Age 18, I fired over the heads of 4 guys

May 21, 2015
who "thought" that they were going to attack me and my 2 buddies. it was nighttime, and a rural area. I could not see if they had clubs, or what. The range was about 10 ft. I had a VERY 'hot' reload of .45, lots of slow-burning powder. Loud as hell, lit up the entire COUNTY. That was the end of THEIR attack plan! :) Both groups were in stationary vehicles when this started. They laid rubber all; the way out of that area.

In CA, early 1980's, I was sleeping in an old stationwagon, with the side windows painted over, and a curtain across the front and back. I heard somebody calling a name, tapping on the side of the car. I kept quiet and still, cause nobody knew me in that area. I had a Colt Mustang 380 in my hand. A screwdriver came thru the top of the rear window, prying it down. I pulled aside the curtain with one hand, cocked the Colt and pointed it at the guy's face. he RAN for his pickup truck, begging me not to kill him, and laid rubber out of there. I was so tired that I just went back to sleep.

In the late 60s, , age 17, I was sitting on my cousin's stoop. A kid I somewhat "knew" ( I knew his first name) was riding by on a bike, and started shooting at me (blanks, but I could not know that ). I stood up and as I did so, swept aside my shirttail, drew my .38, thumbed back the hammer and went into a 2-handed, eye level stance, so as to kill him. Range was about 5 yds. He fell off of the bike, calling me by my last name and saying that they were just blanks. I said: 'Mine aint", re-holstered and sat back down on the stoop.

In 2002, I was robbed at gun point, in NW Oklahoma, my .45 was in my car, out of reach. In the lated 60s, I was 17, a guy stole my friend's knife, right in front of me. My Iver Johnson .22 revolver came out and Lee got his knife returned to him. :) Twice, while i was an MP, I had to draw my .45.

Late 60's, I almost caught a couple of guys who had stolen something from me. They were 100 yds away, fleeing and it was not THAT big a deal, so I just one handedly fired about 20 ft over their heads and 20 ft in front of them with one of my (mild-power) .45 auto reloads. They DIVED headfirst into a big ditch. :) I still laugh when I think about that one! :)

Late 60]s, and mid 70's, I had 2 different guys charge me, and their wives/moms saved their lives by grabbing them from behind. In the first case, I had a single shot Savage M101 .22 handgun under my shirt, second case, it was a Star PD .45 auto. Both men were a couple steps away from getting shot.

Early 70s, a guy came roaring up to me with a car, and I think that had I not stepped in front of my car, he'd have run over me. I'd been shooting, half a mile from his house and firing in the opposite direction. I was not endangering anyone or anybody and even the noise was no issue, really. He got out of his truck with a tire iron ini his hand, about 6 ft from me, and I put my hand on my (holstered, but visible) 9mm Browning. He stopped, ran his mouth, I drove away.
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Night-time hooligans? Feh. That's nothing.

I once confronted a patient's fecal impaction with a gloved hand.
who "thought" that they were going to attack me and my 2 buddies. it was nighttime, and a rural area. I could not see if they had clubs, or what. The range was about 10 ft. I had a VERY 'hot' reload of .45, lots of slow-burning powder. Loud as hell, lit up the entire COUNTY. That was the end of THEIR attack plan! :) Both groups were in stationary vehicles when this started. They laid rubber all; the way out of that area.

In CA, early 1980's, I was sleeping in an old stationwagon, with the side windows painted over, and a curtain across the front and back. I heard somebody calling a name, tapping on the side of the car. I kept quiet and still, cause nobody knew me in that area. I had a Colt Mustang 380 in my hand. A screwdriver came thru the top of the rear window, prying it down. I pulled aside the curtain with one hand, cocked the Colt and pointed it at the guy's face. he RAN for his pickup truck, begging me not to kill him, and laid rubber out of there. I was so tired that I just went back to sleep.

In the late 60s, , age 17, I was sitting on my cousin's stoop. A kid I somewhat "knew" ( I knew his first name) was riding by on a bike, and started shooting at me (blanks, but I could not know that ). I stood up and as I did so, swept aside my shirttail, drew my .38, thumbed back the hammer and went into a 2-handed, eye level stance, so as to kill him. Range was about 5 yds. He fell off of the bike, calling me by my last name and saying that they were just blanks. I said: 'Mine aint", re-holstered and sat back down on the stoop.

