is a really bad sign. I'm guessing that, like Trump and his diehard supporters, anyone who disagrees with Dear Leader is wrong, and anything Dear Leader does is right. Sad, really.
Dumb post. Where does it say he doesn't understand? It says he doesn't agree it was unconstitutional. Learn to read.
Don't know why Hawaii is even a state. All it is is an island chain of food stamp recipients and tweakers. It's a matter of time this works through and this judge gets relocated back to eating spam and continuing to not matter.
Haha, yeah! It's super fun to respond to a worrying and complex political issue with racism and stereotyping. Good for you, mate!

It's super gay to scream racism and stereotyping when ever you see anything you don't like. It's lazy . I did nothing but point out facts. To go to race is cowardly and just lazy.
Not quite accurate. Calling all Hawaiians "food stamp recipients and tweakers" as well as "eating spam" is racist — unless you're attacking an entire state of US citizens because ... what, they vote Democrat? They live far away? Maybe I'm wrong and, instead of being a racist, you're just a garden-variety jerk.

If you think those are facts, then post some evidence. Go ahead and link to data showing all Hawaiians are on food stamps, eat spam, and use meth.

But what can I expect from someone that still thinks "gay" is a fun pejorative to toss around?
If our Attorney General isn't familiar with how these orders work, we got trouble in River City. How can he be A.G. without knowing how this stuff works?

I think you're missing the point. But I am sure the Hawaiians, otherwise known as Americans, got it spot on.
Sessions 'amazed' judge 'on an island in the Pacific' halted Trump travel order
Sessions 'amazed' judge 'on an island in the Pacific' halted Trump travel order

I'm personally amazed that a rednecked, pig-headed, ignorant confirmed racist from one of the stoooopidest states in the South got to be AG. Oh, wait! His BOSS is too!
What's much more concerning is Sessions' amazement over how the judicial system works in the United States. For the top lawyer in the US to be confused over how a federal judge can rule federal EO as unconstitutional is a really bad sign. I'm guessing that, like Trump and his diehard supporters, anyone who disagrees with Dear Leader is wrong, and anything Dear Leader does is right. Sad, really.
Dumb post. Where does it say he doesn't understand? It says he doesn't agree it was unconstitutional. Learn to read.

The headline says it all. Even shallow, non-readers like yourself should be able to grasp the core problem with what Sessions said.
If our Attorney General isn't familiar with how these orders work, we got trouble in River City. How can he be A.G. without knowing how this stuff works?
When did he say he didn't know how the orders worked? The point is that he can't believe the judge ruled that way. Try to keep up.

No, that's not the point. He is referring to this judge as if he oversees a court in Borneo or Tahiti. Very fucking condescending, especially coming from someone who would have trouble debating Forrest Gump.
Sessions 'amazed' judge 'on an island in the Pacific' halted Trump travel order
Sessions 'amazed' judge 'on an island in the Pacific' halted Trump travel order

I'm personally amazed that a rednecked, pig-headed, ignorant confirmed racist from one of the stoooopidest states in the South got to be AG. Oh, wait! His BOSS is too!
What's much more concerning is Sessions' amazement over how the judicial system works in the United States. For the top lawyer in the US to be confused over how a federal judge can rule federal EO as unconstitutional is a really bad sign. I'm guessing that, like Trump and his diehard supporters, anyone who disagrees with Dear Leader is wrong, and anything Dear Leader does is right. Sad, really.
Dumb post. Where does it say he doesn't understand? It says he doesn't agree it was unconstitutional. Learn to read.

The headline says it all. Even shallow, non-readers like yourself should be able to grasp the core problem with what Sessions said.
LOL, you can't grasp more than a headline and criticize others?
some info on this judge from 'hawaii . --- Hawaii judge who blocked travel ban: Who is Derrick Watson? - --- he was an 'obama' appointee . I have also heard that this 'spam' eating black robed tyrant went to school with 'mrobama' Guffin .

Gee, you "heard" he went to school with ...who? Wow! You are the man!
The CNN article is fairly factual about Watson's background.
But nice try to stir something up about what appears to be a federal judge who understands the law a hell of a lot better than you do.
If our Attorney General isn't familiar with how these orders work, we got trouble in River City. How can he be A.G. without knowing how this stuff works?
When did he say he didn't know how the orders worked? The point is that he can't believe the judge ruled that way. Try to keep up.

