AGW: atmospheric physics

Westwall, about that St.Petersburg Wedding:
I don't remember too much spinning like that at my friends wedding......watching the ceiling spin after the celebration....THAT I remember!
Was it something like this:

You must have the same Bavarian beer "drinking problem" the Siamese Cat accused me of.


Ahhhh Munchen! I love Oktoberfest!
@ the Siamese Cat

I`ll show you how "weird" my friends are:
...Got this e-mail greeting from my neighbors back home just today:
[ame=""]Greetings from Home - YouTube[/ame]

Maybe they are "weird" because my entire neighborhood in Landsberg were lawyers, stock brokers, dentists, engineers and we did not have any minority groups such Siamese cats in my neighborhood where I grew up.

Siegfried`s dad was the City Engineer and Siegfried followed his dad`s foot steps. Wolfang is an aviation engineer who worked at Dornier on the Vertical Take-off jets. And the guy driving the Mustang collects american vintage cars. He is a stockbroker who made a killing on "green energy" investor idiots. And the huge solar farm you see near Landsberg is owned by my ex- neighbor Karl..the house where the "old bitch with the green car" lives actually belongs to me...but I left it for my sister Lore who was the Hilti`s CEO personal adviser...they do a drive-by on the Augsburg Street where the 5 mile long Hilti factory is.
I was there for a year developing a micro- encapsulation process for Hilti.
Wanna see the documents ?
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I wonder why a picture which was published by Der Spiegel had been removed by the admin from one of my posts after somebody complained.
Perhaps it is because you characters are clogging up this thread with storage-space wasting pictures which are totally irrelevant to the topic of the thread!

It seems that you have finally realized that your malarkey is making no headway, and you are trying to prevent any rational discussion.

What a bunch of pathetic losers!!
What a bunch of pathetic losers!!

I am afraid that it is you and yours making the idiotic claims. I would like to see the math to support your outrageous claim that buring all the carbon bearing material on earth would increase the atmospheric pressure 90 times what it is now...hell I would like to see the math to support a claim that it would increase atmospheric pressure by 5 psi. We know that the atmospheric pressure was the same way back when atmospheric CO2 was in the neighborhood of 5000 ppm and we know that even at that concentration there was no runaway global warming.
You are wrong. Completely and hopelessly wrong. I'm a geologist and know more about rocks than you ever will and as I stated QUITE CLEARLY, we could BURN EVERY CARBON BEARING ROCK ON THIS PLANET AND CO2 WOULD STILL BE A TRACE GAS.
That statement is just pathetic. You may have a rock hammer and a couple of books on rock-hounding, but you could not possibly be a trained geologist when you write such an absurdity, which runs counter to all the vast research whose results may be found in any encyclopaedia, geology textbook, scientific article -- or even introductory undergraduate course -- which deals with the subject.
Guess he thinks burning carbon bearing rocks would increase the atmospheric pressure 90 times as well.
I do not think, I know that burning all the carbonate rocks on this planet would increase the atmospheric pressure by dozens of times -- and anyone with even the slightest knowledge of geology would know it, too.
I challege you to go to ANY university with a Earth Sciences department and tell them what you just said. They will laugh you out of the quad.
I don't need to make that amount of effort about something so very well-known.

Take a look at this classic Scientific American article -- you silly, ignorant man [or child].

Carbon Dioxide and Climate

The 2.3 x 10^12 (2,300 billion) tons of carbon dioxide in the earth's present atmosphere constitute some .03 per cent of its total mass. The quantity of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is determined by the amounts supplied and withdrawn from three other great reservoirs: oceans, rocks and living organisms. The oceans contain some 1.3 x 10^14 tons of carbon dioxide — about 50 times as much as the air. Some of the gas is dissolved in the water, butmost of it is present in carbonate compounds.
[emphases added]
I don't know. Sometimes I think such people have a kink in their minds. I suspect they know perfectly well that what they are writing is nonsense, but take a perverse delight in wasting people's time and seeing if they can fool people into accepting absurd falsehoods.
I've wondered exactly the same thing. Maybe it's more about trolling than actually seriously defending a position that simply can not be defended.
They have quite deliberately denied patent facts -- or not even acknowledged them. They have just repeated foolishness over and over again.

