AG Sessions: "'amazed' judge 'on an island in the Pacific' halted Trump travel order

Don't know why Hawaii is even a state. All it is is an island chain of food stamp recipients and tweakers. It's a matter of time this works through and this judge gets relocated back to eating spam and continuing to not matter.
Haha, yeah! It's super fun to respond to a worrying and complex political issue with racism and stereotyping. Good for you, mate!

It's super gay to scream racism and stereotyping when ever you see anything you don't like. It's lazy . I did nothing but point out facts. To go to race is cowardly and just lazy.
Not quite accurate. Calling all Hawaiians "food stamp recipients and tweakers" as well as "eating spam" is racist — unless you're attacking an entire state of US citizens because ... what, they vote Democrat? They live far away? Maybe I'm wrong and, instead of being a racist, you're just a garden-variety jerk.

If you think those are facts, then post some evidence. Go ahead and link to data showing all Hawaiians are on food stamps, eat spam, and use meth.

But what can I expect from someone that still thinks "gay" is a fun pejorative to toss around?

Not racist at all. It's a fact. If kids on the main land were as fat and unhealthy as the island kids people would be getting arrested for abuse/neglect. All Hawaii is is an Indian reservation in the pacific and like Indian reservations, it tends to look nice where tourists go, but the rest of the place is filled with fat spam eating tweakers .
Soooo ... your answer to "do you have facts to back up your assertions" is no. OK, well thanks for playing!
The left wants to admit non vetted truly ignorant people into the U.S. (so ignorant that France had to post signs on beaches that warn the male refugees that it's not O.K. to rape a scantily clad woman) and at the same time they refer to an entire State as stoooopid. At every turn radical angry borderline psychotic lefties illustrate their bigotry and ignorance..
I am truly amazed that you can use so many words and still not contribute anything to the discussion. Seriously, that's impressive. :)
Haha, yeah! It's super fun to respond to a worrying and complex political issue with racism and stereotyping. Good for you, mate!

It's super gay to scream racism and stereotyping when ever you see anything you don't like. It's lazy . I did nothing but point out facts. To go to race is cowardly and just lazy.
Not quite accurate. Calling all Hawaiians "food stamp recipients and tweakers" as well as "eating spam" is racist — unless you're attacking an entire state of US citizens because ... what, they vote Democrat? They live far away? Maybe I'm wrong and, instead of being a racist, you're just a garden-variety jerk.

If you think those are facts, then post some evidence. Go ahead and link to data showing all Hawaiians are on food stamps, eat spam, and use meth.

But what can I expect from someone that still thinks "gay" is a fun pejorative to toss around?

Not racist at all. It's a fact. If kids on the main land were as fat and unhealthy as the island kids people would be getting arrested for abuse/neglect. All Hawaii is is an Indian reservation in the pacific and like Indian reservations, it tends to look nice where tourists go, but the rest of the place is filled with fat spam eating tweakers .

Stupid, ignorant post. Wrong.
Yellow states are the most healthy and thinnest.
Red states are the fattest.
Note that Hawaii is in the yellow.
Sessions' redneck Alabama is one of the fattest ones.


Bull shit. Fuck your little color state chart. Go vacation on the islands and you will see for your self.
Once again, your inability to argue with facts has made you look rather weak and pitiful. I feel bad for you, man.

If you want to debate facts or evidence, I'd love to continue talking with you. But if all you have is incorrect stereotypes and vague alternative facts, then you're not worth the time I'm afraid. Have fun screaming about what you "know" to be true.

(And yes, I've been to Hawaii and not just the touristy bits. I also lived in Guam for three years. I saw poverty, wealth, addiction, pride, love, hate, liberals and conservatives. It's almost like they're real places. Go figure.)
Don't know why Hawaii is even a state. All it is is an island chain of food stamp recipients and tweakers. It's a matter of time this works through and this judge gets relocated back to eating spam and continuing to not matter.
Haha, yeah! It's super fun to respond to a worrying and complex political issue with racism and stereotyping. Good for you, mate!

