Against the law to take down confederate statues in Florida

You need to be taken behind the wood shed and have a good ole fashion Aryan ass whooping. You're due to be reminded who the master race is which built western society. Where do you live?
I live in Pembroke Pines, FL in a little gated community called the Estates of Pembroke Shores. Come by and drop me a message when you get to the gate. I'll come out to meet you fake tough guy. 😄
Every job I've ever taken was one I agreed to. No rich corporate CEO was there holding a gun to my head, forcing me to work for scraps.

This false narrative you're running, about how stupid people are ain't working.
What does any of that have to do with how the system was designed and what it's actual outcomes are?
Sure, but in reality most hardly ever do that because the system wasn't designed to benefit laborers, it was designed for the benefit of people with capital.
Non whites can acquire capital through education, hard work, savings, avoiding criminal activity just as successful white do
Non whites already knew those things
But they didn't design an entire economic system around the exploitation of slaves and then laborers and its victims didn't come to eventually Simp for it as poor cuck whites have.
I mean new stuff like education, savings, not dealing drugs or engaging in other criminal activity

Poor cuck white Republicans are the whites least likely to have any higher education and therfore the least likely of the whites to have any savings, and the more likely of the whites to be criminals themselves.
Messages that rap music misses
Of course an uneducated white like yourself thinks rap music, or video games or dungeons and dragons causes violence. 😄
Non whites can acquire capital through education, hard work, savings, avoiding criminal activity just as successful white do
You keep saying people can do this or do that. I'd like to discuss the actual outcomes of this system. Are you cuck whites satisfied with a handful of elites owning most of our natural resources. Our housing inventory. Our wealth? If you are that's exactly what makes you a cuck.
But they didn't design an entire economic system around the exploitation of slaves and then laborers and its victims didn't come to eventually Simp for it as poor cuck whites have.
Neither did whites

That's black mythology

American economic success did not depend on slavery
You keep saying people can do this or do that. I'd like to discuss the actual outcomes of this system. Are you cuck whites satisfied with a handful of elites owning most of our natural resources. Our housing inventory. Our wealth? If you are that's exactly what makes you a cuck.
Well, I’m not a communist if thats what you are asking

Nor do I promote Woe-Is-Me blackism

Anyone can succeed in America if they apply themselves
Neither did whites

That's black mythology

American economic success did not depend on slavery
It did you dipshit. That's not a myth. That's what actually happened. This country and its slaves produced over 80% of the world's cotton which accounted for more than half this country's exports. The rest being mostly tobacco and sugar, also produced by slave labor.
Well, I’m not a communist if thats what you are asking
I'm not a communist either you Simp. Not everyone who questions the equity of this system is a communist.
Nor do I promote Woe-Is-Me blackism
No.... you simp for the wealthy elite. Are you having trouble following this simple conversation you Bingo?
Anyone can succeed in America if they apply themselves
Can you only regurgitate the sales pitch like a good little cuck or can you address the outcomes?
It did you dipshit. That's not a myth. That's what actually happened. This country and its slaves produced over 80% of the world's cotton which accounted for more than half this country's exports. The rest being mostly tobacco and sugar, also produced by slave labor.
Without black slaves the cotton would still have been grown and exported

While the northern factories would still have participated in the Industrial Revolution
Can you only regurgitate the sales pitch like a good little cuck or can you address the outcomes?
Like the man said, we can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink

You demand across the board results for black people

But outcomes are based on individual effort not skin color
Without black slaves the cotton would still have been grown and exported
Who's doing mythology now? 😄 Where poor whites going to go back to what would essentially of been a feudal system of wealthy land lords?
While the northern factories would still have participated in the Industrial Revolution
The textiles they produced in those northern factories came from slave picked cotton. Learn your outer history you embarrassing Simp.
Like the man said, we can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink

You demand across the board results for black people

But outcomes are based on individual effort not skin color
Those are cliches. Are you still unable to discuss outcomes? Shouldn't that the point of the economic system to begin with? To produce beneficial outcomes to the American people? And if this system only works to benefit a wealthy few like the Bidens, the Pelosi's, the McConnell's, the McCarthy's, the Soros or the Kochs, at the expense of the laborers shouldn't that system be re-evaluated and tweeked?

Again, you still think we live in a meritocracy like a Simp. I guess that means you don't work as hard as Nancy. 😄
What does any of that have to do with how the system was designed and what it's actual outcomes are?

Because that's the biggest part of "the system." Employee's make money. The companies make money. The owners make the most.
That's not a bad system. That system built this country.

You lefties want to tear down a system that put you where you are today, because you think you have a better solution. Socialism? Forcing corporate CEO's and business owners to take less and give the employee's more.

People might as well just work for someone else, instead of creating a business and jobs for others.
Who's doing mythology now? 😄 Where poor whites going to go back to what would essentially of been a feudal system of wealthy land lords?
Well duh!

I expect expect the South would have used the same immigrant labor the North used in its factories
And if this system only works to benefit a wealthy few like the Bidens, the Pelosi's, the McConnell's, the McCarthy's, the Soros or the Kochs, at the expense of the laborers shouldn't that system be re-evaluated and tweeked?
Meaning if every laborer isnt as wealthy as bill gates then capitalism is a failure?


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