Moreover, for the past few pages, they have deliberately posted many, many photos which have nothing to do with the topic of the thread. They have deliberately wasted the memory storage space of this site, clogged up the pages, slowed down the loading time -- all, apparently, in an effort to make the pages unreadable and prevent reasoned discussion.

All this definitely makes me think that they are not grown-ups. These are not the actions of serious adults. They seem to be the behavior of smart-alec high school students, trying to make trouble in childish acts of defiance. If this is the case, then they are spoiled brats who would have benefited greatly if they had been walloped a few times when they were younger.
Wanna see the documents?

What I want is for you is to, just once, act like a grownup and stop running from my questions. Losing the pervy stalker vibe you put out would be a plus, but that's secondary. Gay stalkers don't bug me that much.

Like Numan said, drop the childish picture-spamming. Retreating behind a wall of pictures doesn't make anyone forget how how dogshit ignorant of the science you are. You try to bluster your way through with BS, I point out it's BS, everyone laughs at you, and you have a series of public meltdowns.

So, let's get back to some of those questions that have caused you to squeal like a sissy and run.

What's the purpose of a cooling tower at a nuclear reactor?

Why doesn't the navy use software to control nuclear reactors?

What's a magamp, and what's the advantage of using them for reactor controls?

Oh, the forecast high for Nuuk, Greenland tomorrow is 50F. Normal high for this date is around 28F. Naturally, you'll inexplicably keep yammering about a photoshop conspiracy, and thus cause everyone to laugh even harder at you.
I don't know. Sometimes I think such people have a kink in their minds. I suspect they know perfectly well that what they are writing is nonsense, but take a perverse delight in wasting people's time and seeing if they can fool people into accepting absurd falsehoods.
I've wondered exactly the same thing. Maybe it's more about trolling than actually seriously defending a position that simply can not be defended.
They have quite deliberately denied patent facts -- or not even acknowledged them. They have just repeated foolishness over and over again.

Moreover, for the past few pages, they have deliberately posted many, many photos which have nothing to do with the topic of the thread. They have deliberately wasted the memory storage space of this site, clogged up the pages, slowed down the loading time -- all, apparently, in an effort to make the pages unreadable and prevent reasoned discussion.

All this definitely makes me think that they are not grown-ups. These are not the actions of serious adults. They seem to be the behavior of smart-alec high school students, trying to make trouble in childish acts of defiance. If this is the case, then they are spoiled brats who would have benefited greatly if they had been walloped a few times when they were younger.

I hate to break it to you but you are the science deniers now. It's YOUR side telling the world there has been no warming for at least a decade and the IPCC claims it is 17 years.
In other words all of these things that have supposedly happened due to global warming can't have happened because there has been no warming
Wanna see the documents?

What I want is for you is to, just once, act like a grownup and stop running from my questions. Losing the pervy stalker vibe you put out would be a plus, but that's secondary. Gay stalkers don't bug me that much.

Like Numan said, drop the childish picture-spamming. Retreating behind a wall of pictures doesn't make anyone forget how how dogshit ignorant of the science you are. You try to bluster your way through with BS, I point out it's BS, everyone laughs at you, and you have a series of public meltdowns.

So, let's get back to some of those questions that have caused you to squeal like a sissy and run.

What's the purpose of a cooling tower at a nuclear reactor?

Why doesn't the navy use software to control nuclear reactors?

What's a magamp, and what's the advantage of using them for reactor controls?

Oh, the forecast high for Nuuk, Greenland tomorrow is 50F. Normal high for this date is around 28F. Naturally, you'll inexplicably keep yammering about a photoshop conspiracy, and thus cause everyone to laugh even harder at you.

Of all the bullshitters you win the prize.
How come you are stuttering?
how how dogshit ignorant of the science you are.
I`m not in the habit to read hate-mail, "..pervy stalker, gay stalkers".. but now that I`ve seen it I`ll answer.
My daughter just got engaged today and we are throwing a her and the groom to be party right is "drinking heavily" either..
But according to you : "that have caused you to squeal like a sissy and run."...Is that how you react when nobody pays attention to you because they got better things to do?...Fucking typical psycho Siamese cat personality...that`s my my wife kicked our`s out
First I showed you the simulator that all nuclear officers have to train on and even told you it`s a simulator and you come back here and tell me it`s a simulator which has nothing to do with the real thing..that you describe as "there is only one integrated circuit chip...non essential instrument.. and just a few transistors...all we have are (primitive) magamps"
And no software is needed."