It's super gay to scream racism and stereotyping when ever you see anything you don't like. It's lazy . I did nothing but point out facts. To go to race is cowardly and just lazy.
Not quite accurate. Calling all Hawaiians "food stamp recipients and tweakers" as well as "eating spam" is racist — unless you're attacking an entire state of US citizens because ... what, they vote Democrat? They live far away? Maybe I'm wrong and, instead of being a racist, you're just a garden-variety jerk.

If you think those are facts, then post some evidence. Go ahead and link to data showing all Hawaiians are on food stamps, eat spam, and use meth.

But what can I expect from someone that still thinks "gay" is a fun pejorative to toss around?
Congrats. You win the pearl clutching triggered snowflake poster of the day award.
I'm amazed too. I am shocked that someone as well educated as the judge declared that national security isn't a secular issue

The Judge was an Obama buddy.

True but he could have put some effort into it. I can't believe anyone defends this shotty decision.

And still no one is willing to address the clear absurdity of the judge declaring national security a non secular purpose
I'm amazed too. I am shocked that someone as well educated as the judge declared that national security isn't a secular issue

The Judge was an Obama buddy.

True but he could have put some effort into it. I can't believe anyone defends this shotty decision.

And still no one is willing to address the clear absurdity of the judge declaring national security a non secular purpose

It was simply partisan.
'spam' eating hawaiian judge was also a school mate of 'mrobamas' . --- Judge who issued travel ban ruling is Obama law classmate --- probably mrobama and the judge working together . Heck , mrobama gave the 'spam' eating judge his high paying 'judge' job Guffin .
Oh. My. God. I see it now. It's all a giant conspiracy. Obama has such powerful psychic powers that anyone he spends time with falls under his Svengali-like sway and becomes a mind-controlled Obamabot. There's zero chance of someone being appointed by Obama from ruling impartially.

I suppose that's the same giant global conspiracy that's behind black helicopters, mind control lasers, and your lack of grammar and capitalization.

PS: Grilled spam is one of the most delicious things every. Seriously, it's like thick bacon. Mmmmm.
Don't know why Hawaii is even a state. All it is is an island chain of food stamp recipients and tweakers. It's a matter of time this works through and this judge gets relocated back to eating spam and continuing to not matter.
Haha, yeah! It's super fun to respond to a worrying and complex political issue with racism and stereotyping. Good for you, mate!

It's super gay to scream racism and stereotyping when ever you see anything you don't like. It's lazy . I did nothing but point out facts. To go to race is cowardly and just lazy.
Not quite accurate. Calling all Hawaiians "food stamp recipients and tweakers" as well as "eating spam" is racist — unless you're attacking an entire state of US citizens because ... what, they vote Democrat? They live far away? Maybe I'm wrong and, instead of being a racist, you're just a garden-variety jerk.

If you think those are facts, then post some evidence. Go ahead and link to data showing all Hawaiians are on food stamps, eat spam, and use meth.

But what can I expect from someone that still thinks "gay" is a fun pejorative to toss around?
Congrats. You win the pearl clutching triggered snowflake poster of the day award.
Aww, shucks. It wasn't nuthin'. I just focused on facts instead of being a racist, ignorant mouth-breather. You should try it sometime. The pearls really go with my eyes. :)
It's super gay to scream racism and stereotyping when ever you see anything you don't like. It's lazy . I did nothing but point out facts. To go to race is cowardly and just lazy.
Not quite accurate. Calling all Hawaiians "food stamp recipients and tweakers" as well as "eating spam" is racist — unless you're attacking an entire state of US citizens because ... what, they vote Democrat? They live far away? Maybe I'm wrong and, instead of being a racist, you're just a garden-variety jerk.

If you think those are facts, then post some evidence. Go ahead and link to data showing all Hawaiians are on food stamps, eat spam, and use meth.

