Against the law to take down confederate statues in Florida

"Insurrection" and "overthrowing" are taking over the existing gubmint, not splitting off to form your own as the Confederacy attempted.

You're too fucking stupid for words.
I understand the distinction, but the 19th century thinking amongst union supporters was the constitution never provided for secession, so the states could never leave the union, so the confederates were insurrectionists who sought to overthrow the const. And I think that's still the mainstream view. Partially because, the secessionist states only had to ratify the civil war amendments and elect new pols to be in good constutional standing, i.e. they were never "not states in the union."
The funny part is they claim the Confederacy were Democrat racists, but it is republicans who fight to keep these statues and monuments up to honor these so called traitors.

Funny how that works.
itss not to honor them,, its to never forget them,

the dems want them torn down so we forget they were democrats,,
Sure. :itsok:

And efforts to erase history are effective merhods to teach history.

You’re a lot of things. Logical isn’t one of them.
Taking down statues doesn't erase history. It removes a statues. The lack of statues of Hitler hasn't erased that memory you stupid simp. Why don't you try a real big boy argument?
At the levels you want they sure as fuck are.
They aren't. Taxes that are decided democratically are just the price of admission to civilized society. Only emotional little bitches like you imagine that the only right amount of taxes are the amounts you're in favor of. That's not how democracy works. That's how dictatorships work.
They aren't. Taxes that are decided democratically are just the price of admission to civilized society. Only emotional little bitches like you imagine that the only right amount of taxes are the amounts you're in favor of. That's not how democracy works. That's how dictatorships work.

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy."
What charges? Are you illiterate? I didn't say anything she did was illegal, just indicative of a system that isn't at all a meritocracy.
And I told you that if she didnt break the laws then you are just complaining about being out hustled in the competitive marketplace

You and others who cant keep up have a problem with the American Way that communism was designed to fix
And I told you that if she didnt break the laws then you are just complaining about being out hustled in the competitive marketplace
Right because you imagine Pelosis wealth to be indicative of pure merit. I disagree. Turns out you're the Simp for wealthy white liberals. 😄
You and others who cant keep up have a problem with the American Way that communism was designed to fix
So its your opinion that the inequality people are feeling is because they're lazy and not working hard or smart enough? Im okay with that being your expressed opinion as well. 😄
So its your opinion that the inequality people are feeling is because they're lazy and not working hard or smart enough?
Often yes, that is the reason most people show up at the welfare office

They never learned how to take advantage of the opportunities America offers
Meaning you dont think she has a right to be rich while you are poor?
I'm not poor. But no. I don't think we should allow people to grow so wealthy that they own a good portion of our economy and resources and I think that those who are successful should pay more to invest in helping those who aren't, yet.
Often yes, that is the reason most people show up at the welfare office

They never learned how to take advantage of the opportunities America offers
I'm happy for you to express that opinion not just about those on welfare but those with full time jobs struggling to afford rent or mortgage or doctor bills or college for their kids, which these days is the majority of working class people.
I'm not poor. But no. I don't think we should allow people to grow so wealthy that they own a good portion of our economy and resources and I think that those who are successful should pay more to invest in helping those who aren't, yet.
You want as much as pelosi has even if you are not as smart or work as hard
Taking down statues doesn't erase history. It removes a statues. The lack of statues of Hitler hasn't erased that memory you stupid simp. Why don't you try a real big boy argument?
I didn’t say it did. But it is an effort to do so.

Why don’t you try arguing about what I did say instead of crafting obvious straw man alternatives?

Again, for the thinking impaired (ie Jerk Chicken): what I did say is that removing statues serves to remove a reminder of history — which makes it more difficult to educate people about that history.

And again, I don’t have any real problem with not honoring Confederate generals.

I would object to you libtard fascists trying to honor Hitler.

You mindless dopey libturds are a waste of perfectly good oxygen.

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