Okay then I`ll show you a picture of a Naval SG9 reactor control room:
engine room, SG9 nuclear reactor

The Nimitz class carriers use 2 A4W reactors which were designed by Bettis and Knoll laboratories and built by Westinghouse.
And you are telling me that you "used to run reactors" without any as in both A4W`s "with 1 IC and a couple of transistors"
Like I said I never was on an aircraft carrier but I was trained on reactor SOPs and later it was my job to teach the Westinghouse software to Mil-Eng candidates.
The only part of the software that has been updated are the GUI applications but the core of the software is still Westinghouse "Genesis" and I do have the manuals:

As a Nuclear officer you should have these 2 volumes in your duffle bag...or does the Navy provide only 1 set for the entire crew?
As a nuclear officer you are required to :
Naval Reactors Engineer:
Training and Advancement

Upon graduation from college, the formal training process of becoming an Officer in the Naval Nuclear Propulsion program is officially underway. For those pursuing a Naval Reactors Engineer position, the first step is Officer Development School (ODS) – a five-week course in Newport, Rhode Island, that provides a comprehensive and intense introduction to the responsibilities of being a Navy Staff Corps Officer.
Upon completion of ODS, newly commissioned Officers move on to receive the advanced training that is at the core of Navy Nuclear Propulsion. Naval Reactors Engineers can expect to spend the next five years overseeing all the shipboard nuclear power plants, shore-based prototypes and nuclear propulsion support facilities in the Navy. The advanced training process they undergo prepares them to join some of the best and brightest technical experts in the country.
Did you ?
If you did then you would not have to ask:
What's the purpose of a cooling tower at a nuclear reactor?
There are none on naval reactors because they at sea and use liquid inter coolers but all reactor personnel, the US Navy included got trained on land based Westinghouse reactors that do use cooling towers.

Nuuk Greenland current temperature is 1 C , historic average for NUUK in April = -1 C and Nuuk is at the Nares Strait southern inlet which is Greenland`s Banana Belt.
Just like Whitehorse Yukon which gets warm pacific air through the Chilkoot. That`s why almost everybody in the Yukon lives in Whitehorse, the YKT` capital or almost 1/3rd of Greenland`s population lives in NUUK, Greenland`s capital.The Nares Strait has been used for Centuries to navigate all the way up to Fort Conger even during winter...with wooden vessels
read a history book you bozo!
If you were in a Navy O.D.S. you should at least know your Navy`s history.

The six survivors of the U.S. Army's Greely Arctic expedition with their U.S. Navy rescuers, at Upernavik, Greenland, 2–3 July 1884. Probably photographed on board USS Thetis.
P.S. Upernavik is smack along the WARM Nares Strait route where the Vikings built a settlement during the 13th century. As far as I know Vikings did not have ice-breakers.
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I don't need to make that amount of effort about something so very well-known.

Take a look at this classic Scientific American article -- you silly, ignorant man [or child].

Carbon Dioxide and Climate

The 2.3 x 10^12 (2,300 billion) tons of carbon dioxide in the earth's present atmosphere constitute some .03 per cent of its total mass. The quantity of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is determined by the amounts supplied and withdrawn from three other great reservoirs: oceans, rocks and living organisms. The oceans contain some 1.3 x 10^14 tons of carbon dioxide — about 50 times as much as the air. Some of the gas is dissolved in the water, butmost of it is present in carbonate compounds.

The more you talk, the more evident it becomes that you don't know jack. You are told what to think on this topic and haven't the slightest idea if whether or not what you are being told to think is correct and are apparently unable to do even the simplest math to determine whether what you say is valid or not.

According to your scientific american article, there is 50 times as much CO2 sequestered in the ground as in the present, CO2 is 0.03 percent of the atmosphere....if you could release all of the CO2 sequestered in the ground the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere would go from being 0.03 percent to being 1.8%...still a trace gas and not enough to raise the atmospheric pressure by even 5 psi to 19 psi, much less 90+ times to 1260 psi as you claimed.