But what can I expect from someone that still thinks "gay" is a fun pejorative to toss around?

Not racist at all. It's a fact. If kids on the main land were as fat and unhealthy as the island kids people would be getting arrested for abuse/neglect. All Hawaii is is an Indian reservation in the pacific and like Indian reservations, it tends to look nice where tourists go, but the rest of the place is filled with fat spam eating tweakers .

Stupid, ignorant post. Wrong.
Yellow states are the most healthy and thinnest.
Red states are the fattest.
Note that Hawaii is in the yellow.
Sessions' redneck Alabama is one of the fattest ones.


Bull shit. Fuck your little color state chart. Go vacation on the islands and you will see for your self.
Once again, your inability to argue with facts has made you look rather weak and pitiful. I feel bad for you, man.

If you want to debate facts or evidence, I'd love to continue talking with you. But if all you have is incorrect stereotypes and vague alternative facts, then you're not worth the time I'm afraid. Have fun screaming about what you "know" to be true.

(And yes, I've been to Hawaii and not just the touristy bits. I also lived in Guam for three years. I saw poverty, wealth, addiction, pride, love, hate, liberals and conservatives. It's almost like they're real places. Go figure.)

Wow... Weren't you just lecturing someone about being verbose and not contributing to the discussion? I didn't realize you were taking it as a challenge.
'spam' eating hawaiian judge was also a school mate of 'mrobamas' . --- Judge who issued travel ban ruling is Obama law classmate --- probably mrobama and the judge working together . Heck , mrobama gave the 'spam' eating judge his high paying 'judge' job Guffin .
Oh. My. God. I see it now. It's all a giant conspiracy. Obama has such powerful psychic powers that anyone he spends time with falls under his Svengali-like sway and becomes a mind-controlled Obamabot. There's zero chance of someone being appointed by Obama from ruling impartially.

I suppose that's the same giant global conspiracy that's behind black helicopters, mind control lasers, and your lack of grammar and capitalization.

PS: Grilled spam is one of the most delicious things every. Seriously, it's like thick bacon. Mmmmm.

You consider a judge declaring the order unconstitutional because national security isn't a primary secular purpose as non partisan???
'spam' eating hawaiian judge was also a school mate of 'mrobamas' . --- Judge who issued travel ban ruling is Obama law classmate --- probably mrobama and the judge working together . Heck , mrobama gave the 'spam' eating judge his high paying 'judge' job Guffin .
Oh. My. God. I see it now. It's all a giant conspiracy. Obama has such powerful psychic powers that anyone he spends time with falls under his Svengali-like sway and becomes a mind-controlled Obamabot. There's zero chance of someone being appointed by Obama from ruling impartially.

I suppose that's the same giant global conspiracy that's behind black helicopters, mind control lasers, and your lack of grammar and capitalization.

PS: Grilled spam is one of the most delicious things every. Seriously, it's like thick bacon. Mmmmm.
-------------------------------------- no conspiracy , obama is a dishonest person to begin with and he is collecting payback from his BOYS and the 'judge' happens to be one of obamas boys Guffin .
Don't know why Hawaii is even a state. All it is is an island chain of food stamp recipients and tweakers. It's a matter of time this works through and this judge gets relocated back to eating spam and continuing to not matter.
Haha, yeah! It's super fun to respond to a worrying and complex political issue with racism and stereotyping. Good for you, mate!

It's super gay to scream racism and stereotyping when ever you see anything you don't like. It's lazy . I did nothing but point out facts. To go to race is cowardly and just lazy.
Not quite accurate. Calling all Hawaiians "food stamp recipients and tweakers" as well as "eating spam" is racist — unless you're attacking an entire state of US citizens because ... what, they vote Democrat? They live far away? Maybe I'm wrong and, instead of being a racist, you're just a garden-variety jerk.

If you think those are facts, then post some evidence. Go ahead and link to data showing all Hawaiians are on food stamps, eat spam, and use meth.