In 2002, I was robbed at gun point, in NW Oklahoma, my .45 was in my car, out of reach. In the lated 60s, I was 17, a guy stole my friend's knife, right in front of me. My Iver Johnson .22 revolver came out and Lee got his knife returned to him. :) Twice, while i was an MP, I had to draw my .45.


All gun, no bullets.
So are these part of the 6 times you pointed a gun at someone, as you said in May? Or part of the 7 times you pointed a gun at someone, as you said a few weeks later?
I have never drunk alchohol, nor hung around bars, nor used dope. i dont like crowds, never went looking for trouble, but all it takes, to have trouble find YOU, is to not RUN from pos's.
I have never drunk alchohol, nor hung around bars, nor used dope. i dont like crowds, never went looking for trouble, but all it takes, to have trouble find YOU, is to not RUN from pos's.
We are all bad-asses here, your not impressing Yurt...
who "thought" that they were going to attack me and my 2 buddies. it was nighttime, and a rural area. I could not see if they had clubs, or what. The range was about 10 ft. I had a VERY 'hot' reload of .45, lots of slow-burning powder. Loud as hell, lit up the entire COUNTY. That was the end of THEIR attack plan! :) Both groups were in stationary vehicles when this started. They laid rubber all; the way out of that area.

In CA, early 1980's, I was sleeping in an old stationwagon, with the side windows painted over, and a curtain across the front and back. I heard somebody calling a name, tapping on the side of the car. I kept quiet and still, cause nobody knew me in that area. I had a Colt Mustang 380 in my hand. A screwdriver came thru the top of the rear window, prying it down. I pulled aside the curtain with one hand, cocked the Colt and pointed it at the guy's face. he RAN for his pickup truck, begging me not to kill him, and laid rubber out of there. I was so tired that I just went back to sleep.

In the late 60s, , age 17, I was sitting on my cousin's stoop. A kid I somewhat "knew" ( I knew his first name) was riding by on a bike, and started shooting at me (blanks, but I could not know that ). I stood up and as I did so, swept aside my shirttail, drew my .38, thumbed back the hammer and went into a 2-handed, eye level stance, so as to kill him. Range was about 5 yds. He fell off of the bike, calling me by my last name and saying that they were just blanks. I said: 'Mine aint", re-holstered and sat back down on the stoop.

In 2002, I was robbed at gun point, in NW Oklahoma, my .45 was in my car, out of reach. In the lated 60s, I was 17, a guy stole my friend's knife, right in front of me. My Iver Johnson .22 revolver came out and Lee got his knife returned to him. :) Twice, while i was an MP, I had to draw my .45.

Late 60's, I almost caught a couple of guys who had stolen something from me. They were 100 yds away, fleeing and it was not THAT big a deal, so I just one handedly fired about 20 ft over their heads and 20 ft in front of them with one of my (mild-power) .45 auto reloads. They DIVED headfirst into a big ditch. :) I still laugh when I think about that one! :)

Late 60]s, and mid 70's, I had 2 different guys charge me, and their wives/moms saved their lives by grabbing them from behind. In the first case, I had a single shot Savage M101 .22 handgun under my shirt, second case, it was a Star PD .45 auto. Both men were a couple steps away from getting shot.

Early 70s, a guy came roaring up to me with a car, and I think that had I not stepped in front of my car, he'd have run over me. I'd been shooting, half a mile from his house and firing in the opposite direction. I was not endangering anyone or anybody and even the noise was no issue, really. He got out of his truck with a tire iron ini his hand, about 6 ft from me, and I put my hand on my (holstered, but visible) 9mm Browning. He stopped, ran his mouth, I drove away.

..... but remember, "we don't live in a gun culture".

who "thought" that they were going to attack me and my 2 buddies. it was nighttime, and a rural area. I could not see if they had clubs, or what. The range was about 10 ft. I had a VERY 'hot' reload of .45, lots of slow-burning powder. Loud as hell, lit up the entire COUNTY. That was the end of THEIR attack plan! :) Both groups were in stationary vehicles when this started. They laid rubber all; the way out of that area.

In CA, early 1980's, I was sleeping in an old stationwagon, with the side windows painted over, and a curtain across the front and back. I heard somebody calling a name, tapping on the side of the car. I kept quiet and still, cause nobody knew me in that area. I had a Colt Mustang 380 in my hand. A screwdriver came thru the top of the rear window, prying it down. I pulled aside the curtain with one hand, cocked the Colt and pointed it at the guy's face. he RAN for his pickup truck, begging me not to kill him, and laid rubber out of there. I was so tired that I just went back to sleep.