Change your avatar...your use of a photo of Stephen Hawking is an aggregious insult to the man's intelligence.
They have quite deliberately denied patent facts -- or not even acknowledged them. They have just repeated foolishness over and over again.

Pantent facts? You wouldn't know a patent fact if it bit you in the ass as evidenced by your completely imbecilic claim that increasing a trace gas from 0.03 percent of the atmosphere to 1.8 percent of the atmosphere would raise atmospheric pressure from 14 pounds per square inch to more than 1200 pounds per square inch. I don't even think there is a scale upon which to rate such stupidity.

Again, care to try and show the math to support your idiotic claims?
They have quite deliberately denied patent facts -- or not even acknowledged them. They have just repeated foolishness over and over again.

Moreover, for the past few pages, they have deliberately posted many, many photos which have nothing to do with the topic of the thread. They have deliberately wasted the memory storage space of this site, clogged up the pages, slowed down the loading time -- all, apparently, in an effort to make the pages unreadable and prevent reasoned discussion.


Exactly that.

I hadn't expected that SSDD was ever going to have the cojones to admit that he'd been completely conned by his sources when it comes to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, but I had thought the discussion might come back to something of substance.

Instead, we get ploarbear spamming the thread with anything and everything he can think of to ensure no meaningful debate is possible, while SSDD runs around celebrating his victory over physics.
They have quite deliberately denied patent facts -- or not even acknowledged them. They have just repeated foolishness over and over again.

Pantent facts? You wouldn't know a patent fact if it bit you in the ass as evidenced by your completely imbecilic claim that increasing a trace gas from 0.03 percent of the atmosphere to 1.8 percent of the atmosphere would raise atmospheric pressure from 14 pounds per square inch to more than 1200 pounds per square inch. I don't even think there is a scale upon which to rate such stupidity.

Again, care to try and show the math to support your idiotic claims?

The man or child using the avatar is an insult to all who studied science just as the Siamese cat is to the Navy.
Both avoid any questions and respond either with a barrage of temper tantrums or that they are being "stalked" .
Here is a more befitting avatar for "Numan" :

Oh I forgot...according to our Norman any picture posted :
deliberately wasted the memory storage space of this site,
As if any picture posted would be stored by the server. The only thing the server stores is the text and the user settings and the rest appears from the sources that archived a picture. In this case it was
The bytes for a picture don`t even go through the usmessageboard server but go directly from IP to Normans IP and appear on his screen.
Norman`s reply was typical..I challenged him to explain how much more 15 µm IR can get out to space if we only had 200 ppm CO2 instead of 380 ppm...with an atmosphere path length of 120 km
Same psycho M.O. as "Saigon" or the psychotic Siamese cat.
First he had us popping an egg membrane earth atmosphere with a few more ppm CO2 and now he claims that 1.8 % CO2 would raise our atmospheric pressure to 1200 psi.
Atmospheric pressure is the sum of all partial pressures and if you raise the partial pressure component of one gas by increasing it`s amount down go the other partial pressures of the other gasses.
Almost all our separation technology from distillation to purification crystallization is based on that principle.[see **]
Besides how would Norman make all that CO2 without consuming Oxygen ?
[**]But here is how it works:
Theoretical plate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A theoretical plate in many separation processes is a hypothetical zone or stage in which two phases, such as the liquid and vapor phases of a substance, establish an equilibrium with each other. Such equilibrium stages may also be referred to as an equilibrium stage, ideal stage, or a theoretical tray. The performance of many separation processes depends on having a series of equilibrium stages and is enhanced by providing more such stages. In other words, having more theoretical plates increases the efficacy of the separation process be it either a distillation, absorption, chromatographic, adsorption or similar process
Norman you can complain to the admin how I "deliberately used up their memory space" by posting this picture...and have no doubt that you have no idea what it`s got to do with the completely imbecilic claim you made..
Just like the phony "Nuclear Officer" who "used to run nuclear power plants" could not figure out what a cooling tower has to to with a nuclear reactor steam turbine. The Hollywood or Discovery network movies he watched did not show what happens with the steam at the low pressure end of the turbines on a Navy nuclear propulsion system
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First I showed you the simulator that all nuclear officers have to train on and even told you it`s a simulator and you come back here and tell me it`s a simulator which has nothing to do with the real thing..