But what can I expect from someone that still thinks "gay" is a fun pejorative to toss around?
Congrats. You win the pearl clutching triggered snowflake poster of the day award.
Aww, shucks. It wasn't nuthin'. I just focused on facts instead of being a racist, ignorant mouth-breather. You should try it sometime. The pearls really go with my eyes. :)
That wasn't much of an acceptance speech but it fit the theme so here's your trophy.
Don't know why Hawaii is even a state. All it is is an island chain of food stamp recipients and tweakers. It's a matter of time this works through and this judge gets relocated back to eating spam and continuing to not matter.
Haha, yeah! It's super fun to respond to a worrying and complex political issue with racism and stereotyping. Good for you, mate!

It's super gay to scream racism and stereotyping when ever you see anything you don't like. It's lazy . I did nothing but point out facts. To go to race is cowardly and just lazy.
Not quite accurate. Calling all Hawaiians "food stamp recipients and tweakers" as well as "eating spam" is racist — unless you're attacking an entire state of US citizens because ... what, they vote Democrat? They live far away? Maybe I'm wrong and, instead of being a racist, you're just a garden-variety jerk.

If you think those are facts, then post some evidence. Go ahead and link to data showing all Hawaiians are on food stamps, eat spam, and use meth.

But what can I expect from someone that still thinks "gay" is a fun pejorative to toss around?

Not racist at all. It's a fact. If kids on the main land were as fat and unhealthy as the island kids people would be getting arrested for abuse/neglect. All Hawaii is is an Indian reservation in the pacific and like Indian reservations, it tends to look nice where tourists go, but the rest of the place is filled with fat spam eating tweakers .
Soooo ... your answer to "do you have facts to back up your assertions" is no. OK, well thanks for playing!

Probably, But due to the fact that unlike the fat lazy island trash I work. I work allot. Said what I did and I'll stick to it and get back to the point. The judge is a political operative in a district that doesn't matter except for this one thing. Enjoy watching because in time as this gets appealed your hero from the island of spam will be reminded how much he or his crappy shit hole island does not matter to anyone but the first half black presidant.
'spam' eating hawaiian judge was also a school mate of 'mrobamas' . --- Judge who issued travel ban ruling is Obama law classmate --- probably mrobama and the judge working together . Heck , mrobama gave the 'spam' eating judge his high paying 'judge' job Guffin .
Oh. My. God. I see it now. It's all a giant conspiracy. Obama has such powerful psychic powers that anyone he spends time with falls under his Svengali-like sway and becomes a mind-controlled Obamabot. There's zero chance of someone being appointed by Obama from ruling impartially.

I suppose that's the same giant global conspiracy that's behind black helicopters, mind control lasers, and your lack of grammar and capitalization.

PS: Grilled spam is one of the most delicious things every. Seriously, it's like thick bacon. Mmmmm.

You consider a judge declaring the order unconstitutional because national security isn't a primary secular purpose as non partisan???
I never addressed national security. All I did was say that yes, a judge can declare an EO unconstitutional. And I actually read that judge's decision. It clearly explains why Trump's EO is about religion and not national security. Honestly, give it a read if you can.

But I also said that, just because a judge is appointed by a Dem or Rep president, it doesn't mean said judge is automatically biased. The same is true when a judge rules against how you want him/her to rule. Just because you disagree with a result does not mean it's wrong.

And imperiously declaring a judge "partisan" without getting into the specifics of why is cheap and lazy. It allows you to feel martyred and righteous without being either.
'spam' eating hawaiian judge was also a school mate of 'mrobamas' . --- Judge who issued travel ban ruling is Obama law classmate --- probably mrobama and the judge working together . Heck , mrobama gave the 'spam' eating judge his high paying 'judge' job Guffin .
Oh. My. God. I see it now. It's all a giant conspiracy. Obama has such powerful psychic powers that anyone he spends time with falls under his Svengali-like sway and becomes a mind-controlled Obamabot. There's zero chance of someone being appointed by Obama from ruling impartially.