No, that's not the point. He is referring to this judge as if he oversees a court in Borneo or Tahiti. Very fucking condescending, especially coming from someone who would have trouble debating Forrest Gump.
Well, sure, how can you debate a fictional character in a movie? The judge is an Obama buddy, and no one is more condescending than Obama. Just because you hate someone it doesn't make them stupid.
Don't know why Hawaii is even a state. All it is is an island chain of food stamp recipients and tweakers. It's a matter of time this works through and this judge gets relocated back to eating spam and continuing to not matter.
Haha, yeah! It's super fun to respond to a worrying and complex political issue with racism and stereotyping. Good for you, mate!

It's super gay to scream racism and stereotyping when ever you see anything you don't like. It's lazy . I did nothing but point out facts. To go to race is cowardly and just lazy.
Not quite accurate. Calling all Hawaiians "food stamp recipients and tweakers" as well as "eating spam" is racist — unless you're attacking an entire state of US citizens because ... what, they vote Democrat? They live far away? Maybe I'm wrong and, instead of being a racist, you're just a garden-variety jerk.

If you think those are facts, then post some evidence. Go ahead and link to data showing all Hawaiians are on food stamps, eat spam, and use meth.

But what can I expect from someone that still thinks "gay" is a fun pejorative to toss around?

Not racist at all. It's a fact. If kids on the main land were as fat and unhealthy as the island kids people would be getting arrested for abuse/neglect. All Hawaii is is an Indian reservation in the pacific and like Indian reservations, it tends to look nice where tourists go, but the rest of the place is filled with fat spam eating tweakers .
Sessions 'amazed' judge 'on an island in the Pacific' halted Trump travel order
Sessions 'amazed' judge 'on an island in the Pacific' halted Trump travel order

I'm personally amazed that a rednecked, pig-headed, ignorant confirmed racist from one of the stoooopidest states in the South got to be AG. Oh, wait! His BOSS is too!
What's much more concerning is Sessions' amazement over how the judicial system works in the United States. For the top lawyer in the US to be confused over how a federal judge can rule federal EO as unconstitutional is a really bad sign. I'm guessing that, like Trump and his diehard supporters, anyone who disagrees with Dear Leader is wrong, and anything Dear Leader does is right. Sad, really.
Dumb post. Where does it say he doesn't understand? It says he doesn't agree it was unconstitutional. Learn to read.

The headline says it all. Even shallow, non-readers like yourself should be able to grasp the core problem with what Sessions said.
LOL, you can't grasp more than a headline and criticize others?

Sessions didn't say that? Shucks, just when I thought I could toss you a softball and you still didn't catch it.
Sessions 'amazed' judge 'on an island in the Pacific' halted Trump travel order
Sessions 'amazed' judge 'on an island in the Pacific' halted Trump travel order

I'm personally amazed that a rednecked, pig-headed, ignorant confirmed racist from one of the stoooopidest states in the South got to be AG. Oh, wait! His BOSS is too!
What's much more concerning is Sessions' amazement over how the judicial system works in the United States. For the top lawyer in the US to be confused over how a federal judge can rule federal EO as unconstitutional is a really bad sign. I'm guessing that, like Trump and his diehard supporters, anyone who disagrees with Dear Leader is wrong, and anything Dear Leader does is right. Sad, really.
Dumb post. Where does it say he doesn't understand? It says he doesn't agree it was unconstitutional. Learn to read.

The headline says it all. Even shallow, non-readers like yourself should be able to grasp the core problem with what Sessions said.
LOL, you can't grasp more than a headline and criticize others?

Sessions didn't say that? Shucks, just when I thought I could toss you a softball and you still didn't catch it.
See above.
some info on this judge from 'hawaii . --- Hawaii judge who blocked travel ban: Who is Derrick Watson? - --- he was an 'obama' appointee . I have also heard that this 'spam' eating black robed tyrant went to school with 'mrobama' Guffin .

Gee, you "heard" he went to school with ...who? Wow! You are the man!
The CNN article is fairly factual about Watson's background.
But nice try to stir something up about what appears to be a federal judge who understands the law a hell of a lot better than you do.
-------------------------------------------------- i smell collusion as mrobama and the judge work together . As i said , the judge is an 'obama' appointee and they went to law school together plus i provided links 2020 !!
Don't know why Hawaii is even a state. All it is is an island chain of food stamp recipients and tweakers. It's a matter of time this works through and this judge gets relocated back to eating spam and continuing to not matter.
Haha, yeah! It's super fun to respond to a worrying and complex political issue with racism and stereotyping. Good for you, mate!