So the fact I can run an "IL-2 Sturmavik" simulator on my computer means that the WWII Sturmaviks were computerized, right? At least that's what your logic claims.

that you describe as "there is only one integrated circuit chip...non essential instrument.. and just a few transistors...all we have are (primitive) magamps". And no software is needed."

Yep. That's exactly how it was, as anyone with actual experience in the field would tell you. Naturally, you avoid anyone with actual experience in the field.

Okay then I`ll show you a picture of a Naval SG9 reactor control room:
engine room, SG9 nuclear reactor

That's not the control room (EOS). That's the equipment room behind EOS. I forget the name of it, as it's been 20 years. If you turned off that machine with the display, it wouldn't affect the reactor at all, as it's some sort of test gear.

What's more, S9G (not SG9) isn't particularly relevant, given it's a 2000 design, and I'm referring to D2G, a 1960 design. Could you tell us what computers were running the reactor software in 1960?

Now _this_ is a reproduction of a navy reactor control room. (The teletype and TV have been added, and do not exist in an actual EOS.)


That's from a submarine, as I can tell from the ring bus on the Electrical Control Panel, but the EOS on a cruiser looked very similar. Replace the teletype with a desk, and that's where I sat. I knew what every gauge, light and switch was, what it was supposed to read, what the alarms meant and how to respond, as did the 3 operators at their stations. That would be why no software was necessary. We had people, and people don't crash like software does.

The Nimitz class carriers use 2 A4W reactors which were designed by Bettis and Knoll laboratories and built by Westinghouse.

Also a 1960-era design, meaning no software.

As a Nuclear officer you should have these 2 volumes in your duffle bag...or does the Navy provide only 1 set for the entire crew?

Again, no software. Software crashes. Software crash on nuclear reactor, very bad. I can't tell you what the brand new ships are using now, but in 1990, it's for damn sure no reactors were depending on some MS-DOS based control software. And checking up on the Iconics Genesis plant control software, I find no mention from any source of it ever being used with Nuclear Power anywhere.

As a nuclear officer you are required to :
Naval Reactors Engineer: Navy.comDid you ?

I went through OCS in Newport RI, yes. However, that link is incomplete, since one could also be commissioned through the Naval Academy, ROTC or ECP. Plus there was the rare O-5 aviator who was on the command track for an aircraft carrier, and thus had to become reactor qualified.

There are none on naval reactors because they at sea and use liquid inter coolers

Correct, but that's not what I asked. I asked what the cooling tower does at a nuclear plant.

but all reactor personnel, the US Navy included got trained on land based Westinghouse reactors that do use cooling towers.

Both GE and Westinghouse reactors. And they're moving away from land-based. In South Carolina, they have 2 decommissioned boomer boats that are permanently tied to the pier and used for training. Missile tubes filled with concrete to comply with SALT II, and propellers replaced with water brakes.
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First I showed you the simulator that all nuclear officers have to train on and even told you it`s a simulator and you come back here and tell me it`s a simulator which has nothing to do with the real thing..

So the fact I can run an "IL-2 Sturmavik" simulator on my computer means that the WWII Sturmaviks were computerized, right? At least that's what your logic claims.

that you describe as "there is only one integrated circuit chip...non essential instrument.. and just a few transistors...all we have are (primitive) magamps". And no software is needed."
Yep. That's exactly how it was, as anyone with actual experience in the field would tell you. Naturally, you avoid anyone with actual experience in the field.

That's not the control room (EOS). That's the equipment room behind EOS. I forget the name of it, as it's been 20 years. If you turned off that machine with the display, it wouldn't affect the reactor at all, as it's some sort of test gear.

What's more, S9G (not SG9) isn't particularly relevant, given it's a 2000 design, and I'm referring to D2G, a 1960 design. Could you tell us what computers were running the reactor software in 1960?

Now _this_ is a reproduction of a navy reactor control room. (The teletype and TV have been added, and do not exist in an actual EOS.)


That's from a submarine, as I can tell from the ring bus on the Electrical Control Panel, but the EOS on a cruiser looked very similar. Replace the teletype with a desk, and that's where I sat. I knew what every gauge, light and switch was, what it was supposed to read, what the alarms meant and how to respond, as did the 3 operators at their stations. That would be why no software was necessary. We had people, and people don't crash like software does.