I suppose that's the same giant global conspiracy that's behind black helicopters, mind control lasers, and your lack of grammar and capitalization.

PS: Grilled spam is one of the most delicious things every. Seriously, it's like thick bacon. Mmmmm.
-------------------------------------- no conspiracy , obama is a dishonest person to begin with and he is collecting payback from his BOYS and the 'judge' happens to be one of obamas boys Guffin .
That's a serious charge. Got any proof? Evidence? Links to show this judge is paying Obama back for being appointed? Because I'd honestly like to see that proof.

Also, does that mean any judge nominated by Trump, Bush, Bush, or Reagan is also collecting payback every time they rule against Democrats? Or is your giant conspiracy solely based around Obama?
Don't know why Hawaii is even a state. All it is is an island chain of food stamp recipients and tweakers. It's a matter of time this works through and this judge gets relocated back to eating spam and continuing to not matter.

swerll, you're "correct".......Most Hawaiians would agree for the Pentagon go get its ass out of the islands...take Pear; Harbor off of the US list of bases....and allow the islands to return to monarchy status.......Wouldn't you agree, you racist bastard?
'spam' eating hawaiian judge was also a school mate of 'mrobamas' . --- Judge who issued travel ban ruling is Obama law classmate --- probably mrobama and the judge working together . Heck , mrobama gave the 'spam' eating judge his high paying 'judge' job Guffin .
Oh. My. God. I see it now. It's all a giant conspiracy. Obama has such powerful psychic powers that anyone he spends time with falls under his Svengali-like sway and becomes a mind-controlled Obamabot. There's zero chance of someone being appointed by Obama from ruling impartially.

I suppose that's the same giant global conspiracy that's behind black helicopters, mind control lasers, and your lack of grammar and capitalization.

PS: Grilled spam is one of the most delicious things every. Seriously, it's like thick bacon. Mmmmm.

You consider a judge declaring the order unconstitutional because national security isn't a primary secular purpose as non partisan???
I never addressed national security. All I did was say that yes, a judge can declare an EO unconstitutional. And I actually read that judge's decision. It clearly explains why Trump's EO is about religion and not national security. Honestly, give it a read if you can.

But I also said that, just because a judge is appointed by a Dem or Rep president, it doesn't mean said judge is automatically biased. The same is true when a judge rules against how you want him/her to rule. Just because you disagree with a result does not mean it's wrong.

And imperiously declaring a judge "partisan" without getting into the specifics of why is cheap and lazy. It allows you to feel martyred and righteous without being either.

The Judge ruled from political philosophy and emotional, the exact thing Chucky Schumer said should disqualify a candidate for office. The Judge gave zero examples of ANY law that was being violated unlike Bammer who exicuted EO's that ran in stark contrast to US law. This Judge is a political stooge from a third world country that only made statehood because we needed Navy base base in the pacific. Fuck that guy.
Don't know why Hawaii is even a state. All it is is an island chain of food stamp recipients and tweakers. It's a matter of time this works through and this judge gets relocated back to eating spam and continuing to not matter.

swerll, you're "correct".......Most Hawaiians would agree for the Pentagon go get its ass out of the islands...take Pear; Harbor off of the US list of bases....and allow the islands to return to monarchy status.......Wouldn't you agree, you racist bastard?

True, but they change their minds when they find out the white tourists will be taking all their money an that it also includes all the USDA food assistance. Good thing about that is there won't be so an island of fat spam munching meth heads that's an island in the pacific.
True, but they change their minds when they find out the white tourists will be taking all their money an that it also includes all the USDA food assistance. Good thing about that is there won't be so an island of fat spam munching meth heads that's an island in the pacific.

Yeah, sure ....because "white" tourists (you can't hide your racism too well, can you?) ONLY go to Hawaii to listen to the U.S. Navy's marching bands....

Fuck, if you want to slam Hawaii for their food stamps, pick on Alabama.

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