AG Sessions has enraged the Democrats with the phrase “'Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement'

Our heritage of law is from the English Common Law, except for Louisiana. As a matter of fact, it is an Anglo system of law with little American about it.

There are no black Englishmen. There might be black men that are citizens of England and subjects of the British crown but they are not ethnically English. They are not descendants of the Angles who were the inhabitants of Angleland. Now called England.
-------------------------------- and Louisiana , think they have Napoleonic law .
Session is correct that American law enforcement –“is a shared legal heritage between England and America”
The big problem is the dumb liberal bigots believe that the word “Anglo” means "white" and that it is a racist word, but it really just means “English”.

Once again the stupid hypersensitive left wing crackpots have exposed their own ignorance.
Liberals are too dumb to be embarrassed.

Jeff Sessions: Sheriffs are important part of 'Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement'
It is a heritage of white law enforcement that excluded all others
Session is correct that American law enforcement –“is a shared legal heritage between England and America”
The big problem is the dumb liberal bigots believe that the word “Anglo” means "white" and that it is a racist word, but it really just means “English”.

Once again the stupid hypersensitive left wing crackpots have exposed their own ignorance.
Liberals are too dumb to be embarrassed.

Jeff Sessions: Sheriffs are important part of 'Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement'
It is a heritage of white law enforcement that excluded all others
It 'is what it is', repugnant as it might be... We can't go back and rewrite the facts of history...
While I applaud Sessions for disturbing the moonbats and exposing themselves as idiots again, I still think he is piece of shit DC swamp creature that needs to be fired.

He seems hell bent on letting the statue of limitations run out for Clinton's espionage violations without even presenting it to the grand jury.
While I applaud Sessions for disturbing the moonbats and exposing themselves as idiots again, I still think he is piece of shit DC swamp creature that needs to be fired.
I agree with this, for different reasons, most likely.

The War on Drugs is a full-blown POS excuse to rip people off and make private prison owners rich. Mr. Beauregard is neck-deep in that bullshit too.
A white South African emigrates to America to become a true...
African American.

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