In the late 60s, , age 17, I was sitting on my cousin's stoop. A kid I somewhat "knew" ( I knew his first name) was riding by on a bike, and started shooting at me (blanks, but I could not know that ). I stood up and as I did so, swept aside my shirttail, drew my .38, thumbed back the hammer and went into a 2-handed, eye level stance, so as to kill him. Range was about 5 yds. He fell off of the bike, calling me by my last name and saying that they were just blanks. I said: 'Mine aint", re-holstered and sat back down on the stoop.

In 2002, I was robbed at gun point, in NW Oklahoma, my .45 was in my car, out of reach. In the lated 60s, I was 17, a guy stole my friend's knife, right in front of me. My Iver Johnson .22 revolver came out and Lee got his knife returned to him. :) Twice, while i was an MP, I had to draw my .45.


All gun, no bullets.

So are these part of the 6 times you pointed a gun at someone, as you said in May? Or part of the 7 times you pointed a gun at someone, as you said a few weeks later?

This guy should team up with --- what is his name Blue Jay? The guy that posts his long rambling fictions about how he beat the shit out of somebody for no reason, usually followed by pointless irrelevant ramblings about Philadelphia neighborhoods...
who "thought" that they were going to attack me and my 2 buddies. it was nighttime, and a rural area. I could not see if they had clubs, or what. The range was about 10 ft. I had a VERY 'hot' reload of .45, lots of slow-burning powder. Loud as hell, lit up the entire COUNTY. That was the end of THEIR attack plan! :) Both groups were in stationary vehicles when this started. They laid rubber all; the way out of that area.

In CA, early 1980's, I was sleeping in an old stationwagon, with the side windows painted over, and a curtain across the front and back. I heard somebody calling a name, tapping on the side of the car. I kept quiet and still, cause nobody knew me in that area. I had a Colt Mustang 380 in my hand. A screwdriver came thru the top of the rear window, prying it down. I pulled aside the curtain with one hand, cocked the Colt and pointed it at the guy's face. he RAN for his pickup truck, begging me not to kill him, and laid rubber out of there. I was so tired that I just went back to sleep.

In the late 60s, , age 17, I was sitting on my cousin's stoop. A kid I somewhat "knew" ( I knew his first name) was riding by on a bike, and started shooting at me (blanks, but I could not know that ). I stood up and as I did so, swept aside my shirttail, drew my .38, thumbed back the hammer and went into a 2-handed, eye level stance, so as to kill him. Range was about 5 yds. He fell off of the bike, calling me by my last name and saying that they were just blanks. I said: 'Mine aint", re-holstered and sat back down on the stoop.

In 2002, I was robbed at gun point, in NW Oklahoma, my .45 was in my car, out of reach. In the lated 60s, I was 17, a guy stole my friend's knife, right in front of me. My Iver Johnson .22 revolver came out and Lee got his knife returned to him. :) Twice, while i was an MP, I had to draw my .45.

Late 60's, I almost caught a couple of guys who had stolen something from me. They were 100 yds away, fleeing and it was not THAT big a deal, so I just one handedly fired about 20 ft over their heads and 20 ft in front of them with one of my (mild-power) .45 auto reloads. They DIVED headfirst into a big ditch. :) I still laugh when I think about that one! :)

Late 60]s, and mid 70's, I had 2 different guys charge me, and their wives/moms saved their lives by grabbing them from behind. In the first case, I had a single shot Savage M101 .22 handgun under my shirt, second case, it was a Star PD .45 auto. Both men were a couple steps away from getting shot.

Early 70s, a guy came roaring up to me with a car, and I think that had I not stepped in front of my car, he'd have run over me. I'd been shooting, half a mile from his house and firing in the opposite direction. I was not endangering anyone or anybody and even the noise was no issue, really. He got out of his truck with a tire iron ini his hand, about 6 ft from me, and I put my hand on my (holstered, but visible) 9mm Browning. He stopped, ran his mouth, I drove away.

..... but remember, "we don't live in a gun culture".


It might be an argument that we live in a "gun culture", except that it is all fantasy. But yes, we do live in a fantasy culture.
Every morning I go out on the porch, drop my britches and fire off a rocket....

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