Also a 1960-era design, meaning no software.

Again, no software. Software crashes. Software crash on nuclear reactor, very bad. I can't tell you what the brand new ships are using now, but in 1990, it's for damn sure no reactors were depending on some MS-DOS based control software. And checking up on the Iconics Genesis plant control software, I find no mention from any source of it ever being used with Nuclear Power anywhere.

I went through OCS in Newport RI, yes. However, that link is incomplete, since one could also be commissioned through the Naval Academy, ROTC or ECP. Plus there was the rare O-5 aviator who was on the command track for an aircraft carrier, and thus had to become reactor qualified.

There are none on naval reactors because they at sea and use liquid inter coolers
Correct, but that's not what I asked. I asked what the cooling tower does at a nuclear plant.

but all reactor personnel, the US Navy included got trained on land based Westinghouse reactors that do use cooling towers.
Both GE and Westinghouse reactors. And they're moving away from land-based. In South Carolina, they have 2 decommissioned boomer boats that are permanently tied to the pier and used for training. Missile tubes filled with concrete to comply with SALT II, and propellers replaced with water brakes.

First of all the picture you just posted is from {}
Secondly the Navy says on their home page that:
Fleet Interactive Display Equipment Dedicated
NORFOLK, Va. (NNS) -- The first Fleet Interactive Display Equipment (FIDE) Training Simulator of a surface ship�s naval nuclear propulsion plant was dedicated Sept. 25, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Submarine Learning Facility, Norfolk.

The FIDE, which is a full-scale, state-of-the-art, interactive simulator of a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier�s Enclosed Operating Station (EOS),
was dedicated to James Eimes, a retired naval officer who was a key developer of the FIDE trainers used today.

�There�s a recap of his great career in naval reactors that we... have displayed in the vicinity of the IDE so that anybody who trains there can take a moment or so to reflect upon what Jim did for the program,� said Adm. Kirkland Donald, director, Naval Nuclear Propulsion.

The FIDE was developed and delivered by the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (NNPP) to train the four watch standers and the propulsion plant watch officer who direct the ship�s nuclear propulsion plant from the control panels. It provides those operators with a realistic, real-time depiction of actual EOS conditions for a full range of normal operational and simulated situations.
Seems to me that you are stalking me...lurking 24/7 refreshing the screen if somebody you don`t like posted something.
I don`t have the luxury or time to waste to "stalk" a psycho like you.
I got a family and unfortunately Rogers had a spat with MTS and had to remove their 3G and 2G X-ponder from the MTS tower near me.
Now the nearest tower is over 20 miles from my location and I can use 3G only at night when the signal strength is better than -83 db. During the day I got to change my router settings to 2G else my wife can`t use the phone:
Apr 7 11:13:05 (none) local5.debug pots_bridge[2316]: handle_triggered_variables: triggered
Apr 7 11:13:06 (none) local5.debug pots_bridge[2316]: handle_pots_event: idx [1][3GVoice] on event 'call state changed'
Apr 7 11:13:06 (none) local5.debug pots_bridge[2316]: call_print: call id 2: outgoing; alerting; voice; not in multiparty; #: '1204881XXXX'
I X`ed out the last 4 digits.
But you say I`m "running away squealing" because I don`t have the time to pay any attention to you. Like I said you are as psychotic as the Siamese cat my wife booted out. That f-ing cat got just as jealous when I paid more attention to a 6 month old baby and attacked the baby...
B.t.w. I`m not a "cat hater" I like cats but not the psychotic Siamese cats that you use as an avatar to "detect cat haters" as you said :

That cat was so smart and watched how I was trying to nurse a young golden eagle back to health so he would learn how to feed himself

Every morning that cat laid out a string of mice it caught in the meadow so that the eagle could have breakfast.
No way a retard Siamese cat would be that picked the perfect avatar for yourself.
And now I`ve got to go, we are down to a 1 bar signal I`m on 2G and my wife needs to make some phone calls...So "I`m running away from you squealing"
Have a nice day,...or at least take a valium and try
They have quite deliberately denied patent facts -- or not even acknowledged them. They have just repeated foolishness over and over again.