It's super gay to scream racism and stereotyping when ever you see anything you don't like. It's lazy . I did nothing but point out facts. To go to race is cowardly and just lazy.
Not quite accurate. Calling all Hawaiians "food stamp recipients and tweakers" as well as "eating spam" is racist — unless you're attacking an entire state of US citizens because ... what, they vote Democrat? They live far away? Maybe I'm wrong and, instead of being a racist, you're just a garden-variety jerk.

If you think those are facts, then post some evidence. Go ahead and link to data showing all Hawaiians are on food stamps, eat spam, and use meth.

But what can I expect from someone that still thinks "gay" is a fun pejorative to toss around?

Not racist at all. It's a fact. If kids on the main land were as fat and unhealthy as the island kids people would be getting arrested for abuse/neglect. All Hawaii is is an Indian reservation in the pacific and like Indian reservations, it tends to look nice where tourists go, but the rest of the place is filled with fat spam eating tweakers .

Stupid, ignorant post. Wrong.
Yellow states are the most healthy and thinnest.
Red states are the fattest.
Note that Hawaii is in the yellow.
Sessions' redneck Alabama is one of the fattest ones.

The left wants to admit non vetted truly ignorant people into the U.S. (so ignorant that France had to post signs on beaches that warn the male refugees that it's not O.K. to rape a scantily clad woman) and at the same time they refer to an entire State as stoooopid. At every turn radical angry borderline psychotic lefties illustrate their bigotry and ignorance..
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Don't know why Hawaii is even a state. All it is is an island chain of food stamp recipients and tweakers. It's a matter of time this works through and this judge gets relocated back to eating spam and continuing to not matter.
Haha, yeah! It's super fun to respond to a worrying and complex political issue with racism and stereotyping. Good for you, mate!

It's super gay to scream racism and stereotyping when ever you see anything you don't like. It's lazy . I did nothing but point out facts. To go to race is cowardly and just lazy.
Not quite accurate. Calling all Hawaiians "food stamp recipients and tweakers" as well as "eating spam" is racist — unless you're attacking an entire state of US citizens because ... what, they vote Democrat? They live far away? Maybe I'm wrong and, instead of being a racist, you're just a garden-variety jerk.

If you think those are facts, then post some evidence. Go ahead and link to data showing all Hawaiians are on food stamps, eat spam, and use meth.

But what can I expect from someone that still thinks "gay" is a fun pejorative to toss around?

Not racist at all. It's a fact. If kids on the main land were as fat and unhealthy as the island kids people would be getting arrested for abuse/neglect. All Hawaii is is an Indian reservation in the pacific and like Indian reservations, it tends to look nice where tourists go, but the rest of the place is filled with fat spam eating tweakers .

Stupid, ignorant post. Wrong.
Yellow states are the most healthy and thinnest.
Red states are the fattest.
Note that Hawaii is in the yellow.
Sessions' redneck Alabama is one of the fattest ones.


Bull shit. Fuck your little color state chart. Go vacation on the islands and you will see for your self.
People in Hawaii don't know their place

They think they have the same rights as "real" Americans
Haha, yeah! It's super fun to respond to a worrying and complex political issue with racism and stereotyping. Good for you, mate!

It's super gay to scream racism and stereotyping when ever you see anything you don't like. It's lazy . I did nothing but point out facts. To go to race is cowardly and just lazy.
Not quite accurate. Calling all Hawaiians "food stamp recipients and tweakers" as well as "eating spam" is racist — unless you're attacking an entire state of US citizens because ... what, they vote Democrat? They live far away? Maybe I'm wrong and, instead of being a racist, you're just a garden-variety jerk.

If you think those are facts, then post some evidence. Go ahead and link to data showing all Hawaiians are on food stamps, eat spam, and use meth.

But what can I expect from someone that still thinks "gay" is a fun pejorative to toss around?

Not racist at all. It's a fact. If kids on the main land were as fat and unhealthy as the island kids people would be getting arrested for abuse/neglect. All Hawaii is is an Indian reservation in the pacific and like Indian reservations, it tends to look nice where tourists go, but the rest of the place is filled with fat spam eating tweakers .

Stupid, ignorant post. Wrong.
Yellow states are the most healthy and thinnest.
Red states are the fattest.
Note that Hawaii is in the yellow.
Sessions' redneck Alabama is one of the fattest ones.


Bull shit. Fuck your little color state chart. Go vacation on the islands and you will see for your self.

2020 seems to a pleasant little fellow doesn't he?

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