Moreover, for the past few pages, they have deliberately posted many, many photos which have nothing to do with the topic of the thread. They have deliberately wasted the memory storage space of this site, clogged up the pages, slowed down the loading time -- all, apparently, in an effort to make the pages unreadable and prevent reasoned discussion.


Exactly that.

I hadn't expected that SSDD was ever going to have the cojones to admit that he'd been completely conned by his sources when it comes to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, but I had thought the discussion might come back to something of substance.

Instead, we get ploarbear spamming the thread with anything and everything he can think of to ensure no meaningful debate is possible, while SSDD runs around celebrating his victory over physics.

The only spammers are you, your sock numan and mammy the clown. Mammy's been proven the liar, yet again, you and numan have been shown to be scientific imbeciles, yet again, and we havn't had to google anything to do it.

You asshats live and die by your googling...the sad part is you have zero scientific education so you don't even know the proper questions to ASK.

That's why you so abjectly suck at everything you do.
First I showed you the simulator that all nuclear officers have to train on and even told you it`s a simulator and you come back here and tell me it`s a simulator which has nothing to do with the real thing..

So the fact I can run an "IL-2 Sturmavik" simulator on my computer means that the WWII Sturmaviks were computerized, right? At least that's what your logic claims.

that you describe as "there is only one integrated circuit chip...non essential instrument.. and just a few transistors...all we have are (primitive) magamps". And no software is needed."

Yep. That's exactly how it was, as anyone with actual experience in the field would tell you. Naturally, you avoid anyone with actual experience in the field.

That's not the control room (EOS). That's the equipment room behind EOS. I forget the name of it, as it's been 20 years. If you turned off that machine with the display, it wouldn't affect the reactor at all, as it's some sort of test gear.

What's more, S9G (not SG9) isn't particularly relevant, given it's a 2000 design, and I'm referring to D2G, a 1960 design. Could you tell us what computers were running the reactor software in 1960?

Now _this_ is a reproduction of a navy reactor control room. (The teletype and TV have been added, and do not exist in an actual EOS.)


That's from a submarine, as I can tell from the ring bus on the Electrical Control Panel, but the EOS on a cruiser looked very similar. Replace the teletype with a desk, and that's where I sat. I knew what every gauge, light and switch was, what it was supposed to read, what the alarms meant and how to respond, as did the 3 operators at their stations. That would be why no software was necessary. We had people, and people don't crash like software does.

Also a 1960-era design, meaning no software.

Again, no software. Software crashes. Software crash on nuclear reactor, very bad. I can't tell you what the brand new ships are using now, but in 1990, it's for damn sure no reactors were depending on some MS-DOS based control software. And checking up on the Iconics Genesis plant control software, I find no mention from any source of it ever being used with Nuclear Power anywhere.

I went through OCS in Newport RI, yes. However, that link is incomplete, since one could also be commissioned through the Naval Academy, ROTC or ECP. Plus there was the rare O-5 aviator who was on the command track for an aircraft carrier, and thus had to become reactor qualified.

There are none on naval reactors because they at sea and use liquid inter coolers

Correct, but that's not what I asked. I asked what the cooling tower does at a nuclear plant.

but all reactor personnel, the US Navy included got trained on land based Westinghouse reactors that do use cooling towers.

Both GE and Westinghouse reactors. And they're moving away from land-based. In South Carolina, they have 2 decommissioned boomer boats that are permanently tied to the pier and used for training. Missile tubes filled with concrete to comply with SALT II, and propellers replaced with water brakes.

:lol::lol::lol:Well, at least we now know your level of ability. Sturmovik computer game expert you may be (though you can't seem to spell it correctly) officer in the USN you ain't.
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First of all the picture you just posted is from {}

A photo of the same display is on the Navy's website here, and the Navy specifically identifies it as a reactor control room mockup.

Fast Attacks and Boomers: Submarines of the Cold War

That's what an EOS looks like. You didn't know that, and I did. 'Nuff said.

Secondly the Navy says on their home page that:

It still says that it's a _simulator_. If you still can't grasp that a simulator is not the real thing, you're too 'effin stupid to be in this conversation. Go back to the kiddie table, and stop bothering the grownups.
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